
Accidentally Pregnant By Boss

An young sectreary in her busy day to day life accidentally discovered that she is carrying her boss's baby. Will he accept her or will she find solace in the arms of one of her handsome colleagues? What will happen when all the three handsome men fight to win over her heart and the fatherhood of her upcoming baby?

DaoistM0kcv3 · Urban
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26 Chs

Hazard Of One Night Stand

The two days went in blues. She did not get up from her beds neither went to open the main door of her apartment even someone banged the door quite constantly.

She was crying constantly these two days. Her dreams were all smashed. Sonia never wanted this. She liked Luke very much, but never thought he would do that to her. How could he took advantage of her naivity like that??!!! How could he??!!!

"Naa...." She screamed aloud and sobbed hard while rolling over her bed.

Her eyes were moisted and tears run down her pink cheeks like a waterfall. She could not control herself anymore.

She needed her revenge. She needed it very hard.


Next Monday Blues

She sat on the cafeteria all alone. She had no friends in this office till now. She did not have any time to make any except Luke. Her eyes got moisted in extreme pain and agony.

Suddenly someone threw a glass of water on her face. She looked to her assualter. A girl of her own age. Pretty like picture with deep blue green eyes.

"You bitch, you filthy rat, how dare you fuck my Luke??!!!" She shouted in anger. Her angry voice ringed the silent cafeteria area. All other employees looked at them in shock. They perhaps knew her much well than Sonia. Her assulter lifted her hands to slap her hard on face which she stopped in mid air.

"What are you talking about??!!" Sonia looked at her aasaulter in shock.

"You filthy swine, you bastard, how dare you to resist me??!! I will kill you. Kill you." Her attacker tried to slap her again when all of a sudden someone stopped her hand.

"This is the office, not your home."

Sonia's boss David snapped at her attacker in cold voice.

She gasped in shock and run away. But before going, she turned back to her in burning red eyes. She pointed a pocket knife to her and silently told Sonia "I will kill you one day."


Who Was She??

"Who was she? Why did she felt in such way when I didnt do any harm to her." Sonia asked her boss David in between her sobs.

Her sobbings became more uncontrollable than before. David took her in his arms and tried to console her.

He leaned down and wiped her tears with his own fingers. Then he gently tugged her chin upward and kissed her. She looked flustered by this sudden development but did not push him back.

He looked at her with a small smile on the face and said gently -

"You should be afraid of Slyvia, darling."

Sonia blushed hard by the mention of the word "darling". She lowered her eyes so that he could not see her flustered face. Her ears and cheeks both got hot red.

"Who was she?!!" She asked him.

"She is Luke's fiance." David informed her very bluntly.

Sonia opened her mouth as a fish for several times. Her brain refused to believe that Luke was already in a relationship but he bedded with her?!! How could he do that???!!


Raymond's Invitation Of Party

"Are you coming to my house pary or not?" Ray was leaning on her cabin.

Sonia looked up to him. If she had to avenge her insult, why shouldn't she take Raymond's invitation?!!

"Okay but just one night." She bluntly told him.

He looked at her in shock and then stretched his right hand to her that she firmly took in her hand -


She answered him with a confident voice -



That Fruitful Party Night

Sonia worn a black hot sexy off-shoulder sleeveless gown showing her cleavage. She wanted to prove herself much more pretty than before.

She used makeup for the last the time when she set her feet from her hired car. She stood tall and swinged her hips more than ever.

All of a sudden she felt someone put strong arms around her waist. She tilted her head to him and saw Raymond was standing beside her.

"Hi, baby, ready for tonight?" He asked her. "But first of all you have to meet my parents."

"Why?" She asked.

"You have to behave as my girlfriend infront of them." Raymond shrugged his shoulders very casually.

"But why?" She asked again.

"They wanted to marry me to a rich dumb girl named Sylvia." He told coldly.


Before she opened her mouth to protest, he put a sparkling big diamond ring on her ring finger.

"But why this?" She asked again.

"You at least have to look like my the fiancee of mine." He calmly informed her.
