
Accidentally Married a Fox God - The Sovereign Lord Spoils His Wife

Just as Li Meirong thought her life couldn't get any worse, she transmigrated into an abused body of a servant girl being sold at a brothel in a completely different world. Saved by a mysterious stranger, she stumbled her way into a large cultivation sect. She struggled to find her place in this new realm, with its own rules and obstacles, far different from the one she was used to. One day, while on a quest to find a spirit beast, she encountered a wounded fox cub in the woods. "From now on, you will be my precious companion...." Hugging the cub closely to her chest, she showered him with affection. Without her noticing, the fox cub narrowed his lustrous golden eyes and flashed a set of razor-sharp fangs. 'Who does this stupid girl think she is?!' Does she not notice the noble bearing of the Sovereign Fox Lord? 'You're lucky you're my wife or this Sovereign Lord would have killed you a thousand times over by now!' As her journey continued with her adorable pets by her side, Li Meirong began to realize that in this world, her powers were incredible! "Little Fox, Little Fox! I have my own space to grow divine herbs and can even summon legendary beasts!" The Little Fox rolled his eyes. Humph! Isn't it only a few divine herbs Obviously, as her husband, he would provide her with whatever she required. As for those other pets... if they dare touch even a single strand of hair on his wife’s head, a death sentence awaits them! Meanwhile, the Fox Lord had been experiencing his own set of difficulties. His wife still thought he’s just a dumb little animal! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Excerpt; "Surely, you don't assume your Husband's fire could be doused so easily?" he inquired at length, revealing a trace of wickedness as his thin lips hooked upwards. "I will have to trouble my wife to take care of me."  "Please, I can't take any more trouble. Y-you can't be serious..." she whimpered. 'This shameless, outrageous man, can't he see I'm exhausted?!' "Everything is going to be fine," said Zhu Qingyue, licking his lower lip. He teasingly imitated her own previously spoken words. "Don't worry. I've got this all under control." "..." Li Meirong's mouth hung wordlessly open. She realized that her inebriated decision had led her into another unexpected death trap!  One round after another, the pitiful, ignorant wife of the Sovereign Fox Lord had discovered and repeatedly reacquainted herself with all the sore parts of her body. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I opened a Patreon for this webnovel. Please show your support for the novel. :) https://www.patreon.com/marriedafox The discord channel for the novel - if you would like to be part of any discussion relating to the novel, questions to the author, sharing art content, etc', join now! :> https://discord.gg/KpSTSHu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *This novel contains mature and explicit scenes, depicting violence, as well as sexual content.*

MoonBirth · Fantasy
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392 Chs

Stuck In An Active Volcano

Inside the volcano, Li Meirong's body was enveloped by a gentle, soothing warmth. Brilliant, vibrant colours – reds, oranges, yellows – surrounded her along with the sheltering heat. Yet, she realized, she was in the burning lava, and was somehow still alive.

She recalled how, the moment her feet had lost contact with the ground, her heart had nearly leapt out of her chest. When Sheng Jing Wu had unclasped his hold on her, she had not had even a moment to breathe before her life had flashed before her eyes. She may have died once already, but it wasn't an experience someone could really get used to.

Li Meirong thought of the unconscious little Chou, about to perish alongside her. She thought of the mysterious Snowball, who had shapeshifted from a tiny kit to an enormous adult fox, roaring that he was her husband. What would happen to him?

Terror-stricken, Li Meirong shut her eyes, unable to face her demise.

As she fell, instead of encountering the deadly heat of the lava as it consumed her, she was embraced by a soft, warm sensation. Her long, dark eyelashes fluttered gently open. The sight greeting her was that of an ocean-blue flame which somehow prevented the molten liquid from engulfing her; surprisingly, her hair and even clothes were also entirely undamaged. Her surprised, limpid eyes assessed the surroundings in speechless wonder.

All the while, Chou rested peacefully inside her sleeve, unaware of his master's bewilderment.

Dazed, Li Meirong cast her mind back to one of the conversations that she had had with Bao Li, the bossy chef of the Bestiary coalition, and what Bao Li had told her…

"The path of cultivation is one fraught with endless hardships and untold dangers. In order to become stronger, one must diligently practice both martial arts and mysticism every day. A cultivator's mind must be entirely clear of distractions in order to reach a higher level of enlightenment, and to regulate their life force. It is nearly impossible to practice without the guidance of a mentor. However, there are exceptions to everything. At times, when faced with a life-threatening situation, one may unlock a hidden talent in an act of self-preservation. Cultivators without a mentor might even attempt to put themselves in harm's way, on purpose, so they might have the fortune to experience such a miracle.

At such times, a person's internal energy may expand without practice, enhancing one's abilities to a superhuman extent."

When Li Meirong had previously heard Bao Li speak of cultivation, her interest had been piqued. She had never before learned anything about the subject.

The mysterious practise of gaining eternal youth and immortality, and amplifying one's capabilities – she had only heard about such things in stories. The thought of learning how to utilise her own internal energy for such purposes intrigued her, but Bao Li's warning words had dampened Li Meirong's enthusiasm.

Endless hardships and untold dangers… practising diligently… life-threatening situations… Good lord, she wanted none of those!

Li Meirong had decided to go by the safer path, learning cultivating slowly by caring for the spirit beasts in the sect. Eventually, she had thought that she might be granted a manual to learn, step by step, just as Bao Li had. Maybe she would even be able to prolong her life.

Those were her thoughts at the time. Now, it seemed, during her near-death experience, those powers she had been told about had manifested!

But now she was stuck in an active volcano. How was she supposed to return to the surface?

Li Meirong lifted her arms hesitantly, noticing no fluctuation in the blue, shielding fire around her. Encouraged, she moved her arms in an attempt to "swim" upwards.

It didn't work. She was unable to "swim" her way to the surface. Her body was too heavy, and she sank slowly down, down, down towards the bottom of the volcano.

Suddenly, an inexplicable voice, soft and gentle, resonated through her mind as she sank. After five years in this odd world, Li Meirong no longer dismissed any voices in her head, or took them as some kind of illusion.

She concentrated carefully, trying to make sense of what the voice was saying.

The quiet voice was ever so sweet. An image, that of a demure, shy little fairy girl, came to her mind – it seemed only fitting for such a song-like voice. Was it possible that the volcano was speaking to her?



'so stupid…'

"…" Li Meirong wanted to take back all pleasant thoughts she'd had about the owner of the voice. Impulsively, she mumbled her thoughts aloud. "Did I do something to offend this volcano?"

The cute, girlish voice grew clearer than before, now obviously annoyed.

'Who are you calling a volcano?! So stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid!'

Offended now, Li Meirong wanted to cry, but she had no tears to shed. Why was she getting insulted after nearly dying?! She didn't even know if she'd make it out alive!

The molten lava disappeared below her, replaced by a nearly translucent force-field. She passed through the invisible barrier, and her feet connected with moist, solid ground. The blue flames around her vanished as soon as she was safe.

The bottom of the mountain was dark, wet, and incredibly warm. It was completely enclosed, and the only light was derived from the molten rock above her head.

Li Meirong looked up curiously. The entire 'ceiling' was lava, somehow unable to spill into the cavern in which she now stood.

"I erected a barrier, obviously. Don't tell me you've never seen one before?" The owner of the girlish – now incredulous – voice spoke from directly behind Li Meirong. This time, she heard her loud and clear, rather than inside her own head.

Li Meirong turned around to greet the mysterious "fairy-like" being residing inside the volcano.


Second release today thanks to my patron donator, I know who you are! :D Huhuhu.

Who, or rather what do you think this 'fairy' is?

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