
Absolute Sage

In a world where power is everything and the line between myth and reality blurs, "Absolute Sage" tells the gripping tale of Ichiro, a young boy thrust into a destiny he could never have imagined.

Asena4800 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Ascension Amidst Beasts: The Golden Core Realm Unveiled

The sword felt heavier than Ichiro had imagined. As his fingers wrapped around the hilt, he could sense its potential, its latent power. But wielding it with grace and precision was another matter entirely.

With each swing, Ichiro felt the weight of inexperience bear down upon him. The sword moved awkwardly like a newborn bird struggling to take flight. His muscles screamed in protest as he labored through the motions, but he persisted.

Raijin, ever the stern mentor, watched with discerning eyes. He knew that mastery over the sword required more than just physical strength. It demanded discipline, dedication, and an unwavering resolve to improve.

"Again," Raijin commanded, his voice unyielding.

Ichiro's days blurred into a relentless routine. The sun would rise, casting its warm glow upon their training ground, and the clinking of steel against steel would commence. One thousand swings each day, a grueling regimen that tested Ichiro's determination.

But the boy pressed on, day after day, swing after swing. With each repetition, his movements grew more fluid, the sword becoming an extension of his body rather than a burden. Muscles once weak and trembling now flexed with newfound strength.

As the weeks passed, Ichiro's progress became evident. His swings were no longer wild and uncontrolled but precise, honed to strike with deadly accuracy. Raijin observed his student's transformation with a hint of approval.

After what felt like an eternity, the month drew to a close. Ichiro's body bore the marks of his relentless training, a tapestry of bruises and callouses that attested to his commitment.

Raijin nodded, satisfied. "You've come a long way, Ichiro."

Ichiro, panting but determined, could only offer a nod in response.

"Now," Raijin began, "it's time for the next step. Sword aura."

Raijin decided to demonstrate what sword aura was. He took Ichiro's sword swung it against a tree and cut it easily due to his strength, "Now this is with sword aura" Raijin says. All of a sudden his sword lit up with mana, Raijin didn't even have the motion to cut down, he only moved his sword next to the tree and touched it closely, but the tree was cut down easily, Ichiro was astonished by the sword aura's power.

Raijin watched Ichiro's determination with a mix of patience and pride. The path to mastering sword aura was treacherous, and Ichiro had embarked upon it with a fervor that impressed even the dragon god.

Days turned into weeks as Ichiro persisted, his sword often flashing with brief, erratic sparks of mana. His frustration would sometimes boil over, yet he would always return to the practice with renewed vigor.

Amidst his training, Ichiro ventured deeper into the forest to confront formidable foes. Beasts of all sizes and shapes, from nimble wolves to hulking bears, felt the bite of his sword. Each battle served as a crucible, a test of his burgeoning skills.

But it was during these encounters that Ichiro's sword began to resonate with his determination. It would flicker with a faint, ethereal glow for mere moments as if acknowledging his unwavering spirit. Raijin, observing from the shadows, recognized the subtle signs of progress.

One evening, as Ichiro returned from a successful hunt, his sword bore not just the blood of his foes but a glimmer of something more—a shard of sword aura, however fleeting.

Raijin approached his pupil with a measured gaze. "You're getting closer, Ichiro."

Breathing heavily, Ichiro nodded. "I can feel it, sensei. It's like trying to grasp a gust of wind."

Raijin smiled, a rare expression for the stoic dragon god. "Indeed, it is. But remember, patience is the key to unlocking sword aura. It is born from the fusion of your spirit and the blade."

After 4 months of hard work, Ichiro finally grasped Sword aura, he had been hunting low-level beasts for a long time too and he saved up lots of points.

"Ichiro Ryugen

Level: 11

Health: 12

Strength: 11

Stamina: 14

Mana/qi: 11

Intelligence: 9

Points Available: 7

Cultivation level: Body Refinement Realm 2nd Stage

Contracted Beasts: None

Titles: None"

Ichiro contemplated his newfound strength and the allocation of his points as he listened to Raijin's words. "It's time for you to break through," Raijin announced with a sense of purpose that ignited Ichiro's determination.

With unwavering resolve, Ichiro embarked on the arduous path of cultivation. It was a journey fraught with agony, a trial of body and spirit. But he finally achieved a higher stage. He didn't just rank up once but twice, making him go to Body Refinement Realm 4th Stage

After achieving the 4th stage of the Body Refinement Realm, Ichiro's journey took an electrifying turn. Raijin, his mentor, introduced a new technique that would test his limits: Thunder Qi. This was no ordinary skill; it was harnessing the power of Raijin's inner energy, a power that could electrify a person to their core.

His initiation into Thunder Qi was a baptism by lightning. The pain was indescribable; it felt as if he were being struck by bolts of electricity, five hundred volts per second coursing through his veins. Should he channel this power throughout his entire body, it would be akin to enduring fifty thousand volts per second, a threshold of agony that defied imagination.

Yet, Ichiro's indomitable spirit refused to yield. He battled against his body's resistance, striving to contain the tempestuous Thunder Qi within. Months stretched into an eternity of relentless effort, each passing day etching endurance and tenacity into his very being. Gradually, he extended his limits, achieving the ability to withstand Thunder Qi for a full ten seconds.

But even this was not enough. Raijin recognized the insurmountable challenge that Thunder Qi posed for Ichiro. A decision was made – they would embark on a journey far from their secluded training grounds.

"Where are we going?" he asked Raijin.

But before an answer came, Raijin urgently commanded him to hide. Ichiro quickly took cover behind a large rock, his heart pounding as he watched two colossal creatures engage in a fierce battle. A Basilisk, a venomous reptilian giant, and a Chimera, a hybrid creature of mythical proportions, clashed in a breathtaking spectacle.

"I saw this forest filled with 4-7 star beasts while I was flying by before I saved you," Raijin explained, shedding light on the extraordinary place they had found themselves in.

Guided by Raijin, Ichiro reached a massive cave, an entire ecosystem within its depths. Here, Ichiro encountered a legendary creature: a Phoenix, a magnificent 6-star beast. Fear surged through him as he hesitated to pluck a feather. Raijin urged him on, despite the dangers. Ichiro summoned his courage, approached the slumbering Phoenix, and managed to extract a single feather without waking the beast.

However, his triumph was short-lived as the Phoenix awoke with a vengeance, its colossal eyes fixed on him. Panic set in as Ichiro narrowly dodged the Phoenix's furious attacks. Desperate, he channeled Thunder Qi, enduring the excruciating pain, and raced away from the enraged creature. His body ached from the relentless electrical charge, but adrenaline carried him to safety.

Returning to their camp with the feather in hand, Ichiro wondered about its purpose.

"What do I do with this?" he asked Raijin.

"Just as you gather Qi from your surroundings, try to draw Qi directly from this feather," Raijin advised.

Ichiro absorbed the feather's Qi, a painful but bearable process, distinct from the torment of Thunder Qi. As he completed the absorption, a notification appeared:

"Successfully absorbed Feather of Phoenix x1"

"You have leveled up!" "You have leveled up!" "You have leveled up!" "You have leveled up!" "You have leveled up!"

Ichiro Ryugen

Level: 20

Health: 14

Strength: 13

Stamina: 15

Mana/qi: 12

Intelligence: 11

Points Available: 5

Cultivation level: Body Refinement Realm 4th Stage

Contracted Beasts: None

Titles: None

Ichiro decided to distribute his points evenly, further strengthening his attributes. He also resumed his training in Thunder Qi, now able to maintain it for an impressive ten minutes.

Ichiro Ryugen

Level: 20

Health: 17

Strength: 15 - 19

Stamina: 15 - 36

Mana/qi: 12

Intelligence: 11

Points Available: 0

Cultivation level: Body Refinement Realm 4th Stage

Contracted Beasts: None

Titles: None

With Thunder Qi now more under his control, his attributes soared.

Raijin continued Ichiro's training by teaching him his first sword technique: the "Thunderclap Blade." Ichiro struggled initially, as he had to infuse Thunder Qi into his sword. Every swing carried immense power, making it a test of his endurance. Yet, through relentless practice, he mastered the technique.

Under Raijin's watchful guidance, Ichiro delved into the intricacies of the ancient sword technique known as the "Thunder Slash Blade." Raijin began by demonstrating the footwork, a dance of precision and grace that Ichiro keenly absorbed, mirroring his master's steps with growing proficiency.

But the true essence of the technique lay in the swordplay itself. Raijin's sword sang through the air, a lethal extension of his will. With each swing, Raijin demonstrated not only the power but also the finesse of the Thunder Slash Blade. It was a relentless series of movements – a thrust, a powerful upward slash, and a subsequent downward strike at a 120-degree angle, a sequence that promised devastation to any foe.

Ichiro's initial attempts were wrought with struggle. The Thunder Qi, coursing through his blade, imbued every swing with a potent force that threatened to unbalance him. The power was immense, and control was elusive. Yet, he persevered.

Slowly but surely, Ichiro found his rhythm. The movements became fluid, a dance of precision and power. The Thunder Qi coursed through his sword with controlled potency, and each swing carved a path of raw destruction.

With sweat-soaked determination and countless hours of training, Ichiro could finally claim mastery over the Thunder Slash Blade

As Ichiro continued to refine his skills, his journey led him through countless trials and battles. Four long years of unrelenting training and hunting had molded him into a formidable warrior. With his eyes firmly fixed on the horizon of progress, Ichiro decided it was time to evaluate his growth.

With a sense of anticipation, he reviewed his stats:

"Ichiro Ryugen

Level: 44

Health: 27

Strength: 26

Stamina: 44

Mana/qi: 23

Intelligence: 22

Points Available: 0

Cultivation level: Body Refinement Realm 9th Stage

Contracted Beasts: None

Titles: None"

The numbers painted a picture of a warrior on the cusp of a significant transformation. The Golden Core Realm beckoned,

He needed a rank 3 beasts core to rank up.

In the heart of the menacing beast-infested forest, Ichiro confronted a formidable opponent—a young Basilisk, a creature of rank 3. Confidence coursed through his veins as he faced the creature, its poisonous fangs bared, venomous intent in its eyes.

With a burst of Thunder Qi, Ichiro propelled himself into the air, deftly dodging the Basilisk's snapping jaws. As he descended upon the beast, he summoned the power of his Thunder Slash Blade technique, a technique honed through years of relentless training.

His sword descended upon the Basilisk's sleek scales, carving a deep gash along its body. The beast recoiled in agony, but its retaliation was swift and savage. A thunderous crack echoed through the forest as the Basilisk's tail struck Ichiro, sending him hurtling into a nearby tree. The colossal force of the impact splintered the tree into a thousand shards.

Dazed but not defeated, Ichiro regained his footing just as the Basilisk lunged once more. With a fluid, practiced movement, he evaded the deadly bite, narrowly escaping the creature's venomous maw.

Seizing the opportunity, Ichiro channeled the might of Thunder Qi into his blade and swung with all his might. The Thunder Slash Blade struck true, slicing through the Basilisk's skull. Lightning danced along the blade as it made contact, searing through the beast's eye.

In a final, desperate struggle, the Basilisk thrashed wildly. But Ichiro's resolve was unwavering. Blow after blow rained down until, at last, the creature lay defeated, its life extinguished.

With victory came the spoils—a prized core pulsating with potent energy. Ichiro had triumphed over the rank 3 beast, securing the key to his ascension into the Golden Core Realm.

"You have leveled up!"

"You have leveled up!"

"You have leveled up!"

"You have leveled up!"

"You have leveled up!"

"You have leveled up!"

"You have leveled up!"

As the battle's echoes faded into the depths of the beast-infested forest, Ichiro remained battered and bruised from his fierce encounter with the young Basilisk. His body ached with every movement, and his breaths came heavy and labored.

With great care, he tended to his wounds

With great trepidation and determination burning in his eyes, Ichiro finally felt ready. He held the Basilisk's core in his hands, its pulsating energy resonating with his own. As he began the intricate process of absorbing its essence, he felt a surge of power like never before.

His body trembled as the energy coursed through him, reshaping his very being. It was a baptism of power, a transformation that marked his passage into the enigmatic realm of the Golden Core.

After years of solitude and relentless training, the day Ichiro had eagerly awaited had finally arrived. His voice trembled with a mixture of excitement and apprehension as he posed the long-anticipated question to Raijin.

"I can finally go now, right?" Ichiro's words hung in the air, laden with the weight of his years of dedication. The prospect of human contact, of stepping beyond the boundaries of his secluded training grounds, filled him with an undeniable thrill.

Raijin, the wise mentor who had guided him through every step of his journey, met Ichiro's gaze with a knowing smile. His response was simple, yet it held the promise of a world awaiting discovery.

"Yeah," Raijin said, his voice a deep, reassuring rumble. It was a word that marked the end of one chapter and the beginning of another—an affirmation that Ichiro was finally ready to face the challenges and wonders of the world beyond.

Ichiro decided to check his stats one last time

"Ichiro Ryugen

Level: 51

Health: 27

Strength: 26

Stamina: 44

Mana/qi: 23

Intelligence: 22

Points Available:

Cultivation level: Golden Core Realm 1st Stage

Contracted Beasts: None

Titles: None"

"It's time to go to the mainlands"