
Abyss Holder

In the desolate urban sprawl, there existed a boy named Steven – a name as commonplace as the concrete beneath his worn-out shoes. His figure, terribly slender, bore the weight of days without sustenance, a stark reflection of the harsh life within the shadows of the towering skyscrapers. His disheveled appearance spoke of deprivation; his clothing, little more than rags haphazardly sewn together, clung to his meager frame. Steven's features, though obscured by grime, revealed a haunting contrast. His black hair, adorned with a few rebellious red strands, framed a face marked by hardship. His pupils, black with a faint but discernible red tint, mirrored the desolation etched into his soul. Staring into the familiar darkness that enveloped his existence, Steven couldn't help but voice the silent question that echoed in his mind, "When is this going to end?" The abyss, seemingly attuned to his despair, responded with a transformative touch. The surroundings, once stagnant and oppressive, began to shift and change before him, trapping him in a perpetual cycle of witnessing his own tragic past unfold. Transported back to the age of six, Steven found himself amidst the warmth of familial joy, his parents' and his own expressions radiating happiness. Yet, even in the midst of this fleeting respite, the relentless cycle persisted, as if destiny reveled in replaying the moments that fueled the flames of his recurrent nightmares. Fighting against the inexorable pull of his haunting memories, Steven, like a slum-bound ghost, yearned for an end to the perpetual loop. The city's towers cast long shadows over his struggle, and the contrast between the opulence above and his desolation below fueled his determination for a better life. In the midst of this dire reality, Steven's path took an unexpected turn when he made the resolute decision to enlist in the military. The armed forces, a gateway to opportunity and escape from the slum's oppressive grasp, promised a chance to break free from the shackles of his impoverished past. Little did Steven know that his journey would extend far beyond the familiar streets of the slums. The military, equipped with advanced technology and knowledge of other dimensions, opened doors to realms previously unimaginable. As he explored new universes and studied the cosmic mysteries, Steven's quest for a better life evolved into a cosmic odyssey, challenging not only the limits of his physical existence but also the boundaries of reality itself. Throughout this transformative journey, Steven, emotionally reserved and scarred by the echoes of his past, found solace in the bonds forged amidst the trials of the military. Trust and love became the cornerstones of his emotional awakening, as he learned to unveil the layers of vulnerability hidden beneath his stoic exterior. As Steven navigates the interwoven tapestry of action, tragedy, romance, sci-fi, adventure, and dimensions, the narrative expands to reflect the complexity of his existence. The story, no longer confined to the limitations of the slums, becomes a symphony of emotions, echoing the resilient spirit of a young man determined to transcend the shadows of his past and embrace the limitless possibilities that unfold across the cosmic expanse.

BlackRaven_ · Fantasy
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162 Chs


Steven had completed his mana veins in three days and was experimenting with his mana. He was attempting to find new methods to use his mana when he discovered certain changes in himself after swallowing the mana core.

He could think more clearly as if a fog had lifted from his head; his thinking speed had increased, and he could examine things with greater clarity. His vision has improved, but for some reason, his eyes glow red in the dark. His physical condition has improved slightly.

He didn't even eat twice in three days, yet he still doesn't feel hungry. His body had undergone so many alterations that he was taken aback at first. "I still need to acquire some food to eat," Steven thought to himself as he rose to leave for the factory.

He began to make his way to the east side of the slums in search of food to consume and save for later. As he walked toward the factory, he considered how he could build little bullets out of mana so that he could make some weapons with it. He instinctively caressed the switch knife in his makeshift pocket as he considered this.

When he had this notion, he tried to build a shell of mana on his hands in the shape of a knife, but he failed horribly. However, when he attempted to shape the mana by allowing it to flow through his fingers, his nails became covered with mana and sharpened. When he saw this, he realized he didn't have a lot of mana mastery and that he couldn't manufacture weapons entirely out of mana, and that they could require some sort of foundation.

He finally arrived in front of the factory after much deliberation. He went inside the factory and worked for five hours to obtain some meals. When he returned, it was approximately lunchtime, and he didn't have anything specific to do, so he went back to his hut. On his way, he was still considering possible methods to use mana. But he couldn't think of anything else.

He sat down after entering his hut and closing the door. He wasn't hungry, but even so, he ate part of the food and saved some for later.

When he had nothing else to do, he peered out one of the windows toward the city. Small hovercars and other vehicles may be seen soaring along the huge structures. Steven wished to live somewhere other than here; he admired the wealthy individuals who could go and dwell in other worlds. Steven had too many bad memories of this place. He planned to join the army when he reached 18 to flee this world. 'Last ten years of my existence in the slums and the memories of the Starfall that still tormented my nightmares may fade if I leave this planet and goes somewhere else,' he thought.

While he was thinking about this, he heard several footsteps outside his hut. 'Why are there so many people outside my hut?' he wondered.

'I didn't offend anybody in the slums. Why are they gathering so many people outside of my hut,' he thought, but then it hit him 'that bag,' he thought and gazed at it with a troubled glance. What Steven didn't comprehend at the time was that everything he thought happened in a matter of seconds. Soon after, someone kicked his door, causing it to collapse, a big man walked in, and ten people followed him in.

Steven was outraged when he saw this because they smashed his door. "Who are you, folks?" He yelled, but the man turned away and glanced around. He's a buff man with blue eyes and tanned skin. He finally looked at Steven when he spotted the bag. " Tell me how are yo-" Steven yelled again, but before he could finish, something slammed him in the stomach. He was kicked by the man. Steven flew backward and collided with the wall. 'I didn't even see his movement,' Steven reflected before slumping down. He was unable to move his body. It happened so fast that he didn't even have time to utilize mana to defend himself. Steven couldn't move and was going to pass out.

Before Steven passed out, all he heard was "bring the bag and that kid."

Sorry i deleted some chapters and am writing the Novel again i was busy for 1 month because of my exams and had many ideass to improve the story

sorry for the delay

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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