
Accelerator: The Never Ending Battle

"I just want to be left alone." This was what Accelerator thought when he started the Level 6 Shift experiment to become the first level 6. The #1 esper has already killed 10031 clones and is on his way to finish off the next one when a certain boy came along his way to stop him. That boy who was supposed to stop him, stopped him right? No. After killing that boy, he attains a new power and then his misfortunes starts from there. This is a story where he takes on the world, fighting off the dark side of Academy City and the magic side of the world.

dontouchme · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Just Another Normal Week

---25th September 9:45a.m.---

A certain white haired boy with red eyes was lying on his bed. He had plenty of rest over the past few days as things have calmed down from the ghost situation.

The girls went back to their normal lives, although Hokaze has became quite depressed over the past few days because the ghost girl never woke up from the life support device.

From what Misaki concluded about the situation when he was fighting downstairs, she said something about them making a wish, but only Yuuri Senya had complete control over the wish.

They had assumed that she would wish for her to come back, but it seemed like she wished for something else. Though whatever that wish was, they would never know.

But one thing was certain.

Indian Poker was becoming really popular amongst the youngsters and it even reached all the way to the hospital.

"Misaka is here!! Says Misaka as Misaka shows you the card that she has!!"


Accelerator almost puked just looking at the card. He was like some sort of soldier who came back from war with PTSD. It was horrible. The sight of those cards disgusted him.

"What's wrong with it? Says Misaka as Misaka tries to coerce you into joining her to experience these cards that she made."

"What? You made these?"

"Heh heh, interesting, don't you think? Would you like to experience Misaka's dream? Asks Misaka as Misaka hopes you would like to see what she had been dreaming of this whole time."

"No, I don't care about your dreams now leave me alone or get me some black coffee."

"What?! How can you not care about Misaka's dream even though Misaka tried really hard to make these...Says Misaka as Misaka hopes to gain your pity by acting sad and hopeless."

Last Order had her knees on the ground as she started to wipe fake tears from her eyes as she sobbed.

But Accelerator wasn't having any of that. He had enough of those cards already. He had dreamt so much that he wished not to dream anymore.

"Your crying won't help you one bit, so go away."

Last Order sniffed as she looked at him with her puppy eyes, but he just laid back down in bed and turned away. He was not going to give in so easily.

"Waaaaaaa!!! Why don't you want to see Misaka's dream!!! Shouts Misaka as Misaka starts throwing a tantrum just to gain your attention."

"Because I don't want to, so get out!!!"

Accelerator got up to shout at her, which caused her to jump.

"W-Waaa...you shouted at Misaka...says Misaka as Misaka wants to leave the room for some fresh air..."

Last Order ran out with a bit of tears in her eyes, but Accelerator didn't care.

Well, not that he showed it.

"Tch, what an annoying brat..."

Soon after, another girl came into his ward. This time, it was the girl who he had stopped from jumping.

"Hey, Accelerator."

"Tch, what do you want this time?"

"Nothing, I'm just here to confirm some things."


"Firstly, Yuuri Senya...she died, didn't she?"

"Yeah, she didn't make it."

Mitsuari clenched her fist as she held on to the cot side.

"...Secondly, did you meet all of the girls from Project Ideal?"

"What? Is there supposed to be more?"

"No, but it was Hokaze, Iruka, Arei, Senya, and one more..."

"Shokuhou Misaki?"

Upon hearing that name, she pressed her handphone against his forehead as she smiled sinisterly.

"Don't ever mention that name in front of me, okay☆"

However, Accelerator ignored her words that were threatening her as he continued questioning her.

"So, I guess it's not her. Well, whoever that last person is, it doesn't really matter now, does it? Maybe that last person died or something."

"...Actually...you know what, maybe it's nothing after all."

"?" Accelerator raised his eyebrow as he sat up from the bed.

"I just...kinda feel off, you know? It just feels like Project Ideal hasn't concluded yet."

"...Figure this out on your own. This is none of my business."

"I know...I just want to get some things off my chest. After all..."

She looked at him as she nuzzled up to his thin frame and almost skeleton-like body. Her body was warm, her chocolate-colored hair was soft and fluffy just as they appeared to be as well and her legs were showing a lot of skin under her Tokiwadai dress.

"You're the only person who I can talk to now..."



Despite her timid appearance, she was bold in her moves as evidenced by her ways of dealing with the Yuuri Senya incident. It seemed like the eyes can really trick one's perception of others.

She then showed him an app on her phone.

"Have you seen this app recently? It's called the Treasure Hunting app. I feel like you might want to investigate this further."

"Ha? Why the hell should I care?"

"It has the ability to tell when an accident is about to happen and also about previous accidents."

"And then? Look here, you must be misunderstanding something."

Then he held her by the neck as he leaned into her.

"Just because I stopped you from jumping, doesn't mean I'm a hero. I just don't like to see someone dying in front of me. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth."

With a confident smile, Mitsuari answered back but not in the way anyone would expect.

Usually, when the Accelerator confronts someone so threateningly, they would be scared shitless, maybe even fearing the potential of death that might come upon them.

But she was different.

Her perception was different.

"You were the only one who had stopped me. I had really given up hope and I didn't ask for help this time. But even when I didn't ask for help...you still came."

"...Tch, you're thinking too much."

"Maybe. But maybe that's why I'm not afraid of dying."


Accelerator sighed as he let her go. He knew that this type of people were hard to control. More than anything, they were the most annoying to deal with.

Someone who doesn't fear death.

It reminded him of a certain hero he had met last month.

To this day, his name was mentioned so many times, it was unknown who he saved and how many people he had affected.

But one thing was for sure, it was biting him in the ass.

"Anyway, good luck on finding out the person behind this app. The ability to look into the future is quite scary, you know?"

"Tch, just shut up and leave."

She flashed a wordless smile as she slid his door open and slid it back shut.

He turned on his phone, went to the app store and downloaded it.

"(Why am I even doing this...)"

The moment it finished downloading, he just casually took a photo of his ward just for the sake of seeing whether it will work or not.

"It's probably just some sort of...fake...app..."

The photo indicated a date and time of an accident that was about to happen in his ward, directly in front of him.


The moment he took his eyes off his phone, a loud voice could be heard outside.

Specifically, from the window that Sogiita broke the other day.


"Why the fuck is he even here?!"

Sogiita destroyed the wall as beam of light shone into his ward.

"Yo, Accelerator."

"Have you not heard of a FUCKING DOOR, are you fucking crazy? You're going to be paying for the damages."

"Hm? Oh, my bad! I was just very excited to see you."

"Is everyone in Academy City so free that they can see me almost every fucking day?" Accelerator hung his head low in despair.

It had been so long since he had some company. But he regrets ever longing for it as he finally saw how annoying it could be.

"So...wanna fight?"

Sogiita pointed his thumb at his chest confidently because he was raring a fight with the Accelerator again.

"Ha? Why do you not have anything better to do with your free time?"

"No, I was just thinking that my guts have been lacking and I want a good sparring partner!!"

"What a dumb reason. Go and touch grass or something, don't bother me."

Sogiita crossed his arms as he raised one eyebrow. His 'cape' blowing from the air behind him.

"Are you scared that I'll beat you again?"

The moment he said that, something in Accelerator ticked.

"Don't get too cocky, you fucking kid. My brain wasn't working properly so I couldn't reverse calculate your attacks, but if you so wish to fight, let's fight somewhere more open. I want the world to see bleed as I destroy you."

Accelerator stuck his palm out as he balled it up into a fist and Sogiita did the same.

"Now that's some guts right there!"

---25th September 11:40a.m.---

Accelerator and Sogiita were at the core of a garden that spanned about 80 meters in circumference. The trees were just barely over 3 meters and they were at a small hilltop in the center.

However, Accelerator did something extra this time. He used his phone and pressed on the treasure hunting app that Mitsuari had recommended to him. He started limping around the area as he scanned all the places and it seemed like there was a bingo.

However, it wasn't at the place where he'd expect it to be.

It was outside the garden, close to a building, and the time of occurrence was...

25th September 11:50a.m.

Accelerator didn't say a single word as he pressed some buttons on his phone before slotting it back inside his pocket.

After clearing out all the civilians, they were put face to face with each other again. This time, Accelerator was in his tip top form. But he didn't mention anything about the time of incident.

"When that tree drops a single leaf, that's when the fight starts."

"Heh, fine by me."

It was the autumn season so the leaves were starting to drop at a rapid rate and since it was nearing winter season, those trees might not survive past winter, so it was fine for them to go crazy.

They both stared intensely at that singular tree, waiting for that single leaf to drop.

And when it did, a beep was heard, followed by the brushing sounds of grass.

One of them was smiling confidently, while the other was smiling maniacally.

Sogiita was the one who threw the first punch as he had more experience with fighting with his fists.

Accelerator on the other hand was more adapt at fighting long range rather than close range but since the...Indian Poker incident...

He had learnt much more about the 'rush' a battle gives him and also the importance of his reflexes.

He ducked down just to avoid that right swing and then with his left hand balled up into a fist, he punched Sogiita at the lower abdomen, however, to Sogiita it was nothing but tensing up his muscles.

And then, while still having his center of gravity lowered, he threw his right punch at his stomach and it had a huge impact compared to before.


Sogiita groaned as he was smashed through the barks of 4 trees.

That left hand attack wasn't just any normal attack, it was to break through any sort of defense that Sogiita had put up.

"(That was what his gut was, wasn't it?)"

Accelerator didn't give him a break, but it seemed like Sogiita had planned for it as he started chanting.


The beam of light charged at him and it hit Accelerator, just like last time, he felt the impact of it as he was pushed back, but it wasn't as far as before.

Sogiita was back on the attack as he swung his right arm again, but Accelerator put up his left forearm, to guard as he knew catching that punch was too unrealistic for him. But when the hit landed on his forearm, he had to press his bodyweight down on his forearm to actually tank it otherwise it would have been split into two pieces.

Then Sogiita swung his leg this time but Accelerator jumped into the air immediately. However, just as he thought he had avoided it, Sogiita suddenly threw a gust of wind at him again this time from his foot.

"Using the air like a gun is pretty normal, right?!"

"Heh, seems about right."

Accelerator had plates of wind underneath the sole of his feet and when he came into contact with the wind, he simply made it disappear by reverse calculating the wind flow.

But Sogiita wasn't going to let him have that advantage as soon enough, he disappeared in front of Accelerator's eyes.

"(Tch, from the back?)"

Accelerator turned around just in time to catch Sogiita throwing a glowing right hand at him so he simply stepped aside, tapped the glowing fist with his left hand and threw his own punch at Sogiita using his right hand at his abdomen again.

That punch was so hard that it made him spat a bit of saliva out as he was groaning.

Next, Accelerator formed a spherical ball of wind on his right hand and disappeared from his sight.

But even if he were to go behind Sogiita, he would have still caught him off guard as he was still trying to recover from that attack.

Either way, Accelerator pressed the spherical ball of wind at Sogiita's back and a loud thud, followed by birds in the trees flying away caused Sogiita to fall flat on his stomach at the center of the garden.

The impact was strong enough to tear away 5 rows of trees around them.

Anyone would have thought the fight was over by now.

He gets knocked out, and everyone goes home happy.

But Sogiita was different.

"Fuck, you're so goddamn tough it makes me so fuckin happy right now! I've never had so much fun fighting someone like you. It's almost as if I can go all out!!"

Sogiita slowly got back up on his feet as he wiped the dirt off his mouth.

"Heh, I'm having a lot of fun too. But my guts will beat you!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"

Sogiita rested his arms by the side of his waist as he started shouting. His hair and cape were elevated by some unknown force as he rolled his eyes back, his veins were slowly becoming visible through his skin and his wounds were slowly healing themselves.

The moment he finished his war cry, the invisible force around him put his body to rest.


Sogiita shot that beam out of his fist again, this time Accelerator stood still.

"Reverse calculation complete. I win."

The moment that power shot came into contact with his redirection field, a sound could be heard before it fired back at Sogiita.


Sogiita was stunned by what he had just done. It wasn't possible when they fought for the first time.


The beam struck him in a holy pillar of light as he cried out in pain.

"Do you know why that attacked worked when we met the first time?"

The beam lasted for about 5 seconds before it dissipated. The pain was intense as it traveled all over his body.

"I was also trying to find out the reason why, and it came to me. I was either tired because I didn't have a single second of sleep, which made me too lazy to think, or it probably was from the Indian Poker messing with my head."

Accelerator slowly landed on the floor with a grin on his face.

"Now do you see the difference between you and I, third-rate?"

"Heh, you got me good there, Accelerator."

That was when his alarm rang off.

The 11:50 alarm that he had set before fighting Sogiita.

The moment it went off, he didn't bother turning it off as he dashed into the direction where the accident was supposed to occur.

It was a quick travel for him as covering that distance wasn't so difficult. He just had to adjust the vectors under his feet to get there quickly.

But when he got there, nothing happened.

"Ahn? Was it a scam all along?"

(It has the ability to tell when an accident is about to happen and also about previous accidents.)

"Tch, was she lying?"

Accelerator stood at the edge of the garden with his cane just waiting for something to happen, but nothing happened for the past 3 minutes.

"What the fuck..."

Sogiita eventually caught up to him as he sat down right beside him on the grass.

"What's happening?"

"Nothing, now go home."

"Huh? Then what are you standing around for?"

"None of your business."

"Hehhhh...why the cold guts?"

"Tch, you don't have anything else to do, do you?"

"Well, I have school but there's always evil lurking in the city and I have to instill some guts into them!!"

Accelerator rolled his eyes at the response, there was seriously nothing happening.

"*Sigh* I'm going home."

"Hm? Was there something that was going to happen?"

"Dunno. Don't care."

Just as Accelerator turned his back, a woman started screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Hohoho!! Your guts told ya somethin' didn't it, Accelerator!!!"

Accelerator didn't turn back to face the problem because it had already been solved by that meathead beside him. The only thing he was searching for was the 'how'.

"(It's not everyday someone tells you they can see when an accident is about to happen. Whoever is behind this app must be around here watching...)"

When he looked around, there was no one in particular that stood out to be suspicious. Everyone was either on their way to work, or they were just out to buy their groceries. There was no one for him to suspect.

"Tch, I just wasted my time here."

However, as Accelerator crossed the street to get to the other side, he passed by a store.

But it wasn't just any normal store.

It was a café.

"Huh, I guess I didn't waste my time coming here after all."

When he went in, Sogiita had already caught the thief but he could not find Accelerator anymore.

"Accelerator, where are you?!"

"One black coffee."


"Ha? Large or small? Hm...gimme large."

"Where are you?!?!"

"Yeah, for takeout...actually, I'll have it here."

Accelerator didn't want to expose himself to Sogiita yet as he knew his misfortune would get him caught the moment he stepped out of the café so he opted to sit inside to chill.

Although it was weird for him to be sipping black coffee inside a café as it was actually his first time sitting down to relax just to have a cup of black coffee.

Finally, his black coffee luck had pulled through.

He sipped his black coffee as he stared at the side windows, his mind unthinking of everything around him.

Well, almost everything.

"Um...excuse me..."


Accelerator still had not heard him yet.

"Excuse me?"


It was only when he felt a small finger tapping at his elbow that he realized someone was there.


The person who had tapped his shoulder looked like an elementary school kid. He was wearing a black sailor's uniform with a small brown color-based randoseru that had a antique feel to it, while maintaining it's modernness design. His brown hair was unkempt as a small round hat laid on his head.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Miyama Shaei. May I know what's yours?"

"Ha? What does a kid have anything to do with me?"

"Just now, before the incident occurred, you used the Treasure Hunting app, correct?"

"Ahn? What about it? You the owner?"

Accelerator took one sip of his black coffee as he awaited his answer, and the moment he set it down, the boy spoke.

"Yes. I have the ability to see into the future, but only for a short period of time into the future."

"Well isn't that nice. So? What do you want me to do? Save you from some underground crime lord that's using you to see into the future and determining whether their attacks are successful or not?"

"That...I have never thought that my ability could be used like that. But, that's not the main point. The main point is that I want your help to stop all those future accidents from happening."

Accelerator took a sip from his black coffee, and when he was satisfied with the amount he drank, he slammed the cup on the table.

"Listen here kid, I'm not a hero. Go find that third-rate meathead that saved the lady just now."


There was a brief silence as Accelerator took another sip of his black coffee. However, Miyama didn't let him put it down as he continued persuading him.

"The thing is that...he's already gone..."

Accelerator placed his cup of coffee down as he raised one eyebrow.

"Then go find Judgement or Anti-Skill. Do you see this?"

Accelerator lifted his cane up as he pulled one of the electrodes beside his neck.

"I'm a damn handicap, so go find Judgement or Anti-Skill. In the first place, why haven't you gone to Anti-Skill and Judgement about this destiny-shit or whatever."

"It's because...I'm afraid that they might leak details of my powers into the databank and so, it might have been used the same way as you described it."

"Tch, just tell them to hide it or whatever shit."

Even though Accelerator knew that his powers weren't as important as some Level 5's and Level 4's, there was still that possibility that they might try and enhance his power. That was the possibility that ran into his mind, but there was something else he knew as well.

"And besides, even if you were to be abducted and used for your power, I doubt they're that prominent. The fun in being a villain is being able to use your brain and think of ways the hero might counterattack. I doubt your ability would be of any use to them seeing as how all of the villains in this city are just sadistic fucks who just find pleasure in torturing others."


Accelerator finished his cup of black coffee as he approached the door, leaving the cup of coffee there. However, the boy was still sitting there. Then he called out to him.

"Oi, you comin' or what?"


Miyama looked confused as he stared at Accelerator with his white pupiled eyes.

"Tch, didn't ya want ta report this to Judgement or Anti-Skill?"

"O-Oh yeah..."

"Then shut up and follow me."


---25th September 12:30p.m.---

"So what you're saying is that he wants to prevent these accidents from happening so he needs our assistance to do so?"

Accelerator was in the 177th Judgement branch that Kuroko and Uiharu was designated at but since the both of them were still at school, the only person inside was Konori Mii.

"Yeah, I'm busy so I'll leave him to you."

"E-Eh? Sure. But aren't you going to help as well? I mean you've been helping quite a bit in our investigations and you've even saved one of our members as well. I thought you would help once again."

"...Tch, are you an idiot?. I'm not helping you guys, I'm simply just acting of my own accord. You're thinking way too much."

"Huh...Seems like you're in a good mood." Konori whispered under her breath.



With that, Accelerator left the investigation to Judgement as he slowly limped out of the building.

"Who was that?" Miyama asked her.

"Oh, he is just another one of my colleagues' friends. He is helpful when everything comes down to it."



The moment Accelerator stepped out of the building, he whipped his phone out to check out the Treasure Hunting app again.

And this time he was really in danger.

Three accidents were about to happen all around him.

All at the exact same time.

"(What the fuck am I looking at?!)"

One of the accidents is going to occur right at his feet.

When he looked around, he saw a car losing control as it swerved to hit him.


Accelerator activated his power with a single click of a button and he smashed his right hand at the hood of the car. Next up, was the location where the car was going to crash.

Meaning, it was about to explode.

Accelerator used a gust of wind to forcefully push the driver out of his seat and fly through 2 seats until he wound up on the street.

The car exploded just right in front him, but it didn't affect him that much. He only had third degree burns on his left hand.

After that, the man he had just pushed out of the car was about to be rammed by an oncoming truck, so he quickly ran over after altering the vectors under his feet and charged through street as he grabbed him up.

That man he had just rescued had just went on a rollercoaster ride as he puked all over Accelerator. It was no surprise as he was driving recklessly, pushed around after that pulled along. It was no wonder why he had vomited on Accelerator.

Fortunately for Accelerator, he had his redirection up, so he made the man ingest his vomitus again.

"(Am I that unlucky?)"

The moment that man ingested his vomitus again, Accelerator simply dropped him on the floor to continue vomiting.

Accelerator pulled out his phone again to check for anymore accidents that could occur around him knowing his luck. But luckily for him he was in the clear.

And so he manipulated the vectors at the sole of his feet and jumped back to the hospital.

---25th September 7:15p.m.---

Accelerator had finished his meal inside the hospital as he continued reading his book in his ward. However, being the norm for a certain 10 year old girl to interrupt him at every turn, she was still begging him to use the Indian Poker.

"Come on!!! Misaka wants you to use the card, begs Misaka as Misaka tries to make you read the card for her!!!!"

"Tch, shut up about that stupid card otherwise I'll break it!"

"But...Misaka is afraid that it might be a horror one, assumes Misaka as Misaka is scared of ghosts..."

Accelerator rolled his eyes back as he tilted his head up and sighed in exasperation.

"Fine!! Give it to me, but only this one time!!"

"Yay!! Cheers Misaka as Misaka finally made you give up!!"

Accelerator clicked his tongue as he snatched the card from her hand. He put his book back on the table beside him where all of his belongings were and tilted his pillow back into it's former place.

"Remember, I'll only look at this card one time, and no more."

"Okay, says Misaka as Misaka awaits your verdict."

With a sigh, Accelerator laid back on his bed and placed the Indian Poker on his forehead.

Not a minute later, he had drifted off into a deep sleep.


Accelerator's astral body was there yet again and he felt the need to puke but held it back in his gut.

"Where am I now?"

When he caught his footing on a solid ground, he was greeted by a pretty woman with blue eyes and blonde hair. Her clothes were normal per say, just a shirt that revealed a lot of cleavage and pants similar to his.

The only thing that his mind looked at was her breasts. It was very big.

It was incomparable to what he had seen so far.

It was probably bigger than Misaki's, or maybe even Oriana herself.

"What the fuck am I looking at?"

His head was forcing him to look at her large jugular's as she greeted herself.

He didn't want to look, but his eyes were glued to it.

"Hiya, all of my insecure women! I'm here to teach you the secrets of the bust upper!!"

"What the fuck is this dream!?!??!?!"


When he woke up 15 minutes later, he took the Indian Poker and crushed it without giving it a second thought.

"Wha?! What are you doing?!!?!?!? Asks Misaka as Misaka takes the broken pieces of the Indian Poker from your hand!!!!"

Accelerator was huffing and puffing intensely. It was more than a nightmare.

It was the epitome of villainy for him.

"Ha! Misaka knew it! It was a horror dream right?! Confirms Misaka as Misaka tries to get your confirmation!"

Accelerator glared at her as he breathed hard.

This was more than anything he had ever witnessed.

It was scarring to him as a guy.

"It...it was something I didn't need to know..."

Then as Accelerator looked at her, he had one last thought.

"(Have I been a very bad influence on her?)"

"E-Eh? Why are you looking at Misaka like that? Asks Misaka as Misaka feels a bit scared right now."

"...It was nothing."

---28th September 6:03p.m.---

"Accelerator, I'm back!!"

The person who had entered his ward was the golden hair, green eyed girl who had chosen to follow him in his adventures at Academy City but recently went on a break after winning a lottery ticket.

"Ah, it's just you."

That girl who greeted him was none other than Ester Rosenthal.

The girl who took the initiative to go to Italy and stop the Roman Catholic Church with Oriana Thomson.

"Must you be so mean to me all the time?"

She was wearing a sunflower hat with a sky blue dress on top of a white singlet.

She had a small bag that she was carrying along with her with other brown paper bags that were supposedly clothes or souvenirs for them.

But the one thing that caught her eye when she first entered was the two girls laying down right beside him as he read his book.

"A-Accelerator...what are you guys doing...?"

"Oh, Ester, welcome back!! Says Misaka as Misaka greets you with a warm smile."

"Welcome back?"

The two girls beside him were Misaka and Last Order as they hugged his arms.

"U-Ummm...what is happening here?"

"Ahn? What does it look like I'm doing? I'm just reading a book."

"Then the other two?"

"We are just cuddling beside Accelerator because the air conditioning is very cold here, even though it's not really cold! Explains Misaka as Misaka finds a random excuse just to lay inside the bed with him!!"

"O-Oh...I see. Then I'll just sit right here, is that okay?"

Ester took a random chair from the room as she sat herself right beside Misaka. The silence in the room was killing her.

She didn't know what to say, but she was feeling something in her chest.

She touched her chest with a sour look on her face.

But then she looked down at the bags in her hands and she remembered she wanted to give him something.

"Oh yeah, Accelerator."


"I got you something."

"If it's not black coffee, I don't want it."

"O-Oh...umm, I have this mini colosseum souvenir that I bought when I was exploring Italy. I know it's not much, but I hope you like it."

She handed it over to him but since Misaka was closer to her, she took it from her hands.

"Wow papa, this looks so sparkly!!"

Accelerator then inspected it from Misaka's hand and he could see a well built palm-sized collectible in her hand. It was most likely made with bronze as it had a hard brown shell around it.

"Yeah, it looks nice I guess."

"Right! I thought you would like it."

Accelerator sighed as he continued looking at his book. But, he did feel slightly thankful as he almost curled his horizontal lips but he held it back.

"As for Last Order...I found this little Gekota figure in one of the shops there as well. I thought you might like it since you're always holding onto your Gekota pillow."

The moment she held it up, both Last Order and Misaka stared at it.

And the moment she was about to pass it to her, Misaka cut her off at the intersection.

"I want this!!"

"No!!! It is mine!!! Shouts Misaka as Misaka tries to fight for it!!"

They were pulling back and forth right in front of Accelerator's face and he felt as if his vein in his head had burst wide open.

"Tch, stop fighting over some goddamn toy!!"

But they wouldn't listen as they continued pulling it back and forth so Ester had to mediate the situation.


But given her nature, it was futile so Accelerator had to do something.

He simply dropped the book and snatched it from between them.

"Both of you just fight for it beside my bed instead of beside me!!"

But when he shouted, it made Misaka cry just a little bit as her tears welled up in her eyes.

"Oh for fu-"

And that was just a normal week for him.

Hi guys sorry for a slightly late post, recently I've been reading quite a few mangas and watching a few anime just to gain a bit of inspiration, but also I have been getting a bad headache this week. Fortunately I've recovered just a bit so sorry for the late post.

For this chapter I didn't know how to timeskip it. I generally don't like to timeskip as a lot of things could happen but I also don't want to ruin the main base of the characters by changing their personalities too much as it strays apart from the story and doesn't make it feel very...nice to read.

Maybe in the future I'd be more open to longer timeskips, but for now I'll keep it to a few days.

If this chapter is boring, I sincerely apologize for my lack of explanation. And also, I've been thinking about writing a chapter for Dark Matter but I haven't released it yet as it was poorly written, but I'll just put up a question.

Do you guys want to see it?

Anyway thanks for sticking around and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!

dontouchmecreators' thoughts