
Absolute election

life is about choices. Sometimes a simple choice like going to school or not going to school can change our future in ways we can't imagine. Something like the butterfly effect. Jake receives the option of choosing knowingly from the results of his choice.

Osman8 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Martial spirits

Jake decided to be patient and wait. He didn't just want to eat once; he wanted to do it whenever he wanted, wherever he wanted.

After leaving Diane on the couch, Jake approached her and planted a kiss on her forehead, then whispered in her ear.

"I wish you had eyes for me." Jake continued, stroking her hair. "If so, I wouldn't let you leave my room. I would take you day and night, showing you what true pleasure is."

Jake left the house after that but didn't leave immediately; he leaned against the door, and after a few minutes, he heard moans accompanied by his name.

After that, he went to train in the forest and returned before dusk. He couldn't train much today; he had to be in optimal condition for tomorrow.

"Are you nervous?" Diane asked, not daring to look him in the eyes.

"Not really," Jake shrugged. "I know I probably won't be able to awaken any martial spirits."

Diane sighed dejectedly and, in an attempt to change the subject, asked him.

"Did you like the movie? I couldn't see the ending because I fell asleep."

Jake smiled at her final comment but still replied.

"To be honest, not really. I feel they're very repetitive, shallow, and lacking character development."

"WOW, a movie critic," Diane teased with a smile. "Whoever listens to you will think you're one of those guys."

"Not at all," Jake shook his head, feeling offended to be compared to those hacks. "I just feel that if it were me, I could make a better movie with that plot."

Diane chuckled under her breath.

"Then why don't you give it a try? I'll be your first audience."

"What?" Jake asked incredulously at Diane's joke.

"Make your own movie. I've heard that Artstart is an excellent app to help you." Diane suggested.

'No way!'

Jake stopped talking to Diane and started browsing the internet at that moment. Several pages and videos opened as tabs in his vision, and he began to check them.

"What a fool I was!" Jake slapped his forehead.

The technology in this world was so advanced that movies and animations in this world were made using applications with artificial intelligence that turned your ideas and thoughts into a film.

Some apps were so incredible that their effects and realism were such that they couldn't be distinguished from reality.

That's why the movie market was so saturated and declining.

Any fool could make a movie.


Jake immediately accessed the app store and downloaded the best one of all.

It was the one Diane recommended: Artstart.

The app was essentially free, but you had to pay certain levels to access better tools like special effects.

"It's incredible!" Jake planted a kiss on Diane's cheek and smiled at her. "I'll make my own movie, and you'll have to watch it."

Jake ran upstairs with excitement. This world was technologically advanced, but in other things, it was very backward compared to his world.

Its technology advanced so quickly that it didn't allow for the creation of cult works before new technology appeared. All this led to the disappearance of the acting profession. One of the main points when instilling emotions and expressing feelings. Something that even though AIs could do, it hasn't been fully exploited.

Doing a quick search on the internet, Jake already knew that the most sought-after profession in these times was: a hypnotist.

In his world, they could be a mockery and only work in circuses or small shows. But in this world, they were highly coveted for their ability to put a person into a deep sleep.

The first thing he thought of was to plagiarize the great masterpieces of his world, but the question was which ones.

He came up with many, but his budget was limited, and he couldn't buy the best subscriptions.

The only one he could buy was: level 1 realism.

With this limitation, fewer movies came to mind.

So he thought about exploiting the lack that the movies in this world had: the transmission of feelings and emotions.

After thinking about it for a while, he decided on a movie.

Lying on his bed, Jake opened the app and selected the option to create a new movie.

A small blue bubble appeared in his vision and spoke to him.

"Hello, I'm Blue, and I'll help you in the process of creating your movie."

Jake was very curious and fascinated by everything.

"First of all, you have to think of a title. If you don't have one yet, it doesn't matter; you can put it at any time."

Jake didn't hesitate for a second and thought of the title.

[In Search of Happiness]

"Excellent name," Blue praised. "Now, how about we create the main characters? You just have to imagine what they'll be like."

Jake whistled with administration.

Without thinking too much, he thought of Will Smith playing Chris Gardner.

Jake was so excited that he spent the rest of the night creating the movie and bringing the characters to life.

Unintentionally, Jake worked all night.

"Darn it!"

He was supposed to be at 100% for his awakening, but he stayed up all night.

On the other hand, he couldn't help but feel incredible about having finished half of the movie in just one night.

With a sigh, Jake began practicing crystal gazing, and within minutes, he entered a state of great relaxation, waking up an hour later with the great surprise that he had entered the state of deep sleep at will.

Was this the result of having entered the fetal breathing state?

Jake reasoned that if he had to explain it somehow. It was as if he had learned to run before walking, but if you knew how to run, it was most normal that you could also walk.

Taking a quick shower, Jake quickly got ready and ran to school.

His life force was already at 0.7, so it wasn't so tiring to run to school.