

Just as how God was dressed a moment ago. I too was also dressed the same way. NAKED, I'm NAKED, N. A. K. E. D. lets all sing it together. N. Nice body, oh?, I looked down at ALL my glory. And I'd say, it improved, nice job God. I mentally put up, both of my thumbs, both of them to thank God.

I was in a dim room lit by eight torches. The room was in the shape of an octagon. A beautiful girl was in front of me. Her face's color had been drained completely which went well with her long black hair. There was also some, maybe priestesses in the background, but they all fainted. I guess virgins can't accept my newly obtained glory. I mean I would be surprised if I saw something like my thing, back on Earth. So it was just me and the princess now, at least that's my guess.

She stood there gazing upon my greatness blankly for ten seconds, I started to get embarrassed. I mean anyone would if you stared at their parts for that long. She finally spoke up "H-Hero?" her cheeks were bright red.

"I think that's me."

She walked up to me averting her gaze "Then here, my cloak. USE IT TO COVER YOURSELF!" The princess shouted while handing over her gold ceremonial robe, I put it on.

"Hey princess..."

"You can call me, Meryl, I'm Meryl Dellant." she was still in shock.

"Ok then, Meryl, weren't you staring a bit too low? My eyes are up here." I pointed to my eyes.

"I Never looked, you are mistaken! I was merely thinking, YES thinking, and y-you just happened to be there. I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING!!!" the princess cried while bolting out of the room, while doing so, her chest moved from left to right. Quite a sight, HEY! little me calm down.

'She probably has my thing burnt into her memory.'

The doors to the room slammed open, the torches flickered at the force which it was pushed with. "What is going on in here!" shouted A knight in golden armor. Six other knights flowed into the room along with him.

I stared at him and he stared at me with his sword at the ready. The blonde haired golden knight now looked across the room to see the priestesses on the ground. "Men check on them, I will deal with this absurd man wearing almost nothing." said the knight with valor.

The black haired princess now came back into the room "No! wait that's the hero." panicked the princess.

"The hero can make all these priestesess faint just by being looked upon?" asked the golden knight.

"As expected from the hero!" he shouted proudly.

'No I don't think that I released some kind of aura. Rather they all just looked at my new little me. Which has become quite big compared to the one I had when I was hit by Truck-chan.

"Come hero, let us check your status." said the princess.

I followed her out of the room along with the golden knight and his followers, my guess is that he is the captain of the knights. While following them I was thinking 'IT'S A TRAP, A TRAP,'

'By the way I don't mean one of those Japanese Traps.'

'I mean the TOTALLY NOT SUSPICIOUS, ""Come hero, let us check your status"" coming from the Princess, not SUSPICIOUS at all.'


We ended up in the castle's audience room. Which is about the size of a large college auditorium. I have to say that this castle is quite huge. The hallways are big enough to fit ten people walking side by side. There where many windows the size of a person. And it took four minutes just to get to the audience room, which is in the middle of the castle. It's way too big! it must serve as a statement to other countries or a waste of tax money.

In the middle of the room was a circular table holding a glass ball that faintly emit light. The King, Dellant was in front of the table twenty feet away. He looked a bit over middle aged since his hair had more white than brown. Next to him was the Queen who looked like an older version of Meryl. Both were sitting on gold thrones. In the audience room were many nobles, knights and wizards.

"Now Hero, put your hand on the ball so that we can see your powers." said the princess in anticipation.

I nodded and used my hand to grasp one of my balls. Yes, one of MY balls, doing this gave everone in the audience room a glimse of what I was packing. All of the women in the room flared up in red. While the men were shocked. I smiled as I did so.

"What Blasmephy!" shouted a man five feet away from the king. He must be the King's adviser.

"Your Exelence what should we do about this man?" he looked up at the king for a response.

The King was still looking at me not showing emotion. Then he twitched a bit "Ha- HA, HA hahahaha" he laughed heartily. "I'll pardon it, it was funny!" The rest of the audience room also started laughing. Some at my joke, while others were trying to not offend the King.

"Now please, touch the observation crystal on the table." said the King after calming down from his laughing fit.

I touched the crystal ball. When I did so, the whole room lit up with blinding light coming from the ball. Then my status showed up.


Level: 1

Name: Michael Xema

Age: 18

HP: 99999/99999

MP: 177929835/177929835

Classes: Dark Mage, Hero

Titles: Exhibitionist, Jokester, Hero, Dark Mage

Skills: Sword Arts[A+], Dark Flare[A+], Body Strengthing[S], MP Recovery[S], MP Drain[C], Ward[B], Shadow Walk[A], ???

Blessings: Bangin Body[S], Dodge Everything (Inactive) [???], Language Comprehension [SSS]

Then the crystal shattered while the light was still blaring with a loud BAM! suprising everyone in the room. When that happened my status window closed along with the explosion.