
Abyssal Chronicles

In the northern part of the Ancita Continent, a long-standing battle between various races and the abyssal demon race has finally reached its end. The Demon Lord, a figure with black hair, red eyes, rules from her obsidian palace, having repeatedly defeated the Goddess, the strongest being in the world. However, she refrains from killing her, knowing she will only be reborn to lead another attack. As the goddess kneels before her, badly injured and helpless, the sounds of explosions echo outside, signaling the imminent victory of the alliance. Despite her immense power, the demon lord acknowledges the abyssal demon's overall weakness compared to humans and the Alliance. The development of fighting energy and mana has allowed ordinary humans to fight demons, leading to the demon army's defeat. Aware of the Alliance's intent to enslave the abyssal demon, the Demon Lord decides to cast a forbidden spell that will cost her life. As the Alliance forces storm the palace, they hesitate upon sensing the spell's energy. The Demon Lord vows to resist and be reborn to save her people. Meanwhile, the goddess reflects on the demon lord's past treatment of her and acknowledges her respect and dedication to her people. As the demon lord prepares to cast the spell, the goddess asks if she can abandon her plan and live freely. However, demon lords are duty-bound to restore the demon race's glory and protect her people. Understanding the demon lord's resolve, the goddess readies her sword, intending to clash with Apophis's forbidden spell. The resulting explosion creates a mushroom cloud, marking the end of the conflict and the start of a new era. The Demon Lord and the Goddess become historical figures, their stories occasionally told. ---------------- The first R18 will be in Chapter 600+. This will be a slow romance. ------------------------------------------------- All character's pictures are in Chapter 01 100 Golden tkt = 1 bonus chapters: 200 Golden tkt = 3 bonus chapters: 300 Golden tkt = 5 bonus chapters : 400 Golden tkt = 7 bonus chapters : ------------------------------------------------- Golden tkt bonus will be released at the end of the month. This story is a merged plot between Overlord and Eminence in Shadow, give it a try and if you like it add it to lib, -------------------------------------------------

Hail_The_loli · Fantasy
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921 Chs

Chapter 26

In the early morning, the slightly gloomy sunlight shone into Winter Forest once again, dispersing the thick darkness and bringing a scene of rejuvenation.

Of course, someone else who was rejuvenated was the poor butler.

Escorted by several level 6 abyssal demons, he had finally returned to the eastern part of the snowy Winter Forest after a night's journey.

Seeing the familiar landmarks, Sebastian exhaled in relief,

"Ah, finally."

At this moment, Sebastian was very tired, his eyes were full of fierce bloodshot veins, his elegant black butler's uniform was also in tatters, stained with a lot of mud and snow, and his originally sleek white hair had become a mess, like a pile of weeds.

Unquestionably, his current state bore no resemblance to the elegance he embodied when he first arrived at the forest.

Looking at his disheveled appearance, even the normally patient Sebastian couldn't help but internally 'scold' the sisters, Limo and Liyu.

'Those two... little miscreants... after witnessing Lady Yumo's successful transformation, they didn't even spare a word and just dashed back. The sudden release of Shadow power and the consequent pressure knocked me off the cliff, resulting in many injuries... They were so engrossed in their excitement, they just abandoned me like that. Aren't they aware of how cold Winter Forest is at night?!'

'Darn it! I nearly froze to death!'

Sebastian was almost in tears. If he had indeed frozen to death in the mountains, it would have been a grave injustice.

Luckily, in the end, the abyssal demons dispatched by Yumo found him in time and brought his luggage along.

Otherwise, the consequences would have been disastrous...

Sebastian silently recorded this incident in his little notebook.

By the way, he already had eight such little notebooks, all of which recorded how he was deceived by the two sisters from childhood to adulthood...

( :) kind of feel bad for him )

Looking at the familiar landmark in front of him, Sebastian knew that he had reached the outer perimeter of the barrier. He then very consciously jumped off the back of the six-legged abyssal demon and opened his spatial ring. A brand-new butler's uniform appeared in his hand.

Although he was looking forward to seeing Lady Yumo's humanoid form, he had to tidy up his appearance before that.


Twenty minutes passed just like that.

Ready to go, he transformed back into the charming old gentleman he was before and slowly walked into the barrier after finishing his preparations.

Looking at the scene inside the barrier, he was slightly taken aback. The once grand and magnificent Demon Temple was now gone, leaving only a large open space and a deep pit. The stark difference in scenery made him feel a bit sad.

Childhood memories were gone.

At the same time, he confirmed his inner speculation that Lady Yumo had successfully transformed, and the secret magic of the elf tribe worked.

Thinking about how their Black Rose Household had helped their savior and mother-like figure solve one of her most difficult thing, transformation, he couldn't help but smile with joy.

From now on, their family would have a higher standing when competing against their 'rivals'!

The Duke would undoubtedly be thrilled upon hearing the news.

As Sebastian was deep in thought, a clear melodious voice, akin to a celestial harmony, resonated in his ears.

"Are you okay, Little Sai?"


'This voice!?'

Upon hearing the familiar address, Sebastian visibly shuddered and promptly turned toward the direction of the voice.

The sight that met his gaze was a beautiful black-haired girl donned in a simple fur coat.

The girl's extraordinary beauty and her ruby-like eyes momentarily stunned him.

However, with the composure honed from years of practice, he swiftly regained his poise and respectfully bowed to the girl.

Given she referred to him as "Little Sai" and spoke in a tone often used with elders, along with the sight of several bloody butterflies fluttering around her, the girl's identity was unmistakable.

"Don't worry, Milady, I'm fine."

"That's good. Allow me to apologize on behalf of Limo and Liyu, those two reckless girls. They shouldn't have left you alone."

"It's okay Milady, I don't really mind." (But actually, I do !)

Sebastian gently smiled and shook his head in a gentlemanly fashion.

Regardless, he still hoped to maintain a positive image in Lady Yumo's eyes. As for Limo and Liyu, he would settle the score with them later.

'But wait...'

Looking around at the empty surroundings, he furrowed his brows slightly.

He didn't see Limo and Liyu anywhere.

'Ordinarily, after Milady's successful transformation, these two would be hovering around her.'

'So, where did they go?'

"Are you looking for Limo and Liyu?"

Seemingly grasping his confusion, Yumo gently opened her mouth to speak.

"Those two girls mentioned they were going hunting, so they left earlier. They should return shortly."

"Hunting? Do you mean they went hunting?" asked Sebastian.


Upon hearing this, he pondered for a moment and glanced in the southern direction.

If he remembered correctly, the kind of hunting those two girls referred to wasn't the ordinary sort.

'It seemed that some overconfident fool had come in again'

However, this was not his concern.

He had more important tasks to do!

With that thought in mind, Sebastian took a deep breath and turned his attention back to the captivating girl seated on the boulder.

Observing the simple fur attire on the black-haired girl, Sebastian felt compelled to make a suggestion.

"My lady, now that you finally have a human form, it would be appropriate for you to have suitable clothing!"

"Clothes?" Yumo pursed her lips and silently looked down at her fur coat.

To be honest, with such a flawless body, this rough fur coat seemed a bit inappropriate. Acknowledging his point, Yumo nodded slightly.

"Yes, when we go to the human society, I should get some clothes. But I can't wear this kind of clothes there, right? I'll probably be mistaken for a savage..."

A hint of concern appeared on Yumo's lovely face.

Upon seeing this, Sebastian flashed a smile, taking a step forward and offering his help.

"No need to worry Milady. The Duke and I have already prepared some clothes for you!"

"Prepared? Already?" Yumo asked in surprise.

"Yes, considering the possibility of My Ladi's successfully transforming, we prepared them in advance. And to ensure a proper fit, we have prepared various types and sizes of clothes"

"Oh? That's very thoughtful!" Yumo couldn't help but admire.

'As expected of the Black Rose family, always reliable~'

"Well, may I see these clothes?"

She was curious to try these otherworldly garments. Particularly, she was intrigued to try the cool knight outfit she'd previously seen.

"We're confident you'll be pleased, My Lady!" Sebastian declared with conviction.

After giving a self-assured smile, Sebastian directly took out five very precious space rings from his luggage and suddenly released them.

In the next moment, under Yumo's expectant gaze, a series of blue spatial fluctuations suddenly rippled through the area. Immediately after, hundreds of dazzling sets of clothing appeared in Yumo's field of vision.

She stood there, shell-shocked.

Because she realized that all of the clothes were exclusively for women...

It even included sets of all kinds of women's underwear, thick, thin, sexy, and even hollowed out...

The black-haired girl's eyebrows twitched involuntarily.

She didn't know why, but she suddenly had the urge to beat Sebastian up.


Elsewhere, on the outskirts of the eastern portion of Winter Forest, following a flash of emerald light, a delicate grey-haired young girl materialized on the top of a towering tree.

Studying the Asumos church group who'd just stepped into the forest from a distance, Liyu's eyes narrowed slightly.

Her gaze was focused on the blond man leading the group, and a chilling, uncontrolled killing intent surged from her eyes.

"the symbol of the Apostle of Earth? A Hero..."
