

This Fanfic is not about a 17 year old boy getting Depressed and dying to truck Kun, rather it's about Truck Kun being hired by an goddess to kill someone, in which the goddess baits herself to support Truck Kun in the Murder... The MC didn't wanted to Reincarnate as he got many stuffs to do in his original world... but sad... Goddess reincarnated him by hook or by crook in the World of MHA for some reason.. what's the reason? let's find this out by reading it. And btw, this thing got a system. ============================= This is my second Writing, so please don't mind suggesting your thoughts, I'm almost active every time as I'm also a fellow reader like you guys.. I am trying to write this Fanfic in new style and for the first time! but worry not! I have a good plot created with me! ahahaha!! it won't be good for everyone though..as some might hate it very much too..but I don't mind... this novel is clearly for my selfsatisfaction and for my new experiments... I don't own any Anime or cover pics which I'll be using in this Fanfic..but I do own my writing!

hope123612 · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

killed All Might.

"sorry to let you see me in this form." All Might said while looking at me, I was shocked for a moment but quickly regained my composer and now I had a serious face.

"why are you showing me your this form? isn't it supposed to be a secret I guess?" I asked him directly without hesitation, I'm getting a bad feeling about this, probably he saw me kill that Villain earlier.

All Might lifted his white shirt up and showed me a deep injury on his stomach, "In past while fighting a very strong Villain, I was injured to severely by him leading my organs to be damaged permanently and because of this I can now only use my All Might form for 3 hours a day." he talked in sad tone while explaining me his situation.

hm..to injure All Might to this limit, the Villain must be very strong, "did you defeat him?

All Might coughed a bit as he looked at me, "ahm..I saw your telecast earlier with your elder sister and I know you are quirkless, I want to know about why your foundation is so strong." all might said to me..'he can easily become the strongest holder of One for All in history, but.' All Might thought in his head.

I frowned, "so what? everyone saw it, you were not only the one." chill...chill...I might loose my temper at this rate..lemme take a deep breath and release my tension...fooo...haa..now I feel good.

All Might looked at me all the time, even when I took a deep breath, "about my foundation that you are asking, at the age of 5 I realized that I don't have a quirk like the other kids had, but I wanted to be strong and strong enough to protect my Nee San and parents from anything evil around them." I said as I looked at All Might straight into his eyes and I continued speaking.

"But, not having a quirk didn't let me down, rather it fired me up to become strong in this world which is full of Villains, so at the age of 5, I started training on my physical abilities to increase my strength and speed and that's the reason why my foundation is so strong." I said with an normal face as I kept looking at his eyes, afterall I'm Acting as a strong kid who went through a lot in his past.

All Might walked towards me and patted my shoulder with his both hands, "Shounen, you are good, I can see it in your eyes but now I'm in trouble as there are 2 candidates for one for All now, including you." All Might said with an worriedly face while looking at me.

What's One for All? "All Might, what's One for All? and why am I candidate for it?" I said in a gentle tone as it seemed he trusted me and my stat confirmed it.

[Co-op- rank E- 0(host)=rank SS-1521(All Might.)]

[darling! why is your trust always 0 with everyone except your family!!?]

{you know why, now shut up.}

All Might looked like he was thinking about something, probably he was thinking if he should give me the information or not but even with so much trust he's doubting me? I guess the information is too important for anyone to know even his trustable ones.

All Might then shifted his gaze to me as if he had made his decision, "ahm..this information is too private, if you promise me that you won't tell this to anyone, then I can tell you about it." he said in a serious tone.

tch..what does he think I am? I already know One for All is probably his power's name and by candidate he meant that he can pass on this power to someone...then too what's the loss in asking him, "I promise that I won't tell this to anyone." I said as I looked at him with an expression of as if I was serious...hahahahaha he's such an easy person to fool.

[I'm scared of you when you do all this with an straight face! please stop!]

{tch..you can stop looking at me then, it's not like I have caged you or something.}

The skinny man then spread his both hands wide and a weird light fell on him as he spoke, "My quirk was passed on to me like a sacred torch and it's name is One for All!" he said with an proud look, oh. I already figured it out..can I know more about it which I don't know?

All Might then pointed his right hand finger towards me, "and I have decided that you are the next person who will carry this torch and become the new Symbol of peace." as he completed his sentence, I bent on my knees and started puking blood..

S-Symbol of peace!!!???? MY ASS! I'm holding myself back just from Killing you and you ask me to become something Volgour like you??!? FUVK YOU!! I stood up by covering my mouth with the handkerchief.

"All Might, I have a request to you." I said with sincerity and a serious face as I looked at him.

All Might turned into his buffed up form, "please tell me." he said with an smile, you didn't have to transform for it though..such a show off.

"I made a real friend today, he is good, sincere, honest and very motivated to become a pro-hero like you, but he is also quirkless like me, can you pass on this torch to him please? his name is Midoriya Izuku he is a shorty with green Curly hairs and I can guarantee that he'll be a better symbol of peace than me." I gave out an whole speech on complimenting someone else..tch..just go and give your ass to that desperate kid, he wants to become just like you!

All Might started crying silently while looking at me, he wiped his tears with an handkerchief and looked at me with an proud face, "Yuuki Shounen, I'm proud of you! I guess the fate never turns it's way because the boy you just talked about was already my 1st Candidate for One for All, but are you sure about this? afterall this is the power of the strongest hero." he was proud of me but also looked at me with an confused look.

"sorry, this might hurt you a bit, but my pride does not allow me to use the powers which are not mine and given to me for free without achieving it, if it was somehow achieved by me, I would have used it without hesitation but sorry, I'm not for sale to become the symbol of peace." I said with an strict tone and serious look on my face.

'This kid is scary!! ahm..but he is of good heart and won't turn evil, I can guarantee it.' All Might thought as he heard me say all that, and yes, I already had guessed what he would think about me.

"ahm...okay, I won't hurt your pride by reprimanding you, but I want to help you somehow, please take this." All Might handed me some papers as he talked..

what's all this? I looked at the papers and started reading it inside my mind, daily routine, food chart, potty time table and training! this looks good! "my pride allows me to accept it." I said as I looked at the now skinny All Might.

"you will also become a hero even though you are quirkless as you are very strong." All Might said looking at me.

"No thank you." I said instinctively while I was going through the papers, wait wait, "By No I mean, that no Hero School will allow an quirkless child like me, that's what I meant.." I corrected the mistake as I just made a fault in my facade.

All Might had an frowned look when he heard me but he relaxed after hearing my next words and transformed again into his All Might form, "hahaha!! I know you would ask me this! but fear not! I'm here now! hahaha!!" he laughed as if he had planned something already for me.

Oi Santa Claus! stop laughing and stop Transforming again and again while talking! this guy is really weird, sigh..."what do mean All Might!?" I had to glitter up my eyes while looking at him.

He stopped laughing and looked at me with a smile on his face, "I am gonna be the teacher in U.A academy from next year onwards and because of my recommendation, you are already in, you have to just give the entrance examination now! ahahaha!! and your Brocon.. ahm...means your elder sister has already filled up your form after I informed her about you entering the Academy! now be happy and rest assured! hahaha!!" All Might said all this with an proud smile.

I clenched my fists as I heard his every word as he kept laughing, I'm very angry.....with who's permission did he make me join the Academy and that to U.A! tch...tch..tch..aaarghh! blood came out from my fists as I clenched it to hardly with my nails..

[why are you so angry? he's doing the good job by helping you.]

{you shut up bitch! if I join the Academy and become a hero, people will know about me! which means Villains Will also know about me! what if they target Yuu-nee and my family to take some revenge on me! I could've done my work silently without anyone knowing about it!}

[uwaaaaaa!.....uwaaaa!....you are so rude towards me...]

{tch.. it's okay now, I have calmed down, I'll just fail the entrance exam intentionally and get rejected by them.}

"Shounen! what's with the blood!? are you hurt?" All Might asked looking at me worriedly, "I'll give the entrance exam, now I'll be leaving as I'm exhausted and Yuu-nee might worry for me if I'm out late." I said coldly as I walked away...

"Sigh... strong people rarely have an easy past, I might also meet Midoriya Shounen now and tell him the good news." All might talked alone after Yuuki had left.


(and the title was an small prank.HAHAHAHAH!!)