

How do you picture meeting your second half? Here is Lisa who is very pretty, intelligent, and hardworking. Lisa is working with a small company before she got snacked because she was framed. Lisa went to a vacations where she met a very handsome rich man.... I'm sure you want to know what really happened....

Daoistqidzhy · Urban
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2 Chs


Lisa was late for work already for the day because she had a long day after having a stressful day at the office.

My name is Lisa, I'm 24, I'm an orphan, I live with my crazy best friend, and I work with a Tech company where I earn enough to feed myself and pay our rent.

My crazy best friend's name is Mika, she's the same age as me but her parents are rich and don't have to work before she earns money.

"You're already late for work Lisa" I heard my best friend said

"I know"I replied

"You don't have to work, I can feed the both of us" Mika said

"What's your problem, Mika" I replied to her

"QUIT THAT JOB!" she yelled

"No!" I yelled back

"Did you just yell back at back at me?" Mika asked while walking in Lisa's direction.

"Yes, I just did," Lisa said while she ran out of the house.

Lisa got to work too late only to see that her boss was already waiting for her. Lisa was so confused that she didn't know what to do.

"Good morning boss" She greeted her boss

"Why are you late? "Richard asked

"I'm sorry Sir" she replied

"Sorry, for what exactly, Lisa" Richard looked at her and asked

"For coming late to the office" Lisa answered

Lisa was already scared because her boss is not a kind person, and he fires anyone when he's angry.

"10% from your salary"Her boss brought her out of her thought

"Huh? "Lisa asked with a confused face

"Report to my office in the next 20 minutes" He shouted while he worked out of her presence

Lisa was so angry because she already made plans for the money and her birthday was the next month. While she was trying to settle down and arrange some files that were loaded on her desk she heard her boss screaming.