
ACE OF DIAMOND: The Strongest Hitter

A fighter spanning generations, a war without gunpowder. This is the place to decide the loser, here only the winner can be the king! The elite on the diamond field, I am legend! A baseball god that no one else can match! ********************************************** English is not my first language so you can expect grammar mistake in this book.

FlyingBreadPan · Sports
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34 Chs


" That first grader!!!"

  "Why don't you get hits with that ball?"

  "I'm sorry!" A third-year senior took off his hat and said with a hint of apology, but there was a trace of doubt on his face that couldn't be shaken away!

  I had clearly grasped the timing, but why didn't the ball come as I predicted, and did it change at the last minute?

  But as if nothing had changed, the third-year senior was hesitant to tell the story, but he wasn't sure!

"This is a first-year pitcher!?" Among the onlookers were not only ordinary baseball fans, but also those with a fairly professional vision, as well as those Seido baseball member from the past.

"Eccentric ball and southpaw? It seems that this guy is also an interesting guy!" A former Seido pitcher who was over 30 years old said with a slightly interested look while rubbing his chin

  Those guys who have seen the quality of Sawamura's balls have a different interest in Sawamura. You must know that the talent of eccentric ball is better than that of Satoru Furuya.

In some people's eyes, it is considered that the other things can be honed, but something like ball speed is a natural talent! Of course, it doesn't mean that there is no way to improve the ball speed, but it is almost impossible to reach the top ball speed. Human talents are limited in terms of ball speed. . .

  The ball speed of Furuya is obviously natural, and there is a possibility of strengthening it. It may not be impossible to reach 160 or more in the future, but what about ordinary players?

At most, it is quite powerful to hone the ball speed to above 140, but compared with 140 and 150, it seems that the difference is 10 kilometers, but that kind of sense is very different in the sense of the player on the court. !

  However, compared with Sawamura's eccentric ball, these seem to be inferior. Well, this statement is not a matter of course. Some people think that the fast ball is better than the eccentric ball. . .

  Some people also think that the talent of the eccentric ball is higher than that of the fast ball!

In Alejandro eyes, the size of this rough stone owned by Eijun Sawamura is definitely larger than that of Satoru Furuya!

  It's not Alejandro preference or anything, the natural softness of the joints is unmatched, and the unique ball quality is not inferior to Furuy high-speed ball!

On this point, not only Supervisor Kataoka said in the original manga, perhaps Sawamura's potential is higher than Furuya, even the experienced Osaka Kiryu supervisor Matsumoto Takahiro is very optimistic about Sawamura. After watching Furuya's ball speed, he still thinks that Sawamura is Kataoka's secret weapon for this summer competition!

  It can be seen from this that Sawamura's potential is definitely higher than that of Furuya, at least that's what Alejandro thinks and interprets!

  It's just that Furuya's growth is relatively fast, and Sawamura can only truly shine after being polished in many ways. In the short period of high school baseball, for the sake of the team, and Furuya's striking ability is very outstanding. Supervisor Kataoka finally focused on cultivating Furuya!

Whether it is the speed of forming or the flaws in the attack, Sawamura lags behind Furuya at the beginning. These are the two reasons Alejandro thinking about!

  In the environment of high school baseball, if you can't expect to hit, it means that once you have a little trouble, you can only go off the mound and cannot be replaced. This is the case in Sawamura, and Furuya is different, if there is a problem with the pitching state, as long as there is no problem with the hitting state try to let Furuya go to the outfield to calm down first, and then go to the mound, but Sawamura can't do this. When he can't go to the mound, Sawamura is even less likely to go to other defensive positions!

  Compared with Furuya, this is an essential gap!

  But these are just reasons why Furuya is one step ahead of Sawamura, and it doesn't mean that Furuya potential is higher than Sawamura's, just like the pitcher's defensive position!

  Therefore, Alejandro is not surprised that Sawamura has such a performance, not only because of the memory of his previous life, but also because Eijun Sawamura is the pitcher he Alejandro approves of!

His trump card!

  "Very good shot! Sawamura-kun!" During the exchange of offense and defense, Alejandro came to Sawamura's side, patted Sawamura Eijun's back with his gloves, and said with a faint smile.

  Maybe those first graders thought it was just luck, but Alejandro, who knew the details, was not like that.

  "Oh!" Sawamura seemed a little unresponsive, and replied slowly, and immediately returned to his own mode!

  "Of course! I'm the man who wants to be the ace! Ahaha! Haha!"

  The exaggerated laughter came out again!

  Alejandro smiled slightly, shook his head, and returned to the bench area. It will be his turn to play this round, but not before that. . . . .

"Yoshi! Look at me for a big hit! The counterattack will start at this moment!" Just after getting off the mound, Eijun Sawamura quickly picked up the hat, put it on his head, tied the gloves, and After getting the other equipment, he grabbed his bat and headed to the strike zone!

  At this moment, Alejandro mind suddenly flashed, as if thinking of something, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

  "Sawamura-kun, wait a minute!"

  Eijun Sawamura was slightly taken aback by Alejandro voice, and turned his head to look at him in doubt. Alejandro trotted forward and whispered something beside Sawamura.

Eijun's eyes widened quickly, almost when he was about to cry out.

  Alejandro hurriedly said, "Shh! Sawamura-kun, it's okay to try, isn't it? Don't you want to see the shocked expressions of those second- and third-grader senpai?" There was an inexplicable smile on Alejandro face, and Sawamura Eijun reluctantly glanced at Alejandro.

  He muttered in a low voice: " Huh, well, just try it!"

  Immediately, Sawamura Eijun stepped onto the strike zone, bowed slightly and said loudly, "Please give me your advice!"

Immediately, Sawamura Eijun assumed his striking posture, but the moment the posture was just assumed, everyone present was slightly taken aback. . .

  Kawakami on the mound and catcher Miyauchi are a little confused, what is this?

  "Hey, no one is on base right now."

  "Is this kid running the bases very fast?"

  "Well, I can't say for sure. Isn't Kuramochi the guy who run fast just because of his high hit rate?"

  "Maybe this kid can bring us a different point of view!"

That's right, Sawamura Eijun's current posture is the bunt striking posture. There is no ball in this world that Eijun can't reach when he was bunting. Alejandro firmly believes that he just remembered a certain chapter in his previous life and let Eijun to try, isn't it?

  It would be interesting if Eijun hit base because of this.

  Hehe, Alejandro rubbed his chin and let out an inexplicable smile, which made a little pink-haired child who was paying attention to Alejandro expression felt cold all over his body, and immediately moved away from Alejandro a few steps. ..

  "Alejandro sometimes is scary..." From that moment on, a shy little pink-haired boy gave Alejandro a lifelong label.