
Accidental Ascendance

In a world brimming with magic, Cedric, a young noble with no extraordinary abilities, unknowingly becomes the subject of a colossal misunderstanding. Despite possessing almost zero magical aptitude, Cedric's minuscule magical presence baffles all magic readers, leading them to believe he is the mightiest mage to ever exist. Unbeknownst to Cedric, his reputation as a godlike being with unparalleled wisdom stems from accidental encounters. From unintentionally slaying a dragon at the tender age of four to inadvertently solving enigmatic magical riddles, every action he takes inadvertently reinforces the misconception of his immense power. However, Cedric remains blissfully unaware of his supposed divine status, attributing people's fascination with him to his noble birth. Driven by a desire to make his father proud, Cedric embarks on a journey to navigate this increasingly absurd situation. With each new mishap and misunderstanding, his extraordinary luck continues to fuel the illusion of his formidable magical prowess. The comedy unfolds as the clueless Cedric unwittingly changes the course of the world, all while believing he is merely striving to fulfill his father's expectations. As Cedric's journey progresses, his encounters with astonished individuals persist. Yet, he never unravels the truth about his mythical stature, leading readers through a whimsical tale filled with laughter, misunderstandings, and an unlikely hero who unwittingly becomes a legend, depicting him as a deity capable of conjuring meteors with a mere flick of his finger.

MetaAuion · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 15: Night Salamander Part 2

Years ago, during the debut, Cedric Montclair walked up to the stage, looking at his training dummy. His confidence was evident as he muttered some words to himself, probably friendly trash talk. Lily, Oliver, and Adrian, her childhood friends and fellow noble heirs, were bickering with each other, but she couldn't take her eyes off Cedric. He had a reputation as the rumored future strongest mage, and his presence was captivating.

"Who are you?" Lily blurted out, unable to contain her curiosity.

Oliver recognized him immediately. "OH! That's 'THE' Cedric Montclair!"

Lily's eyes widened in surprise. "The rumored future strongest mage?"

Adrian, not impressed, glanced at Cedric coldly. "So that's him."

Cedric seemed unfazed by their reactions, not even paying attention to anything they said. Lily nervously asked, "So what do you want?"