
Accidental Transmigration to Another world

*Thaaaaaaaannnnnng* Such a metallic clanging sound was heard the moment Mino collided into the lamp post, smack dab. The violent collision was enough to leave a dent in the post while Mino was sent sprawling backwards. "Ah shit... this is not gonna end well..." A splitting pain in the forehead greeted him. He realised he was bleeding profusely. "Damn... I need help... and quick...." As he was lying down, helpless, a person came forward. Before Mino lost consciousness, he heard a few words accompanied by a warm gentle feel on his forehead. "[Light Conjuration] Heal".... Mino didn't know who saved him or how he was saved, but he knew one thing. The one who healed him definitely didn't belong to earth. And there were more people like him present. Just after that incident, more bizarre happenings started to pop up. All of them had one thing in common. The events were caused by them. Just who are they? And for what reason are they here? Apparently, all of them were not united. Mino got himself and his friends caught up in their enmity, and in an attempt to save his and his friends' lives, got themselves transmigrated to another world. Thus began their journey in the alternate world, to find out a way to home, and the truth of those strange people.

BlazedSigma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Pierced Jugular

Biology exam on Monday... damn the diagrams...


The wolf had jumped up to pounce on Mino and rip him to shreds!


Looking at the jaws of certain death descending upon him,

Mino's panic stricken mind regained a bit of clarity. An idea

came to his mind, but there was a chance of it failing too.

"Fucking burn you damned dog!"

Gripping the rough stone in one hand, he pointed the spark

stone (Named by Mino) towards the wolf's mouth, and rubbed

the stone as hard as possible.

The outcome- A shower of sparks came out, some got inside

the wolf's mouth while some fell on its nose, making it cry out in

pain and close its mouth. It tried to rotate its body midair to leap

away from Mino as soon as it touches the ground, to keep its distance

from the strange spark spitter.

Since it was impossible to make

a 180 degree turn midair, the wolf landed with its flank facing



Seeing something which has the ability to snatch his life away

effortlessly land so close to him, Mino's knees turned weak.

Wobbling unsteadily, he rubbed the stones again, sending a

second shower of sparks towards the wolf.

It tried to jump away, but some of the sparks managed to land

on its brown fur. As soon as it did, the chocolate brown fur was

charred black.

Whimpering in pain, it sent Mino a hateful look,

its blood red eyes glowing brighter than before.

"Oh splendid. I managed to force an otherworldly beast to

acknowledge me as threat within 2 hours of coming here. I don't

know whether I should laugh or cry."

Mino couldn't help but

speak this out to nobody in particular.

The wolf was still glaring at him. Apparently, it didn't want to

return without hunting its pray. A strong breeze started blowing, designating the start of a battle.

"Fuck. I'm screwed. If this strong breeze continues then none of

the sparks will manage to land on the target. I don't think I have

anything else than fire which might hurt it. W-wait... I think I

have to collect another resin slathered bark. The question is,

how the heck am I supposed to do that?!"

Mino turned to look at the wolf. He berated himself for daring to

take his eyes off his enemy. But it was too late. It was nowhere

to be seen.


Widening his eyes he turned to look upward but found nothing!

[Shit! Where'd it go?]

The grass rustled behind him as if to answer his query. Mino

knew that the wolf was going to ambush him from behind, but

he was too slow to turn back and throw sparks.

"The wind!"

Mino knew very well the direction of the wind and decided to

use it to his advantage. Turning sideways, he moved his hands

diagonally backwards and sent a shower of sparks in that


And it worked marvellously. The wind carried the sparks towards the wolf and

a few of them managed to get right into the wolf's left eye.


Howling with pain and rage, the wolf was forced to interrupt its

attack. However it was livid, outsmarted by its prey twice.

Throwing caution to the wind, it lunged towards Mino. It could

not allow itself to be defeated by some random prey it encountered.

Mino threw sparks at it again, but was shocked

when he found out that this time, it didn't even flinch!

"Is this thing fucking stupid!"

The brown wolf landed on Mino, pinning him down to the

grassy earth. Sweating profusely, Mino thought of what he could

possibly do in that dire situation. His elbows were being crushed

down by the beast's forelegs, sharp, cracking noises entered his

ears. It was followed by intense pain.

Even though he could

move his legs, doing so wouldn't help him in any way, and also

he didn't have the composure to do anything.

The unbearable pain originated in his elbows, slowly spreading

throughout his entire arm at a steady pace.

Tears gathered in

the corner of Mino's eyes, and he kept them tightly shut. The

stench of the wolf's breath was too hard to withstand. He

didn't need to use another sense organ to sense his impending


The wolf's face was right in front of Mino's, their noses were

close enough to touch each other any moment. Normally, it

didn't waste any time before finishing its prey off. But Mino was

not its prey, he was its enemy. Feeling the smelly hot breath on

his face, Mino was sure the wolf was mocking him, showing

who was superior.

A few moments passed. The wolf, finally satisfied after its show-off, decided to make its move. Mino had continuously struggled

as hard as his body and his position allowed, but to no avail.

Mino decided to finally open his eyes. Two rows of sharp teeth,

out of which the canines were especially sharp, greeted his

sights. His face was already covered in the dripping saliva of

the wolf, much to his disgust. He felt a sudden relief in his

elbows, the wolf had removed its forelegs from them.

Seeing a bit of opportunity and the possibility of survival, he

instantly turned his head to locate the stones and tried to stretch his

hands to feel his surroundings. They hurt like hell, but it was

worth it.

However, Mino had misunderstood the wolf's intention, he was

foolish enough to think that the wolf was actually giving him a

chance. He felt a sudden weight on his chest and upon turning

his eyes there, could see claws resting on his chest.


delay, the wolf's dreadful maw closed in on Mino's completely

exposed neck, its canines sunk deep and one of them pierced

his jugular, cutting it.


Mino let loose a bloodcurdling scream before his entire body

started spasming, neck bleeding profusely.

The small stubs

of grass and the yellowish earth was painted dark red. Within

moments of receiving the injury, Mino passed out, red froth

leaking out of his mouth.

As the pool of blood kept on spreading, the wolf looked at

Mino's unconscious figure, a look of extreme mirth and

arrogance in its eyes. Turning back, it crouched again,

preparing to leap away.

The muscles of its legs started bulging

and veins appeared. Just the moment it was going to shoot

forward like a spring, a wall of fire sprouted up from where it

was currently standing. The brown wolf's fur readily caught fire,

and the wolf started to be burnt alive.

Howling and screaming

out of misery, it was slowly burnt to death, leaving a pile of ash


A figure approached the bloody Mino in a hurried manner.

"Hmmm... well... he is a cripple... can he be of any use? Dunno,

but something is better than nothing, let's take him..."

Healing Mino's wounds with the help ofhealing potion, the

figure knelt down, picked up Mino and set off.


BlazedSigmacreators' thoughts