
Accidental Encounter: God of War

Just give it a try. It’s romantic, exciting, and full of actions.

StickySlime · Eastern
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4 Chs

An unforgettable night with a stranger

Liu Lijuan, adorned with her enchanting beauty, became a subject of desire for numerous young masters hailing from renowned families across different places in New Pavelion City. Each one hoped to capture her heart and, above all, to be her life partner.

Indeed, many embarked on the mission to win her affections, but regrettably, none of them could claim success. Liu Lijuan remained resolute in keeping her focus firmly on her future aspirations rather than indulging in fleeting romances.

Unfortunately, her undeniable allure also served as the catalyst for her sister, Liu Liling, to harbor an intense hatred towards her. As jealousy consumed her, Liu Liling's resentment towards Liu Lijuan escalated rapidly when she discovered that her beloved Xue Wenyan held a secret affection for her sister.

The news shook Liu Liling to her core, intensifying the flame of anger burning within her. It was as if her undeclared rival had effortlessly captured the attention and admiration of the one person she held closest to her heart. The realization that the one she loved had fallen under Liu Lijuan's spell was an agonizing blow.

Liu Lijuan, however, remained blissfully unaware of her sister's deep-seated animosity. Her unwavering focus on shaping her own destiny shielded her from the brewing storm of resentment that brewed within her sibling.

Unbeknownst to Liu Liling, Liu Lijuan's pursuits extended far beyond mere appearances and superficial desires for affection. She diligently invested her time and efforts into honing her intellect and refining her skills, fortifying her spirit against the distractions of love.

Despite Liu Liling's hatred and the ensuing complexities surrounding their entwined relationships, Liu Lijuan continued to radiate grace and purity of heart. Her unwavering dedication to her aspirations served as a testament to her strength of character.

Liu Lijuan remained blissfully ignorant of the turbulent storm brewing beneath the surface, while Liu Liling battles her internal demons, torn between love and hate.

One day, Liu Lijuan found herself in a treacherous situation. Unbeknownst to her, her sister had schemed to drug her, intending to defile her with a man who was infatuated with her.

Fortunately, our young heroine managed to escape from the hotel where she was brought unwillingly when the effects of the drug started. She could feel her body burning with a mixture of emotions; both ecstasy and an undeniable craving for physical intimacy had taken over her senses.

In her state of distress, she stumbled upon an unpopulated street and fell to her knees, desperately seeking solace and safety. It was at this very moment that a staggering handsome young man happened to pass by, catching sight of her struggles.

Our main character, Wu Mengyao, wondered if the effect of alcohol made him hallucinate. Why was there someone lying on the street at this hour?

Concerned for her well-being, Wu Mengyao approached her cautiously and inquired, "Hey, are you okay?"

His sincere expression and genuine concern immediately brought a glimmer of hope to the young woman's eyes. Gasping for breath, she managed to respond, "No, I... I need help, please."

Without hesitation, Wu Mengyao extended his hand towards her, offering support and reassurance. "Come, let me help you up," he said with a soothing voice.

As she accepted his outstretched hand, she noticed the kindness and warmth radiating from his gentle touch. The fear and vulnerability that had consumed her just moments ago started to dissipate a little.

After bringing her to a secluded place, she suddenly embraced him. He was taken aback by her sudden gesture, but he couldn't deny the rush of euphoria that surged through his body as her arms wrapped around him.

Just then, he noticed something unusual from her. Her eyes were dilated and her breathing was uneven.

'This is! She's under the effects of aphrodisiac drugs. Who did this to her?!' He thought to himself.

His protective instincts kicked in. He couldn't bear the thought of someone taking advantage of her vulnerability. He gently pulled away from her embrace, holding her at arm's length to get a better look at her. He gasped at how beautiful she was. But he quickly slapped the thought out of his mind. He felt a twinge of guilt for being attracted to her in this state.

Regardless, just as he thought, she really was under the effect of an aphrodisiac drug.

The girl continued its perverted assault. He tried to kiss him. Wu Mengyao tried to resist. However, he could not help but be bewitched by her allure. He brought her to his apartment to help her, but in the end he succumbed to her attacks.

Passionate kisses were exchanged, and their bodies intertwined in a heated dance. The effects of the aphrodisiac and alcohol only heightened their desire for each other, and they lost themselves in the moment. As the night went on, his guilt slowly faded away as he realized that she was just as willing and eager as he was. They explored each other's bodies, each touch sending shivers down their spines. In that moment, nothing else mattered except for the intense craving they shared.

When morning came, Wu Mengyao woke up with a pounding headache, the memories of last night's intense battle slowly trickling back into his mind. He put his palm on his face when he noticed someone sleeping beside him. As they lay wrapped by a blanket, he felt a tinge of regret. Despite being drunk last night, he could remember all that happened. He knew that their night together was partly driven by the effects of the drug and alcohol, and he couldn't help but wonder what would be her reaction when she woke up.

'I'm sure she would be shocked.' If only his mind was saner that time, maybe he could handle the temptation a bit better and it would not have ended like this.

As he gazed upon her peaceful and serene sleeping face, he once again captivated by her beauty. Her delicate features were like a work of art, each detail perfectly crafted to create a symphony of perfection. Her long lashes rested softly on her cheeks, and her rosy lips were slightly parted, giving her an innocent and alluring appearance. The gentle rise and fall of her chest as she breathed only added to her ethereal beauty. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to be able to spend an intimate night with such a beauty.

On top of that, she was a virgin. It was her first time.

He subconsciously traced the outline of her jaw with his finger, marveling at its sculpted form.

Her dishevelled hair cascaded around her face like a dark halo, enhancing her delicate features even more. He wondered what she was dreaming about, what secrets her mind was keeping hidden in this moment of vulnerability. She was the epitome of perfection, a true goddess in human form. And as he continued to gaze at her, his heart swell with admiration for this beautiful young woman lying before him.

He took his smartphone and secretly took a picture of her.


At that moment, her eyes twitched. He hastily stored away his smartphone and searched in mind what to say. They spent an intimate night despite being strangers to each other.

As he expected, she looked bewildered when she opened her eyes.

"You are…!" She exclaimed. "Wait, where am I…?" Her voice trailing off as she tried to make sense of the situation. He could see the confusion in her eyes, and he knew that he had to explain.

"Let me explain," he quickly raised his hands.

Suddenly, she touched her head, as if trying to remember something. Then the memories of their passionate night appeared in her mind. She grimaced. Liu Lijuan couldn't believe that she was defiled. She looked at him again. She noticed he was a handsome young man. However, although he was handsome, he was a complete stranger to her. And also, this would not have happened if not because she was tricked by someone! A tear formed in her eyes.

And along with tears and frowns, he could also see the regret in her eyes. "Uh, no need," she said while brushing away the tears, her voice filled with sadness. "I'm sorry, I have to go."

She needed to find words about how she explain this to her family.

When she suddenly got up from the bed, the blanket fell and revealed her naked perfect curve. Liu Lijuan's face turned red immediately.

"Kyahhh!!!" She quickly grabbed the blanket and used it once again to cover her body. She glanced at him in haste.

Although he already saw it, he looked away while blushing slightly out of respect. Last night they were under the spell of drugs and alcohol, but it was different this time.

"W-Where is your bathroom?" She asked, trying to force a calm voice but her expression said her true feeling otherwise.

Wu Mengyao then guided her.

She couldn't help but sighed disappointedly when she noticed it was a rundown small apartment. The fact that she was defiled not only by a stranger but also by a poor stranger, was a bigger problem to her. If her family learned about this, she could not imagine what would happen to her.

After her bath, she borrowed his shirt. He handed her his most recently bought shirt. Then he offered her cup noodles as it was only what he had. There was an awkward silence between them as they ate their food.

"My name is Wu Mengyao," he said to break the awkward silence. Atleast he must inform her who the person who took her first time. From hereon, it was up to her if she filed a case against him.

Unexpectedly, "Mhm…" she nodded silently, then the awkward silence continued.

When her clothes dried, she immediately left. "Wait…" His hand subconsciously tried to reach on her receding back. However, she didn't turn back.

He watched as she walked away, disappearing from his sight. He couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt again, knowing that their time together was due to an accidental encounter.

"Just who is she? I couldn't even get her name," he mumbled. He should have bravely asked her when he got the chance.

After she left, Wu Mengyao received a summon from the military. He had turned 16 today and it was time for him to receive a summon from the military. He couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions - excitement, fear, and sadness. It was a day he had been dreading since he was a child, the day he would bid farewell to his mundane life and enter the world of military service.

In their country, it was mandatory for all after reaching the age of 16 to serve in the military for atleast a period of 3 years. It was a tradition that had been passed down for generations, a way to defend their country and honor their ancestors. Wu Mengyao knew this day would come, but he never thought it would come so soon.

The previous night, he had drowned his sorrows in alcohol, trying to numb the fear and anxiety that had been building up inside him. He had spent hours with his friends, reminiscing about their childhood and making plans for the future. But as the night went on, the reality of his situation hit him hard. He would have to leave his family, friends, and the comfort of his home to face the unknown challenges of the military.

After a bath, he put on his best clothes and took a deep breath before heading out the door.

As he arrived at the base, Wu Mengyao was greeted by some young men like him. Some were accompanied by their families, while others stood alone, trying to hide their nervousness. Wu Mengyao's heart started racing as he approached the registration desk, where he was given a uniform and a number - 181.

He was then directed to a training ground, where he would spend the next few months learning the basics of military life. The days were long and tiring, but Wu Mengyao was determined to give his best. He bonded with his fellow recruits and learned the value of teamwork and discipline. The physical training was grueling, but it made him stronger and more resilient.

As the months passed, Wu Mengyao found himself adapting to his new life. He had come a long way from the scared and anxious boy he was on the day of his summon. He had learned valuable skills, made lifelong friends, and gained a new perspective on life.

As his time in the military training camp came to an end, Wu Mengyao was filled with bittersweet emotions. He was sad to leave the friends and mentors he had grown close to, but he was also excited to enter the next phase of being in the military.

A real challenge was about to start.