
Accidental Transmigration to Another world

*Thaaaaaaaannnnnng* Such a metallic clanging sound was heard the moment Mino collided into the lamp post, smack dab. The violent collision was enough to leave a dent in the post while Mino was sent sprawling backwards. "Ah shit... this is not gonna end well..." A splitting pain in the forehead greeted him. He realised he was bleeding profusely. "Damn... I need help... and quick...." As he was lying down, helpless, a person came forward. Before Mino lost consciousness, he heard a few words accompanied by a warm gentle feel on his forehead. "[Light Conjuration] Heal".... Mino didn't know who saved him or how he was saved, but he knew one thing. The one who healed him definitely didn't belong to earth. And there were more people like him present. Just after that incident, more bizarre happenings started to pop up. All of them had one thing in common. The events were caused by them. Just who are they? And for what reason are they here? Apparently, all of them were not united. Mino got himself and his friends caught up in their enmity, and in an attempt to save his and his friends' lives, got themselves transmigrated to another world. Thus began their journey in the alternate world, to find out a way to home, and the truth of those strange people.

BlazedSigma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

A daily Occurence

Let us return back to the time when Mino had left the school infirmary and was walking down the long corridor.

"I seem to be forgetting something aren't I?" he muttered to himself in a confused manner.

"Wait, lemme remember... I was on my way to school running at full speed... then... Yes! I collided with a lamp-post and got an injury serious enough to even kill me if not treated quickly... And then... the next thing I remember is that I was lying on the infirmary bed. Something must have happened in the moments following my collision. I know something has happened but I can't remember it... dammit!" Mino felt like kicking the walls to relieve him of his frustration.

But suddenly, a voice echoed in his head...

["This incident defies nature itself. Perhaps you are a freak of nature? Pfft... instant regeneration."] These intriguing words made him unconsciously stop.

"What was Sir Doc talking about... there's no way these things are possible... I'm sure that... well... Errrr...."

He found no suitable excuse for the mysterious event which occurred. A serious injury just vanished leaving behind no scar or traces whatsoever. If Mino heard of such an incredulous incident a day before, he would've laughed it off, it was natural to do so. But not after he has experienced it himself. Hundreds of questions were swirling around in his head... but he didn't get a single answer. "Do i really have instant regeneration? Is that even possible? Am I a mutant or something? An artificially enhanced human? Pfft..." While spewing out absolute bullshit from his mouth, he chuckled softly.


A loud noise could be heard across the hallway.

"Ah..it's the bell... which period now?" Taking a good look at his watch, he found that the minute hand has just reached two, overlapping with the hour hand. It was 2:10 PM then.

"Shit I've to go to class real quick! What am I doing imagining such silly stuff straight out of animes and cartoon shows!"

[Regeneration? My ass, even regeneration won't recover my prestige once Ma'am starts roasting me if I turn up late.]

Sprinting with wide strides, he reached his classroom, room no. 106 within a minute. [That's a runner for you!!] With this thought in mind, he took a look into the classroom.


Surprisingly, there was no sign of their English teacher, so-called "Miss-Match" (Her real name is Mira Marsell though). She was so insensitive that no one deemed her worthy of teaching a subject which required deep understanding of abstract concepts, such as literature.

"Clair! Ah you are alright!"

A soothing voice flowed into his ears. However instead of improving his mood, it actually managed to make it worse.

Mino looked at the girl who came out running out of her bench to him. It looked like she would hug him anytime, given the chance.

Let's introduce her later...

"Oi! Mino! Why the hell aren't you resting! You can't be this damn reckless bro! Miss-Match's absent today! Go rest bro, I will send you the work!" His ears caught another string of 'words of concern'. However he welcomed that. A timely rescue! "Oh! Ashu! Hey see I'm completely okay now!" He cast a glance towards the girl who approached him first and then averted his eyes with supersonic speed, walking over to his friend Ashu's desk. His childhood friend Ashu Gupta. The one person beside whom he always felt at ease.

"Okay my ass! Your head was nearly spl..." He stopped his words midway as he looked at Mino's intact forehead. Widening his olive eyes he muttered, "Hey Mino... wh...where's the wound?"

Mino felt that if he told Sir Doc's words to his friend, he would be dragging him into some kind of mess. But there was no way his bosom friend would accept a half-assed explanation. Also, there was the matter of other people being present even if Mino decides to tell Ashu the so-called truth.

"Hey Ashu, come over to my home, I'll explain things to you there. It's not something I can tell you right here." Mino tried to control the situation.

"Well if that's what you want, so be it. But remember I'm not letting you off the hook with just an excuse of an explanation.

Anyways, are you doing well? I guess you are, judging by the fact you are chatting normally. Jeez... what a guy! Tell me, were ya drunk or something? Hangovers? How the hell did you get such a damned injury? It's not that I'm against your habit of pulling all-nighters, but please don't end up like that okay?" Ashu offered his own advice. Considerate and reliable as usual.

[This guy's really dependable, isn't he?] Mino thought to himself while smiling.

"Hey, if i was sleepy, how did I crash into the pole with force enough to split my skull? He demanded to know. Ashu found himself unable to provide his friend with an answer because the question was logical enough to make a comeback. Finding himself at a loss, he waved his muscular hand as if to usher Mino to his seat as he lowered his tall frame of 5'9'' to take his own.

"Haaahhhh...." Mino sighed to himself. He turned back to go to his seat... but he stopped. A sharp chill ran down his spine as he remained cemented at the spot he was standing. Each and every girl of the class were glaring at him... except two of them.

[Just what did I do to solicit such a reaction?!!]

As his insides were screaming this repeatedly, he shut his eyes and started using his [My hidden power, sixth sense!!] (not any credible thing at all) to guide himself to his bench while also tactfully evading all the death stares.

After a lot of trouble (and toe-stubbings) he finally seated himself at his desk. In order to mitigate his nervousness and get rid of the lingering thoughts inside his head he decided to do something he enjoys very much --- read. Fishing out the physics textbook from the bag, he started reading it.

Physics was something he always liked very much. This subject, along with Computer sciences could be said to be his forte subjects. Since computer sciences was heavily dependent on physics and the programming part required a whole lot of logic developing, he found himself to be compatible with that subject too.

However, life didn't intend to go easy on him. It apparently wanted to make him suffer as much as possible. Several jovial yet annoying voices rang out, irking him to his very end.

Bullies incoming!!

BlazedSigmacreators' thoughts