


Before I even turn around I could realize something was wrong from the dismay that was on the teachers face. An explosion like that could only be caused by a few people in this school and one of them was in this class, so I've already assumed who caused it. Sasha.

` I turn around to notice a hole in the wall, Sasha standing at the start and what seems to be another girl at the end slumped on the ground.

` Sasha begins conjuring what seems to be another fireball at the girl

I have to do something, If she hurts the girl anymore she'll get in even more trouble and might even get expelled from the school. So, I look behind me at her conjure point and put my fingers together.


` The fireball disappears, everyone looks around the classroom trying to find the culprit but Sasha already knew who it was and she stares directly at me

Later after school, Sasha got a stern talking to by the principal and the teacher with the girl's parents, so I decided I'd meet up with her.

` "Hey, Sasha wait up!" I slightly wave and smile for her as I try to catch my breath

` She was furious, "Why did you stop me! Do you know what she was saying about you!"

` I felt a little bit guilty now that I know what the fight was about, "We can't just go around beating every person that wrongs us, and you shouldn't have even fought my battles either way"

` Oh, shit, I think that made her upgrade to "Angry birds" level anger, "You know what! Next time you need help don't come looking for me!" She ferociously walks away

` "Sash-" I feel a grip come across my shoulders and I look behind me to find Mr. Adept's hand

` He looks to me and shakes his head while saying "Let's talk for minute"

` As we sit down at the bench outside the school, he begins *sniffle* "Ohh, young love how sweet it is, if only back in my days I had something like tha-"

` I cut him off, a little uncomfortable, " Sir, what was it you wanted to talk to me about"

` "Oh, yes, I know about that little stunt you pulled back there in the class. Does that mean you can truly insta-visualize"

I guess I have to also tell you guys, what he's talking about. I didn't want to draw anymore attention than I already have with being Sight's great grandson and all, but I have a trait that too this day has only occurred once and that is with the current king, Luke Heir. Basically, insta-visualizing just lets me visualize anything I want in a split-second, therefore hypothetically skipping the whole visualizing stage and going straight to any other stage like conjuring.

` "Yes, I can really insta-visualize"

` "How FASCINATING! What does it feel like? Do you even have to go into the abysmal? How did you have your conjure appear inside the fireball? I'm sorry, but to a teacher like me this is like going to a trip to Disney ultra land 3.0"

` I understood his reaction. In my life there has been many people who changed themselves completely around me after learning what I had, like my parents, some for better and worst. I'll just answer his questions for now,

` "What does it feel like, hmmm, nothing. It all happens in less than a snap. No, I don't have to go into the abysmal per se but I still have to draw the power from there, and I'm sure you know that conjures can be done at any length from a person, so I just used wind to dissipate the fireball from the inside."

` "Wow, just, wow, the thing is not even high tiers can conjure from those lengths, so I was expecting maybe a different method that I haven't thought of.. you really are a danger to society," he chuckles

` I move a little bit away, and his whole vibe he gave off then was a little weird. He's staring at me but no longer with fascination but with what seems to be with irritation. "So, I'll be going now" I grudgingly walk away, hoping he won't stop me.

` "Alright, see you, Will."

The more I think about that interaction the more creeped out I get. I'm just glad I can go off to home, now. The sky starts to darken and the air starts to thicken as rain starts drizzling down. I grab the umbrella from my backpack and open it up hoping not to get too wet.

As arrive at my house, I can see the door is slightly open, which is weird since I live alone. I hesitantly walk towards the door and I peek inside with my head sticking out, then looked both ways. Seems like it's clear. I start to tip-toe inside the house leaving wet footprint behind and the door still wide open.


` I feel a breeze cross along my shoulder onto my back.

` I instantly turn around, and the door slams *BANG*

` "What in the world?" I cautiously open up the door and look outside, but it seems whoever was in my house is long gone.

I proceed to check the cookie jars to make sure nothing was stolen but it seems that everything was in place but it wasn't like I had to think long before I could come up with any suspects to whom was in my house.

` "Dad."