
Accelerator: The Never Ending Battle

"I just want to be left alone." This was what Accelerator thought when he started the Level 6 Shift experiment to become the first level 6. The #1 esper has already killed 10031 clones and is on his way to finish off the next one when a certain boy came along his way to stop him. That boy who was supposed to stop him, stopped him right? No. After killing that boy, he attains a new power and then his misfortunes starts from there. This is a story where he takes on the world, fighting off the dark side of Academy City and the magic side of the world.

dontouchme · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

The Renewed #1

"Urghhh...it's bright...where am I? Am I dead?" The white haired boy with red pupils asks himself as he stares at a white light in front of him. He puts his right hand over his eyes as his left hand rubs something prickly.

"Hmm?...Ah! Papa!"

"What the fuck?" That same familiar voice which called out to him a few days back was present in his ears. He removes his right hand from his eyes as he looks to his left and then suddenly, he was hugged with a certain warmth touching his body and cheek.

"I'm alive?...No,is she dead?...Wait,this is..." he looks in front of him and sees the oh-so-familiar scenery around the hospital at District 7 of Academy City.

"What happened,Misaka?" Accelerator asks her.

"Papa?...?"She tilts her head in confusion and that was when he remembered,"Right,she lost her fucking memories. Now who's going to teach her? I'm not a good example to say the least."

Accelerator had a bandage wrapped around his head and he was in a green hospital gown. Then he looks at his legs and notices a crutch leaning against the wall,"My legs feel weak...Wait,don't tell me those crutches are for me..." he thinks to himself as the door to the ward slides open,and then Last Order runs in with her arms stretched out as she shouts,"Yayyyy! Accelerator is awake!"Last Order was wearing a white coat with a blue spotted dress and sandals as she entered the room.

"Tch,shut up you annoying brat! Wait, how do you remember me? I thought I erased all your memories?" Accelerator asks her.

"Fufufu...Misaka has the Misaka Network to back up Misaka's memories,Misaka says as Misaka gives you a smug look."


Then a familiar person appears around the corner, a face that looks a gekota, the doctor who can "heal anything", Heaven Canceller.

"Ah,you're awake. How are you feeling, Accelerator?" The doctor asks.

"I'm feeling not dead at least." Accelerator replies as he scratches the left side of his neck just to find something strapped to his neck,"Hey what the fuck is this?"

"Well, I found out that Yoshikawa had a parallel network created from ten thousand clones, I thought I might utilise that. So I made a device that connects your brain to the rest of the 10,000 clones

"Hold on...you're kidding right?" Then he looks at Last Order who was smiling at him as she says,"Huehuehue...You better treat Misaka properly otherwise Misaka will not give you your abilities to speak, says Misaka as Misaka acts like a boss."

"Why you little &%*#&#*@% (Ughhh)" Accelerator made a groaning sound as he tried to speak.

"Huhuhu...you better treat Misaka with respect, Misaka says as Misaka--Uwaaaa!! What are you doing?!"

Accelerator holds her shoulders as he shakes her vigorously and she finally succumbs to him and gives him back his ability to speak and he says,"you little brat! Don't do that ever ag-- !@!^@!&$(*"

"Treat Misaka nicely, says Misaka as Misaka demands respect from you."

A vein had burst in his head and he dug his fist into her head, feeling irritated and then, Misaka takes out the small black battery located at his neck and he fell to the ground, weak and unable to comprehend what any of them are saying.

"Give him back the battery, Misaka." The doctor demanded as she tilts her head in confusion. He forcefully takes it out of her hand and slots it back into the choker. Accelerator is then supported by Heaven Canceller to stand up.

"So that's just how it is, Accelerator. Right now, Last Order here is the one who is helping you to do your calculations and assisting you in your movement, though your legs might be not be able to walk properly without this crutch right here." Then he takes the crutch leaning against the wall and presents it to Accelerator. The crutch wasn't too fancy looking nor was it special. It was a long stick with a handle like a tonfa, with a cuff that goes around Accelerator's forearm.

"For now, how about you try taking a walk around here for a while as a means of rehabilitation?" Heaven Canceller suggests to Accelerator.

"Tch, fine..." Then he turns his head from the crutch to the doctor and asks him,"How's Yoshikawa?"

Heaven Canceller keeps quiet for a good 3 seconds and he takes a deep breath and tells him,"She...didn't make it. By the time she received medical attention, she had lost too much blood and died. I'm sorry but it seems I couldn't save her this time." Heaven Canceller grieves as he failed to save someone yet again.

Accelerator clicks his tongue as he takes the crutch with his right hand and he whispers,"Coward, in the end she chose not to take responsibility for what she has done to us..." Then he looks up and says,"Whatever, I'm going out to buy something."

He presses the crutch on the ground once and the crutch breaks and he silently looked at the broken pieces from the crutch on the ground and then he curses under his breath as he sits back down on the bed.

"I'll get another one for you. I'll inform one of the nurses to carry you out." Heaven Canceller says as he leaves the ward.

"...*sigh* What's up with my luck. After I killed that Touma boy, I've just been unlucky. Fuck!"

"Fuck?" Misaka repeats after Accelerator as she tilts her head.

"Ah! No no no, Onee-sama! Don't say that! Misaka says as Misaka tries to dissuade Onee-sama from learning those vulgar words!"

Accelerator sighs as he lies back down on the bed and Misaka lies on the bed with him as she places her head on his chest.

"What have you done to onee-sama asks Misaka as Misaka eyes you suspiciously ."

"Tch, I did nothing."

Then the door to the ward opened up and then a familiar face appeared and it was another Misaka clone.

"Misaka does not feel very good coming to help you right now, says Misaka as she feels very disturbed at the thought of helping you but can't help but laugh at how pathetic you look right now."

"Tch...out of all the people..." He pinches the bridge of his nose, feeling annoyed and then he asks,"Oh yeah, how long have I been asleep for?"

"1 full day, the bullet didn't pierce in too deep into your head so your injuries are not that severe, and the time now is 2:04p.m. ,reports Misaka."

"Damn...so it's the 1st of September." He says as the clone lifts him up and puts his right arm over her shoulder and she asks him,"So, where shall we go? Misaka asks as she feels hesitant on bringing you along."

"Bring me to the nearest vending machine outside the hospital, I'm going to buy some black coffee."

"That is an absolute...NO! The doctor told us not to stimulate your blood, or else your injury might open up again! Says Misaka as Misaka feels like a responsible person for once."


"Oh oh oh! Lets go to district 15! There are many things Misaka wants to do over there, says Misaka as Misaka feels excited."

"*sigh* Lets go there then."


———1st September 2:45p.m.————

Many students were walking in and out of the train station at District 15. As every school had an opening ceremony today, all students who were released had gone out to the streets to play in the afternoon, and a certain corner of a train station in front of a large department store was exceptionally crowded, and in that mass of people, Shirai Kuroko stood there with the Judgement armband around her arm and her brown hair tied into two ponytails.

"*Sigh* Why can't they just separate the entertainment facilities a little further from the train station? Didn't the creator of this city have any psychological sense of transport and environment?" Kuroko complains as she faces the target in front of her.

The target was ten metres in front of her as she takes her phone out and compares the photo taken from a surveillance camera and the person in front of her. The brown skinned, blond foreign woman with her hair like a lion's mane wearing gothic clothes.

Before 7a.m. this morning, the woman in front of her had infiltrated Academy City and thus, Academy City was put on red alert. The outside was sealed off and all the Judgement members were assigned to look for the intruder. Kuroko had not attended the opening ceremony as she was patrolling the streets for several hours.

"At this point, according to standard procedures, requesting for backup would take too much time. Guess I'm the only hope. I can't let Anti-Skill handle this. There'll be too many casualties since most of them have no abilities at all." Kuroko thinks as she sighs. Based on her self-belief of being a level 4, she thinks that all those who strap themselves with weapons are weak and those who are level 0 are even weaker. If people were to help her and they got injured for helping, she would never be able to forgive herself. That is why she chooses to work alone.

She took out a flare gun from her pocket and aimed it at the sky and then she shot it with a "Bam!" sound and then people were people panicking as they started scurrying away from the location. That flare gun was basically Academy City's way of saying "There will be a battle here, so please evacuate the area."

When everyone evacuated the vicinity, it was only Kuroko and the woman left standing. The woman looked around her with an emotionless expression and Kuroko told her,"Please do not move, my name is Shirai Kuroko and you are under arrest for breaking in to Academy City and injuring many civilians."

The woman wanted to reach in for something in her pocket but Kuroko teleported in front of her and the woman looked at her with a surprised face. Kuroko touched the woman's hand and then she teleported her to the floor. There was no impact and no pain felt by that woman and she thought it was some mysterious judo technique. Then soon after, her clothes were pierced by twelve needles like a sewing machine.

"I told you not to move. Don't you understand Japanese?"

Even after seeing all those moves, the woman remained calm as a smile appeared on her face. This only made Kuroko frown instead of being relieved and she asks her,"What's so funny?"

Then, a huge explosion occurred behind her as the floor rolled up, which sent debris flying up into the sky and then she turns around to see a giant arm probing out of the floor. The arm was shaped like a human's arm however, it was made using the rocks and stones from the ground.

Kuroko tried to use her abilities but she couldn't as her ankle was stuck under some of the debris on the ground and she panicked.

"An outsider who is an esper?" She thought as the pressure on her ankle got heavier. She turned back to the woman who was now writing something on the ground using a white chalk. It was like an ancient language as she scribbles random things on the ground.

"I have to get out of here..." She tried to teleport but she couldn't as she could not concentrate. The way her power works is that she goes away from the third dimension and find her position in the eleventh dimension and then calculate the vectors to get there. But the moment she lost her cool, she would not be able to calculate, making her esper powers meaningless.

The fingers on the arm clenched into a fist and then it slowly approached Kuroko. Her life flashed before her eyes but she realised that dying isn't such a bad fate for her.

"Onee-sama...the moment I die, I will be able to see you again, right?" She whispers as she closes her eyes, awaiting for her impending doom.

The fist draws in closer and closer.

5 inches away from her face and then...


The debris which formed the arm had broken apart and the pieces of rocks fall on her. She slowly opens her eyes as the massive arms which were supposed to show her the road to a peace of mind had been destroyed by nothing.

"Tch, if you're gonna die, do it on your own time and do it somewhere else. Don't do it in front of them."

She looks towards the voice and sees four people standing there. The boy with white hair and red eyes and..."Three Onee-samas!" The original, the clone and a smaller version of her.

"Am I in heaven?" She asks herself but the white haired boy stepped forward and then replies her,"No, you're in my way."

Then, from the ground came a massive golem and it rose up to try and kill her but he clicks his tongue and kicks a pebble at the golem after manipulating the vectors in his feet and it shattered into many pieces. The shockwave from the explosion blew Kuroko back a bit as she falls to her knees.

"Wow! So very cool, says Misaka as Misaka praises you for saving someone."

"Tch, who said I was saving someone? I simply did it as part of my rehabilitation, that's all there is to it."

Kuroko stared at the boy, feeling dumbfounded but he simply asks her,"So, what happened here?"

He hangs his right arm around the clone's neck and he switches the black box on the left side of his neck back to normal. The clone brings him towards Kuroko as she regains her composure and teleports herself out of the debris holding her ankle down.

"Hey, aren't you suppose to be in the hospital recovering right now?" Kuroko asks him.

"This is part of my rehabilitation. You got any problems with that?"

"No, in fact...that makes it all the more easier to take you down!"

She teleports behind him but the clone moves his body away from her kick and she landed on the ground.

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't you feel hatred for this person who killed you over ten thousand times?"

"Yes, Misaka does in fact hate the person she is currently supporting. However, the doctor entrusted Misaka with the task of looking after this person. Therefore, Misaka must fulfil her duties properly, Misaka informs you as she feels a bit of happiness knowing that someone cares for her."

Then Accelerator interrupted their conversation by asking Kuroko again,"What the hell happened here? Don't waste my time."

"*Sigh* That lady over...there..." When Kuroko turned back, the lady who was pinned down by her needles were gone, leaving only pieces of the black cloth lying there.

"She escaped..."

"Who is she?"

"She's an illegal intruder who had entered Academy City this morning. We're supposed to capture her and then bring her in to Anti-Skill."

"*Sigh* Why the hell are you even in Judgement if you can't even do your job properly."

"Hey, I'm just trying to protect the people of Academy City from any sort of dangers that they might face. That's why I'm in Judgement."

"Then stop talking and go find her."

"What are you going to do?" Kuroko asks him.

"I'm going back. I've had enough of walking for today."

"Hey, about Misaka? Misaka! Misaka says as Misaka feels very hurt that you would want to go back."

"Shut up, you annoying brat! Just ask one of the clones to accompany you."

Then Last Order looks at the Misaka clone and she nods her head.

———1st September 3:12p.m.———

"Oi...why the hell am I here as well?" Accelerator says as a vein was about to pop in his head.

"Well, you see...Misaka realised that she gets very lonely at night, and that Misaka does not have someone to lay down with at night, says Misaka as Misaka looks at you, hinting at something."

"Tch, just buy whatever you need and be back quick."

Last Order runs away happily as Misaka follows behind her and the clone sets him down on a bench and walks away as well.

"Wait a minute...Why are you going as well?" Accelerator asks, feeling slightly annoyed that his "temporary crutch" was going away.

"Misaka also wants to buy something, says Misaka as she tries to sneak away from you."

"Tch...whatever. Just quickly be back with the brats."

She hurries off to the shop Misaka and Last Order were in and Accelerator sits there wondering to himself,"Why is this happening to me...*sigh* At least I'm not much of a coward as to run from my own regrets."

Then his face shows a slight smile,"At least I got back half of what I lost...I've regained my sanity but my humanity will never be restored."

He puts his left hand over his eyes and then he clicks his tongue once more. Then a high-pitched voice was present near him.

"Ah! It's you again, mister!"

Accelerator ignored the voice, thinking that it was someone else who the voice was referring to.






He was infuriated and he turns his head towards the voice and shouts,"Rrrrrgghhhhh...shut the fuck up, you annoying brat!"

It felt like something was stuck in Accelerator's throat as he realised who it was. A nun wearing a white clothing for nuns with gold lacing around the headwear and the edges. The other standing beside her was a girl he had never met before, she was wearing a white school uniform. The girl has long brown hair that reached to her waist level, but a small bundle of it was tied up by a rubber band and a part of it extended out to the side. Her spectacles slid down slightly. Her chest was well developed as her uniform could barely contain her chest.

"...How can you say that to me..." her eyes were filled with slight sadness as he sighs and then he tells her,"I thought it was some brat talking to someone else."

"B-Brat?! I'll have you know that I'm not that immature!"

"Tch, what do you want?"

Index looks at Accelerator nervously as she plays with her fingers and then she says,"Well...you see..."


"You see..."



A vein had popped in his head as he shouts,"Just say it already!"

"W-We're hungry!" She says as she bows her head down.

At that moment Accelerator felt very annoyed at her attempt at trying to make it suspenseful, even though she could have just gotten straight to the point. He clicks his tongue as he looks at them hesitantly and he wonders,"The brats will probably take a bit of time...I haven't handed my credit card to them yet..."

"...Rrrrggghh oh fine! Give me a hand up." He orders Index, but she looks at him confused at why he needs help to get up.

"Hurry." Accelerator was feeling annoyed at this point already and Index tried to help him up, but when he compared the difference in size between the two of them, it was apparent that Index would most likely drag him along instead. Then he eyes down the other girl and he points to her.

"You, support me instead."

She was shocked at what he said and she was shaking a bit. "U-Uhh...Uhhhh..."

She was sweating all over and then Index berated him,"Hey, what's wrong with me helping you? Are you not satisfied enough?"

"...Tch, a midget carrying me. How laughable."

At that moment, Index's eyes flared with rage for two reasons. Firstly, he did not answer her when she had asked him about his left hand. The other was that now, he did not appreciate her help.

"Geez, how spoiled must you be?" Index comments.

Accelerator said nothing but the other girl saw his words as something else. Then she realised what Accelerator had seen and then helped him up.

"I-I'm sorry...My name is Hyouka, Kazakiri Hyouka..."

"*sigh* Whatever. Let's go..."

They were walking through the many shops and then Hyouka picked the spot to eat at. Before they entered the restaurant, Accelerator tripped on something on the ground and then he accidentally pushes Hyouka down with him.

"Urrghhh..." Accelerator groans in pain for a while as he grips something soft on his right hand. He pushes his knee in closer and then brushes up against two soft flesh touching his right knee. He uses his left hand to touch the solid ground and push himself up.

"Ah~! W-What are you doing...?!" A moan was heard.

During this whole time, his face was buried in something soft as well.

"What...do...you...think...you...are...doing?!" The voice came from Index who was furious at this point.

He lifts his head up and then sees Hyouka in front of him, in a vulnerable position with her legs spread wide. His right knee brushing against her clitoris and his right hand squeezing her right breast.

"Ah~! P-Please let go...This is embarrassing..." Hyouka says.

"Do you not feel any shame for what you are doing?!" Index shouts at him.

"Tch, why do I need to feel shameful about touching sacks of fat."

At that comment, Index and Hyouka stared at him with a blank expression and then Index shouts,"That's a female's pride and her weakness! You pervert!"

"Hey...I suggest you better watch who you're calling a pervert. Or else things might get...Never mind." Accelerator stops halfway as he almost lets his inner sadistic side out.

"Never mind what?" Index asks.

"Just forget about it. Come on, get up and lets go already."

Accelerator gets off of Hyouka and once she got up, she holds him by his right hand and pulls him up. They went into the restaurant and then they sat on a table of four and they looked through the menu and then...


"I want this one." Index presses her finger on one of the meal.


Accelerator looks at the food item and sees,'Tokiwadai Middle School Diet Meal-4,000 yen'

"*sigh* Fine"

He had a lot of money inside his credit card since he had been funded by the experiment. Moreover, since he had not eaten much during the last week, he had saved up quite a lot of money.

"Ah...then I want this." Hyouka says as she points to a simple diet meal set, specifically set for students of lower economy class, 320 yen.

"Your tastes are so simple, Hyouka. You should get the same."

"Ah...It's okay...This is actually my first time being in a place like this. I've always wanted to eat something like this." Hyouka says with a happy expression on her face. A gentle and caring face, one that reminded him of Last Order when he had first met her.

Accelerator kept quiet as he observed them, a rare moment of happiness around a table for him. A moment he rarely got to experience. He couldn't help but feel at peace with them.

Accelerator raises his hand and a waiter comes to him and he orders the food for them. Then Index initiates a conversation.

"So, are you going to answer me? What is in your left hand?"

"Tch, you're persistent aren't you?"

"I'm curious. Touma hasn't been back for a whole week now. Where could he be?" Index asks with a look of worry.

"He's probably just doing some school project overseas. Every student has to go out to do project work nowadays. He'll probably be back soon." Accelerator replies.

"Then your left hand?"

"I have nothing in my left hand. What you saw that night was me using my vector manipulation."

"Vector manipulation?"

"Yeah. I can manipulate the vectors in my body and around my body. As long as it has magnitude and direction, I can manipulate it."

"Wow, that sounds very cool!"

"It's cool, but I wouldn't say it's useful."


"This power can only be used to kill. Nothing good ever comes out of it."

The three of them stayed silent. However, Hyouka was nervous. She was playing with her fingers as her face was sweating.

After a few more minutes of waiting, all of their food came. Index's food contains a parfait as a dessert, strips of lean meat, chunks of fish and rice by the side.

As for Accelerator and Hyouka, they both had paper-carton milk, French loaves, meat and potato stew, salad, fried chicken, and cup-sized yoghurt. Accelerator ordered one more drink which was black coffee.

"Finally...I didn't have a chance to sip a single drop of black coffee since last week. Finally..."

The first thing he picks up is the cup of black coffee and then a genuine smile appears on his face and he places the cup to his lips.

"There's no way I can be stopped right now. Right?"

He tilts the cup.


The black coffee slips on the cup, about to touch his mouth and then...

"A taste..."

"Of this!"

Kuroko appears out of nowhere as she kicks him in the face, sending the coffee flying out of his cup without touching his lips.

"Hey, why did you leave the poor onee-samas alone!? They were all searching for you!"

Accelerator just kept quiet as he looks at the fallen cup of black coffee on the ground and then he looks at Kuroko and then he starts laughing maniacally.

"You...heheheh...HAHAHAHA!" He flips the switch to his choker 'on', and then he grabs Kuroko by the neck and then he slowly squeezes her neck using his right hand. She quickly teleports away as she says,"Hey, what's the big idea?"

"What's the big idea?! You fucking brat, why do you always appear at the worst time?!"

"I only appear when onee-sama needs help! You're irresponsible you know that? They were waiting for you to go back to pay for the items but you didn't even return."

At that moment, Accelerator felt slightly guilty for abandoning them, if he were to abandon them, he would be taking the same path as Yoshikawa.

"...I was about to, damnit..."

"Faster head back. They need you, don't they?"

"Tch, they don't need me. I'm the one who needs them. But before that, let me finish eating. I haven't had a meal for 1 full day. I'm freaking hungry."

———1st September 3:54p.m.————

After finishing their food, they left the restaurant with Hyouka supporting him by wrapping his right arm around her neck and her left arm around his waist.

They had walked back to where they were at previously and they see Last Order, Misaka and the clone sitting at the bench. Last Order runs up to him to greet him.

"Hey, where have you been? Asks Misaka as Misaka looks at the three girls around you."

"I just went to eat something. It's part of my recovery as well." Accelerator replies.

"Hmmm...Misaka feels like you have been doing something behind Misaka's back...says Misaka as Misaka tries to act like a detective for once."

"Tch, whatever."

They walk back into the shop where they had bought their items and he hands the cashier his credit card.

"Now then, lets head back, we've been out for quite long already." Accelerator says as they walk out of the shop.

Just then, Last Order, Hyouka, Misaka, Index and the clone heard something in their heads and they quickly turn around.

"What?" Accelerator asks.

"Hmmm...I thought I heard a voice calling out to me..."

The shop owner of the shop they were in ran out of the store with the rest of the customers and then the entrances and exits of the underground shopping mall were packed like a can of sardines.

"You all should leave quickly. The intruder is here." Kuroko tells them.

"First, let me teleport the civilians out of here first." She puts her hand on Accelerator and tries to teleport but it didn't work this time.

"...What? Why is it not working? It was working before..." Kuroko had a very confused looking face but she quickly picked herself back up and teleported Last Order and Misaka our first.

"Tch, of all places..." Accelerator curses under his breath.

Then, an eyeball appears from the wall and it moved it's pupil to look at all of them. The clone goes into a fighting stance as the eyeball says with a woman's voice,"Hohoho...the Imagine Breaker, The Index, the key to the Imaginary District Number. It seems like today is my lucky day..."

"Imaginary District Number?" Accelerator thought as he flips his switch on and then releases his arm from Hyouka and then he digs his feet into the ground and kicks a bunch of rocks towards the eye, destroying it on impact.

"Ah! Are you a faker?! I thought you were handicapped?" Index asks him.

"When I switch this thing on, I get to use my esper powers." And then he continues by saying,"You all should get out, otherwise you will all just be a burden to me."

"Hey! Do you even know who you're up against?" Index asks him but he only gave her the cold shoulder.

"Get the fuck out."

Then Kuroko teleported back in and grabbed Index and the clone and teleported out as well. Just then, the whole mall was shaking as the glass from the ceiling lights broke and pieces of glass fall over Accelerator and Hyouka. She falls but he manages to catch her in his right arm. The screams and panicking from people became louder as the light from the outside became non-existent.

A few seconds later, a dim red light illuminated the whole place and Hyouka looks up at Accelerator's annoyed face and her face becomes redder. But due to the red light surrounding them, Accelerator couldn't see the look on her face.

"Tch, we're locked in."

"U-Umm do you need my help?" Hyouka asks him nervously.

"Ahn?...Yeah, I need you to bring me to the source of all this shit."

"A-Ah...Okay..." she leans her head closer to his chest as she wraps her arm around his waist.

"An esper not from Academy City? Is there even such a thing as that?" Accelerator ponders but his train of thoughts were interrupted by the intense shaking of the whole underground mall, which came from further down the mall.

Gunfire and explosions could be heard in the distance.Accelerator switched the choker back to 'normal mode' which was green in colour and hung his right arm around Hyouka and points to the direction of the sound.

———1st September 4:26p.m.———

The woman stood behind her massive golem made out of stone from the surrounding walls and floors. The golem was so big that it was blocking the whole path.

Anti-Skill members were shooting at the golem behind a bunch of coffee shop tables, but it barely did any fatal damage to it. By 'fatal', I mean that when the bullets dig into the golem. When it does take 'fatal' damage, it would tear apart pieces of stone from the surrounding area and rebuild itself while the woman behind her golem was scribbling commands on the wall using the white ink.

An Anti-Skill member grew desperate as he took a grenade and pulled the pin out from it but then the woman shouted as she drew a line in front of her,"Ellis!"

The golem stepped on the ground which sent a shockwave and tremor throughout the whole mall and the Anti-Skill member lost his grip on the grenade and it rolled into the middle of the whole squad.


A bunch of shrapnel from the grenade was released and blood was spilled. All of the Anti-Skill members fell back as they dropped their weapons on the ground to try and escape the blast. The golem continued advancing. The soldiers who were damaged and left on the ground was crushed by the golem.

Their bones could be heard being crushed and the last thing they all heard were their screams. The Anti-Skill members tried to crawl away but they were too slow. They were stepped on and their blood oozed out from their eyes and ears.

Some of them had their mid-sections crushed, leaving only their two legs and their upper body behind. Their numbers started to dwindle down to less than 10 members and a laughter from the woman could be heard.

"Yomikawa, what do we do?"

One of the Anti-Skill soldiers asked the long blue haired, busty woman.

"We'll have to distract them for as long as possible until backup arrives...This might be our last chance to serve Academy City." She replies.

"Though I only have one regret...I'm sorry, Yoshikawa. I might not be able to do your assignment..." she thinks to herself as she smiles, facing the golem in front of her.

Then all of a sudden, they hear the ground behind them breaking and then a second later, the sound of a jet engine flew past their ears as the golem exploded into many pieces. They all turned back to see a boy with white hair and red eyes walking towards them.

"Tch, and here I was thinking that I could enjoy some quality time with them...*sigh* Guess things never turn out the way I want them to be. Heh, I wonder if it's part of my misfortune."

The voice in the red-darkness rings out as he continues to walk forward.

"You...you're Accelerator!" Yomikawa shouts.

"Yeah what if I am?"

"Get back, this is a job for us adults!"

"If it is, then why the hell were you guys getting beaten up by that piece of shit over there."

Then the woman on the other side smirks as she creates another golem using the materials from the surroundings and she asks him,"I don't know what you just did there, Imagine Breaker. But whatever it was, you'll never be able to do it again!"

Accelerator was confused as he looks at his left hand and wonders,"So this is called the Imagine Breaker?"

He grabs the Anti-Skill members by their necks and he flings them all the way to the back where he came from where Hyouka was waiting.

"Heh, playing the hero now, Imagine Breaker?" The woman asks him.

"Hero?...Haha...Hehehe...AHAHAHA!" Accelerator laughs like a mad man and then the woman looks at him, feeling confused about what's happening. But she uncomfortably laughs along with him.

"Who said I was playing hero? I'm just clearing the way for me to beat your ass down. Did you know that humans are far weaker than the rocks on the ground? Kicking them to you would be pointless and a waste of my energy."

"...Hmmm...oh, the kid from the Imaginary District Number isn't with you? What was her name again? Kaze...? Kazakira? Oh whatever, Japanese names are too complicated. Well, it doesn't have to be her that I kill..."

"...?" Accelerator gives her a bored look and then she continues talking as she licks her chalk,"Killing you would also be no problem! Ellis, go!"

Then the golem tries to punch Accelerator but he redirected everything back and the arm of the golem was broken back into steel and rocks.

"What?! I have the power of earth! None should be able to stand up against Ellis. Yet you..." she grits her teeth as Accelerator walks forward.

He uses one finger and taps the golem on it's left leg once, sending the materials flying towards the woman.

The woman then falls down and Accelerator finishes the golem off by putting his right arm below the body of the golem and manipulates the vectors in his right hand and taps it once, blasting the pieces of debris everywhere.

"Ellis!" The woman shouts as Accelerator stood on top of her and then he whispers in her ear,"What are your intentions?"

"Rrrrghh...my name is Sherry Cromwell! I'm trying to start a war. I am from the English Puritan Church's Necessarius."

"And why is—" before he could ask, he heard footsteps approaching him and he looks back to see Hyouka.

"Oi, why the hell are you here?" Accelerator asks Hyouka.

"I-I'm... I don't know..."

Using this opportunity, Sherry wrote some things on the floor using the chalk and the ground in front of her breaks apart and an arm was formed and it launched itself at Hyouka.

She barely manages to dodge it but the rubble created from the impact flew towards her and it hit a part of her face as well as a part of her body.

"...You fucking bitch!" Accelerator looks at Sherry with demonic eyes as he grabs her by the neck and lifts her up. He slowly crushes her neck and then a smile broke out on her face. Accelerator threw Sherry up against the wall and then he kicked her stomach, making her puke our blood.

"Rrrrggghh...this is why I hate espers..." Sherry curses but Accelerator did not care as he switched to his fist, using his right fist, he drove his fist into the bridge of her nose, causing her face to cave in as blood oozed out from her nose.

"The fuck did she do to deserve this?"

A punch

"Why must she suffer as well?"

Another one.

"Dragging innocent lives into your own shit...fuck that!"

The next one.

"You're fucking pathetic."

Her face battered up as if a hive of bees had stung her multiple times. He was about to land the decisive blow when he heard someone screaming behind him. He turned around and he saw Hyouka's face. The top left side of her face was destroyed and inside her head was a prism shaped object illuminating the insides of her body filled with nothing.

"Heh, I was wondering what the key to the Imaginary District Number was, but this...?"

Hyouka starts to run away and Sherry shouts,"Ellis!"

Accelerator clicks his tongue and he knocks Sherry out cold before taking chase for her. However, he realised that the battery was slowly blinking red.

"Tch..." He looks at one of the Anti-Skill members and then he requests that one of them accompany him to follow Hyouka.

———1st September 4:34p.m.———

Hyouka lost her balance and then trips, falling to the ground as her face and body starts regenerating.

"...I-I'm a monster...what...? W-What am I? Why is this happening to me...?"

She asks herself as she crawls up into a ball. Then Ellis follows behind her and then it prepares it's fist to launch it at her.

"Today...I met a girl who called me her friend for once. Today, I met a boy for the first time, that was why I thought I was acting uncomfortably around him. It was the first time I went out to buy a school lunch. But...Why didn't I realise it? Why didn't I realise I had no past?" She ponders and then she whispers in the echoey darkness,"I don't want to die. But no one needs a hideous monster like me. There is...no place for me in this world..."

And as the fist gets closer, a loud 'Tch' could be heard behind the golem and then it transitioned into a 'boom' noise and then in front of her, stood a slender looking white haired boy with red eyes in a green hospital gown.

"No place huh? Well, I need you to carry me out of here once I destroy this piece of shit dirt monster. Look at this and compare it to yourself. If you're truly a monster, where are your dead bodies?"

Accelerator smirks as he redirects the punch of the golem back and then he breaks the ground underneath him and kicks a pebble towards it, obliterating it upon impact. He crouches down beside her and then tells her,"I don't care about what you are, nor will I try to comfort you."

Then he continues as he flips his choker back to 'normal', "However, don't use the term 'monster' loosely. The fact that you could smile and feel embarrassed for others and yourself is enough to prove your humanity, is it not?"

He lies drops his head on her shoulder and he whispers into her ear,"Lets go..."

Then his forehead where the gunshot was,opened up and started bleeding. He closes his eyes and passes out. Hyouka holds him tight as she cries into his shoulder.

Accelerator was taken back into the hospital at District 7 as Last Order, Misaka and Kuroko watches over him. Index and Hyouka sat in the lobby. Sherry was arrested by Anti-Skill after that and the underground mall was put off-limits for a while due to reparations.

"Are you okay?" Index asks Hyouka.

"Mmhmm thanks to that boy...Come to think about it, I didn't get his name..."

"Yes that's right! He hasn't even told me what he has in his left hand. He's so mysterious."

"...But he's very kind despite his choosing of words." Hyouka smiles as she says that.

"That is not decided yet. I don't trust him that much." Index says as she puts up one of her index finger up.

"Even though he fed us...?" Hyouka chuckles as she says that and Index pouts as she looks at her. Then, Hyouka's body had a glitching sort of effect.

Index rubbed her eyes as she asks her,"Hyouka? That's..."

"Yeah...my body is like a mass of esper power. An unstable entity." She stands up and walks to the entrance of the hospital and Index asks her where she is going.

"It's time I return..."

Hearing that, Index's eyes starts to tear up and Hyouka assures her that,"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Even if my body disappears, it doesn't mean I'm dead. I just can't be seen or touched. Even if you can't feel me, I'm always by your side." She flashes a smile and Index asks her,"Hyou...Hyouka. Tomorrow...Tomorrow, can we go out together?"

"Of course!" She turns to the entrance and walks out just as she says that.

Hi everyone, sorry for the Long chapter...Writing on my phone is really difficult fueee... opinions,do you guys want to see a harem or a single love life? If it’s a harem tell me who you want to see in it and if it’s a single love life tell me who is suitable. In terms of looks, I think Bayloupe is the best because of the contrast between their eyes, red and blue with the white and silver hair. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this boring chapter. Would love to hear your feedbacks, thanks!

dontouchmecreators' thoughts