
Accidentally becoming a billionaire's surrogate

Betrayal! Hardship! Amelia has gone through all but what happens when she opts to be a surrogate and coincidentally matches the requirements to be a surrogate for the city's ruthless billionaire. Will her life turn for the better or worse?

Del17_writz · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Ghost Beauty

Amelia entered back into her apartment after she finished discussing with Madam Prisca, the neighbors who had gathered outside before had dispersed to their various apartments.

As she was bathing, what Madam Prisca said to her yesterday, replayed in her head.

'A surrogate mother!'.

She thought loudly to herself.

Although she needed money urgently to settle her pressing needs, getting pregnant with another man's child for money still doesn't sound good to her even though it pays well, but does she have a choice?

The only option she had now, was to either sell herself as a virgin to those rich old perverts or even steal from people, both of which she couldn't do.

Studying in a prestigious law school made her spend more than she can earn although as she was studying, she was also working and was able to save some money, but she had to drop out as she couldn't endure the sufferings it made her go through.

Liam gave her hope, when they were dating, although she didn't date him solely because of his father's status so that she can earn money through him, but because she deeply loved him and everything he came with.

She deeply loved him to the extent that she wanted them to stay together after schooling, in the same apartment, like they were a 'married couple', she bought an apartment in Heaven's Gate.

Buying the apartment under his name was actually a good choice for her then, but now she just regrets everything, who would have known?

She didn't even get to live in the apartment for more than twenty-four hours.

Amelia came out of the bathroom with a brown towel wrapped around her chest and down to her fair thighs.

She dressed in casual wear of black shorts and a dark purple, plain top.

The top belonged to Liam, it still had his scent on it even after she has been wearing it for some time now.

Amelia smiled sadly, 'People do change, and it's crazy how fast that can happen'. She thought to herself.

She opened the drawer in her vanity and collected some money bills.

Her room was unkempt, there were clothes, books and a black bag on her bed with some big bags that were gathered in a corner. The whole room looked scattered.


She exclaimed as she relaxed her head back, closing her eyes.

A few seconds later, she took in a deep breath and walked out of her apartment.

Amelia entered a grocery store to get buy some food items that she would eat for the day.

"Good morning".

Amelia greeted the salesperson at the counter warmly as she entered.

"Yeah, good morning to you". The salesperson replied with a smile.

Amelia picked some canned, baked, and condiment items and went to the counter, after paying for them, she carried them in a poly bag and left the store.

She returned home and started preparing her morning meal, although it was a little too late to call it breakfast, Amelia was already used to eating her morning meals late.

As she was cooking, an idea popped into her head.

Amelia arranged her room after preparing her food. She sat down on the edge of the bed, spreading her legs wide, she placed the tray of food between them, and she started eating.

She picked up her phone and started browsing the internet to look for more information about donating eggs.

Normally, a woman can only produce one egg per month, but with hormone treatment, she can produce more for donation.


Amelia exclaimed as she read the words that displayed on her phone screen, she was a bit hesitant about the idea, but it seemed like a fast and easy way to earn some money without getting pregnant or doing any hard work, but she changed her mind later, surrogacy seemed like a faster way to earn more money.

The next morning, Amelia asked to see Madam Prisca, she needed to be linked with those rich gay couples, she couldn't let her grandmother die because of her selfishness.

"Hmm, I didn't know that you would take my suggestion". Madam Prisca said, surprised at what Amelia had told her.

"Well, it seemed like a good suggestion". Amelia shrugged.

"Alright then, you will write about yourself in a paper and put your contact details….".

"Uhh, I apologize for interrupting but, I thought that you would take me to meet with them?". Amelia asked, confused about the whole process.

"Ahh, I see, you want it to be done fast, huh".

"Uhh, well, yeah, I do". Amelia answered.

"Well, you know what?''. Madam Prince asked like she just changed her mind on something.


"You will come with me, I will take you somewhere, I just remembered something, there's a newly married couple who needs a surrogate mother as fast as possible, they need one before the end of the week and you match the description". Madam Prisca said.

"Do you work with an agency for surrogacy, or do you just know people who require them personally?". Amelia asked.

"Well, both, this couple I am talking about just tied the knot recently, and they are looking for a surrogate mother, they will pay a considerable sum, they applied through our agency, if you are ready, we can go meet them now". Madam Prisca said.

"Hmm, how much do you think they will pay me?".

"You get to name your price since you are not part of an agency, If you meet with them, you can discuss the details".

"Can they pay upfront? I require the money for something urgent". Amelia asked shyly.

"Hmm, let's meet with them first".

"Ooh, yeah, that's right, let me get dressed".


Few minutes later, Amelia was still confused about what to wear or how she should dress, even though she had made up her mind, she was still trying to accept the fact mentally that she would be getting pregnant soon if this works, Is this the way to go? Or should she try another means to get money, everything wasn't adding up, but she would just go with the flow of things and see where this led to, maybe it wouldn't be entirely bad, blessing a family with a child and getting money to treat her grandmother, Hmm, it does look like a win-win situation, what could probably go wrong? Amelia thought.

Finally, she was able to decide on what to wear, she gazed at her reflection in the mirror, and it wasn't really a beautiful sight, her face looked very lean because of her lack of proper sleep, her eyes were sunken, like she had cried out all the tears stored in her lacrimal sacs, she alludes of ghost beauty.

The Nomad Noshery, one of the best cafés in the area, the place had a very cool atmosphere, the art and style were top-notch, it had luxuriously furnished furniture, it was a good place to be creative as it had a very relaxing social space, it was calm as a soft classical music played smoothly in the background.

"I'd like a chocolate milkshake". Madam Prisca ordered as she took her seat, she turned to Amelia, staring at her up and down with her eyes and then decided to make an order for black coffee.

"I don't like black coffee". Amelia whispered as the waiter left.

"I am the one paying". Madam Prisca whispered back.

Amelia pressed her lips together tightly, making her cheek bones rise as she nodded slowly.

"And I think, you really would need black coffee so that…". Madam Prisca continued.

"Don't bother, I have heard you". Amelia spoke quietly.

"Ssshhh, shush, they are coming, stop talking". Madam Prisca tapped Amelia's thigh under the table.

Amelia just stared at Madam Prisca in utter confusion before heaving a deep annoyed sigh as she turned to see who was coming.