
Accidental Gamer Hero

I accidentally saved the world and was granted three wishes when I died. Easy - first wish to reincarnate in the Naruto universe and second is to reincarnate with 'The Gamer' ability. Third wish? I'll save it for later. SI/OC Not harem | Naruto story with gamer elements, not a gamer story with Naruto elements. There is a difference. Schedule: 1 chapter/day

KnowingAutumn · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

The Capital (5)

"Hmm, you have a pretty good eye."

Upon seeing me linger at a few of her more impressive crafts, Masako the lady smith couldn't help but comment.

"It's hard to hide such brilliance, owner-san." I remarked as my finger traced the spine of a particularly vicious looking katana with jagged edges like teeth on a shark. It was named Boshokuken – Gluttony Sword. What came across as weird was that despite it being a Rare grade weapon, it only had a damage grade of C. And it had a 'Growing' grade attached to it as well, the first I've ever seen. Today was a day of many firsts for me it seemed.

"Flattery is not an acceptable currency here, boy." She shot back, though the initial edge in her tone was now considerably eased off. This lady… she was surprisingly weak to praise when it came to her creations.

"Truth is not flattery, owner-san."

"Tsk, if you like it so much, then just buy it and get lost."

I turned back to the granny, who had stopped polishing the scimitar altogether and was just watching me from behind the counter.

"How much for this sword?" I asked, gesturing to the Gluttony katana. Though its damage grade was subpar, the Growing label intrigued me.

She held up three fingers.

"Thirty thousand ryo?"

"Three million."

EXPENSIVE! It was ridiculously priced. No, for a Unique grade weapon which were so rare the only other one I have seen before today was Asuma's trench knives, that price was more than reasonable. But for me with just a over three hundred thousand ryo to my name, it was way out of my price range.

She must have seen through the calm expression I so carefully managed. Smirking, she asked, "Too expensive for you? Pick something out of the bargain bin at one of those trashy shops on the main street then."

"That is… three million is abit…"

"Hmph! If you can't afford it then don't buy it!"

How overbearing… although, she certainly had the right to be with her skillset. Although, there was something amusing about my current situation – having to haggle over the price for something was an experience that was incongruous to my previous life. As a billionaire, there were very very few things on Earth that could not be bought with money. Never in a million years could I have foreseen myself wracking my brain over insufficient funds in a different world.

However, the benefits of having Unique grade weapons could only fully be enjoyed by me who had the Gamer System that added item effects and stat bonuses to these masterpieces. For anyone else, they were just well crafted weapons, nothing more and nothing less. To demand three million ryo just for well crafted weapons… I could see why there were no customers even though her products were of the highest quality.

There was no way I could give up after seeing such exquisite products. The Gluttony blade had piqued my interest, and if I surrendered now I would certainly regret it when I left the Capital.

"Is there any way the price could be reduced? Just by a little bit?" I bargained. Those tricks I utilized back at Konoha when I got Kotetsu no Ryu would not work here against someone who knew the true worth of her creations. Would I have to resort to begging, I wondered, when her stony demeanour did not budge an inch.

"Perhaps there is something I could do for you, maybe an errand, or a job?" I asked, hoping to prompt a quest.

Her eyebrow raised, before she scoffed, "Why would I need you to do anything for me when I could just do it myself? And for the things that I can't do, you think you could?"

Right, of course it wouldn't be that simple. I have been reborn with the Gamer system, but that didn't mean I was actually in an RPG where everyone but me was an NPC that could give quests.

Yet, if no quests were generated, how could I build my REP with this lady smith? And if I couldn't build REP with her, how might I get a discount or better yet get my hands on that scimitar she was hoarding?

Should I get a loan? Surely Asuma has that much money, since I'm sure being one of the Twelve Guardian Shinobi paid handsomely. But would he have that sum on his person while he was out on a mission though? There were probably banks in the Capital, right? Could I get a loan at one of those places? But ugh, being in debt sounds dreadful to me…

As I continued negotiating with Masako while thinking of different ways I could possibly get that much money, the store door opened and another customer entered.

"Oh, Masako-granny actually has another customer other than me? What divine revelation is this?"

The new customer could only be described as a classic ikemen, with sharp brows, an angular jawline and sharp nose. His hair was tied up in a bun and neatly held together with an undecorated hairpiece. Even though he was wearing a plain blue yukata paired with a darker blue haori with no ornate designs, the young man had a distinctive atmosphere or quality to him that did not seem ordinary.

He looked to be about two or three years older than me, just a teenager, but he carried himself with a poise that was unmatched by others his age. It was an aura I recognized from the nobility I had interacted with back when I was still a billionaire in my previous life. Probably some Kizoku youth, I theorized.

His disrespectful tone was brushed aside, however, as the lady smith just waved off his teasing, "Bah, he's no customer. Just some kid trying to haggle with me."

Embarrassed, I scratched my cheek, "I cannot deny that. It's just that I have fallen in love with this blade and cannot bear to part without it."

The young man grinned and approached me, his eyes subtly scanning my personage, perhaps trying to identify my background.

"Ah, I see that you're a man of culture as well. You too have fallen into obsession over Masako-granny's crafts like I have." He complimented, rubbing his chin with his eyes closed while nodding.

"Flowery words." The old woman dismissed, though she looked away as though trying to hide the pleased smile I just narrowly spied.

"Indeed. I must confess, I have never before witnessed such exquisite craftsmanship. I could only imagine the hours and dedication owner-san, no, owner-dono has put into each and every piece here. Unfortunately, I lack the funds to bring home one of these masterpieces with me. Sigh, might this be what unrequited love feels like?" I espoused with a bittersweet smile, sensing that flattery was the lady smith's one weakness.

My words only brought a beaming smile on the young man's face, "A fellow connoisseur of fine metal! Masako-granny, could you not find it in your heart to provide a discount for one of your admirers? After all, what use is good steel when left collecting dust in this tiny store."

Masako's eyebrow twitched, "You cheeky brat, my shop may be small, but it's certainly not dusty!"

The young man waved his hands placatingly, "It was just an expression. How could such fine works of art actually be dusty? My point remains, however."

"Hmph, if he can't afford it then that just means he is not fated to own one of my creations. I would rather they be ownerless than have someone unfated wield them."

"Aww, don't say that Masako-granny." The young man pressed, affectionately draping his arm over her smaller frame. "All your masterpieces deserves a suitable owner, no?"

I watched their exchange silently, though inwardly I was struck by the young man's charisma. He was either the granny's kin or someone who has patronaged this shop for a long time, since the grouchy old lady only looked the slightest bit annoyed at the young man's excessive skinship. Either way, he had such a way with words that even I was impressed. This person… wasn't simple.

"Damn brat, you sure are persistent. Why are you working so hard for someone you've just met?" The lady smith replied.

As though caught off guard, the young man blinked, before he answered, "Don't know. I just felt he was someone interesting and worth getting to know better."

"Ah, how rude of me, I have yet to introduce myself. My name is Shinji Ikari; pleased to make your acquaintance."

The young man glanced at the offered hand for a moment with an unreadable expression, before he grinned brightly and shook my hand, "Likewise, Shinji. You can call me Shin. Heh, we have pretty similar names, eh? So where you from? You don't look like someone from the city."

Was it my attire that looked out of place, I wondered as I answered, "Oh I do live in the city. I am from the Kyoukujitsu training camp."

"Heh… that so?" His eyes narrowed but his smile did not waver. Did he see through my lie?

"How impressive," He continued, "I heard those from the training camps are really talented. It must be my good fortune to meet someone like you here today."

"Ah, it's no big deal really." Eager to change the subject, I asked him, "Do you come here a lot, Shin-san?"

"Ever since I was a little kid." He answered, "I fell in love with Masako-granny's swords – and Masako-granny herself of course - when I was six. And I have come here regularly ever since to admire her and her works."

The lady in question shook her fist at him, annoyed but hiding a smile, "Ah seriously, you really have a talent at riling me up. Do you have a death wish?"

The young man grinned and poked her puffed up cheeks teasingly, "Ahahah, I love seeing Masako-granny riled up. Too cute!"

The atmosphere between them was similar to a grandma and her cheeky grandson.

"So how much money do you have, Shinji?" Shin asked casually.

"T-three hundred thousand…" I abashedly answered. That was the total sum of my life savings after calculating in the mission reward I just received from the C-rank mission. How embarrassing.

"Huh!? You wanted to buy my sword with just three hundred thousand!? Wishful thinking! What impudence!" Lady Masako immediately exclaimed angrily. She might have been offended by what she perceived to be insincerity on my part.

The young man Shin remained silent, though I could sense a bit of calculation going on behind those earnest eyes of his. It was odd, but this guy was strangely hard to read. My best guess was that he was trying to figure myself out like I was with him.

I bowed in apology to Masako, "Forgive me, it was not my intention to offend."

She didn't seem pleased however, and merely folded her arms irately, not acknowledging my apology.

Shin leaned in and asked probingly, "Three hundred thousand is a lot of money for someone your age. Are you the scion of a Kizoku family?"

This guy is troublesome… I didn't know if three hundred thousand was a lot of money for a Kizoku noble, or if it was an abnormal amount of income for a commoner living in the Capital. I had only been here for roughly a day after all, it wasn't like I could grasp the economic situation of the city in just the short time I have been here.

My cover story wasn't designed to be impenetrable. It was supposed to be enough for just a quick, one off, get in get out type transaction. I hadn't expected to be questioned about it.

"Haha, how could I be a Kizoku? I'm just a trainee who kept saving my allowance and somehow it ended up like this." I tried to laugh it off, but I couldn't tell if my words convinced them. No, Masako wasn't at all suspicious. It didn't seem like she was the type of person who constantly second guessed what others told her. But the young man on the other hand… I still couldn't tell what he was thinking at all.

Thankfully however, he didn't press me and just chuckled, "Hoh, you're a pretty frugal person huh? That's an admirable trait to have. Well, three hundred thousand really isn't enough to buy one of Masako-granny's weapons, even if she gave you a discount."

"You're goddamn right." The lady smith huffed out.

I sighed. Pity.

The young man took a ponderous gaze and then his eyes lit up as his lips curled into a smile.

"How about this. In commemoration of our fateful meeting and friendship, why don't I loan you the rest of the sum needed to buy that sword you so dearly desire? Interest free!"

I took a step back in shock. Did I luck out and coincidentally meet the heir of some wealthy dukedom or something? How generous and trusting.

Masako widened her eyes, "Boy, you don't even know who this brat is. How are you certain he will pay you back?"

Shin's eyes took on a strange glint as he glanced at me, "How could someone from the prestigious Kyoukujitsu training camp renege on a debt? I trust him."

His tone was almost imperceptibly filled with a knowing and teasing expression.

Who was this guy? And why did I feel like he knows more than he is letting on? Unable to withhold my curiosity, I used [Observe] on the young man.

[Ichikawa Shinnosuke Lv 32]

HP: 6160/6160

CP: 6300/6300

Shinnosuke is the third son of the Daimyo of the Land of Fire. He is naturally gifted both as a warrior and as a scholar. He has keen eyes, sharp intellect, and a robust vitality. Though blessed in his birth, he is also cursed, for he is the fruit born from the union between the daimyo and a common maid. He resembles the daimyo more closely than his other half-brothers.

He is intrigued by you.

I almost choked on my saliva. This whole time, I was talking to a prince? Now I understood, how he could unconsciously exude such a pressure and aura of majesty even though he was behaving so friendly and personable.

This was the first time I met the man who would be the center of the storm in the Land of Fire.