
Accidental Prince

Ajax very much regretted his choice of trying to get a job in the palace, but in his defense, how would he know that he'd be the acting soulmate of the crown princess? (Chapter WILL be slow. As I have to create so many things ;-; and make sure everything looks good. Please be patient)

Dark_Ember_7708 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Ajax was soon sucked into the horrors of wedding planning.

"Young Master, are you sure about that wine? How about we use Madame Selcor's famous wine instead?"

"Young Master, this venue simply isn't suitable! How about you use this one instead?"

"Young Master, no, you can not have an alley cat as your best man."

The last one was the worst of course. Of course, according to Silas, Xena was having an equally tough time (Silas when asked the question: "..."). Ajax was secretly relieved that he didn't have to do all the Xena had to do. Because having to handle the food, clothing and guest list honestly sounded like hell to Ajax. It was however, unfortunate that Zara kept adding onto Ajax's work. Speaking of Zara, Ajax paled when she approached him with a stack of paperwork.

"Young Master, I have the financial reports for the wedding costs." She said bluntly. 

"Right, well, uh." Ajax looked at Silas before having an idea. "Silas can handle it."

Silas somehow managed to look wronged while keeping a straight face.


Zara looked at Silas in pity but handed it to him anyways.

"Oh, and the Third Young Mistress wishes to speak with you about Her Highness Xena." She informed Ajax, a glum look on her face.

"Oh? What for?" Ajax asked curiously. Zara shrugged,

"Third Young Mistress didn't say. It is best if you did not delay. She does not like to wait." Zara told Ajax.

"I see. Silas, can you handle things from here?" Ajax asked the poor man.


Ajax nodded, 

"Great, I'll be on my way then."

Zara gave Silas a pitying look.

Ajax didn't notice and went on his way to find the Third Princess, getting lost while he was at it. It wasn't until he was in the third storage room that a butler took pity on him.

"Young Master, are you looking for someone?" He asked Ajax. Ajax looked at his saviour,

"Yes, can you lead me to the Third Princess? She wanted to see me." 

The butler nodded, and led Ajax through the long winding path that eventually led to the Third Princesses room. The butler then knocked on the door,

"Third Young Mistress, Her Highness's Fiancee has arrived."

Shuffling was on the other side before the door was open.

"Thank you Jason. You may go back to your duties."

The butler, that she had called Jason, nodded and walked away. The Third Princess then looked at Ajax.

"I've been waiting for an hour. What took you so long?" She asked in a suspicious tone. "Nevermind that, just come in quickly."

She then pulled Ajax inside her room and closed the door.

"I'm doing you a favour here, only because I don't want Sister Xena's wedding to be in shambles." The Third Princess told Ajax, before going over to a desk and unlocking a drawer. She then pulled out papers.

"First off, call me Carly or Sister-In-Law Carly." She began, "Second, this is evidence of Vera planning to ruin the wedding."

Ajax was shocked. 

"The Second Princess is planning to ruin the wedding? But this was her idea in the first place!" He exclaimed in shock.

Carly scoffed,

"Please, that bitch would do anything to ruin Sister Xena's chance at the crown." 

Carly handed the papers to Ajax.

"This is just receipts for plants and herbs?" He said in confusion.

Carly rolled her eyes,

"Sister Xena is allergic to these items. It's clear that Vera wants to cause a commotion." She scowled.

Ajax was a bit skeptical, but mostly shocked that anyone would ever try to harm their siblings. 

"Why would anyone plan to harm their sibling?" He asked cautiously. Carly gaped at Ajax.

"You're kidding right? Ajax, this is the royal family. I don't even think that my mother even loves my father. If it wasn't for Sister Xena being the official heir due to laws, then Vera would be the crown princess."

This only made Ajax more confused.

"What does that have to do with anything?" He asked.

"Vera feels 'robbed' because she was the only one to have a soulmate, but she wasn't allowed to be the heir unless Sister Xena dies early. The only reason she hasn't tried anything is because it'd be too suspicious." Carly told Ajax, as if she was speaking to a child.

"How would it be too suspicious?" He asked yet again, before Carly could answer, a knock interrupted. 

"Third Princess, Her Highness requests your assistance." Zara's voice came from the other side of the door. "And Silas has completed Young Master's reports"

"Thank you Ms. Zara. We shall be out soon" Carly called, then turned to Ajax. 

"It was nice talking to you Carly." Ajax smiled, before getting up and opening the door. Zara and Silas were waiting on the other side.

"Hey Silas." Ajax greeted.


Ajax nodded,

"Well, I think I'll be off now." He told Carly, before walking away with Silas behind him.

"Hey Silas, is the Second Princess really that bad?" He asked, curious for another point of view. Silas, being Silas, only shrugged.

"Oh, you never interacted with her? Shame. Does she have a personal maid or butler?" He asked, waiting for a silent response he'd have to try to translate. It was not Silas that gave him an answer, instead it was a young maid.

"The Second Young Mistresses maid is called Eden." The maid told Ajax.

"Where can I find Eden?" Ajax asked the maid. The maid hesitated, before confessing under the surprisingly harsh glare of Silas.

"Ms. Eden is stationed in the kitchen at this time."

The maid then took her leave, desperate to get away from the scary butler.

Ajax looked at Silas,

"Have you ever thought about being an interrogator?"


Ajax sighed,

"You'd be good at it." He informed the silent butler. The rest of the walk was spent in silence as Ajax headed to his temporary room.