

Mia continued sobbing in his shoulders, holding him so tight. Then, she pulled away from him and cleaned her face with both of her hands.

"I'm surprised, you recognised me, in this state.' He said sadly.

"I have never forgotten you and you've always been in my heart Alex,' she said as she cleared her throat and wiped her face properly with her hands.

"And, you've always been in my heart too,' she said, staring at him and then, she smiled. They both stared at each other. None of them, knew what they wanted to say and even if they know, neither of them infers on how to start the conversation and it began getting awkward.

"How did you get here, oh, I'm sorry and I'm not supposed to ask that...' Mia said and looked around the whole place. It was getting more and more creepy by the minute and it terrified Mia.

"How do I get out of here,' she asked, all of a sudden. She decided to ask Alex since he was important to her and she was the same to him as well. So, she might as well, ask him and besides, he will know the way out of this place and he can help her, to get her out of here.

"You can't get out of here,' Alex answered, immediately.

"Why? She asked. What did he mean by that? How can she not get out of here? If she can come here, without knowing or having a clue on she got here, they must surely be a way to leave here as well.

"Are you scared of this place,' he asked.

What kind of a question was that. "Why won't I be scared of this place. I've never been here before and this place is like a blood bath and corpses all over the place,' she said with anger. Hot tears ran down her face. With dread flowing down her spine, she started shaking and looking around the place scared her so much. " I want to go home, please let me go home. I don't want to hear about your stories anymore. I just want to go home and please help me. I just want to go home. I just want to go home.' She said, repeatedly as she once more, burst into tears.

"Do your parents still know, who you are and how can you explain to them, about what you are.' Alex tried to convince her.

"I don't care, if I hide what I am to them,' she raised her head and began laughing with tears still on her face. "What am I saying, do I even know who I am. If I knew who I am, at least that would have been better for me. I don't care anymore, Alex. I just want to go home. That's where I belong?' She said in a sad tone.

"That's not where you belong, Mia. You belong...'

"Here,' she finished the statement, as she shouted on top of her voice. "I don't belong here, Alex. I want to leave this place and go home?' Mia got confused. All she wanted, was to leave this horrible place and go home, not to sit here filled with pieces of corpses scattered all over the place, maggots and flies all over the place and blood was throughout the whole place.

"You are the only one, that knows the way.' The first, that started telling his story to Mia said.

"How?' She asked hopefully.

"I can't answer that, you are the only one that knows the way. You are a witch, you should be able to find your way home?' He said and nodded his head, as he looked away.

"You will understand, soon enough. The reason we are telling you our stories is that you are the only one that can help us out of here. You are the only one, that can fight for us and release our spirits, then, we can leave here and rest in peace. We might look like monsters to you, however, that's not our fault and we don't like the way we are here either.' He emphasised his words and left in anger and only the heavens knows where he was going.

"He's right. When you get out of here, bring peace and stop plenty of people from getting killed, by this witch. Then, we will be set free,' he got up and the others did the same as well.

"What are you guys, talking about. How am I a witch and who is this witch, that is killing people. Tell me, Alex. I want to understand.' Mia quickly said, as she got up from the floor and staggered, forcing herself to stand on her two feet.

"We don't have much time, here and that's why they were telling you their stories, so when the time comes for us to disappear, we would be able to do that with tears of joy on our faces.' He said. "There is one more thing, you must know.' He said and his face turned solemn. "You are fated to two young men and you must choose the one that will help you to bring peace into your life and to everyone and accept you for who you are. He must mark you and the moon Goddess must shine on you and him. That will mean you have chosen him to be your mate. If you want to easily identify him, check his waist and you will see the shape of a moon. Then, you know that he is the one. The other one is very handsome more than the one I want you to choose. Beware of him, and don't be deceived by him. For he is the one, who will kill you. He is your destiny and he is your doom?' Alex said as he walked away with the others. Mia quickly got out of her thoughts and yelled. "Where are you people heading to.' She asked.

Instead of Alex answering her, he said. "And, another thing, also beware that both of them have the shape of a moon on their waist and the only difference is the colour,' He glowed so brightly and then, he started walking with the others following him as well. Mia wanted to run after them and then, suddenly a tornado appeared out of nowhere and carried her away. Mia cried out, calling Alex to help her out of it. However, there was no response. She continued shouting in fear and then, she suddenly heard a cracked voice, laughing hysterically and echoed through the tornado as it kept carrying her. She began to hear a voice. "Mia, I need your help.' Then, Mia kept turning sideways to know where the voice was coming from and it was dark for Mia to see anything. It was dark, Mia bitterly sobbed and started questioning herself, if this was how she was going to die. Was this what Fate had in store for her and was this how she was going to die miserably. As she kept whirling and shivering. All of a sudden, she heard the woman sobbing silently talking. The surprising part was that she could hear the woman, as if she was using a microphone to talk to her and then, out of nowhere, the woman appeared before her, with a glowing shade of green. This shocked Mia and horrified her so much. Where did this woman come from? The lady had black long hair, wearing a long gown and suddenly she was soaked in blood, her long hair scattered all over her face. And when she looked up and stared at Mia, her left eye changed into that of a snake and she laughed hysterically and then she started talking, shouting on top of her voice, which was echoing all over the place and Mia had to almost close her eyes and then, the woman started crying and the tears that flowed down her face, wasn't tears and rather it was blood. She started talking. "I despise it when my lover John has to go away. My parents constantly try to explain to me how sick he is. That I am lucky to have a brain where all the chemicals flow properly to their destinations like damn rivers. When I complain about how bored I am without a little love to stay with, someone who takes care of me, I'm almost forty years old. They try to make me feel bad by pointing out that his boredom likely far surpasses mine, considering his confinement to a dark room in an institution. I always beg for them to give him one last chance. Of course, they did at first. John has been back home several times, each shorter in duration than the last. Every time without fail, it all starts again. The neighbourhood cats with gouged out eyes showing up in his toy chest, dead bodies of pythons, found all over the place and my dad's razors found dropped on the baby slide in the park across the street, my mom's vitamins replaced by bits of dishwasher tablets. My parents are hesitant now, using "last chances" sparingly. They say his disorder makes him charming, makes it easy for him to fake normalcy, and trick the doctors who care for him into thinking he is ready for rehabilitation. That I will just have to put up with my boredom if it means staying safe from him. I hate it when John has to go away. It makes me have to pretend to be good until he is back.' She started crying so hard. HELP ME Her voice echoed sharply and it was hurting Mia's heart, that she had to hold her chest with both of her hands. She could feel her sorrow, her pain and Mia cried so badly that she even forgot that she was on top of the air and the tornado was still going on. All of a sudden, someone out of nowhere drew Mia out of the tornado and she flew out of it, with someone holding her waist and she landed on the rocky and sandy ground, and kept rolling and rolling until she stopped. There were bruises on her face, she tried to get up, but she couldn't get up and slowly opened her eyes only to see a young handsome lad, staring at her and all she could hear was the same words over and over again. "Can you hear me, if you can hear me, blink three times? Are you okay?' The young man kept saying and little by little, her eyes began to get blurry and she couldn't see him anymore and before she knew it, she had blacked out. Mia had fainted, she couldn't move her body, but she could hear voices and someone was telling her a story. She couldn't open her eyes to see who that person was and why that person was talking to a sleeping person or rather a dead person. What was happening? Was she still alive? Was she dead and who was the angel that came to take her soul. What has she done and is she truly dead or is she still dreaming?