

Born the second son of the infamous Italian-based Accardi family during the 16th century, and second to family heir Vincenzo Accardi, the younger Athan Atreus Gregorio Raphel Accardi, had been living his life indulging in pleasures and skirmishes alike as he navigated the stuffy upbringing as a noble son and a soon to be a prominent political figure in the bustling province of Verdici, Sicily, Italy, his carefree life had come to an end when marriage to an equally prominent family in the form of their daughter, a beautiful woman of color, Audra DeSavoy, had been arranged henceforth putting an end to Athan's open philandering. From the moment they met, Athan had become smitten with his future wife and all his fears about losing his freedoms had gone out the window as far as he'd been concerned as he fell deeper and deeper in love with his new wife.  Once the destruction of his elder brother's reign following his exposure as a tyrant, the citizens of the long-held Accardi warded the isle of Cantilena had turned on their Count and his lovely wife Audra making vile claims of her being a witch as bold glory-seekers opted for a chance to run the isle with Accardi disposed of, Athan, had been beloved their claims had been used to incapacitate him and take over rulership without going into a full-on war. The ensuing chaos had ended with the deaths of Athan's beloved and The Count being given to the madness of grief where he would have died a slow agonized death had it not been for Vinchenzo coming to his aid, that aid had been the blood of a Les Ferale and as such it had only served to increase his torment for eternity by making him a child of the night.  

Knight_Wind · Horror
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22 Chs

Chapter 15: A Forbidden Lust

Suite Number 3, The Hidenburk Hotel, Verdicci, Sicily, Italy...(1665)

 There had been a sense of urgency that lingered in the air as twenty-four-year-old Athan Accardi turned his attention to ravaging the lovely pale lips of his one true love and well-known best friend Edmond Reeves. Edmond had been only sixteen years of age but he'd known Athan and his rather odd tendencies for quite some time. The older nobleboy had been something of a scoundrel in terms of his reputation and often given to bedding young women and men alike whenever the mood struck him. Edmond had been there through it all, his best friend since they had met as children and Athan took up for him due to bullies. Athan had discarded the younger man's jacket ripped open his dress shirt and pulled it down his body before tossing both to the floor without a care for how they'd be when he went to retrieve them as he pressed his lips into Edmond's pale mouth savoring each ignited means of pleasure from his mouth as he back him into the hotel room and toward the bed. Edmond began to discard his trousers kicking them off as well as his shoes showing his soon-to-be lover that he'd been just as eager as Athan for their first encounter.

It wasn't long before they stood before each other, their bodies naked before each other's eyes, and the sensation of a deep connection between them as they kissed before landing together amid the sheets of their newly acquired bed. Edmond had been the first to moan aloud as Athan's pearly white teeth grazed the flesh of his neck and he felt the warmth of the older young man as he suckled his pale flesh with ease making him weak in the process of being so close to him. He had not minded Athan's heavier body towering above him the feel of it only intensified his seemingly unquenchable desire for his best friend as his pale cock swelled with excitement. 

Edmond had guessed that he'd been secretly in love with Athan for years but had only now come to him once he'd been brave enough to approach him with his true feelings. The years of their shared friendship and closeness had been on his young mind ever since he'd gotten his first dream of Athan ravaging his younger body in the early lights of dawn and soaking his bed in anticipation of a time when he no longer needed to hide how he felt and what he wanted. It had been quite difficult being near Athan in those days, he'd watch his greatest love from afar and wonder if he'd even had an inkling as to how he desired and loved him even on his worst of days. 

Athan kissed Edmond's lips softly meeting his dark eyes as they maneuvered in bed with Athan once more towering above him. Edmond had known all too well what that vile false priest had done to him, how he suckled Athan's sizeable thick cock and rode him well into the night on many occasions never letting up due to his obsession when he'd been alive. Edmond had also known that Athan's elder brother Vincenzo had been the one to end Athan's seemingly endless suffering at the hands of the rotund brute pretending to be a man of the cloth and he'd been pleased to hear it. 

Edmond had been grateful to Vincenzo, at least in part for ridding Athan of the haunting of that evil man but it had damaged him in such a way that no one knew how to repair him. Athan had been given to drink and odd courtships ever since the old bastard met his end along with his mother Antonia Accardi and many of the others that occupied the false priest's church. Athan had not spoken about his mother since her funeral and seemed to prefer not to speak of her at all. Edmond did find that Athan had loved his mother but speaking of her only caused him pain. 

Athan's pale back flexed as he fitted himself between Edmond's slender pale thighs making him moan as his large pale cock came in contact with Edmond's smaller appendage and they kissed rather passionately, Athan had not seen what had been so scandalous about his tendency to indulge in things that pleased him, he'd known only pain and degradation since he'd been six years old and not a single person batted an eyelash when he'd come home silent and shaken from the experience. Now that he'd been an adult it seemed like tongues loved to waggle when it came to people who were relatively clueless about a false priest plunging his wayward cock into small children had a lot to say about a grown man and victim of said false priest plunging his cock into consenting young women and young men alike. 

A low hiss escaped Athan's lips as he slowly pressed his sizeable and decidedly thick cock between the equally pale arse cheeks of his beloved Edmond inching his way inside and causing them both to cry out in ecstasy. There was a moment between them that passed of blissful heavy breaths as they stared with a good deal of lust and admiration into each other's eyes. Edmond had never known more true love in all his young life as he had with Athan Accardi, the handsome Italian noble who had taken him in when he'd been a mere street urchin and bullied by wealthy brats in a foreign land. 

He had been a part of the Accardi family ever since and something like a third son to Sergio Accardi as the years passed. Edmond had gotten older and as a result, his looks and interests had changed since he'd been a mere boy. Athan had only seemed to grow more handsome and his lavish lifestyle and casual flings with handsome younger men and beautiful women of age alike had gotten Edmond's attention more often than not. With smooth and sure hands the handsome Italian noble, Athan Accardi gripped Edmond's smaller tight body relishing the sensation of having finally laid claim to his beloved best friend who reciprocated his affections by leaning his head back and kissing the older man's lips with feverish intent. 

Another low hiss escaped the lips of the rather bold, emotionally liberated, handsome young lad Edmond just as Athan's thick cock continued to fill his tight clenching smooth pale arse causing them both to groan with need having finally been joined in such an intimate manner. Athan couldn't take his eyes off Edmond, his Edmond, the handsome younger lad that had been a part of his life for as long as he could remember now finally of age and eager to give up the very nature of his virtue. He had not stopped thinking about Edmond in all those years he'd been abroad but he had not wished to indulge one so young as it would have made him just as much a monster, every bit as much as the vile false priest who had taken his and Vincenzo's innocence under the twisted guise of spiritual mentorship. 

Edmond's moans filled Athan's ears as he began to pummel the younger lad's tight arse relishing every clench and sense of friction as he kissed the younger lad's neck biting and licking at the pale flesh determined to make him all the more his at all costs. Edmond arched his back as he moved toward being on his knees in the center of the already messy bed. Athan's well-toned and already sweat-slick body was behind him as he drove his pelvis into the younger lad's pale arse causing it to jiggle in the wake of their movements. 

The moaning lad had adjusted to his new lover's thick appendage gripping the bed sheets beneath them as their bodies clashed desperate for the sensation of pleasure that threatened to rock them as their cocks throbbed and their collective testicles churned with the makings of an explosion. 

Athan had his fill of the whimpering younger Englishman delighting in his overall submission to him and his increasingly dark appetites for all things carnal. It wasn't long before Athan's cock throbbed and he had begun to once more spill his thick hot seed inside the nether orifice of another young handsome naked lad desperate to feel his thick cock inside them. Edmond couldn't hold back himself as his pale arse clenched and his cock sprayed his release all over the bedding, coating everything beneath it as Athan gripped his hips and pummelled his pale arse until his thick cock had finally stopped pulsing inside him. 

Drenched from head to toe with sweat and panting from their mutual labored breaths, Athan and Edmond had collapsed into bed not at all caring for the mess they had made of it nor the one Athan and Emiliano had left behind beforehand during the conclusion of their final sex romp that afternoon before the interruption. 

A series of heated kisses had been traded between the two best friends as Athan gripped Edmond's hips and pulled him so very close to him. It had never been more clear to the handsome Italian noble son than it had been right then that he'd been head over heels in love with Edmond just as the lad had been in love with him. 

While the two lovers kissed and basked in the bliss of their newfound union, a rather concerned and angry Vincenzo Accardi had been standing in a distant alley as the handsome young blond Emiliano Gardosi reported every detail of his constant encounters with Athan Accardi and the subsequent arrival of Edmond Reeves. 

Vincenzo seemed to grow all the more furious before dismissing the trembling Emiliano and turning his attention toward heading back to The Accardi Estate.