

Everything was blurred, his sight, his hearing, his sense of smell, his sense of touch. He could not feel anything, whether it was hot, or cold. He was unfeeling, he was alone.

It was just him and his thoughts, spiralling in confusion towards an unknown darkness for an uncountable period of time...



Adventurer Cyrus

Though the sun hung right above his head, the freezing temperatures of Dragonspine still brought a shiver to the experienced adventurer.

Cyrus faced both his palms towards the campfire and relished in the warmth it gave. He stayed this way for a couple more moments before finally standing up and reaching for the map in the pouch that was on his waist.

"Just a few more ways to go." He whispered and placed the map back in his waist pouch, after which, he also started packing his camping materials.

Inhale and an exhale, Cyrus started walking towards his last commission of the day, the extermination of a whopperflower infestation.


The sounds of intense rumbling forced him to open his eyes, and what the white haired young boy saw made him gasp. A group of flowers, all scuttling towards him menacingly. The army of flowers brought about a freezing wind that he felt rushing to his face.

Without even registering what to do, his body ran on its own, instincts to preserve his wellbeing taking control. Running away from the flowers, along the snowy and mountainous terrain, adrenaline was the only thing keeping him going. It felt like time was stretching on forever, and unfortunately for the white haired boy, a cliff with a broken bridge appeared in front of him.

Turning around, he saw the menacing flowers already closing the distance. He looked back at the broken bridge and had to make a choice.

He hid in a bush and waited, hoping that flowers wouldn't be able to find him. He heard the rumbling get closer, closer, and even closer. The sounds of rumbling got so loud to the point that, it was the only thing he could hear. Along with the noise, the temperature dropped even further. In this already snowy and cold landscape, the lowered temperature didn't do him any good.

In the bush, he kept quiet and shivered but kept an eye out. In front of the bush he hid were the group of flowers burrowing through the snowy ground. These flowers were tall, adult human sized he took notice, they were all white and had three large leaves on what seemed to be their head. And right now, they weren't even looking at the broken bridge, they were staring straight at the bush he was hiding in, as if they could see right where he was.

One of the flowers in front of the group took action and, with a wave of its leaves, created an icicle that was pointed straight at the bush and launched it.

Not being able to react in time, the white haired boy could only watch as the icicle flew towards him. And suddenly, everything slowed down. He couldn't move his body but his brain seemed to perceive everything, consume and analyze information at a faster rate.

How fast the icicle was moving, the angle it was moving at, how the air around the icicle shifted and flowed around it, how light bounced off and through the icicle... so much information entered his mind and along with it, complex mathematical calculations that he felt could change the world. Literally. He felt like he could control everything.

So he did.

Time went back to normal, the icicle already in front of his face about to pierce it. But suddenly, in the blink of an eye it was reflected, back to the group of flowers at an even greater speed than before. The impact of the icicle hitting the flower that was in front, angled so that it was slightly aimed to the ground brought about a large portion of snow that hit the other flowers, blasting them backwards and off the mountain side.

He stumbled out of the bush and looked at the scene that he caused, a small giggle escaped his lips and progressed into a full blown laughter that got quieter and quieter. He collapsed in the snow behind him and passed out.


Adventurer Cyrus

Almost close to the area of his commission, Cyrus silently and slowly made his way through the snow, expecting to see remnants of whopperflower activities. What he didn't expect however, was to hear a loud explosion on the mountain side up ahead.

So he took off and unsheathed his weapon, preparing for a battle. When he got to the site however, he was baffled. Half way up the mountain, where there was a broken bridge, the right side of the pathway was completely obliterated. Like a small explosion happened. And right beside this scene of destruction, was a boy sprawled on his back and unconscious, he appeared to be 7-8 years old with white hair and wore clothing that he had never seen before.

Oh he was also shivering.

Rushing to action, Cyrus sheathed his weapon again and ran towards the unconscious boy. He took out the sleeping bag from his backpack and placed the boy within it, he then set up a fire for warmth and placed the boy near it. He sat on a rock not far away and stared at the sleeping boy.

Cyrus scratched the back of his head. "Oh boy, what are we going to do with you?" He intoned, very much confused.

Idk, writing hard....

Afuuucreators' thoughts