
Accursed .

Akira suffered from bullying Isolation and hatred. There was one thing that kept him going but when even that was lost he falls into despair " I hate this, I curse them. I curse them all" " Lemme help you with that." Akira's life is about to drastically change. I wonder what mysteries will unfold

Sorcerror7 · Horror
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2 Chs

In Autumn It Began

Autumn, the season when the leaves on trees wilt and die. Some may describe such a thing as beautiful or amazing. Those people are fools, autumn is a season of death or my death to be more precise. It all began on a horrid autumn day in the year 2002.

"The pain, it hurts so badly." I wept as curled up to protect my feeble self from the blows. What was that sound it was so loud I wonder, it wouldn't stop, it just kept on over and over again, and it sounded so familiar like I'd heard it before? Oh, I remember now was the sound of my breath the beating was probably my heart too. I was so scared it felt as though I was going to die, not like I knew what death feels like anyways. It's not the first time I've been in a situation like this with my body soaked, clothes gone with bruises all over. There were people everywhere staring, laughing they were probably recording it too how despicable but the most despicable of all were the people who planned it all, Ava Finely and her followers. Sometimes I wondered if I was in the same situation as them would I have been laughing too. Probably, after all, I'm human too unfortunately that didn't stop me from hating them though. I hate it, I hate it all so much. Why me? That's what I used to ask myself at first, why was I the victim of their asperity but as time went by I stopped wondering it's not like knowing the reason would have made them stop anyway. It's probably human nature to be horrible to each other anyways.

The bell finally rang and it was finally over at the time anyways. That time wasn't so bad it was just Ava and her gang of girls so the bruises weren't so deep nothing that would necessarily leave any scars. "It's so annoying any other normal guy wouldn't have to deal with all this" I cursed the frail body I was born with. School is not over so I can't go home. My clothes are soaked so I have to hurry and change them, I thought to myself as I put them back on. I have spare clothes in my locker after all this wasn't the first time something like this happened.

I went to the next class, as I opened the door everyone stared at me. "Well look who decided to join us today and why are you so late," the teacher asked. He Knew, everyone that was staring new as well they are all just acting, no one wants trouble. I tried telling teachers at a point, it only made things worse. They would "talk" to them about being nicer to me. No one listened it only got worse. They would call me a snitch beat me up and isolate me. I just stopped after a while. After all, they can't expel everyone now, can they?

If people heard that they probably would've been like "You shouldn't have stopped it's your fault." Those kinds of people have probably never really been bullied before. Being ridiculed or having the class laugh at you isn't bullying it's life. Real bullying can't be stopped by a teacher and you can't stop it either. Teachers are people too, they get tired, annoyed, and sick of things as we do. It isn't their job to deal with all of your problems they are there to teach or so I was told. He must have gotten tired of my complaints, back then people weren't as open with bullying as they are now it's hard for him to do something if he doesn't know who did it and it gets even more complicated when parents get involved.

After a while, no teacher wanted to deal with me anymore some even thought it was my fault after all someone that everyone hates isn't normal you would think there is more to it. Even if there was I wouldn't know, no one ever answered when I asked. "I'm sorry sir I won't do it again," I said then headed towards my seat "Must be rough huh." It was Oswald, a chubby fat boy with glasses. Curly brown hair and freckles. We weren't friends. Yes, he got bullied too but no one would want to risk getting as bad as me. He only ever talked to me in class because we sat next to each other and he was bored. Still, it felt ok having someone to talk to in school. Classes quickly passed and it was time to head home.

On my way home I couldn't help but think about how horrible this life of mine was. "What is wrong with me?! Why am I so ok with this?" The voices in my head rambled on. To be honest, I think I was going insane, well no one would have been mentally stable after going through what I had. I didn't necessarily dislike them either they kept me company as I didn't have any friends. They didn't have an order to how they appeared they just came and left as they pleased. Before I was the one controlling their replies as I was only talking to myself but after a while, they began to speak on their own as though they were beings of their own. To be honest I hoped I was going insane it would have at least been better than dealing with it all of this on my own. Maybe one day I would be so lost I won't feel anything anymore. That could never happen though after all even I have my reasons for keeping sane.