
Chapter 369- Bring Mamma back home.

Declan's solemn demeanor resumed. "He is busy with an important business deal. I don't want to distract him right now. Let him come home."

"He has fallen for Tina, assuming she is Clara." Yasmin sighed in dismay. "I feel bad for him. I hope he can take the blow."

"This is going to be a big lesson for him," Declan said fiercely. "He falls for any good-looking woman easily." His mouth twitched with annoyance. "Tina took advantage of his weakness for women and got close to him. She blinded him with her charm. Derrek couldn't see her cunning nature."

He smiled as he looked into her eyes. "Don't think too much. He will be fine. Hmm… Maybe he will keep taking baths to clean himself."

She giggled, and he laughed.

Declan was relieved to see her smile. "Keep your smile on. This will give me strength. And get ready to welcome your sister and the babies. They are going to stay here."

He hugged her and kissed her on the cheek.

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