
Chapter 7: Days In The Castle

-Mormial Kingdom; Raphtal City; Royal Palace; Hero Living Quarters-

After what he had experienced before, Fritz went to the bedroom immediately, not knowing how to feel about the whole situation.

This seemed like a family problem, but at the same time, it was eerie to witness that whole thing. While this relationship with his own family wasn't the best, it was still far from being the worst.

"Hey... Dad... Alaric..." Fritz called out to the currently resting young man on a bed on the other side of the room.

"...." There was no from Leopold response.

(What is going on? More importantly, why does he keep calling this guy Dad? I didn't think much of it, but they aren't that different in age...

(Unless reincarnation changed that... Oh well, knowing those crazy Gods and Goddesses they probably did something like that, and thought it was inconsequential...) Alaric sighed internally thinking back to the Celestial beings he met before coming to Mirth.

"Dad! Alaric!" Fritz went off more aggressively this time.

".... What?" Leopold's voice could transmit his tiredness as his voice came out hoarse.

"Do say." Alaric also acknowledged being called.

"It's just I saw one of the Princes threaten, princess Merilyn and she seemed genuinely terrified of him.

"I mean the guy literally said he would get rid of her if she didn't behave properly... It was very weird... And just left this uneasiness on me." Fritz expressed with his arms crossed thinking of the situation.

"... Wow... That's pretty crazy... When you called me, I expected something stupid, but damn.

"I guess we should look out for that prince, do you have any idea which one he is?" Leopold got up from his rest to actually pay attention.

"That's honestly not something we should get involved in, it will probably cause more trouble than it's worth, and even if we wanted to get involved, we wouldn't be strong enough to do much." Alaric pointed out, not interested in tone but the slight frown on his expression was visible.

"Hum... They called him Ionis, so I guess that's his name. Do you think it would be worth it to try and talk to the Princess? Even if we can't do something ourselves, surely someone like the King or something can." Fritz responded before posing his own question.

"Ok, I'll keep that in mind, and tomorrow we'll have to tell the girls to be careful too. As for the Princess, I think that's none of our business.

"It's their family problem and we shouldn't butt in. Plus it's not like there's anything we can actually do, seeing as both of them have more power than us." Leopold answered still tired and occasionally sighing if tiredness.

In response to this, Fritz looked at Alaric expectant.

"It could be possible to report it to the King, but Royal family politics are annoying, and we might just end up stuck between a sword and a hard place if any of us tries getting involved." Alaric raised an eyebrow and then replied not very positive of the idea.

"Even still, something about this doesn't stomach right with me. It's been pestering me." Fritz insisted on grabbing his chest as he spoke with a frown.

"... How about this? We don't get involved but if the princess comes to us about it, we'll be willing to help... It's not like this is something simple they can be solved easily." Leopold suggested.

"Yeah, if you really want a say in it, it's not impossible for you to marry the Princess as an Otherworld hero, so you could try that." Alaric presented another option to him.

"... I'm not interested in her like! It's just that Ionis guy just makes me very uncomfortable. Something about him just feels off, but I can't put my finger on what." Fritz retorted with a thoughtful expression and a voice full of doubt.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Just don't put your finger where it doesn't belong, that could get very troublesome." Leopold was more so worried than anything.

"... Fine... Thanks, Dad." Fritz's face or feeling of discomfort didn't go away, but he still smiled and thanked Leopold as he felt a bit better about the situation.

"Yeah, I got you. Now get some sleep, we'll have a busy day tomorrow." Leopold advised and soon both fell to sleep.

(I might have to look out for this Prince Guy, he might be a real problem.) Alaric found himself thinking before he started meditating, doing his mental magic training once more.


-Mormial Kingdom; Raphtal City; Royal Palace; Training Area-

After experiencing another day full of lessons, the heroes once again found themselves in the training area with Commander Rana, right in front of them.

"You're, all going to have to do the simple. Exercises, weight, and flexibility training. You won't be touching a weapon until you can make your own body a weapon. This world is plagued with monsters, some bad, some good, and some terrifying.

"Whenever you go out hunting wild monsters, or dungeon crawling, you never truly know if you'll just have a normal day or face an unlucky encounter and die." Rana expressed looking at the mostly tired heroes with the exception of Alaric, who was used to this level of training.

"Trying to kill us with this exaggerated training doesn't help! If today is anything like yesterday I might just die." Heather complained with her arms crossed.

"Don't be naive, this is nothing. I'm only giving you something you can handle otherwise you would like injuries all over your body by now. This is about making you into the fighter you need to be to survive.

"That's why weapons can't be your first means to protect yourself and survive, your body has to. Weapons break, rust, get flung out of your hand, maybe they conduct lighting and you get shocked because of it, and so on." Rana responded to her not really bothered seemingly by her words.

This did not convince Heather at all, but she said nothing more, just waiting to see where it would go.

"I don't know, having a weapon, especially if it has the supernatural powers you people keep talking about, that would be very useful." Leopold was the one to speak this time.

"Don't get me wrong, knowing how to use a weapon is very important and can save your life, but my Master used to say 'Before wielding an external weapon, you first must hone your internal one. That's how you become a true master in combat.' and that's something I take to heart.

"I hope you understand what I'm saying and give your all in this training, cause this will be the foundation for how you develop your fighting style, combat prowess, and combat ability in the future. Do you understand?!" Rana explained with a stern tone and full seriousness.

"Yes! Commander!" They responded in unison.

"Good. Now, you'll begin with the training just like yesterday, and by the end of it, each of one you will spar with me. Your objective is to land a blow on me.

"Whoever does it first, will get 5 Large silver, full access to the outside world, and permission to skip a training session once per week." Rana laid out the situation with a small smile on his face, accompanied by an unsettling aura around him.

Having that said, the training began, and just like the day before, they were made to exercise until they could no longer move, from more standard stuff like push-ups, sit-ups, squats, running, and jumping jacks, to flexibility-focused ones, and finally, some weight lifting to overkill their long dead muscles.

The training was taxing for most of them, and it was a chore to keep up, but they had no choice as even slacking for a second could double their training, and that was a nightmare for the heroes.

While it was not something overwhelming for him, Alaric was also being pushed a bit in this training since Rana noticed his condition and always had him do more than the others.

This way their training continued. Alaric performed the best in terms of general exercises, weight lifting, flexibility, and running. Followed by Heather, and Lavenica, leaving Leopold in fourth overall, and Fritz as the last one.

By the end of it, the heroes were mostly a wreck and just wanted to get some rest. Even still, it was not over as the spar section was yet to happen.

"Do your best, and don't worry about losing, it builds character." Rana commented, before signaling that any of them could come.

The first one to take the challenge was Leopold, who despite looking a bit disheveled because of the training, still seemed to have the spirit for it.

Taking a stance akin to that of kickboxing, he slowly approached Rana, paying attention to every little movement the Commander made, knowing full well that this was unlikely to end in his favor, but unwilling to simply give up in the face of such a trial.

"What are you waiting for? An invitation? If you don't have it in you to be decisive enough to do something, just because your opponent is stronger, you're likely to die. Do something or let someone with a bit more guts get their shot first." Rana taunted.

Unable to just accept that assessment, Leopold just went in for the kill with a right hook.

This was immediately dodged by Rana with ease and then he grabbed Leopold's arm before pushing it up toward his back and twisting it, forcing him to kneel, followed by Rana stepping on Leopold's back to lock him.

"Too rash, you can't just let your opponent talk you into action. Once they start having control of the flow of things, you've already given them a huge advantage.

"Taunt and other forms of provocation or even manipulation are part of the battlefield too. Some opponents will use whatever crumbs of weakness you give them against you, at the slightest slip-up." Rana explained as he kept pressing on Leopold with his foot.

"Ok! Ok! Got it... Now, can you not break my arm?" Leopold responded.

"Fine, the next one step forward!" Rana let go of Leopold before the to the rest with this command.

From then on, the second one was Heather.

"Confident, are you? Hope you can back it up." Rana once again signaled that it could start.

No response came from her, and she then went in with a low rotation kick aimed at Rana's legs.

Evasion came as expected and Heather used the fact that she was already on the ground to give herself an extra push, propelling herself at Rana with an uppercut, right before revealing it to be a fake and going for a kick to the stomach.

Something the commander easily dodged before grabbing her arm and contorting it lightly.

"Not bad... It seems I have underestimated you a bit. I've seen enough for today, better luck next time." Rana was slightly surprised by Heather but didn't let that stop him from locking the now floored girl, after her last move.

"This is too unfair, of course, we can't fight you! You have a super high ranking and all that stuff." Heather pointed out frustrated.

"I'm only moving in a way you can keep up with, even if I am on a level you can't fathom right now. I haven't done anything you couldn't have countered if you knew what you were doing.

"So, don't be childish and give up, before I decide to triple your training as punishment, it's already doubled by now." Rana replied calmly ready to put her through hell.

In no time, Heather too gave up. Next up was Lavenica.

"I give up. I'm not wasting my time on this. I can't win as I am now." Lavenica immediately gave up, seeing no point in fighting a losing battle.

"That kind of attitude is dangerous. Many individuals won't give you the chance to surrender, and while I commend you for understanding when to back off, it's not something you can just do.

"Anyway, you better show progress on the next lesson or you'll have to do quadruple the work the others do." Rana retorted clearly a bit disappointed but moved on.

Lastly, Fritz was the fastest to lose, not even getting to try attacking as he got too close and was captured in a chokehold, almost instantly.

"Errghh... I feel... I'm being... treated... Worse... Than... The... Girls..." Fritz spoke with the bit of air he still had as the chokehold was beyond his capacity to escape at all.

"For that, your training will be doubled today. Anyway, give in so that I can take care of the last one." Rana replied not worried at all.

Soon Fritz gave up, and sad released.

At last, Alaric stood in front of Rana, and he felt a pressure beyond even that of his uncle, who was already a gigantic wall from his perspective, but the man who stood before him right now, felt like the Sun itself, completely out of reach, even so, shining so bright he could not ignore it.

"You're a scary guy, Commander." Alaric said with a cold sweat on his face.

"Hahaha, I try to be friendly though. You kids have it easy, back when I was training being soft meant death." Rana responded with his arms crossed as he waited for the boy to attack.

"It's a good thing it changed then, that sounds extreme. Not even about passion anymore, but right now, I can show it all with no worry." Alaric said and immediately grabbed dirt from the ground, as he dashed at the commander.

"Nice form, but your movement thought ratio is a bit sloppy." Rana commented as the joy got close.

Going in for a punch, Alaric got dodged with ease but didn't stop there, throwing the dirt from before as a sand pocket and going for a kick.

Ducking under the kick by leaning backward to an extreme level, in a way that most would lose balance and fall. Rana took this opportunity to grab the boy's leg.

However, this caused Alaric to smile, as he stomped on Rana's armor causing the Commander to sit down.

"Hahahaha, very well done. You tricked me into thinking the pocket sand distraction was your goal, but you wanted me to grab you so I could dodge your attack.

"I didn't expect someone at your level to be this battle-driven, you have quite the instinct." Rana smiled as he let go of the boy and got up.

"It's only possible because you allowed me to, I saw your eyes, they could follow my every moment even well before I made them." Alaric pointed out what he noticed.

"You're actually a Prodigy I see... To notice something so minor. I guess Mirth might have provided a Hero of Legend." Rana smiled and pulled a bag out of thin air then threw it at Alaric.

The boy caught it and inside there were 5 silver coins just as promised.

"The ones with extra training as punishment finish up so that you can all be dismissed." Rana commanded and they all did what they had to, so once the ones with penalty were done, their training was over for the day.

Their tiredness was high and they wanted nothing more than a bath, food, and some sleep.

As they were leaving, Fritz came to the girls.

"I saw this guy called Ionis, one of the princes, threaten Princess Merilyn. He seems like a dangerous guy overall." He said to them with a serious expression.

"This better not be a joke or I'll end you!" Heather who was very tired replied with an equally serious expression.

"I see, well then we better stay out of it. It sounds like a family problem." Lavenica concluded as she held the black smile in her arms.

Seeing their reactions were similar to the guys, Fritz found himself questioning his reaction, once he had finished talking to the girls.

"Was I that weird for wanting to interfere? Maybe... I guess I should just mind my business for now, even if that guy's aura feels very weird." He sighed as he decided.


Back at the female living quarters, Heather basically shut down after laying on the bed as they had already taken care of their basic necessities after the training.

"That annoying Commander Rana! He didn't want me to win! I'm sure he was much stronger than me when we were fighting! He never gave me a chance!" She complained as soon as she was lying in bed.

"Dear, I don't think that's what happened. You're just not as good a fighter as you thought. That's fine, it's ok to lose." Lavenica replied with a look of concern and a warm voice.

"No! I'm sure he did. I trained in karate my whole life and I even did a bit of Wing Shun! I'm no pushover! There's no way he can just do that!" Heather was stubborn with her arms crossed and a pouty face.

"Heather, this isn't earth anymore... This place is some sort of Hell, a place to atone for our sins. What we did in the last life means nothing here, in this world of monsters and the supernatural. Don't worry though, we can do this together." Lavenica got up and walked to her daughter before hugging her.

"... I just want to go back..." Heather leaned into the hug and allowed her to relax as she spoke with a cracking voice.

"I know, but we can't. We made the wrong choices and if we want our souls to be forgiven, we have to do things the way they work here." Lavenica continued as she hugged her and they indulged in the moment as the black slime stuck to them, seemingly also hugging them.


-Mormial Kingdom; Raphtal City; Royal Palace; King's office-

In the King's office, once again Faroz found himself working on some documentation not really minding his surroundings all that much. That was until someone knocked on his door, and he authorized them to come in, not stopping or bothering to look at who it was.

"Your majesty, apologies for the interruption, but the Necromancer hero wishes to have an audience with you." Lavnik slightly bowed as he reported with a rather stale expression.

"Hum... Allow him to come in." King Faroz flinched for an instant before sighing and giving the order, still focused on his work rather than the conversation.

"Yes, your majesty." Lavnik responded, then turned around and left with smooth movements that, even though graceful, felt almost robot in nature.

While Lavnik was leaving, Diego came in carrying some papers.

"Your Majesty, the final draft of the prototype for the M.K. Armor is finally here, and it seems the Scholar Guild can actually start working on it.

"Here, in there papers, I have all the information about the prospects and the potential of it. As well as the production cost." Diego explained with a smile and clear excitement in his voice.

"Go on, tell me all about it." King Faroz allowed him to continue.

The full conversation lasted for quite a while, and Fritz had to wait outside until it was over.

"So, it will add up to a final cost of 3,000,000,000 Kiris or 3 High platinum coins." Diego said with a bit of an awkward slime on his face.

"... All that for the production of a single prototype with no real signs of success? Tell me, Diego, do you truly believe this armor will be as revolutionary as those bootlicking ramblers at the Scholar Guild claim it will?" King Faroz questioned stopping to actually look at Diego for the first time in their conversation, and his stoic expression didn't say too much, only awaiting answers.

"Honestly speaking, if it is successful, and can be mass-produced, I believe it would be entirely possible to make Mormial the fifth great power of Crismentia, right under the current great Four powers of Crismentia, and even maybe enough to rival the Elementals! So I do believe it's a worthwhile project." Diego expressed with a wide smile.

"Then it's approved. Move on with it and report to me as long as any real progress is made." King Faroz commanded, as his focus once became the documents on his desk.

"Yes, your Majesty!" Diego replied seemingly good mood.

"That aside, are there any clues of Feylit Bleier, Chago Yolmit, or Raimoro Ditoa's presence? Oh, and how is the seal?" King Faroz asked.

"No, but those three have already been set as a top priority, and Commander Lilico says that we'll have them back in their cells in less than a year. As for the seal, it's already in progress and will be fully repaired by the end of this week." Diego clarified before turning around and leaving.

"Good, if nothing else, you may leave." King Faron declared as he waved his hand, quite predisposed end the interaction.

"Actually Your Majesty, I would like to inform you of a rather precarious situation." Diego smiled weakly as he raised his voice just a bit bit more than he should.

"Do clarify." With a sigh escaping his mouth, The King allowed him to continue as he rubbed his eyes.

"The expedition team of adventurers sent to check the sight of the unidentified dungeon have returned, and it seems there is indeed a new dungeon in the forest surrounding the city." Diego responded with a bit of a frown.

"If you are telling me this, I assume something isn't quite right." The King raised an eyebrow as he asked seemingly surprised to hear about this.

"Precisely… However it's not the typical problem one would expect from a dungeon as there seems to be no danger of a dungeon break anytime soon.

"Even in terms of danger it was confirmed to be relatively harmless… actually it's a conditioned dungeon that only allows those up to level 25 in it." Diego continued to speak of the matter with a frown still apparent on his face.

"If that's the case, what could possibly be the problem?" The King insisted as he rolled his eyes, dismissing the possibility of a problem internally.

"The adventurers were met with three abnormalities in the dungeon. They found intelligent dungeon monsters which don't usually appear in such low ranking, and not only one or two.

"Aside from both the mid dungeon boss, and the dungeon boss, the last floor of the dungeon had a whole village of intelligent goblins." Diego spoke with unease.

"Continue. The other two abnormalities!" The King changed posture and was fully ready to listen to what Diego had to say.

"Yes, the other two things they found out were that, 1- the intelligent goblins could remember what happened even after they are killed and the dungeon gets reset, and 2- there was no dungeon core." Diego expressed but the unseasiness on his face only depended.

"That's problematic… Could this be a third new type of dungeon?… I've never heard of such a thing… what do the royal records say?" The King slightly frowned as well.

"Well… It's here where things get a bit… ah… manic…" Diego was a bit hesitant.

"Just speak!" King Faroz imposed.

"Yes, there were records of such a dungeon existing in the past, but it was thought to be lost before…" Diego finally spoke.

"… Wait… Is this the dungeon I entrusted to the students of the Great Sage Gustav?! Wasn't it long dealt with?!" The King's eyes widened as it finally clicked for him.

"It was supposed to be, but it has somehow come back as a conditioned dungeon… Even the goblins inside seem to remember the disciples of the great sage… they even whorship them… or at least it seems to be the case. How should we proceed your majesty?" Diego asked him.

"… For now form and send a team of level 25 individuals to go in a search every inch of it for any remains of the disciples of the great sage…

"Maybe it could even be used as a training ground for newly recruited soldiers… and even the heroes… Oh, well… that will come in time. You are dismissed." The King had a bit of a crooked smile as he thought of the possibilities.

"Yes, thank you for your time. Your Majesty." The Advisor left to go take care of the discussed matters.

Once he was finally gone, Fritz got his chance to do what he came there for. Not wasting much time he went inside, and things proceeded.

"Your Majesty, I came here because I am concerned with the safety of all of us here in the castle.

"I feel this environment is limited and makes it hard for us to truly adjust to this world in the way we should, so if possible could we be shown more of the outside?

"Also, having Princess Merilyn, who we are familiar with do it would be great as well. " Fritz made his concerns clear as he told the King with a shaky body but a strong voice.

"... While your worries are valid, they come too soon. Once Commander Grand Cross Rana believes you are ready for the outside world, you will be given all the freedom you desire.

"For now, you will have to bear with it as you should understand that your position in this world right now is a crucial one, and any decision made that doesn't take your safety into account will be judged and used against us in the Hero debut banket a few months from now." King Faroz retorted calmly and without losing focus of his work.

"Understood. I get that, but it doesn't have to be anything dangerous. Just a tour of the city would be more than enough." Fritz responded with a weak smile as he waited for the response.

"How unfortunate that such a soul with a thirst for adventure is stuck, but right now the priority is to ensure your survival. Worry not though, in time things will improve, and your freedom will be yours again.

"However you can't take it for granted, this world from what I know is much more dangerous than your own, so please understand that this is for the best right now." The King smiled as he said so but the tone in his voice was final.

"Thank you for your time." Fritz gave up and just left.

The King didn't say anything else and just went back to his work.


After leaving the wine man behind, Feylit Bleier, The spark boy, continued to move on his own. Escaping Mormial was not necessarily an easy task, especially when the Royal army had its eyes on him.

Due to his current situation, he had no choice but to dwell in the slums, being careful to not end up being recognized and sold off by someone there, this he a cloak and a scarf which would have looked very suspicious on Earth, but in Mirth, different equipment would give different bonuses to people, so it wasn't unusual for people to wear fashion atrocities or visually suspicious clothing for the item bluffs.

People are so desensitized to it that nobody bats an eye when a man or a woman walks on the streets with a bikini armor. So long as it's not full-on nudity, nobody cares.

Eventually, he got all the supplies he needed by doing some wild monster and beast extermination around for the adventurers' guild, then left for a smaller city where he got into a carriage to Guande.

Along the way, every time they stopped near a body of water, he would take the chance to fill his spatial bag with water.

Spatial bags are bags with a larger inside than outside, which travelers with enough money, use to keep all their stuff without having to deal with the weight or size of said items.

As the carriage advanced, there were a few times when wild monsters or beasts would appear, but the carriage had a party of three adventurers ready to act whenever necessary, so it wasn't a big deal.

That was until they met with a wild Troll, standing at 3,5m(11'5ft), the creature filled with dark green fur from its shoulders to its waist, also having more of it on its forearms. Wearing a ragged loincloth, and nothing more.

Its green, skin looks wrinkled but not feeble with long arms that went past its knees. The being was muscular and had a well-defined body, as it smiled its yellow sharp teeth showed with its tusks, below its pointy sharp nose, with its fully red eyes right above. From its ears, fur could also be seen.

Finally, it was holding an aptly sized war hammer in each of its hands.

Immediately the carriage stopped, and the party of three adventurers was urged to go deal with the problem.

"Go and do your thing to that creature, it's obviously a wild monster with those fully red eyes and all!" The coachman ordered.

"... That's not happening! We didn't sign up for this! The mission was clearly a Bronze rank Quest! That thing is an adult Troll! A Lord-rank monster! If you want to deal with it!

"You'll need at least an iron-ranked adventurer party! We're a bronze-ranked party! It would be suicidal for us to try and fight it! Let's turn back and do the journey another day!" Among the party, the man wearing a robe and holding a staff was the one to speak.

"I think everyone should listen to him, he's very well-studied in the monsters and beasts encyclopedia at the adventurers guild." Another one of the party members added, this one wearing leather armor under a chest plate, and having a spear right next to him.

"We're wasting time, if we are making a decision, it has to be quick or the wild Troll might notice that we don't have a force capable of facing it and just come kill us all." The last party member commented in a serious tone.

This one wearing a cloak and mostly dark-toned clothing, having two daggers one on each side of her waist.

"I paid 25,000Kiris! More specifically 2 silver coins and 1 Star bronze coin! For your protection! And you can't even do something this simple!?" The coachman complained.

From this, another argument spawned, and time continued to pass.

While that was happening, Feylit got out of the carriage and started walking toward the Troll, which caused the others to try and stop him.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?! You're going to get yourself and us all killed! Get back here now!"

"He's completely insane..."

"I knew I shouldn't have gotten out of bed today."

"So this is how I die... Tragic..."

"Stop! You bastard!"

Unfortunately, their words fell on deaf ears as Feylit calmly walked all the way to the Troll who smiled wider as it saw, a human stupid enough to approach it alone.

"I heard Trolls have very good regeneration, so I figured it would be best to get close before starting. Tell me, have you ever been bisected or decapitated? Is your regeneration that good?" Feylit asked with a solemn expression and a tone that demonstrated his curiosity.

The Troll ignored his words seemingly not understanding them, as it lifted one of the war hammers, ready to rain it down and smash Feylit.

Unmoving, Feylit just stood there and was smashed by the war hammer, causing the people in the carriage which was now maneuvering to leave, shaking their heads at his stupidity for just approaching a wild monster like that.

As that was happening, the Troll felt its hand, or more specifically hammer stuck, being unable to move it down or up. Coming from under the hammer was Feylit, who then let go of it allowing the Troll to finally pull it back.

"Oh, so I had to stop you there, you were about to damage the road. Anyway, it, unfortunately, seems you don't have a high enough level of intelligence to answer me, so I'll have to ask one of the intellectual Trolls if I'm ever lucky enough to meet one. As for you, I have no choice but to kill you here." Feylit said before pointing his finger and shooting a streak of lightning at the Troll.

This hit the Troll's head at very high speed, causing it to explode upon contact. Following this, its body fell to the ground with blood, organs, and hammers as it seemed to truly be dead.

"Oh, so its regenerative abilities only amount to this much? I expected a bit more... Then again it's my fault for immediately aiming for the head, but can I really blame myself for being curious... Anyway, there will always be a next time, so I can't lose too much time on this." Feylit commented as he kept the Troll's body and weapons inside his spatial bag.

The shock of the people in the carriage was unanimous and they couldn't believe what had just happened, and even wondered who this person was. Even still, having the problem resolved the trip continued.

-Guande Kingdom; Holy City; Main Street-

Some days later, the carriage arrived at the final destination of its route.

It was a beautiful contrast between golden and white that prevailed throughout most of the city as if to serve as proof of its name. Guards could be seen on almost every street and the people all seemed to carry some sort of talisman with about 14 different looks.

"Thanks! I honestly don't know how to repay you for this. What you did back there with the Troll saved me a lot of money, so here... Have your money... I don't think I could just keep your payment in good conscious." The Couchman offered Feylit a reimbursement.

"Not necessary. If that was all, I have urgent matters waiting for me." Feylit responded.

"... If you say so, then once again thank you for your help. Good luck." Seeing that Feylit didn't seem interested in the money and was in a hurry, the coachman decided to just let it go.

So Feylit left and moved on to meet with the contact in this place.

Next chapter