
Ace of Diamond: Return of the Pitcher

Sawamura Eijun, a Relief Pitcher in the Pro League after 10 years of hard work and still couldn’t achieve his dreams, woke up back at the time of his youth. Can he achieve his dreams this time? This is a translation and I don’t own anything.

Cold_Colt · Anime & Comics
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407 Chs

Chapter 11: We are Seidou

"Manaka's state has been adjusted back to its peak, his performance is very good, and his pitching rhythm is also well controlled! Of course, the most eye-catching is the lineup of the Sankou high school. The explosive power in their lineup is not weaker than ours. it is noticeably stronger Compared with the spring. It seems that the failure in the spring, made them rise up to the challenge instead of defeating them. I even think that the Sankou has done a lot of Special training to deal with our team's lineup!"

Takashima is exchanging information from reconnaissance with Kataoka at the Seidou High School baseball stadium.

There are three giants in West Tokyo. Before the competition, they must all have to target each other.

In the past, because of the strength of Inashiro, whether it was a Sankou high school or Seidou high school, the first target would be placed on Inashiro, and only then would they target each other.

The first target of Inashiro this year is definitely Seidou High School.

Takashima suspected Sankou High School and also had Seidou as their first target.

The failure in the spring should have taught the Sankou High School a great lesson.

At that time, Seidou High School did not have an absolute Ace, and the Sankou High School was overwhelmed by Seidou High School's lineup.

Now Seidou High School has the absolute Ace as Sawamura, as well as a new force like Furuya Satoru. It is impossible to not treat this with caution as an old rival of the Sankou High School.

Sankou High School is not Maimon High School, and their experience against the enemy is beyond the reach of Maimon High School. The intelligence war started as early as last fall!

"It seems that in the battle with the Sankou High School, the pitcher's performance will determine the outcome of the game."

Takashima Rei finally concluded.

Although the quarter-finals are about to start, there are still two games in the middle.

But at a time like this, Seidou High School's main energy has been put into the competition with the Sankou High School.

With the current lineup of Seidou High School, apart from the two deadly rivals, Inashiro and Sankou High School, the rest of the opponents, Seidou High School don't need to care much.

At least from the current Takashima and Kataoka's point of view, this is definitely the case.

Ochiai, who was on the sidelines, pinched his goatee and fell into deep thought.

Having been at Seidou High School for two weeks, he has a certain understanding of the current Seidou High School's strengths.

In his perspective, if this Seidou High School were placed in another area, entering Koshien would be a matter of hand.

But looking at Takashima and Kataoka's cautious attitude, they don't seem to have absolute confidence in the next match against Sankou and Inashiro.

'The competition in West Tokyo is so fierce!'

Ochiai sighed.

No wonder Seidou High School failed to get into Koshien for so long.

To be honest, this was more than Ochiai thought.

He knew that the competition in West Tokyo was indeed fierce, but definitely not to this extent.

It's just that this year's Seidou High School and Inashiro Industrial High School are particularly strong.

Their teams have the kind of genius Aces that has been rarely seen in decades.

"The first game was a big win, hahaha."

"Congratulations, Principal!"

In the distance, the principal and dean of Seidou High School are approaching.

One of them was short and fat, the other tall and thin, forming a stark contrast.

When he saw Kataoka and the others, the dean said with a smile: "I hope that Coach Kataoka can keep this situation and get the Koshien tickets easily."

"But then again, the game just ended today. As usual, shouldn't everyone rest? Why do I see the players still practicing?"

The principal looked puzzled at the players who continued to practice on the field.

"This is what the players want. Now, just taking the first step of a long journey, no player on our team will be excited for this victory."

Kataoka said with an expressionless face.

Ochiai, who has never been very good at dealing with people, was stunned.

He looked at Kataoka in amazement, even a person who didn't know how to deal with people knew how inappropriate what Kataoka said.

One is the principal and the other is the dean of education, they are both Kataoka's immediate bosses.

When your boss congratulates you, you should value his emotions and thank him.

Even if you ignore it, it's fine (it's not), but how can you still make fun of it?

None of the players will be excited by this victory, so what about the dean who just showed so much joy?

Ochiai turned to look over.

Not surprisingly, the chubby principal and the thin dean all had expressions of speechlessness on their faces.

They are embarrassed!

However, they weren't really angry.

'This is so interesting.'

Judging from the experience of Coach Kataoka, what he did right now was definitely not pretty.

But even so, he indirectly insulted the principal and the dean, and the principal and the dean did not become unhappy with this.

"Is Seidou really like this?"

Ochiai felt novel.

The next day.

Several seniors from the third grade of the baseball club of Seidou High School were walking in the corridor of the classroom.

"Come on baseball team!"

"You must enter Koshien this year!"

"Yuuki, both Kohais have hit Home runs. You can't fall behind. You must hit Home runs in the next game."

"Masuko, is your stomach growling again?"

"Isashiki, let's do it!!!"

The classmates who met face to face sent their blessings one by one.

Although they are not in the baseball club, as classmates, they know how hard-working their baseball club players are this year.

It's not easy to get where you are now.

In their hearts, they are proud of these baseball players who are in the same class as themselves!

"You guys are going to play again tomorrow right? we will definitely cheer you on in the summer vacation!"

And what they can do for the current players is to sincerely wish them luck in their hearts, and cheer for them in the stands.

They admire the spirit of the third-year players of Seidou High School!

They not only influenced themselves, but also the juniors in the baseball club, and even the classmates in the same class who did not join the baseball club were also touched by their spirit.

They created a mortal miracle.

From a distance, Chris looked at the four people walking together.

Form Yuuki Tetsuya, Kominato Ryosuke, Masuko Toru, Isashiki Jun!

"You are really amazing, guys."

"However, I won't be left behind."

This kind of atmosphere only appeared in the third grade. The two main players of the second grade, Kuramochi and Miyuki, were quarreling.

The three in the first grade have attracted a lot of fans…

Their situation is completely different from the current third-year seniors at Seidou High School.

This also indicates that in the future, they will take a completely different path from these seniors in the third year of Seidou High School.

The third grade is the era-building generation, the second grade is the legacy continuation generation, and the first grade is the brilliant generation…

T/N: Thank you all for reading, and have a nice day!

You also can check my Patre0n for extra Chapters.


There are +75 Chapters there.

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