

Zoe looked at the dance instructor guiltily as she wondered why he wasn't reprimanding her for coming late to class. He had simply asked her to sit on the floor with the other guys as he taught them the art of meditation. 

After that session, Zoe decided to have a talk with the dance instructor. She didn't want him to treat her specially simply because she was friends with the president.

Even though she knew that being favored sure had its benefits and that the benefits would be really welcomed at the moment since she needed a special kind of favor to miss classes and be late for classes. She just wanted to earn the favor on her own terms.

Firstly, she needed to apologize, and then she would ask him for a favor. She almost giggled as she wondered what he was going to say if, after apologizing, she added that she would love to keep coming late to classes from henceforth. 

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