
Absolute Ability

It is a world where abilities can evolve to become laws. Our MC Ryan King, succeeds in getting his hands on an absolute ability book. An ability that can not be affected by any laws and like a king, we journey with him as he evolved through the power ranks to become an abyss lord thus forging his ability into a law. But as the carrier of the core of the world which is a threat to the abyss lords, will they sit down and watch him ascend to become a lord like them? Talk about the infected, enchanted, undead, awakened, demons, angels, races and the like. All that dark stuff found only in nightmares, is in this very book. If you are a fanatic of adventuring from planet to planet, dimensions, hemispheres and magic circles then be my guest. On top of the lectern where notes are usually placed lit up with the system's notifications jolting him awake " Welcome Ryan King. " The interface window unlocked showing his current status. Race-------------------Elf Ryan King-----------Not evolved Age--------------------18 Life span-------------200 years Ability------------------???? Techniques----------???? Soul binding constitution---------------0 percent awaken --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demigod souls gained____________0/100 saint souls gained________________0/100 spirit souls gained_________________0/100 Immortal souls gained______________0/100 Divine souls gained_________________1/100 Ancestral souls gained_____________0/100 Mortal souls gained_________________0/100 I hope you won't forget to express yourself in REVIEWS, COMMENTS, GIFTS & VOTES

alu_sachi · Fantasy
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214 Chs


" So beautiful ! " Ryan could not help but compliment the beauty of the space he was in now that he had found the chance to look at this heavenly scenery.

The area where he was standing was made of white glowing stones with thick spiritual energy hovering around them. Furthermore, the area itself was perfectly crafted resembling the deck of a noble ship.

This rocky area where Ryan was on, stood in the midst of an endless icesheet with red roses covering the entire Icesheet. The sky above him on the other hand, it was obscured with a dense white mist that veiled the observers from looking any further.

"This place ! I have never been to such a heavenly space. " Ryan thought with astonishment.

The place was peaceful and oozed an aura of holiness and love that made one forget every bad and evil, only to think of good experiences and good people around them.

He can even feel all the burden on his shoulders cancelled out, it was like every sin he committed in his previous life had been washed out utterly, making him free off the chains of darkness.

He thought if he was given a chance to stay in this place, he will never ever thought of leaving. It was like a virgin having sex for the first time, they just want the feeling to remain forever. The feeling can't be explained in words alone.

"If you become a benevolent being for this plane, you may be given a chance to stay here. Every good thing is found in this space but not just anybody can enter. "

"You have to be benevolent enough by contributing a lot for the Immortal Plane . In addition, you have to be an immortal realm cultivator at minimum. These are just some of the main restrictions to gain entry in this place. You will know more when you come back "

"Why that high standards? " Ryan asked in disappointment and dejection. A sneer hidden behind his dejection.

"Don't underestimate this space, this is the dream home for many beings in the entire immortal plane. You can find here peace, beautiful men, women or creatures depending on your orientation, endless entertainment, fame, wealth and lots of money just talking about a few, but only the strong, talented and with good deeds are obliged to enjoy. " The white robed man answered him contemptuously.

A weakling like you will never understand...

Everything the white robed man said left Ryan drooling over taking shelter in this place especially when he played it in his mind, he found it unacceptable that he will not be given a chance to remain here.

Ryan's smile turned into a grin from ear to ear to the extent of him laughing out loud like a mentally ill person.

Mu! Ha! Ha Ha! Ha! Hi! Hi!

Why am I laughing, am I crazy?

I have to take shelter here, I have to.

"Where is everyone? " Ryan finally observed his surrounding hoping to see the prodigies that the white robed man kept talking about but he found no one other than the two of them.

"Where we are is just the entrance, the space itself is above this mist, " white robed man said with a look of reference while pointing at the mist above them.

"Such a place really exist? " Ryan's curiosity was piqued as he fantasized how beings in such a place spent their day.

"You don't belong here, I will be sending you to the elven planet, "The white robed man said avoiding his question.

He walked to the formation and inserted the coordinates into the combination before powering the teleporter formation.

" I hope we'll meet again when you are much stronger and with status, "The white robed man told him expressionlessly and gave him a bar coded pendant.

"Put it on, it will help you somewhere someday..."

Ryan squinted keenly with a curious gaze at the pendant and realized that there was nothing off with it. The weight, appearance and even the material which it was made of was totally normal.

He stared again at the white robed man and realized he had no dark intention from his innocent expression. He pondered for some time before deciding to wear it.

"This chain is so small, my head can not pass through," Ryan said while looking for a missing lock on the chain.

"Just wear it the way it is, that is how it was made." The white robed man was indifferent.

Ryan wore the pendant on his head. The pendant hanged on his forehead with it's chain around his head...

A sharp glint surfaced on the white robed man's eyes which was instantly concealed before Ryan realized. The white robed man then nodded at him with approval before showing him the activated formation with a beckon of his head.

Ryan understood this gesture for he knew the white robed man and him were beings of different worlds entirely.

He walked into the teleport formation and disappeared from the heavenly space.

After Ryan disappeared from that space, a woman with a white dress appeared in the view of the white robed man as if she was there with them since the beginning.

She had large white jade wings like blades that pierced the space around her causing ripples to appear in the very space, she wore a long white dress that swept the floor and a golden halo was hovering around her head.

Impassively, she then walked seductively to the white robed man, " Michael, do you think he will walk that step? " she asked the white robed man expectantly.

"That I can not say, let's leave it to fate. Only time will tell. "

"What are the updates on the other side? Have they started acting? Most importantly, how is the other person's preparedness coming along, we warned..." Michael and the woman in white dress continue talking about resent classified information of the Immortal plane seriously.

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