
Absolute Emperor System

An immortal tired of living as a silent observer. Eternal and silent ages have brought you to a point of extreme desire for the feeling of living.

GoldCrownz · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 6. Barbarian Threat.

Like every morning, Surya had carried out his solar cultivation at the top of the hill.

Now that he had returned to the mansion he had decided to start his new training.

In the training yard, Surya stood face to face with a large shelf filled with metal training weapons.

His blood seethed with the excitement of becoming stronger and he took the handle of any weapon.

When he removed it from the big shelf he realized that it was a long spear, smoothing the handle he noticed the simple grooves and the erased trace of what was once the design of a silver dragon.

The blade looked sharp and well cared for, indicating that even though it was old and used it was still well cared for.

Adopting a basic spear posture he tried his best to perform some movements in the basic stage.

After a long moment of familiarizing himself with the weapon, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I have no foundation, what am I trying to do !?" Surya knew that a tutor would be an obvious choice to begin his weapons training.

But he couldn't let his pride die and present his movements like an idiot.

After viewing a mental screen for a while he decided.

[The art of the Spear: A thousand Dragon rises from the storm.]

[Would you like to redeem it in your memory?]


In his mind a great tsunami of information flooded his entire being.

The technique consisted of numerous positions and foundations about the masterful art of the spear.

"The spear must be like a storm dragon. Furious and imperious, causing and destroying everything in its path." Surya whispered a stretch of the technique like a mantra.

Moving according to his memories, He took a new position.

His body receded while his two hands held the spear forward.

If he were an enemy, he would surely notice that he looked like a cocked dragon, ready to pierce and destroy the world in front of him.

Taking a deep breath, Surya opened his eyes and pushed the spear in front of his.

In the second form he raised the tip like the shape of the ascending dragon.

The third and fourth forms were like that of a descending dragon and a low wave like a cunning tail.

He continued to practice all 13 primary forms until he reached a not so regrettable stage.

Realizing that the day had already passed and the night had come, he showed a somewhat disappointed expression at having his time reduced.


Sitting in an armchair surrounded by shelves full of library books, Surya was studying with a thick book in hand.

"For a great war!" Surya said smiling, finding what he was looking for.

It was a book telling the story of their continent.

Crescent Immortal Continent. A great continent located to the south of the planet.

The continent was divided into two parts of different cultures, the West and the East.

The Kingdom of Samsara was a small kingdom on the northern edge of the West.

In comparison to some great empires in the West and some great sects in the East, the small kingdom was like an ant compared to big elephants.

As the city Fortaleza was normally a line of defense against barbarians and countries east of the Kingdom, it was quite desolate in comparison.

He had also discovered that the enemy of the Kingdom that had destroyed and killed his family was an enemy empire to the Silver Lion empire of which they were affiliated.

The black-coal empire was another low-level empire since its foundations were in a constant war for territory.

Unfortunately for the Kingdom of Samsara, a low-level Kingdom was on the black-hot Empire's elimination list.

He squeezed his hands tight enough that his nails penetrated the cover of the book before he tossed it aside.

[Mission: Defeat the Barbara horde that comes to destroy the city Fortaleza.]

[Reward: 1 random summons and 2100 Absolute Points.] [Failure: Death or enslavement by barbarians.]

He quickly got up from the armchair and grabbed his white coat and put it on his shoulders, as soon as he walked out the door, Yumi appeared in front of him and was going to say something before Surya interrupted her.

"Save your energy, we will have to stain our blades today. It will be a bloody night." He said his last sentence with a smile.

Yumi smiled a little before disappearing into the shadows.

Walking through the mansion, he watched through the windows, all the agitated soldiers preparing for an impending battle, apparently, they already knew about the horde.

After a few moments he had already arrived in front of Stephan's office and knocked on the door.

"In between." A rigid voice came.

Opening the door, he found himself facing an armored Stephan watching the moon through the large window of his office.

"Barbarians," Surya said to capture Stephan's attention.

He just turned and waved.

"It is the first horde in the last 15 years. The flames of war are about to ignite again."

"Father, I will participate in this battle. As a warrior I must bathe in the blood of my enemies in battle!

Stephan turned, about to vigorously deny the idea, but was caught over the burning eyes.

In these last million years, Surya had not killed anyone, he would like to know what a battle tasted like.

He smiled slightly and left without saying a word.

"My soldiers will be with me, don't worry." He said in the hallway in an attempt to relieve Stephan.

At first Stephan didn't understand but decided to leave it to Surya, the more soldiers with him the better for his safety he thought.


Standing on the walls of the Fortress, Surya watched the great forest in front of his with half-closed eyes.

"Tsk. Hyuuga." He said quietly and quickly a figure in a gray uniform and white demon mask appeared on his knees.

"Tell me what you see." He said as an order.

Anbu turned and looked away from the horizon of trees.

Looking through the holes in the mask, Surya saw the violet eyes that saw through everything.

"An enemy camp 5 kilometers ahead. Estimated to be at least five by barbaric men."

"Five thousand!?" Surya looked behind him and saw a large crowd that was armed and said goodbye to their families out of concern. "

In Fortaleza, at most, there were three and a half thousand soldiers, in addition to ordinary citizens who could serve as soldiers in extreme hours.

Surya nodded slightly and decided to prepare.

He wore light gold-colored armor, where the plates protected only fundamental parts, the weight and the openings in the joints allowed him a fluid movement that he liked.

While flexing his muscles, he felt a hand on his shoulder, when he looked he saw the beautiful red-haired beauty.

Mirya wore light armor similar to his but in blue.

In his hands a spear pointed dangerously at the sky.

Her stance told Surya that she was at least proficient in the use of the spear.

With a slightly worried face she said.

"You shouldn't fight this battle Surya, according to the scouts are at least a few thousand barbarians, leave it to the sister here and go back to the mansion."

Surya looked into his amber eyes for a moment and looked away to see the horizon.

"I can't. How could I let these damned barbarians invade a territory that in the future will be mine to rule like a King!" Surya was not afraid to declare his goal of being a ruler.

Mirya looked a little surprised and also disconcerted by Surya's determination.

She immediately thought of someone like that and smiled.

"I think you will have competitors for that Surya goal." She smiled at him and walked away.

Surya just thought that she too would like to go up as a new lady of the territory and left it alone.

"In the end, only I will sit on the throne" Surya thought.