
Unexpected War


<<Coms Speaking>>




Currently, social media is engulfed in flame. 

You8ube, Twi8ter, and just about every single media news were talking about the one thing that has broken the internet

And it is none other than the mech that was spotted flying above Akihabara.

With a Height of around 19.4m or 4.5 to 5 buses stacked on top of each other, it was one of the first biggest movable mechs that was ever seen in the world.

Many speculate that it is one of Japan's secret weapons, and this was just their first step in introducing the TSF as a way to show off their Military force.

But they are far from the truth itself.


As I keep reading the news on my phone I can't help but chuckle on the very last part of the theory.

Ahh... The Irony of people with their theory. They have too much free time.

But I love the idea on this one where the scientists think of TSF, a lot of them said that the design of TSF does not make sense at all and it should have snapped because of excess stress on each of the Knee sides.

They even on their knee crying just from seeing it.

Yeah... some of these so-called scientists who came from the United States have been asking me for cooperation on the TSF material and design, which of course I refuse.

The Muv Luv Series also increased in sales by a lot, a 50% increase stonk!

It got the attention of the entire world, I mean Seeing a robot in real life I won't be surprised if it got the attention of everyone.

After stretching my body I looked back at my sister who was currently sitting on the sofa munching on the snack she had.

Her previous injuries have long been gone and she managed to recover most of her injuries which shows that most of the bandages had vanished on her body.

Ahh, I miss the day when I would feed my adorable sister Elena and her cheeks would swell up embarrassed every time, too bad the tease has to end with her injuries finally recovering.

After observing her condition I quickly make a run outside the house "Sister I am leaving!"

"Take care of yourself!" My sister said while continuing to watch the TV

"-To announce the mobilization of trustworthy JSDF to keep the peace and to prevent the outbreak of a foreseeable worst-case scenario and as part of the decision the following unit that has been mobilizing on Tokyo-"

Elena raised her eyebrow and continued munching down on the snack as she continued to observe numerous military vehicles and helicopter shows on the TV being deployed all throughout Tokyo "...I wonder why they deploy military in Tokyo." but she just shrugged and continued watching the TV.


Once I was far away from any pry eyes in the middle of the forest I swung my finger downwards and several screens appeared before me. I navigated to the [Inventory] menu and called forth a multitude of people, alongside their TSFs.

After thinking while tapping on the chin I finaly decide who to call out

"Hayase, Takeru, and Meiya, you are it for today!" I proclaimed.

Like usual a bluish glow surrounded their faces first, slowly expanding down their bodies into fully materialized form, Once they materialized their three bodies dropped to the ground, their feet touching the grass. The glowing energy faded, and they looked up at the surroundings before looking at me with a small smile.


I keep a low altitude just right above the ocean to avoid detection while heading to the same route to Akihabara as usual.

<<...Why are we doing this again?>> Takeru grumbled while I saw him slowly sliding down the chair from the video looking tired

I laugh a little while looking away nervously <<Oh, come on! Do you know how excited the kids are? I can't disappoint them by not coming back when make a promise to>>

<<Ehhhh?! >> Hayase suddenly screamed, prompting me to cover my ears. >>So, you just called us here not for combat but for free work!?>> Hayase complained through the comms.

<<I-I am turning, on the live stream>> I stammered.

As I initiated the stream, just like usual, it took no time for the chat to be quickly filled up by eager participants.


Unknown 09: It's on it's on


Mr Ineveble: Lagggg

TAK421: You are late!!

S3coe: LATEEE!

hockey_15: STREAMMM


 I roll my eyes at their usual antics every time I stream. 

<<Shut up chat!>>

This stream was recently made a month ago, since there was a huge crowd every time I came there in my free time. I decided to watch a stream while advertising the stream whenever I got a chance.

At first, it was only 100 people but it did not take long for it to reach 1000 next week, and the next week was 4000.

I never expected to have so many viewer in just a month of my debut.

It does make me nervous since it's my first time having this many people in a single stream, and I have not provided them with anything other than a little showcase of TSF inside, how it works, and sometimes a little extra Q&A.

I also have to hide my identity since I have a lot to worry about.

But other than that? It's been a pretty peaceful day.

Currently, I host the top 1 highest views on the mech genre with over 4.500 viewers, and it is increasing every day. And since most of the people are Japanese(Cause I advertise on Japanese soil) I was forced to learn Japanese words from scratch, thankful I have a lot of Japanese pilot friends from the system which I can learn from.

<<Oh yeah viewer do you like the new paint job I did with TSF?>> I switch the camera showing the TSF beside me

The TSF is not like before that was painted in blue color so it shows that it was part of the United Nations, now it is painted in red color all over its outer skin with red eyes on its head.

There was an extra expense since I had to customize the skins but I have to say I like the new design!

And I decided to call them the Blood Squadron. With the logo of two knives on the shoulder of the TSF.

It was honestly such a sinister name that I can't help but love it, and since most of these TSFs focus more on close-quarter combat it was a perfect choice of name.

There were mixed reactions on the stream but most of them were welcoming, I decided to change the topic again by finaly including my friend on the stream <<Also 4 I brought some friends with me, Say Hi Blood 2, 3, and>>

<<Here >><<Hello >><<... >>

<<While I can't really show their identity can assure you that all of them are Japanese,>> I said before pointing to Hayase <<Blood 4 I am not hearing any answer>>

<<I-I am not good with crowds of people so don't blame me!>> Hayase said as she covered her face to hide her embarrassment.

<<Hah! You can't do an introduction at least?>> Shriogane notices and can't help but tease her.

<<S-shut up!>>

Honestly, It was fun, talking with the community, playing with the children, and so much more.

It was generally just us having fun. And it was proof that the Ace Combat System could be used other than war and fighting.

And I can finaly stop Elena from teasing me for not having any friends to talk with, and can prove to her that I do have friends.

After some heartwarming talk, I let the stream have their gaze on the TSF facing the front while I checked the News TV that Shirogane connected to the TSF recently.

As I routinely tune into the Japanese news, it's the familiar channel displaying the same scene as before. The camera focuses on an ordinary woman dressed in formal attire, holding a microphone as she reports on the approaching tsf, just like in previous instances.

Looks like they already expect we are going to come.

<<It seems they're anticipating our arrival,>> Takeru remarked, releasing a gentle sigh. 

As we begin to close in Tokyo I move my point of view to the ground and zoom in to see another massive crowd forming on the ground, and they begin to cheer so loud that I can ever hear it even though we are still far away.

Man the crowd is getting bigger and bigger each day, last time it was just a small community. But now I can even see foreign people around the part of the crowd. They must have wanted to see it up close instead of the stream I use.

Well, the hot topic is still about TSF. Even after months since my shows.

I move my joystick and make the TSF wave at the massive crowd followed suit by the other TSF doing the same thing as I am while we make our way to our usual spot of gathering.

As we hover in the skies, overlooking the city below, a transmission comes through, indicated by a green-repeating ring on one of the buttons.I click on the button, and a voice from air control fills the cockpit.

<<Attention, this is Air Control. We've observed your entry into the airspace. Please confirm purpose and destination. Over.>>

<<This is Blood Squadron of the TSF Regiment, designation Alpha-9. Pilot ID 245XQ. Requesting permission to land at designated gathering point.>>

There was silence on the comms before a response finally came through <<Blood Squadron, this is Air Control. Permission granted for landing at designated point.>>

<<Understood >> I turn off the comms and make my way to the usual spot.

I was pretty grateful that I didn't really have to sneak into Japan again 

It took a lot of paperwork and I was restricted from landing in the nearby city, but other than that these people were pretty chill.

..I feel like I was taking advantage considering there were a lot of cameras involved on how I was welcome while shaking the director that allowed me.

As I navigated my way of the city we finaly managed to arrive at the outer city of Tokyo where the landing spot was.

The place where I was supposed to land was pretty noticeable as Balon flew off to the skies and numerous vendors selling stuff on the ground.

As I notice the open land where security begins pushing the people away I begin to carefully land the TSF on my usual spot as the wind begins blowing their way.

I finaly sigh in relief after finaly landing the TSF on the ground and turning off the truster.

After stretching my body from the prolonged sitting I ordered the other pilot to get out immediately which was replied grumbly by them.

As our surrounding landing site has become heavily populated with people there are thousands upon thousands of different people taking a photo, Merchants, Street food, consumers, and Soo much more gathered around this spot.

I even had to adjust the camera setting to consider how many cameras taking photos of me.

After taking some rest I grab the nearby mic and begin talking.

"We have exclusive merchandise available for those who become part of our cause today!" I announced, revealing a few Muv Luv Series items the other pilot had brought. "T-shirts, keychains, and more! Be a part of the movement to bring Muv Luv to every corner of the world!"

As the crowd began to gather, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment in my mission to popularize the Muv Luv Series.

I have done it. I have accomplished my objective.

As I kept the advertisement while sometimes doing some poses I realized too late what truly was about to happen.

As black clothing begins to emerge all over the crowds.

I notice but ignore it like usual. But curiosity got the better off and when I felt a really bad feeling. I zoomed in and saw the logo of mysterious Black clothing.

It said it was the Police.


There were suddenly rows of Cops and helicopters surrounding me.

I even saw a swat team surrounding my Surface pilot below the ground but they are now making distance and are not surrendering for now...

"Wha.. what's going on?" I ask in confusion

The police did not respond but kept their weapons at me

But suddenly someone stood out from the others. A man in his early 35 Age with brown clothing and a hat took a few steps toward me.

He brought his speaker to the mouth and spoke "Your TSF is illegal-"

What these people are trying to say is that my TSF did not meet the standard for international usage of aircraft, and I am currently being arrested for the charge of Illegal Aircraft.

I don't understand, the police were fine last time one of them came and even played with us! Now suddenly they turn their back against us? Do they not know the consequence if the news were to suddenly get out that police seize one of the most popular TSFs in the world?

This situation does not make sense at all.

"Turn off the TSF, and get out with your hand up in the air!" he finishes his word and I can see his upper lips turned into a grin.

Are these people serious? These people are using nothing more than Firearms, what a terrible choice of them against TSF that are protected by metal.


On another location Kantei where Prime Minister's Official Residence. Was none other than the prime Minister himself.

And he currently gazing at Tokyo from the window watching the bustling people on the street from the window while smoking a cigarette in his hand.

As he continued gazing at the city his moment of peace was interrupted as someone suddenly barged into his room.

When he looked over the culprit he saw one of his top military Generalissimo was the culprit wearing his military uniform with an eye patch over his head, and the moment he arrived at the rooms he was glaring at the Prime Minister in anger.

"Now you have done it! What's the meaning of this!"

The Prime Minister acts like he does not know what he means by raising his eyebrow at him, and that angers him further.

"Don't you dare act like you don't know what just happened! You were the one who allowed the mobilization of the military when I was not present in Japan! Don't you know that the other politics are in a rage about your action?!

"...Calm down, I am only using the military to capture... the certain mech."

"SO YOU WANT TO CAPTURE IT THROUGH FORCE?! I thought you were better than this!"

"...so you have no idea the price of the mech huh."

"How dare you-" 

Before he was able to speak further both of his shoulders were grabbed and before he knew it he was forcefully dragged away by two guys wearing black suits.

He tried to resist as much as he could before finaly dragging away not before giving one last scream "Why prime minister! Why do you have to do this!!"

After the nuisance was gone he looked back at the city gazing at it.

..As his arms slowly formed into fists, and his face turned into a grin. He still thinks about the deal he made with the United States.

Just weeks ago he struck a deal not only with the the United States and China.

Each deal was simple bring the TSF life back and he would receive money, but numerous support that could last him lifetime.

 The prize was just far too tempting for him to ignore, so he decided to gamble it and call forth both the police and even the military in case.

"...they should have arrived by now, heh. As long as I have that TSF, my future as the prime minister will be secure."

While the prime minister was laughing and confident in capturing the TSF, he never knew that his grand plan was destined to crumble and the consequences he had on Japan's soil.

As blood will finally flow to Japan.


Funds: $9, 950,000

Pilot: Alina Blackburn (Trigger), Cipher.

Aircraft: X-02 Wyvern, Su-34 

Surface Pilot: Shriogane Takeru , Isumi Michiru, Sakaki Chizuru, Yoroi Mikoto , Tamase Miki, Hayase Mitsuki, Mitsurugi Meiya, Ayamine Kei , Munakata Misae Kazama Touko, Suzumiya Akane , Kashiwagi Haruko.

Mech: 12 x Type-97 Fubuki 



Hello people, it's your author here. There is not much to say since I have regained my spirit to writing again and currently working on the battle for Star Wars.

I am even playing Star Wars Empire at war to get more knowledge about the Star Wars Universe. It was pretty fun game not gonna lied especially when fighting as the rebels.

Anyways hope you guys enjoy, don't forget to leave a comment and review, and if you want to support me go to my patreon


With that said see you all next week byeee.

Next chapter