
Chapter 13

Keith could not concentrate much on the documents he was supposed to review. They are already piling up on his desk and the presence of these annoying idiots is not helping.

"We came here to help." Chad spoke, clearly unbothered at the annoyed expression from Keith.

"I have a lot of things to do but Chad said it's an emergency so I came. Plus, Chad dragged me here, so I didn't have a choice in the matter." Jules explained holding up his forefinger to emphasize his point.

"Why me?" Chad complained. "It was Martin who sent the SOS." He said pointing at Martin who just shrugged in response. "He said you've been terrorizing your employees for the last two weeks." Chad explained gesturing to the pile of documents on Keith's desk, which he meant were the result of him pressuring his employees. In the last two weeks his employees struggled to rush reports that are meant to be completed in a month.

Keith gave up and just put down the documents in his hands. There's no way he could work anymore. He'd rather stop working than deal with Chad.

Jules saw Chad grin when Keith let go of the documents, he just shook his head in amusement. If he were in Keith's shoes, he'd do the same. Not that they are afraid of Chad, but he can be pretty annoying.

Him, Keith and Chad have been friends since they were four or more like Chad dragged the two of them with him. They met during a gathering held at the Andersen's. Chad saw him sitting beside his mom while the adults were talking and immediately dragged him outside to play. They found Keith in the garden sitting alone and of course Chad forced him to join their little group. From then on, Chad will just take the two of them anywhere and everywhere.

It was always the three of them until Keith settled back home and brought Martin with him. Just like what he did to them, Chad took Martin in and declared him part of their group. He said he'll be D'Artagnan to their Three Musketeers.

So now, they were all here because Martin told Chad that Keith is having some issue and is tormenting his employees. So Chad decided that Keith needs their intervention. Chad may be annoying but he's loyal to a fault so he got dragged in here as well to check in on Keith.

Keith leaned his back on his chair and raised his arms to cover his eyes. "So how do I find him?" Keith asked, might as well make use of his friends and get some ideas.

"Find who?" Chad asked, confused. He thought Keith might be having issues getting out of the blind dates his mother is setting up and just rushed his employees to work so he could keep himself busy. He came with the thought of spending time goofing around with all of them, maybe flirting on the side.

"The Omega I bonded with, who else?" Keith said annoyed at Chad for feigning ignorance. He removed his arms that were covering his eyes but was surprised when he found Chad and Jules looking at him dumbfounded at what he just said. His eyes searched for Martin's and saw the man's stoic face, as if washing his hands for his friends finding out about the bonding.

"Whoa! Dude!" Chad exclaimed. Still too shocked at what he just heard. Out of the three of them, Keith is the last person he would think would bond with an Omega. If there is anyone who has the tendency to do it, that would be Jules. He's the romantic goody two shoes out of the three of them while he's the happy go lucky bed them all with no strings attached type.

"Damn Keith, I feel like I got blue balled or something. Wow! You and an Omega? Just wow!" The man doesn't even like to have an Omega as his partner as most of them tried to force him to mark them, how the hell did that happen?

Keith sighed and just told them how he went to the bar to pick up his errant brother but found him gone when he arrived. Instead he met an Omega and he just instantly reached for him. They had sex and then he just had the urged to bite him and so he did. When he woke up the Omega was gone and all that's left was his scent.

"It's been two weeks and you haven't found him? I thought he works at the bar. Vernon could easily give you the list of his employees." Jules could not understand why Keith hadn't found his Omega, he wasn't short on resources and he even got Martin working for him. Plus Vernon is one of their close acquaintances and he definitely would not want to deny giving Keith any favor.

"He gave us the list of employees but apparently the manager is operating some kind of scam on Omega employees. He would hire Omegas without any documents and just pay three of them equivalent to the salary of one Alpha employee and in the records he would put some random Alpha as personnel." Martin explained.

"But still he should still somehow be able to contact the Omega right?" Chad asked. Knowing Martin's background, it shouldn't be hard for him to pry the information from that scheming manager.

"He got some group chat of some sort in that messenger application that doesn't require any contact information. Email would suffice. None of the profiles matched Keith's Omega." Martin further explained.

"This is so screwed up Keith. Are you sure you marked the Omega? Maybe your memory is a bit hazy or something." Chad couldn't believe that any Omega would want to hide from Keith. He even marked him, he should be flaunting that bite mark! Any Omega he knows would be thrilled to the moon if he marked them.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Keith asked incredulously at what Chad has been insinuating.

Jules looked at Keith and he can sense that he's already losing his patience and Chad is not helping at all with his insinuations. "Keith, don't get us wrong. Maybe you're drunk or something and that you blackout. Things like that happen." Jules knows he has to intervene before things get heated up, Keith is not his usual self and may not take things lightly. It's been ages since these two actually had a fight and he don't want it to happen today.

"I'm not even drunk. There's not even a drop of alcohol in my system." Keith groaned in frustration and aggressively pulled his hair. "I just saw him, his scent just drew me in and then shit happens." He honestly really didn't know what happened, but he needed to find that Omega. They bonded after all.

Chad and Jules stare at each other, knowing that they are both thinking the same thing. Keith is a superior dominant Alpha and an ordinary Omega will not affect him with just his mere scent.

"Ahmm Keith. Have you ever considered that maybe, this Omega is your fated mate?" Jules said with Chad nodding beside him. There's no acceptable explanation other than this. Chad's not sure if that's even true but maybe.

Just maybe.

Fated pairs do exist and Keith just accidentally met him.

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