
Mountain Cannibal





Two giants ran through the mountainous forests in panic, fear in their eyes.

These mountains were ruled by their species, giants more than 10 feet tall with most of them being muscular and powerful.

And there were very few that they are fearful of in these mountains, but to counter that they would usually battle these fearsome beasts in parties.

These two giants were well above 10 feet and looked like bodybuilders and wore barbarian-like armors with most of their chests hanging out.

Their choice of weapons mostly consist of a long thick wood with a large round stone tied onto the end of it.

With all that advantage one would wonder what they are running away from…


A young man with fiery red hair chased behind them with only a brown striped beast skin on his lower body and a giant steel-like axe in hand.


One of the giants roared in response, angry that they were being chased by a tiny baby being.

But what was scary was that this tiny baby being was strong, fast and annoyingly slippery.

"VERY WELL." Ysmir transitioned from sprinting to being in position to throw his axe like a baseball pitcher. "FEEL THE BURN!!"



Ysmir swung the axe forward letting it fly towards the giant running slow and it sliced and embedded itself onto the giant's leg as it fell forward crying in pain.

"AAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH!! UNAR GAJY KRON YASP BARI LAHN!! The other giant stopped running and turned towards Ysmir before roaring and screaming in their language.

"BRAK DOQA!!" Ysmir screamed out with a smirk.

As if insulted, the giant replied.


In rage, the giant dashed towards Ysmir with all his speed with the goal of catching and crushing him.

Once close enough, the giant dove forward reaching his giant hands towards Ysmir.

"Oop." The red-head jumped avoiding the hands before he dropped onto the giant's back. "Such a simpleton."


Ysmir raised a stone-like sharp dagger before he stabbed it onto the giant's back, the spine to be more specific.


"If you idiots use your brains more often you wouldn't be so easy." Ysmir jumped off the giant as it trembled and pounded the ground in pain.

"Still, it was a good thing that it was only you two or else I might be the one running instead."

Ysmir casually walked towards the other giant that had its leg barely hanging and grabbed his axe and ended both of them.

"Forty-Seven to Zero, gentlemen, of course I'm in the lead."

It's been some time since Ysmir made himself known to the giant tribes around the mountains and he was being hunted everyday…and night.

But he is yet to be on one end of a giant's club and has managed to kill 47 giants so far.

Of course, he played it smart at the start with traps against large groups, Vietnam style and was able to injure many of them before killing them. But now he just hides and waits for opportunities, like the two giants he just ended.

It has been 4 years since he arrived in the back mountains of Agard and he's been making significant progress after a while.

One of the things he figured out, which was a significant part of why he can keep up with the rest of the abnormal Æsirs, was his connections towards the warrior and sorcerer stones.

From what he was able to figure out, the Sorcerer's stone allowed him to understand more academically including practices in magic. He is not able to cast or summon any type of magic yet, but when the Sorcerer's stone is chosen he was able to feel the energy inside of him and the protective barrier around his body invigorated.

While the Warrior stone on the other hand was more physical.

It gave him explosive strength and power more than half of what he was basically capable of. He felt more quicker and agile, his muscles memorized the movements he does in training.

He used his Warrior stone more than he did his Sorcerer's stone during his 4 years in the mountains, as the goal was to get stronger physically.

The 5 vætt (5 Tons) Cuffs he had on his wrists and ankles changed to 7+ vætt (7+ Tons) cuffs.

His time in the mountains showed that with his current strength he is able to stand against most of the weaker beasts with just his strength, but the rest of the beasts including the giants are just at another level.

At first it made no sense to Ysmir as he could effortlessly destroy a thick tree with his bare fists but was unable to hurt these creatures critically.

But it could be that a lot of these creatures unconsciously used their reserved energy and invested them all into their strength and durability, and that is done so over decades and maybe even centuries.

And unlike these powerful creatures, Ysmir has used ⅔ of his energy reserves into his physical durability and energy barriers while ⅓ of it goes into his strength.

The only other thing helping his with his pure strength was the Warrior Stone and the weighted cuffs passively challenging him.

He knows he was many times stronger than before and at times wondered how much stronger he is compared to his old rivals back in the city.

As Æsirs who are obsessed with power, they have surely been training for the last 4 years as well.

The baby bear he befriended in the mountains years ago has been hunted and killed by the giants, which he took revenge for, so he no longer had a partner.

He has not gone back to Asgard in the time he stayed in the mountains nor has he seen Roknos since he left him to train by himself.

The only ones that kept him company are the giants who are either hunting him or the beasts, or the other way around.

So much so, that he learned a few phrases from the giants themselves.

One phrase, "BRAK DOQA!" Which basically means coward, or chicken shit.

Going around the mountains, he was also able to find areas that are rich with beasts and ingredients he needed for his special "diet".

Consuming the disgusting organs from certain beasts morphed his digestive system, in a way evolved it.

As of now he is able to consume most things as if they were food, whether it would be raw beast meat or most plants he could pull off the ground.

So long as they don't poison or decay his insides.

This also brings him to new capabilities, where he could freely consume beast body parts or certain ingredients that would change his body for the better.

A good example would be a certain gooey-type of liquid found in some trees, sort of like a tree sap, one Mimir took to calling Stejn. At first it was a dangerous ingredient for Ysmir as any consumption of it would block up the esophagus and airways of any æsirs who would drink it, but thanks to his improved digestive system he was able to consume it as much as he wanted.

Consuming this tree sap helps him improve his blood circulations, or so Mimir clarified. It keeps him more focused, healthy and a better regeneration throughout his body.

A few other components such as beast parts or ingredients around the mountain helped with hardening his bones and reinforcing his muscles, they were most effective but bland and had weird tastes to it.

But this was only the start, Ysmir had been improving his body for the past 4 years in the mountains and he could feel himself grow stronger and tougher.

He was confident if he fights Odin he won't just pathetically lose right off the start, he could put up a fight now. At least physically, if Odin starts using his abilities then he would bite the dust.

But he was curious, extremely curious how he would do against an adult æsir now, he might not win against one that was crazy mighty but he would smack a lot of the young adults that's past their Coming-of-Age Ceremony.

"Ugh! I will never get used to this…" Ysmir cut a slit on both the giants head and stabbed his hand through it before bringing out a small pea-sized part of the giants head, though it was a bit bigger than it should be considering they are giants.

He then chucked those pea-sized brain matter into his mouth, consuming it entirely.

He couldn't help thinking he will become a cannibal from the way he is going through his training, casually eating raw meat, brain and organs.

A zombie, more like it.

But it helped him in the long run so he can't do much but exactly that.


Ysmir jerked his head towards the sound before he jumped high, disappearing into the trees.

Above, he looked down and around observing if more giants had shown up, but he was wrong.

"This would be simple had we requested the aid of Lord Roknos."

"Lord Roknos has better things to do than to babysit and aid us in a simple search, Hilda."

Ysmir smiled, he could see who these people were from above.

"Ysmir may have become more powerful, after spending so much time in the mountains with these mighty beasts." Hilda, a redhead with dual axes on her hips, spoke again.

"Of course, training under Lord Roknos is a great honor and it would be a great disappointment if he does not grow stronger." A girl with long blonde flowing hair responded, Sigrun.

Ysmir scoffed, Roknos was barely around to actually help him get stronger. He basically threw him in the mountains and ran off into hiding and observing.

It was like a famous professor known for being the best teacher leaving their students to do self-studying for a whole semester.

"How much longer?" Another girl with black hair questioned boredly, Kara.

"Vili." The one and only Odin, called his younger brother.

"Not long, he is near." Another new voice answered, a young boy younger than the rest.


"BROTHER!! Look what I caught!!" A streak of gold rushed past them before stopping in front of Odin in excitement, a blonde 12 year old boy jumped around holding a giant head of a beast. "It's a bilgesnipe!!"

"Ve, stay with the group and stop running off." Odin lectured the youngest of them all.

Nodding, Ve threw the giant head away before he flashed around them and the area with amazing super speed.

"I can't wait to see Ysmir once again, he's fun…and strong. I want to challenge him in a fight, I bet he'll be surprised at how fast I am." Ve's voice was heard but he was moving so fast they couldn't see him.

"Yeah, me too." Vili always disliked Ysmir for the fact that he treats him like a joke instead of the prince he is.

"I as well."

"Here here!! I will show him the might of my axes!!"

Sigrun, Hilda and Kara agreed.

"We'll see soon enough."

Odin took the lead going through the forest looking for a humanoid punk with red hair, but they stumbled upon something else.

"These are…"


"Two of them! What occurred here?!"

"Ysmir, he's been here. This is his work." Vili examined the giants as his eyes brightened in green.

"WHOAAAA!! GIANTS!!" Ve screamed in excitement. "There are giants here?! Ysmir must be having a lot of fun around here."

"Hahahaha!! Hello children!!"

The group looked up to see Ysmir on top of the tree looking down with a wide grin.



The red-head in question raised his asgardian steel axe in a challenge before pointing towards Odin.

"What do you say, princess? Are you up for it?"

"When have I never?" Odin smirked as he raised his spear.

The group around Odin moved back making space for Odin and Ysmir, even though they believed they wanted to challenge Ysmir more than Odin.

But Odin had a deeper desire to test his long time friend's might for the last 4 years than they could ever think.

Because Odin knew Ysmir the longest, he knew of Ysmir's strength and knew his abilities to think outside the box, and work in unorthodox ways.

He knew Ysmir would become stronger, even now as he looked at his grown figure bustling with power, he still believed his expectations would be exceeded.

Because if not, who else would he dream about fighting by his side for centuries and millenias to come like a brother in arms if not him.



Ysmir jumped towards Odin with his axe raised high, with the intention to put all his strength behind the attack.

His eyes seem to glow in a blue hue, and his more than 7+ vætt cuffs dropping on the ground from above embedding itself on the ground deep with heavy thumps.

Odin did the same, with a smirk on his face he swung upwards with all the physical might he have.