

This Fanfic is not about a 17 year old boy getting Depressed and dying to truck Kun, rather it's about Truck Kun being hired by an goddess to kill someone, in which the goddess baits herself to support Truck Kun in the Murder... The MC didn't wanted to Reincarnate as he got many stuffs to do in his original world... but sad... Goddess reincarnated him by hook or by crook in the World of MHA for some reason.. what's the reason? let's find this out by reading it. And btw, this thing got a system. ============================= This is my second Writing, so please don't mind suggesting your thoughts, I'm almost active every time as I'm also a fellow reader like you guys.. I am trying to write this Fanfic in new style and for the first time! but worry not! I have a good plot created with me! ahahaha!! it won't be good for everyone though..as some might hate it very much too..but I don't mind... this novel is clearly for my selfsatisfaction and for my new experiments... I don't own any Anime or cover pics which I'll be using in this Fanfic..but I do own my writing!

hope123612 · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Battle, Start!

I looked through the Brackets and saw my name next to the name I shouldn't have seen even in my dreams.., "Gulp... 'Yuuki Takeyama Vs Ochaco Uraraka'."


I turned my head towards Uraraka's direction to see what type of expression she had on her face, I'm just praying that she doesn't holds any sort of grudge against me after I defeat her.. but the issue is, how should I defeat this cute, little, babe Uraraka of mine?

Uraraka had the same thought as Yuuki and she looked back at him at the same time as Yuuki did.

When I noticed Uraraka turn her face at me, she realized that I'm observing her too, Uraraka smiled and gave me an self-assertive nod with a small snort of confidence.

Uraraka knows that Yuuki dotes on her very much as she does the same. she knew, he'll be having some uneasiness If she now shows an dejected mood infront of him, so the only way to to not loose their bonding was to show sportsmanship and Battle each other like professional students.

I understood what Uraraka wanted to convey me with that forced smile of hers and without me knowing, a bright smile surfaced on my face as I stared at her, "Best of luck Uraraka." I said encouragingly while looking at her.

Uraraka nodded, "You too Yuuki, best of luck, since I'm not going to back off now even if you bribe me." said Uraraka with a tough look on her face, but even then! she's looking so cute!! wonder what her Mom looks like...? mm... Mature Uraraka.

[Oi! stop stealing everyone's mother just cause I've made her your daughter!]

{Yes.. yes.. looks like I'll have to wait till Uraraka grows up and turns into a fine mature woman.}

[Hm.. that's fine with me.]

I looked back at the Display-screen to see whom I'll be fighting next if I win against Uraraka, The other Battle in our column besides mine is, 'Shoto Todoroki Vs Hanata Sero'.

Hm.. so if I win against Uraraka and if Todoroki somehow wins against Sero then we'll both face each other in the Second rounds of finals.

I looked at the next Columns in the first round to determine the Battles in the first round, column A- 'Izuku Midoriya Vs Hitoshi Shinso' , 'Ituska Kendo Vs Mina Ashido'.

Column C- 'Katsuki Bakugo Vs Ibara Shiozaki' , 'Eijiro Kirishima Vs Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu'... *Well, Ibara's gonna have a tough time dealing with Boom Boom, now moving onto Column D.. Btw, I'm in B Column.

Column D- 'Fumikage Tokoyami Vs Yaoyorozu Momo' , 'Tenya Iida Vs Mei Hatsume'... *No comments on the first one. but the support girl vs Iida huh... I do want to see a fight between Equipments vs Iida's Quirk, this might be interesting.

Midoriya saw Yuuki currently checking out the Brackets as he was staring at the huge screen infront of him for a while now. Midoriya knew who's gonna be his next Opponent so he walked towards Yuuki to get some suggestions and also to wish him luck for his next match.

"Yuuki." I heard Midoriya calling me out from my side so I diverted my attention at him, "Oh. Midoriya. I looked at your Opponent just now, pretty good pairing you've got there.." I mocked him a bit.

Midoriya smiled nervously while rubbing the back of his head, "hahah.. I don't know anything about him to be honest.. And he was able to secure a spot for his team from the Cavalry Battle in some last few minutes so I'm now in a pinch I guess.." Midoriya explained me the reason for his nervousness.

I placed my both hands on Midoriya's shoulder and looked at him straight with a smile, "Do you know? All Might smiles even if he's in a tough spot and I trust, that you'll also be able to smile at these moments, since All Might has asked you to prove something today." I said some encouraging words, to remove his useless stress.

Midoriya's realization hit him and now his eyes glistened with some green Sparks in it... *Wait, why are there suddenly Sparks in his eyes?... "Hm!" Midoriya gave an vigorous nod at me with an tearful smiling face, "I'll win this for sure! thank you for encouraging me, Yuuki!" Midoriya thanked me for the motivation he received from me.

I patted Midoriya's head with a smile, though I'm still confused about the Sparks, which I saw in his eyes just now, guess I'll let it be for the moment. Time will eventually unveil the mysteries.

I saw Sato coming approaching us, "Midoriya Kun, I want to talk to about something which might help you in the next Battle." said Sato solemnly while looking at Midoriya.

Midoriya looked at me for my response, "why are you asking me? just go and listen what Sato has to say, afterall it's for your own benefit." I replied him. To which Midoriya nodded and went off with Sato.

*Sigh... I did compliment All Might just now even if it was unintentionally done..

[Will you somehow hurt yourself if you compliment another person other than you?]

{Yes.. I guess.}

[Tch... Yuuki.]

{Thank you, I am, 'Yuuki'.}


Most of the students were now registering their names for the recreational games since it's the event, coming up next... *should I participate in this? I guess nah.. it'll be just waste of time for me and I should at least let others win this side event by not participating.

{BTW, this will not affect my Quest in any sort right?}

[Nope. it's a side event which is not counted as an official event in Sports festival, so it won't provide any types of changes if you don't participate in this.]

{Hm. fine then, I should just go and rest for a while as well as eat one more apple in the mean time cause I'm having an appetite now.}

After confirming some things with dear, I walked into the students zone so that I can spectate the recreational games from there and also during this time, I bought some apples and a fruit juice for myself from the Cafeteria, which I had not visited earlier during the lunch break.

After reaching the Spectator zone meant only for the students, I easily spotted the group of my Class sitting together. I walked towards them and grabbed an empty seat besides Momo as I know she had reserved this place specially for me.

After grabbing the seat, I looked at Momo as I asked her, "Momo, where were you after the results announcement of Cavalry Battle?" She had immediately left the Arena after the announcement through the Arena exit by specifically running if I should say.

Momo had an embarrassed face when I asked this to her and realized what this meant, "Oh. my bad, I understood, girls problem." I said in a low voice so only she could hear this.

Momo suddenly slapped the back of my hand with an enraged bashful red face, "Idiot, I went to the washroom." stated Momo while still being embarrassed.

Jiro entered the Spectator zone and approached us as she nonchalantly grabbed the seat besides me, Making a certain possessive girl pissed off, "What are you guys talking about?" asked the Curious Jiro.

Momo made an Wryly smile while looking at Jiro who's sitting across me, "Nothing Jiro San, just about some manners and stuff." replied Momo while being Momo.

[This girl got some serious issues.. I hope she does not fires an missile at you when she finds out about Inko and your sister.]

{Hm. well, don't worry about it as she's intelligent.}

"hm..." nodded Jiro after hearing Momo's reply, "Well, I'm really bad at those." stated Jiro honestly, not realizing what Momo wanted convey.

I heard Momo clicking her mouth silently and shifting her gaze back to the Arena, By this time I had started enjoying my apple with the fruit juice... *Mm.. nice.. Apple with Orange sure tastes good, it's giving out an rich tangy flavour while chewing through the juicy sweet apple.

[Gulp... I'll try it sometime.]

SpongeBob- Space element special-Jutsu: 1 hour Later.

(Well.. I can write about the Recreational games but I don't want to, as it'll be just boring to read.. and I'll also be keeping the Battle of other guys short, except plot changing ones of course.)


Currently the Recreational games are over and Cementoss has also now almost finished preparing the Battle platform for the Battle event coming up next.

Itsuka entered the Spectator zone, she had participated in the recreational games just to lighten up her mood before the Battle, Itsuka took a seat besides Momo rather than approaching her Class B group, "Yo." greeted Itsuka while taking the seat.

Midoriya came near me with a serious face, "I'll be going now." he said. The Opening battle for this event was Midoriya's fight against Shinso.

"I won't wish you good luck, just do whatever you're capable of and Luck will do it's own job." I replied him with a smile, "And can you beat up that Shinso guy for me? you probably know that he insulted Yuu-nee infront of me." I continued my words.

Midoriya nodded, "hm. I will beat him in this battle for sure." Midoriya stated and walked away to the waiting room for his next/first Battle.

[You tried to provoke him.. didn't you?]

{hahaha... what are you talking about.. haha.. I don't know..}


'Shinso... huh... I'll remember this name.' thought someone with an dark grin on its face.


Present Mic- Audience!! The Finals you've all been waiting for are finally starting! Match number one-- what's with that full of Confidence face? From hero course, it's Midoriya Izuku! Vs--

Present Mic- Sorry, he hasn't done anything to stand out yet! From general studies, it's Hitoshi Shinso!

Present Mic- Rules are simple! Force your opponent out of the bounds, or immobilize them! You can also win by making your opponent say, "I give up!"

Present Mic- Bring on the injuries! Because we've got our very own Recovery girl waiting on standby! Put your morals and ethics aside for a moment! But of course, anything life-threatening is crap! It's not allowed!

"We'll stop things if it goes too far.." said Cementoss while sitting on a throne besides All Might at an side of Battle platform.

--Third person view: Start!

"I give up.. huh.." mocked Shinso while facing Midoriya on the Battle Platform, "This is a fight to test the strength of your spirit. If you want to know what you want for your future, then you can't worry about the appearances." commented Shinso.

Present Mic- Ready!?

Midoriya was confused by the sudden comment passed by Shinso, "That Gorilla was going on about his pride..." Shinso Continued speaking but now in a rude way.

Present Mic- Start!!

Shinso suddenly had an foul mocking look on his face, "...but don't you think he was being a dickhead for throwing away his chance?" bad-mouthed Shinso, followed up by growing a wicked smile.

Midoriya gritted his teeth after clearly hearing each and every Shinso's ugly words, "How dare you say that!?" exclaimed Midoriya as he angrily ran towards Shinso.

"I win." declared Shinso when Midoriya was suddenly frozen up at his place while approaching Shinso.

Sato broodingly got up from his seat as he exclaimed worriedly, "Even though I went through the trouble of warning him!"

Present Mic- hey, hey, what's the matter? it's the first important match! liven up the things!

Present Mic- Midoriya! Match has just started, you know!? and you're now completely frozen!?

{Hm. his Quirk works if someone responds to him, but what next?}

[Are you not worried about him?]

{Eh? why should I? he is fighting his own fight and I've done everything I could, do you want me to interfere just because he is loosing? Are you out of your mind or what? Idiot!}

[Uwaaaaaa!! you didn't had to scold me this much just because I asked you an silly question! uwaaaaaa!!]

{Tch... stop crying and let's see what happens next.}

Present Mic- He's got a blank look on his face and he isn't moving a muscle! is this Shinso's Quirk?! he didn't stand out at @ll, but could he.. actually be someone amazing?

Aizawa- That's why I said that the entrance exam wasn't rational.

Present Mic- huh!? Nani?

Aizawa- here's some basic data on the two of them. Since it's individual battles from here on out, I had someone compile it for me, And Shinso failed the practical exam for the hero course. Since he also applied for general studies, he probably predicted that this would happen.

Aizawa- His Quirk is very powerful, but the practical exam consisted of fighting faux Villains. That gave an advantage to those with physical attack Quirks. Shinso wouldn't have been able to rack up any points with his Quirk...

{oh... so this is the reason he hates Hero Course students so much..}

[Pretty unlucky, won't you say?]

{Hm... we'll see about that later.}

Shinso stared at the frozen Midoriya as he spoke, "You're lucky that you've been blessed, Izuku Midoriya. Turn around and walk out of the bounds." commanded Shinso.

Midoriya as if an soulless puppet, followed Shinso's orders, 'What's happening to me!? My body is not in my control! it's just like Sato San explained to me that I'll not know what I'm doing and will only follow his orders!' Thought Midoriya as he slowly started walking back to cross the platform boundary.

Present Mic- huh. what!? Midoriya is being so obedient!

Everyone around Yuuki has started Panicking as Midoriya had started to walk out of the bounds, "Deku!! I'll Kill you if loose like this to that bastard!" shouted an Deku obsessed kid.

{His Quirk is Mind-control or something like that.. Good Quirk, you can make Villains slaughter each other until there's only one remaining and then you can... hahaha.. butcher him yourself...}


'I can't do this! I have promised All Might and Yu....-' suddenly Green lightning flickered all over Midoriya's body as his eyes had gained back their visions, "-..UKI!!!" shouted Midoriya as he turned back at Shinso and looked at him with Furious expressive eyes.

"One for... All." Murmured All Might silently when he looked at the brief green lightning flash over Midoriya's body. even if it was for a second or two, All Might remembers this feeling as if it was yesterday.

"Why!?" Shinso was shocked when Midoriya broke out of his brainwash, "You shouldn't be able to move freely! what did you do!?" Asked Shinso while exclaiming annoyingly at Midoriya.

Midoriya didn't answer him as she knows that if he does, then he might loose control over his body once again, "WHAT DID YOU DO!!!?" Shinso shouted furiously as he lost control on his temper.

'Full Cowl!' shouted Midoriya in his mind as he ran targeting Shinso with an enraged face, Midoriya reached out to Shinso and grabbed his arms to throw him out of the platform.

Shinso didn't give up yet and threw a punch aimed at Midoriya's face, only for the latter to dodge it like if it was an kid waving his hand.

"Say something! Bastard!" Shinso released his another fist at Midoriya, but he Ducked out of Shinso's hook and raised his body in the air as Midoriya swinged him around through his both hands and threw him out of the Platform!

But before Shinso could crash on the ground and probably get heavily injured, All Might caught him on time, "You Okay, Shinso Shounen?" Asked All Might to Shinso while princess carrying him in his arms.

Shinso ignored All Might and depressingly looked at Midoriya as he is looking back at him, "Someone like you- who was born with the ideal Quirk, Someone who can reach your goal... won't understand me who started everything from the behind, and all this is thanks to my Quirk." Everyone in the Stadium heard Shinso's words, thanks to an Musclebrain's hand Mic kept in his pocket.

Present Mic- aa..aa. etoo.. Eraser! help me! I'm not good at motivation!

Aizawa- huh.. me too.. but don't worry, he is in perfect arms.

All Might placed down Shinso and him stand on the ground, and While looking at Shinso, suddenly All Might's blue eyes became visible with slight blue coloured sparkles in it, "Shinso Shounen, who said your Quirk is not ideal? who said you can't reach your goals? hahaha!!" laughed out All Might as he immediately got serious and looked straight at Shinso with Inspiring eyes.

"Probably it was some Villain in your dreams.. but don't worry! you ask me why?" Someone from the crowd instinctively threw an half bitten apple like an bullet, aimed at All Might's face.

All Might caught the apple coming at him and took a bite from it, "nom..nom.. gulp.. Cause I'm here! And Believe me Shinso Shounen, you were never behind from the Start, you ask me why? Cause this is your Start!! Hahaha!!" laughed out All Might again after saying those inspirational words.

[Indirect ki...]


[Sorry Master..!!]

Midoriya stepped down from the Battle platform and looked at Shinso with a smile, "Your Quirk is really very good Shinso San, I almost lost because of it." said Midoriya cheerfully to encourage Shinso.

Shinso nodded at him with a regretful look on his face, "I'm sorry for bad-mouthing your friend, I have no hard feelings against anyone as it was just to provoke you so that you can respond to me." Shinso Apologized Midoriya for his past actions.

"Hm." Midoriya nodded, "It's okay, I realized this after throwing you out!" replied Midoriya in his cheerful manner.

Shinso smiled after hearing Midoriya's airhead like response, "Pretty open ain't yaa... btw, how did you get out of my control?" Shinso freely asked Midoriya as he thinks they could become good friends in future.

Midoriya's cheeks went red as he lowered his face in nervousness, "A.. A S..special person.." murmured Midoriya but Shinso heard it properly and everyone too, thanks to the kid of Present Mic in All Might's pocket.



{I'm going to leave his apartment even if I have to kidnap Inko away with me.}

[Don't do that! just genderbend him!]

{gulp... I'll try.. but it may cause problems.. in future.}

[I'm here with you right? trust me.]

{That'll worsen it even more.}


"Shinso is defeated by Midoriya due to being sent out of the bounds! so Midoriya advances to round two!" announced Midnight.

Present Mic- In the finals, the first person to advance to the...-continues..

Shinso started walking out of the Arena with a smile on his face, "Even if it didn't work this time, I definitely won't give up. I'll get into the hero course, get certified, and I'll definitely become a better hero than anyone!" exclaimed Shinso as tears dropped out from his smiling face.

"Yeah! I'll be waiting for you in the queue!" replied Midoriya in a valorous manner.


After some minutes, Midoriya returned back to spectator zone and I looked at him with an meaningful smile, "Midoriya... who's that Special person? you like a girl huh..? you should've at least told me, even if you want it to hide from Boom Boom.." I asked him in a teasing way.

Bakugo was confused when Yuuki mentioned him, "huh? why me?" he raised the doubt immediately.

I smiled looking at Boom Boom and answered, "What if you steal his girl away? when you come to know who she is."

"Huh." Bakugo snorted and didn't say anything next.

Uraraka was confused, 'Does Deku Kun has feelings for me? because I'm the only girl he's close with.. but.. I can't accept him.. as..' Uraraka halted thinking of the next words and covered her red face as steam came out of her head.

Present Mic- Thanks for waiting! Next up is... these guys! The Suppose to be the Big Sis of her Class! From the Hero Course, Itsuka Kendo! She's also the representative of her Class, 1-B!

Present Mic- Facing her right now! the Pinky Ponky of Class 1-A, or should I say of U.A.! From the Hero Course, Mina Ashido!

"Argh... what's with that Introduction of mine.." Mina resented at her introduction delivered by Present Mic. She looked at her Opponent for this match, Ituska, "Good luck for the match as your next opponent is tough, you know?" Mina tried to Mock Itsuka to make her loose focus on the match by getting her pissed off.

Itsuka snorted with a smile, "Nice try, Pinky... Ponky..." mocked back Ituska which actually worked.

Present Mic- Start!!

Pinky, I mean Mina, released acid through her special type of shoes and skated through the platform floor reaching out to Itsuka. While on the other hand, Itsuka being calm, she looked at every movements Mina was making as Mina approached her while raising her right hand, probably to throw her acid at Itsuka.

As Mina reached a close distance to Itsuka, she threw her acid gushing out from her right hand but the latter dodged the acid and immediately used her Quirk to enlarge both of her hands to capture Mina's body in it.

Itsuka knew she can't hold Mina for a longer duration as she'll immediately release Acid through her body which might gravely injure Itsuka's bare hands, so Ituska as she caught Mina in her hands ran towards the boundary of the platform.

Mina realized what Ituska is trying to do and used her acid to get off of Itsuka's grasp on her body. Itsuka endured the pain by biting her lower lip and threw Mina out of the bounds as soon as she reached near the end of the platform.

"Mina Ashido is out of the Bounds! Itsuka Kendo advances in the round two!" announced Midnight.


I heard the announcement made by Midnight through a speaker as I'm currently in the waiting room, waiting for my Battle against.. gulp.. Uraraka.

Speaker- Yuuki Takeyama, please enter the Arena. I repeat, please enter the Arena.

As I got the call, I started walking out of the Room towards the Arena ground, Passing by the Passage way of Arena I met Mina as she returned back from her Battle.

Mina smiled at me, hiding her sad face so that it doesn't affects my mood for the my next Battle, "Good Luck Yuuki and don't Injure Uraraka, Okay?" She said in a cheerful manner while hiding her sullen face with an encouraging facade.

I patted her head and hugged her lightly as I know she's not happy for getting eliminated, actually no one is.., She started sobbing openly when I hugged her and patted her head at the same time, "It's okay Mina, you did well. Now wipe your face and cheer for me to win." I said solemnly to brighten her up.

Mina pouted and gave me a light jab in the guts, "I'll cheer for Uraraka! not you!" she said now with an honest smile.

"Yes.. yes.." I replied and walked past through her to enter the Arena.

"Thank you! and don't underestimate her!" said Mina while looking at my back, Warning me to not do the same mistake as she did.

I only waved my right hand at her as I entered the Arena... *Thanks for the advice, I actually needed this, because, I'm gonna face the... U-ra-ra-ra-raka!

[You added two extra 'ra's.]

{No I didn't.}

[You did!]

{Your primordial ears have already started failing you.. Beacuse I literally said U-ra-ra-ra-raka.}

[See!? you said U-ra-ra-ra-raka!]

{Now you're adding two extra 'ra's!}

[Aarghhh!!!! don't tell me you're doing this to take off your frustrations!]

{Eh? why would I be frustrated because of my U-ra-ra-ra-raka?}

[okay, fine.]

Present Mic- Here he is! the most standing out assh..I mean person! The Guy who Dominated through two stages in a row! will he be the Dominator even in the finals? let's see!

Present Mic- The Charming Student of mostly every girl! From hero..

Aizawa- Ahm.. sorry to cut you off.. save your wives and girlfriend everyone and daughter too if possible.

Present Mic- Thanks for the warning, Eraser! but you really shouldn't force your singleness on someone else! do we have her here? ah there she is, I spotted her! are you worried for her Eraser..? huh?..huh??

Aizawa- Tch... do your work, and you're saying all this on the Mic, for your information.

Present Mic- Kukuku.. I am, Mic! Now really moving on next! From Hero Course, it's Yuuki Takeyama!

Aizawa- Takeyama.. huh.. is it that?

Present Mic- Ahm... The Opponent Standing against Yuuki in this Battle, I'll only say that She's is the Kawaii and nurturing girl everyone wants! From Hero Course as well! Ochaco Uraraka!

Aizawa- Lolicon.

Present Mic- single... Oldie..Lim...ouch...!

I stepped up on the platform as these Idiots introduced us and next I saw Uraraka also stepping up on the Platform from my opposite side at the same time as me.

"Wish me luck Yuuki, as I'm going seriously after this." said Uraraka seriously while facing me.

