
His Own Plans

Walking out of his room, Lin Xiang was about to head straight over to Polaris Mountain. But he soon heard a sweet voice and detected two auras walking over to him.

"Brother Xiang! Just where were you yesterday? It was like you completely disappeared!"

Lin Xiang stopped and looked over his shoulders. Two youths with friendly smiles trailed over to him. Both of them were friends in this new body.

One was Lin Tu, who he met yesterday. While the other was a decent-looking young woman. She had cute enough looks that were easy on the eyes and had a generally lively aura.

Though, like Lin Tu, her presence was relatively ordinary, unable to be discerned from a large crowd.

Lin Xiang blinked his eyes. 'Lin Ning...another 4th layer friend. Practically, this body only friends.'

A small smile curled Lin Xiang's lips. He patiently stopped for these two youths.

As Lin Tu and Lin Ning walked over, they also stopped. Their eyes widened a bit, staring into Lin Xiang's smiling face. He didn't look different at all. Yet, both Lin Tu and Lin Ning felt a prickling sensation in their Spiritual Sea. As if Lin Xiang did indeed change overnight.

Something was distinctly different, but neither of them could figure out why. His presence became completely mysterious. The only thing the same was the vague 6th layer Profound Aura from his body.

'Just why is he-nevermind that.' Lin Ning promptly shook her head of distracting thoughts.

She continued forward, saying with a smile, "Brother Xiang, you're about to miss the Great Elder's guidance sessions. Have you changed your mind about going now? I mean, with what brother Tu told me yesterday, you must be burning with curiosity to know more about cultivation!"

Her eagerness was evident for anyone to see. Though, Lin Xiang could tell Lin Ning's eagerness went faintly beyond wanting to simply help a friend.

Lin Xiang didn't have any thoughts about this. After all, these two were only a small part of his unawakened soul life. Very soon would he take a step towards completely changing his life. He'll far surpass anything that the Lin Family has to offer.

Lin Xiang didn't let these thoughts show on his face, keeping a calm smile while saying, "Not today. Maybe another time. I have something important to do, and I can't let this opportunity slip by."

"Oh, I see..." Both Lin Ning and Tu were slightly disappointed.

They knew Lin Xiang's mind was impossible to change once he has it set. Though they were burning in curiosity about what Lin Xiang was hiding, neither dared to overstep their boundaries. Nothing in this world could force Lin Xiang to do something he's unwilling to do.

Turning back around, Lin Xiang spoke without looking back. "You two should pay close attention to what the Great Elders teach. Any small piece of information can go a long way when cultivating your Laws."

He promptly walked down the corridor after speaking.

The further he walked, the more mysterious Lin Xiang seemed to both Lin Ning and Lin Tu. For a moment, the duo was silent. Their minds couldn't settle down.

Lin Ning broke the silence first, saying, "He has always been quite aloof before. But now...it's like he has a weird presence around him. It feels so strange..." A trace of longing touched her eyes.

Lin Tu quietly sighed, a similar trace of confusion flashing on his face. "As I said, it's like he change overnight. Maybe he finally found a goal to strive for. Who knows? But honestly, whatever he has planned will probably shock us all."

"Right..." Lin Ning slowly shook her head. "Might as well get onto the guidance session now. I've heard it will be someone from Great Elder Lin Hai's faction."

That perked up Lin Tu. The Great Elder Lin Hai faction is run by a peak layer Heavenly Ruler!

His expertise in cultivation would undoubtedly be enough to expand their horizons. There was a far greater understanding of his Law mastery than an expert only in the middle of the Heavenly Ruler realm.

With Lin Xiang's words ringing in their heads, Lin Tu and Lin Ning headed off in the opposite direction, ready to soak up as much knowledge as they can.


Lin Xiang quickly shuffled through the Lin Family manor. The general plaza was far less crowded given the guidance session currently underway.

Walking towards the front gate, Lin Xiang didn't think someone would interrupt him. But, he suddenly detected a Heavenly Origin Elder slowly floating down towards him.

A subtle presence of his Heavenly Aura washed over the atmosphere. This Aura contained essence particles from the Elder's Qi Sea. If any Profound realm cultivator were to experience this subtle presence, it would be as a commoner meeting a royal figure.

The disparity would be utterly immense. Any Profound realm cultivator would bow down to any Heavenly Origin expert as if it was their natural duty.

Lin Xiang merely paused for a moment and glanced up. A seemingly kind-looking middle-aged man enters his vision.

This Lin Elder rode on a single cloud, lowering himself close to the ground. It could be seen as a sign of graciousness on the Lin Elder's part.

Close to the ground, but still above Lin Xiang to have a faintly superior position, the Lin Elder spoke in a calm tone.

"I remember you, young man. A guidance session is occurring, yet you are once again deciding to skip over it. It's good to be determined on your own path. But, if you don't accept help, it will be hard to breach through the Profound realm."

'Is that right?' Internally, Lin Xiang shook his head.

His Soul Sense detected a far younger life aura who was at the Heavenly Origin flying in his general direction. It took only a split-second for Lin Xiang to tell what was happening.

In an orthodox and righteous-dominated city, there are hard practices of one's code of conduct. Generally, those who say and perform magnanimous acts are seen as dependable figures anyone could rely on.

More people would be willing to form times with a person following at least an orthodox way than unorthodox or demonic practices.

Even Lin Xiang can understand this value, as he prefers allies who have genuine loyalty to him.

However, there are also countless people like this Lin Elder in their cultivation society. People who want to display only surface-level magnanimous to gather connection and trust.

Once again, understandable as being weak and lonely in their society can lead to fates worse than death. Evidently, this Lin Elder wants to at least leave a good impression on this young Lin Family's great genius.

Lin Xiang, however, didn't give a single damn. He merely took one glance at the Lin Elder, his expression completely indifferent. "I thank Elder for the advice. But I truly have another important task to attend to right now."

"Is that right?" The Lin Elder kept a friendly smile. Though his tone turned a bit condescending, "Just remember, it's not good to be so full of pride. More often than not, it can lead down a dead-end."

In that moment, a gentle voice sounded out. "The Elder is right. It's not so good to put a front over learning useful information on our path of cultivation."

This voice exuded a weaker Heavenly Aura than the Lin Elder. But that was only in terms of intensity and thickness.

In terms of complexity, this genius was at a superior level!

Any Profound realm merely sensing her Heavenly Aura would be sucked into this genius unfathomable presence.

Lin Xiang merely looks to his left, noticing that the Heavenly Origin genius had briefly stopped. She was the same genius he spotted yesterday.

Standing on her Heavenly Cloud, with her head higher than that of the city, this young Heavenly Lin genius appeared completely graceful.

'If I recall right, this should be the other so-called Heavenly Lin genius, Lin Guo. Why did she bother to stop in the first place?' Lin Xiang indifferently glanced at Lin Guo.

Seeing this, Lin Guo continued to say, "I had also seen this particular junior brother continually skipping out on guidance sessions. It's really too rare to do so. We must treasure every opportunity to broaden our horizons."

This surface-level 'goodwill' nearly made Lin Xiang roll his eyes. He didn't bother sparing any more words, cupping his fists, and resumed walking towards the front gate.

He only said in a calm tone, "I thank Elder and Martial Sister for the advice. But I must get going now."

Neither the Lin Elder nor Lin Guo's Heavenly Aura could even make Lin Xiang's face twitch. They were treated as light breezes in the wind. His footsteps were calm and collected as he left the Lin Family Manor.

"Really, what a shame. The young really becoming far too prideful these days." The Lin Elder commented, his eyes not hiding his evident disdain.

"Too foolish." Lin Guo outwardly sneered.

For a mere Profound realm ant to blow her off wasn't worth another second in her mind. She quickly took off into the skies, almost instantly throwing this small moment to the depths of her mind.


At this time, Lin Xiang was slowly strolling through Sacred Emperor City.

Unnoticeable in the sea of countless other cultivators, Lin Xiang could be at one with his thoughts. 'For starters, I will need much more beads for a weapon, resources, and suitable cultivation art to add to my prowess. I wish the system will tell me how to gather SP, but I suppose I can't have it at all. The fastest way to make money would have to be that Lotus Tavern.'

Lin Xiang set his sights on a specific road without any fear. There would be a risk in going to an unorthodox place like the Lotus Tavern alone.

Since the Lotus Tavern provides anyone with a mission, it made for great attraction for mercenaries, bandits, or other rogues.

But nothing about that could disturb Lin Xiang's mind. In fact, he would prefer if there were some daring folks. He could gather money at a quicker rate that way.

Hence, he didn't bother to mask his Lin Family identity.

In only a few minutes and through several turns, Lin Xiang soon spotted a unique, gorgeous building.

Bright, colorful radiance exuded from the building. A calming atmosphere ranged in its general surrounding. At the center of the building was a large Law Rune marking of a beautiful Lotus Flower. The essence energies were the most contracted from that Lotus Flower.

Lin Xiang faintly smiled. The Lotus Tavern was right in front of him.

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