
Accelerator: The Never Ending Battle

"I just want to be left alone." This was what Accelerator thought when he started the Level 6 Shift experiment to become the first level 6. The #1 esper has already killed 10031 clones and is on his way to finish off the next one when a certain boy came along his way to stop him. That boy who was supposed to stop him, stopped him right? No. After killing that boy, he attains a new power and then his misfortunes starts from there. This is a story where he takes on the world, fighting off the dark side of Academy City and the magic side of the world.

dontouchme · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

The True Monster

"Uhhh...according to the documents...Galahad is a warrior with metal bones and fluid muscles."

Gasps could be heard all over the dining hall.

Accelerator looked at 'Aperitif' and asked her a simple question.

"Think you can fight?"

She looked at him, feeling dumbfounded. What can she do against that over 300 ton beast?

"You can manipulate the wind, can't you?"


"I'm running out of time, so I'll need your help. Produce the biggest wind you can."


"Just do it. I'll even help you."

She nervously nods her head as she looks at the sous chef and main chef.

"Aperitif! What are you doing?!" The sous chef asks her.

"I...I don't know!" She shouts.

Accelerator stands behind her as she puts her arms out, and starts to produce wind.

"Aperitif! Why are you listening to him?! What about us?! Aren't you a part of Full Course as well! Don't you want to help people, huh?!"

Then she stops producing wind and stares at them blankly. She was empty. She didn't know who to believe. She didn't know whether to believe in Academy City or the people in front of her. Who was going to lead her down the safe road?

The people who 'took her in'? Or in Accelerator's terms, the disgusting people who kidnapped her?

Or is it the people who brought her despair? All of it was for her mother. She didn't want to see her mother cry anymore. It was her who brought her family despair.

What rights does she have to go back? She'll only make them suffer again. Who can she go to for refuge?

"I...I don't know anymore!"

She starts to panic as she wraps her arms around her head. Soon, her hands were covering her ears. She couldn't take it anymore.

Then, a single hand took her hand off her right ear.

He whispered something into her right ear. Something that was unlike him. Something he thought he will never say to anyone.

Not even to Last Order.

He gets up and faces them.

"I'll show you the power of the #1 in Academy City. Everyone's waiting for you."

Only 'Aperitif' could hear him.

Less than four minutes remaining.

The only word that echoed through his mind was, "suffer".

He turns his choker back to 'normal' mode and smirks at them.

"Come on, aren't you going to destroy my attitude and confidence?"

The chef then praises Accelerator.

"I respect you for coming out and accepting your fate of death. Well, eventually everyone will die. It's not a matter of 'if' but a matter of 'time'."

Then, he stares at Accelerator straight in the eyes with his disgusting black and yellow eyes.

"And your time's up! SAYONARAAAA!!!"

The whole crowd cheers him on as they too scream out,"SAYONARAAAA!!!"

A loud sound of glass shattering could be heard rather than the sound of the ground shaking. To Accelerator, he could hear his bones shattering.


The water dispersed all over the floor, reaching up to their shin level. The metal that held up the Galahad broke down into simple wires again.

"W-What?!" The voice of the announcer came through.

"Galahad was defeated?! WHAT?! The challenger is still alive?! Does he have super strength?!"

"(Fuck, my arm hurts.) Oi, brat." Accelerator says as he looks at 'Aperitif'.

"H-Huh? Wait...Is your arm okay?!"

She quickly rushes up to him and looks at his left arm.

"Tch, don't worry about me. Use your power on the water!"

She was confused as Accelerator issued his commands. But she could see that he was not playing around. His left arm would most likely be unusable now, but he didn't care.

Whoever said that someone can't live without an arm? Living without an arm is just a handicap by life. Although his legs also hurt now because of the impact. But who cares? It's more of a reason for him to rest even more.

'Aperitif' used her wind manipulation and gathered the wind under her palm and mixed it in with the water.

Accelerator just watched her as she did what he instructed her to do.

"Y-You...you destroyed our Galahad! How?! That's not fair!"

Accelerator looks at the sous chef who said that.

"Sorry, but some things in this world are not fair. Accept that fact and move on with your life. Besides, who thought the unbeatable could be beaten? I'm disappointed, really. Well, whatever. Now I can deal with the two of you losers."

"L-Losers?! How dare you call us that! You used some sort of weird power!"

"Well, I guess so. Even I don't know what I have, but I know how it works. That's more than enough for me."

The main chef's face was brimming with anger. He clenched his teeth together and requested the sous chef something.

"Sous chef..."

"Huh?" The sous chef turns back to face the chef, and he was met with a close up of his face.

"GIVE ME HIMEGI'S NECTAR!" He spat out droplets of saliva as he spoke.


The sous chef became nervous as he slowly responded with,"O-Oui..."

He pulls out a casing from his attire, and when he opened it...

There it was.

Himegi's golden nectar.

The bright, thin liquid that flowed around gracefully in that test tube.

It looked so delectable from a closeup perspective.

And it was on sous chef's shirt.




"AH!" Sous chef exclaimed as he looks at the bright liquid on his shirt.

Turns out Accelerator threw a rock at the casing and destroyed the test tube, causing the liquid to fall on sous chef's attire.

"Stop with the liquid shit already." Accelerator calmly told them.

"Ch-Chef! That was our only one..."

"Don't be dumb! It's still there on your shirt!"

The chef desperately sucked on the sous chef's shirt like a vampire.


...the chef used his material insect to slowly gather up the steel wires on the floor and created a suit for himself. A suit that made him look like a titan.

"Uh...the...the wires are moving!" 'Aperitif' told Accelerator, but he only showed her the back of his right hand. The chef then proudly spoke.

"HAHAHAHA! I've done it! I've attained ultimate power!"

He poses for Accelerator to let Accelerator witness him in all his glory.

But before he could make a move, the whole suit broke down. The whole suit fell apart.

"W-What?! Why is Material Insect not listening to me?! No...no...it's not that it can't listen to me...it's because I can't control it anymore?!"

Then he inspects the wires more closely and realized there were brown spots on the wires.

"...Rust...?! How?!"

"Heh. Seriously? Master of metal and water, yet you two don't even know how easy it is to break your own contraption? So much for creations! No, so much for imagination, ha!"

"No, a normal amount of oxygen concentration can't turn my wires into rust so easily!"

"That's the point."

A wide grin appeared on Accelerator's face. A smile that even a clown can't pull.

"I didn't use a normal amount."

The chef was stunned. What did he mean? But he already found his answer.

"Aperitif...Aperitif! How could you help the villain!? He's just using you! Why can't you see that?!"

"Eek!...I...I don't know!"

"Rrrgghh...sous chef! Work with me!"

"That goes without saying, chef! I'll always be by your side!"

"Add a bit of context before phrasing your words!"

The chef put his arm out and created four drills, with the help of the water carrying the drills to Accelerator.


Accelerator used whatever strength that was left in his broken left arm and puts it up. But the drills weren't aiming for him!


He turns his head back, but they weren't aiming for her as well. They were aiming for the ground?

The drills stuck themselves into the floors and he drilled through the ground to cause the whole floor they were standing on to collapse!

He grabbed the girl and shouted in her ear.

"Oi, my battery! Turn it on."


"Just do it!"

She pressed the button once, and he immediately panicked.


"W-What? D-Did I do something wrong?!"

She had turned it off.

It looked like he was struggling to breathe as his right arm tried to reach for the battery, but he couldn't. She was blocking the way.

He lost his grip on her, but she wrapped her arms tightly around his waist.

"U-Uh...I think I did it wrongly!"

She pressed it once more, and just in the nick of time, he managed to do the calculations and manipulated the air behind him and they had a soft landing.

"Whew...I thought we were about to die..." 'Aperitif' commented as she looked at Accelerator. But Accelerator didn't say anything.

He wasn't looking at her either.

Where they were on, it was atrocious. Absolutely atrocious.

It was a nightmare.


There were pods there. At first glance they seemed harmless. But when he looked at them closer, he was speechless.


He could hear gasps from above.

"What a wonderful sight!"

"I must have a recording of this!"

"How spectacular!"

He could hear these comments praising what was in the pods.

In the pods were children. Children with tubes connected to their hearts and breathing masks on their mouth. Their eyes were sewed shut as another mask covers their face. They had no hair, they had no identity. They were thinner than Accelerator. They were a source for nectar. This was how they harvested nectar from Child Errors.

Then he heard the main chef speaking.

"Heheheh...you must have some pretty bad luck. You were fighting above the nectar production line. This a very important place where we extract the very important nectar, so of course we have some guards to protect this place."

With a snap of his fingers, the beetle looking robots that were in the chef's room popped out throughout the place. They all avoided the pods and started to surround Accelerator.

Accelerator paid them no attention as he looks at all the pods around him.

"There... and there too. They're everywhere...this is what they use to collect nectar...but you know what? I kinda like it...heheh..."

The beetles had sickles attached to their arms and they all struck Accelerator at the same time. He redirected all of them and made them hit themselves with the sickle.

"Damn it...this is so good...I like it...No, I love it! This is it! True villainy! Really good, very amazing! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! Who could save them, right?! HA?!"

He puts his last remaining hand up. His right hand. The hand that proves his guiltiness. He manipulated the winds on the palm of his hand to create a suction force. However, he didn't want to destroy the whole floor. No, he wanted to destroy everyone on the ship.

"Those who treat other's lives like trash deserve to die."

A smile appeared on his face. It was a regular smile. But that smile wasn't for the sous chef or the main chef, but it was for the person they call 'Aperitif'.

Tobio Mami.

He gathered the winds from the whole of Academy City. Everyone could see it. Everyone could see the color of the winds moving. It was moving irregularly.

The top of the cruise ship was destroyed, leaving a massive hole for everyone to see the sphere Accelerator created.

It slowly got bigger and bigger to the point where everyone was holding onto something in order not to get sucked up into the sphere.


The sous chef shouted for help, and the chef turned back.

Only to be greeted by an unhappy Accelerator. He had one the massive sickles that the beetles created.

He was Thanatos now. He was there to bring the chef into the underworld. He was there to say goodbye.

Accelerator held the sickle in his right hand as if it was a scythe, and hung it at the chef's right arm. The chef could only watch in horror as Accelerator lifted the scythe and slashed through his right arm.

"No! My arm! How could you...?! I'm a chef! The world needs me, I create good food for people. Please let me off!"

Accelerator didn't say anything and held the scythe up again. This time, he was aiming for the kill.

"Sayonara." Was all he whispered before landing the final hit.

He is a demon.

This is true brutality.

This is a true monster.

This is Accelerator.

He felt a heavy push on his side.


This was not a push meant to harm him. Usually if someone pushed him with hostile intentions, he would naturally redirect it back. But not this time. The push stopped him from killing the chef. The sickle stopped before his neck, and lodged itself there.

The person who charged at him was Yomikawa.

"I thought I told you to go home?"

"Yeah...no...I...I can't let you kill someone. You don't have to stain your hands. Dealing with the bad grownups is Anti-Skill's problem."

She was panting in between sentences.

"Can I even trust all of you?"

"The sooner the better."

"Tch, get off of me. You're heavy."

"*sigh* Still cold as ever. Let me catch my breath first."

She held on to him tight as she snuggles her face into his shirt.

"Do you like parties like these?" She asks him.

"No, I don't have time to waste on meaningless parties like these. And stop rubbing your sweat all over my clothing!"

"Sorry. But what if you had?"

"What are you trying to pull here?"

"Well, I figured you could learn how to socialize with other people once in a while."

Accelerator looks away as he clicks his tongue. He turns his battery back to 'normal' mode and Yomikawa finally gets up.

"Tobio Mami..."

Yomikawa says as she reaches her hand out to her.

"Your sister, Tobio Yumi requested me to come for you!"

She gives Mami a friendly smile and asks her,"Can you stand?"

Mami didn't receive her too kindly as she looks away from her. She was unsure who to trust. Whether she should still trust Yomikawa or the chef.

Suddenly, someone with the attitude of a boss shouted.



Both Yomikawa and Mami stayed silent for a while.


Mami was the first to respond.


"Hime?" Yomikawa thought for a while before finally realizing who that voice belonged to.


She ran off to go find Hime but not before telling Mami to "stay put".

When she ran around the corner, she saw Himegi being hung up on a crucifix.

"Ah sensei! Good to see you. Aha ha. There's a lot I want to tell you, and I'm sure there's a lot you want to ask me. But can you get me down from this place first?"

"Uhh...there's not much I can do...hmmm..." Yomikawa puts her hand under her chin as she starts to ponder on what her next action should be. She had no equipment, she could only inspect the crucifix and find a way to unlock the chains.

The chains were tightly locked in as expected.

"Hmm...what can I do? Hmmm...hmmmm..."

"Uh Sensei?"

"Hmmm...Ah Accelerator!"

She shouted his name out loud and he peeked his head out.

"You?" Accelerator asks.

"Ah servant! Release me from this crucifix right now!"


"That was fast...hey wait! Don't go away! Please, I need help!"

Then he felt a light tap on his shoulder, and it was from Yomikawa.


Accelerator hesitates for a while before releasing a sigh. He turns his battery on and snaps his fingers. He manipulated the sound waves to vibrate the metal chains so hard that they broke. The chains that held her neck, wrists, and feet were gone, and she was free. He then turned it back to 'normal'.

When she landed on her own feet, she immediately went down on her knees. Her feet was being held up by a single flab of meat. It was impressive that she even managed to endure everything she went through.

"Thank you very much servant. I'll have you lick my feet later."

A vein had popped open in Accelerator's head.

"Can I put her back there?"

"Uhh...please don't do that, Accelerator..." Yomikawa pleaded him.

Then they heard shouting from outside. It sounded like Mami's voice.

The chef's voice could be heard right after. It seems like he was tempting her. Before he could do anymore, Himegi urged Yomikawa to bring her to Mami.

"Quick, Sensei! Please take me to her, I don't want her to do anything reckless!"

Yomikawa nodded her head and carried Himegi outside to where Mami and the chef were.

"I promise I will save the kids! So please, squash that insect!" The chef yelled at Mami as he placed his hands on her shoulders.

The desperation in his voice and eyes. Accelerator saw through it.

"He's lying! Everything he says is a lie!" Himegi hollered back.

"Aperitif, please! I'll really do it! I'll even provide a home for them! Please!"

"Wake up, Mami! Your whole family is waiting for you!"

"Please! I'll promise to be good! I'll promise to save them all! Just kill that bug who took my cooking away from me!"

"Who has been helping you all this time, Mami?! Him or us?!"

With both voices pestering her from both sides, she felt pressured. To trust that man again, or to trust her friend. Who?

Then they heard someone quietly click their tongue.

"Oi Tobio brat. I'm no hero here, and I won't hesitate to kill. Whether you choose to fight me or not, I could care less. But think about it. Can you really trust someone who has broken your trust once? Or rather, broken your family's trust?"


"Who's it going to be? Your family or those children? Those children look to be beyond saving. Your family still can be saved."

Then Yomikawa cut him off.

"A-Accelerator! Don't say that! I know it's in your nature to be cold, but do you have to be so straightforward?"

"Face it. People have to make sacrifices. That's the only way they can grow. No one learns from sacrificing nothing."

Then he faces Mami again.

"What's your decision?"

"Hnngh...I...I believe that they can still be saved! A miracle will occur! I want to save everyone!"

"Then are you saying you'll fight me?"

"...Yes. I have to take my chances."

Then the chef barges into their conversation.

"Yes, I knew it Aperitif! I knew I could rely on you more than sous chef! Now crush that insect!"



"You'll keep your promise, right?"

"Uhhh...yes of course! Of course I will! Why would I break a promise to my dearest aperitif!"

"Okay...I'll trust you."

She faces off with Accelerator.

"*Sigh*(I've gained something from losing something. I know how it feels. I can't be a hero. I'm just not that kind. But even so, I'll do it the way only a villain can.)"

Mami charged at him with everything she had and created a ball of wind on the palm of her right hand.

Accelerator still had his battery on 'normal' mode. This wasn't him going easy on her. This wasn't him being kind to her. This was him being a villain.

He takes a step back using his right foot and he drops his cane and raises his right fist up. She saw his right fist being lifted up and wanted to take him out with the ball of wind to his chest. She knew he wasn't going all out. But she didn't know his full potential.

"You're going down!"

Accelerator smirks as she said that. She was stunned for a second. And when she hesitates, he takes a step forward and cancelled her power using his left hand which was still limp. But he just had to make contact with her power for him to cancel it.

He then grabs her by the collar and slams the side of his head onto her forehead, knocking her down. He felt a bit dizzy after head butting her with the side of his head. But he persevered and drops his knee onto her stomach.

"Give up?"

"No! You're not using your powers, I still can win!"

"Oh, you noticed? Impressive. Then do you know how powerless you are now? To be defeated by me, who is not using his full power?"


She reforms another ball of wind on her left hand this time, and it catches his attention. He twists his body to cancel it out with his left hand, but she swung her right arm on to the side of his face.

It felt like his wound was about to open up again. The pain was slowly getting to him as he tried to regain his focus.

"It all ends now, #1!"

He was waiting for this moment. He underestimated her, but at the same time, he didn't. Everything was all planned out. Even if she didn't know he was using his full power or not, it didn't matter to him. What matters was what he could do if he wasn't using his powers.

He had to think of alternative methods.

But in the end, it was all a gamble. From how she acted and dressed, he didn't think that she would use her legs to maneuver and fight. That was one condition. The other condition was that he had to force her to use her powers. Which was pretty simple enough.

He grabbed his cane with his right hand, and forcefully swung it back, into the side of her head like it was a bat.

She lost her concentration and stopped using her powers on her left hand. He got up and pressed his cane into her belly, and started twisting his cane around.

She was groaning in pain as everyone watched.

"Servant, that's enough!" Himegi shouted as she rushes over to him. He looks back and sighs.

He kneels down beside Mami and told her,"Remember what I said back then? Before my left arm got destroyed?"


"Do you still believe that I could pull it off?"

"...I...I don't know..."

"Haaaaa...whatever. I'm going back. I'm done for the night."

"Hey wait, servant. What was all that flirting for?"

Mami's face suddenly turned red, and Accelerator looks at her, confused.

"Ahn? What the hell do you mean by 'flirt'? I don't care about forming any relationships. Those things are just too much of a hassle for me."

"Huh?! And how can you say that when you two have a secret that the two of you have?!"

"*sigh* I'm busy. I have no time to deal with your bullshit."

He turns his battery on and jumps away, manipulating the vectors under his feet to ignore the surface of the water, and create his own platform.

As Himegi and Mami looks at Accelerator jumping away, Yomikawa was busy stopping the chef who was crawling away.

"You're not going anywhere. We'll need you for interrogation. Surrender now and we can still reattach your hand."

"Y-You really think you can take down this whole ship?"

"I do."

That answer shocked him. Her alone, who has no weapons, nothing. Just a cloth and debris all around.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that I'm not the only idiot in Anti-Skill."

From above, helicopters that belongs to Anti-Skill flew around the ship.

"Ha...no way..."

Suddenly, Mami walks up to the chef and kneels down in front of him.

"Chef, thank you for trying to save me. I know you used me to attain your goals, and I despise you for that. But you gave me a purpose in life. For once, I was happy to be of use to someone. For that, thank you."

She gives him a big smile before giving him a slap to the face.

"What was that for?!"

"For using those kids to produce nectar, I cannot forgive you. But I hope that one day, you'll be able to live normally and cook for those children. When that day comes, I'll be your 'Aperitif' again. Oh and also, I can't find sous chef anywhere. So when you see him, help me slap him and tell him that I found him really cool. But also tell him to fix the way he phrases his sentences."

The chef looks at her as tears started to well up in his eyes.

"I'm sorry I lied to you aperi...no, I guess I can't call you that anymore. I'm sorry, Tobio Mami. But about saving those kids, I lied too. They can't be saved. The only possible solution I can think of is plugging out those contraptions. It may kill them, but there's a chance that 1 out of 100 of them will live."

He expected Mami to be mad at her. But she wasn't. She looked rather calm.

"Yeah...I knew it too. But I still believe they can be saved."

Then Himegi entered the fray.

"Yes yes! There's a frog doctor! The frog doctor can save them! The frog doctor can save you too, Mami!"


Then Yomikawa inquired about something important.

"Are the pods even..."

When she went to the pods where the children were all supposedly kept in, the pods were surprisingly unscathed.

"Wow...Did he do all this?"

They all gawked at his work. It was simply amazing. None of the pods were harmed in that destruction.

"Anti-Skill can transport all these pods to the hospital. So we're fine now."


Accelerator. The strongest esper in Academy City. He was on his way not to the hospital, but on a manhunt. The target he was searching for, was the man who had captured his attention when he went to the train station.

Yes, that's right. Nakimoto Rizou. He was dining in that ship, and it could be assumed that he escaped during the whole chaos because the Board Of Directors are the second highest authority in Academy City. Second to the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

"He must be dumb. A VIP would have many cars surrounding him back and front. Moreover, driving in a limousine. How simple."

He had found his target.

He stood in the middle of the highway, blocking the escort cars, and the car that Nakimoto was in. The cars didn't hesitate stepping on the gas to ram him.

To be expected, they knew the identity of the #1. But he redirected all the cars back. The cars flew left and right, flipped upside down and down the bridge. Needless to say, all the escort cars were destroyed. Leaving only the car that Nakimoto was in.

He jumped on top of the limousine and ripped the top of the car off.

Behind him, the driver was pointing a rifle at his back.

He turns back and twists the gun to face the gunner. The gunner shivered, and Accelerator helped him pull the trigger.

"Ah...death is more of a gift compared to life. Happy belated birthday, Nakimoto!" Accelerator was like singing a tune for Nakimoto.

Nakimoto had an assistant beside him. She had long blonde hair but she was wearing a suit meant for gentlemen.

"That look doesn't suit you. Get out."

He grabs her by the collar and flings her to the other side of the highway, where a speeding car ran her over, making her body twist as it temporarily flies in the air.

"Oof, that's gonna leave a mark. I know she said that I shouldn't kill, but I just can't help it."

Accelerator licks his thumb like a sadist as he faces Nakimoto.

"This is so much fun, right?! Nakimoto?!"

"Eek! W-What do you want?"

Then he stops licking his thumb, and answers him. The #1 tossed away his cane earlier. So his right hand was the only hand that was free for him.

"You can cooperate with me, and tell me everything about your goddamned organization, and be set free. However, you'll be under my charge. Whatever you know, I should know too. The other option is become food for the cannibals at the ship. Take your pick."

Nakimoto gulped as he looked at Accelerator.

And he made his decision.

—9th September 11:45p.m.—

Accelerator was back in the hospital. He had a change of hospital clothes. His battery was fully charged. He was ready for the upcoming war between life and death.

The moment he heard the strolling of stretchers and the ruckus caused by the nurses, he got up from his bed and approached the surgery room. Then he heard Last Order speaking.

"Is there anything Misaka can do? Says Misaka as Misaka—"

Then he chops her on the head.

"Brats should be asleep at this timing."

"Ouch...oh, you're back already? Why didn't you tell Misaka, says Misaka as Misaka feels frustrated that you didn't inform Misaka that you came back."

"Tch, whatever."

"Hey, where are you going? Asks Misaka—"

"Nowhere! Now go back to sleep!"

Last Order grumbled as she stares at Accelerator's back. But soon, she saw Tobio Mami, and almost assumed she was Yumi. Then, she also saw Himegi.

Accelerator was outside the surgery room as he stood beside the doors. The stretchers were still being pushed in, so he didn't want to disrupt their job. Once everything was delivered inside, he took a step in as the 'OPERATION' turned red, signaling the start of the operation of 27 children.

Heaven Canceller was planning the operation with his nurses.

"The first-aid capsules look good. We can use these to manage the children's condition."

"(I didn't expect the devices on their heads to be influencing their sleep. Body Crystal is thought to be activated by a special emotion. So were they using a dream to keep them in that emotional state?)"

He then entered another room deep within the operating room. The room slid open, and there was a single white bed for doctors to perform their surgery on their patients. The bed was surrounded by mini carts that held the instruments that doctors used.

"(Body Crystals essentially harms the body so it does make sense to keep them asleep to reduce the burdens on their bodies. But even if they physically recover, the body crystal producers can't be woken with the artificial heart them.)"

Then he looks at the screen and starts thinking in his head again.

"(The metal threads connecting it to their nerves have to be dealt with first.)"

Then a faint voice could be heard behind him.

"Don't worry, doc. Just go for it."

It was Himegi. She took off the oxygen mask on her face just to speak.

"Hey, don't remove it."

The nurses reattached the mask back onto her face, but through the mask, she told Heaven Canceller,"I know you can do it."

Heaven Canceller thought about what she had just said, no he ignored it actually. What she believed in was not possible for him.

He was Heaven Canceller. He's not 'Miracle Maker'. Then an arrogant voice spoke in that room.

"This is nothing tricky. Just use those forceps of yours...and me."

Heaven Canceller was unsure whether he wanted to let Accelerator help as Accelerator still had to rest for three days.

"Can you even do it? You haven't recovered properly. Can you focus properly?"

"Don't worry. I'll make sure to be precise to the micron."

"This is not a one-time thing, you know?"

"I know. I'm prepared to sacrifice my well-being for it."

He stabilized Himegi's heartbeat and eliminated the vibrations in her internal organs. This move surprised the nurses who were all astounded by him.

"We're counting on you, Accelerator."

"Heh, who do you think I am? I'm the damn #1."

"Nurse, can you bring the charger in room 203? We're going to need a 20 minutes break in between each operation."

Hi Author here, I’ll be posting an extra chapter tmr. After that, please please please let me have a 10 days break! Also, don’t read through the chapters so quickly! Just take your time and read them. Enjoy the character dialogues mah dudes. Feel what they feel. If you can feel what they feel, lemme tell you, it’s much more exciting.

That’s all folks, see you next time!

And wait one week before reading the next chapter! Don’t just rush through everything!!!!

dontouchmecreators' thoughts