
Adjusting to Heatwave

Zachary had no regret he boarded his flight without ever looking back at the continent he arrived in the Capital city of Dawn, 'Heatwave' and while he was getting off he received looks of admiration but also looks of envy because people where jealous of his skin and physique, something they probably wont be able to achieve so they hate the people who have those things. Little did he know someone important was watching. "Interesting" A covetous smile appeared on their face but they vanished before anyone managed to spot them.


As Zachary was walking down the street he saw a very interesting thing in a shop window. It was the release trailer of Abyss Online and he felt as if the game was beckoning him and so he decided to buy the cheapest helmet but it took a heavy blow to his finances which at the moment where very limited. The last thing on his agenda today was finding living quarters. The only issue was he was underaged. which meant he would have live illegally until he turned 15 which was the legal age to live in your own house. So he would have to wait a little under a year. He went to a shabby looking apartment and eventually, after asking multiple residents, found the landlord and was able to just pay cash instead of signing contracts. He found himself in a new home far away from anyone he knew all on his own and then he stepped into the apartment which wasn't the best but it was comfortable. It came with one bedroom and one bathroom along with a kitchen. He had no intention of leaving anytime soon and so he made himself comfortable. Once he was all set he passed out on his single sized mattress. ready for whatever life throws at him next.


The next morning Zachary realised he would probably start getting a real education since he was homeschooled all his life so he went to the closest school and started signing papers that would allow him to go to school. He put in his own name as his guardian and technically he wasn't lying and they didn't double check. Now he only had to buy a uniform and since it was a public school the uniforms are quite cheap compared to private schools, So he only had to spend $20 for two pairs of uniforms but it did make him sad as he had no source of income so he had to use his money sparingly, and was considering returning the helmet but he was going to put it off for a bit. Shortly after he returned home as he was going to start attending 'Heatwave Public School' as of tomorrow, and was quite nervous.


When he arrived home he decided to boot up 'Abyss Online' and what awaited him next was a dark screen with the words "PLEASE SELECT YOUR NAME" After silently pondering for a moment he entered the name 'Reaper'

I was going to make a 'White Online' Reference but didn't want to affend the author lol, #BouttaJoinTheWhiteCult

MrMonkeycreators' thoughts