
Abyssal cultivation: Lust Incarnation

What would you do if you had no talent in a world where people only respect the strong? What would you do if the world only cared about results? The path of pure evil! I didn’t ask for this but I didn’t reject it. When a pie falls from the sky you ask questions but me being in a desperate position embraced it but oh was I so wrong… learn from my mistakes… don’t.. become… Warning: torture, gore, incest, trap, and dark themes.

Phire · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Title at the bottom

Day 9145 year of the pig

Dear diary,

Today has been an eventful day compared to the last four years. Ugh.. just thinking about it makes my head hurt. My lord father brought home a young girl from the Wylen family and tried to engage her to me fine by me. Another concubine never hurt but a brain dead swordsmen thinking himself as some kind of hero showed up. Long story short his storage ring is now in the family vault.

My new concubine is so much different then I thought. I was expecting a whining or at least reluctant new wife but no she seems willing almost too willing. I don't know what to do she's a deviant cultivator at the fourth stage while I can't cultivate no matter how I try. Unlike my other concubines she can kill me easily. Ahh forget it she can just rot away in her room.


Putting his brush down he closes his diary and puts it away. Slumping down in his chair a sigh of regret and sadness takes over him. "It's been four years since the cultivation test. I tried everything I think it is time to give up for real this time. I'm rich, decently handsome and come from a strong noble family. I don't need to shoot lasers from my hands."

Getting up he takes off his outer robe and heads for the bath. The look on his face is the look of a man holding back tears. No one notices and he feels confronted by that thought.

He strips down naked and jumps into his bath the size of a large pool. At the four sides of the pool are towering gold adorned pillars. With the statues of the goddess of life and protection Ilmaira facing the window to his left.

He slowly steps into the pool and sinks himself to his nose level. Lot of thought fill his mind as he stares out into nowhere. Startled he remembers that today is the day his grandmother is visiting. In the clan she's one of the people quickest to give up on his second only to his mother.

Thinking of this his already distraught heart breaks a little more. His family that he leaned on for support all his life don't show it blatantly but they in one way or another gave up on him.

He scrubs himself and steps out of the pool and stands in front of a large full body mirror. He looks at himself self psyching himself up. Starting from the top he admires himself. "My hair looks just like my mothers long and dark red almost brown. How do I look so much like her but nothing like her at all. My tortoise eyes long sharp nose even my pale red lips.

My body is just like my fathers well proportioned and fit." Tears stated to well up in his eyes "How do I have a body like this but have no talent to be a warrior." Looking down at his little brother he at least had something to be proud of. Long and handsome are great comparisons.

Shaking his head he steps out of his bathroom and calls for a maid. It may be later in the day but family visits aren't timed like most things. They travel for weeks on end just to come to the clan building.

"Yes mister Montu." Said Teresa his personal maid. He smiled and asked for her to grab him a new outfit for his grandmothers visit. Everyone in the clan is on high alert to make a good impression. His grandmother is one of the few powerhouses from the old era. She now works as the emperor's head Diviner.

Teresa quickly get him dressed and walks him to the clan gates. Luckily for him without any powers he lives on the outskirts of the clan compound, very close to the clan gates.

As he was walking up he is greeted with the sight of his new concubine, his mother and father chatting happily. His little sister nowhere to be found and his fathers second wife was also holding his step brother. He mumbled to himself why a thirteen year old needed to be held anyways.

Standing to the left with an aloof look is his adopted brother. The one with all the talent but no real power in the clan, Allen Montu. They stay out of each others way but hatred can be felt growing inside both of them.


He quickly lined himself up with the rest of the clan and does a deep bow a bit lower then his parents. He made sure to keep a bright smile on his face and greeted his grandmother with the intention to head back right after but his grandmother had different intentions.

She grabbed onto his hand and stared deeply into his eyes. "Grandson how have you been these past four years. I know it couldn't have been easy to live in the clan with no real power."

The smile on his face now looked like a porcelain vase lightly glued together; barely holding together. She then cupped both her hand around his and reassured him before dragging him into her carriage.

"Liam I know we have let you down. We said we tried everything to help you cultivate or gain power. In a sense that's right we tried every normal way to gain power but we neglected to try one very unorthodox way not because of the danger but because of the adverse risks it would have on our reputation.

Now I give you the choice are you willing to become an incarnation of a abyssal being in the pursuit of power. Know now that if you say yes we may have to hunt you down if anyone too powerful finds out."

Liam sat there with a blank face not knowing what to think. One word kept repeating in his mind possible. It's possible for him to gain power. It's possible for him to get out of the mediocrity he is stuck in. It's possible!

Happiness and a sense of melancholy filled his mind as all the hopelessness he felt for the last four year rushed out of him in a waterfall of tears. He uncontrollably lepta at his grandmother and hugged her tightly as he cried.

She was clearly taken aback but hugged him back tightly as she took this as a yes. A few minutes later he sat back up and asked her. "What do I have to do? I don't care about pain or danger. Now that theirs a chance I will take it."

Conflicted she said "Okay but be ready for the

consequences." He nodded with a serious but giddy look on his face.

"First like orthodox cultivation stems from divine beings. Orthodox cultivation is much weaker and more tolerable version of divine cultivation. It's the same for abyssal and demonic cultivation.

There are seven branches of abyssal cultivation and all of them are dangerous but some more then others. Wrath, sloth, gluttony, pride, greed, envy, and lust.

The abyssal codex I found was locked away deeply in the emperors treasury. It calls on a long forgotten abyssal one called mali'gof of lust. The true being of lust.

It's dangerous because if you become an incarnation of lust under Mali'gof you will not be able control your desires becoming twisted and it may call upon you to do more and more horrendous deeds. I will ask one last time are you sure?"