
Fists of the Mighty

The fight didn't last long, the student was being thrown around the stage once the beast got a hold on him.

And the beast barely had any bruises or scratches on him, the result was obvious.

Though it wasn't all bad, he may have been ranked on the bottom charts but he was higher in rank than the unranked.

"Unranked" meaning the students who refuse the challenge.

There was a line one had to go through to take their turns on the stage, and even if Logros knew Ysmir well he wouldn't strip the excited student of their chance for honor.

But the students knew Ysmir well and had given their turn to Ysmir, which Logros accepted.

And so Ysmir stepped onto the stage confidently.

"From which of the beast would you dare challenge, young Ysmir?" Lord Logros asked the question he's been asking all day.

"Well, I would need a warm up, so I'll take on a mighty beast." Ysmir spoke out casually.

"A Mighty Beast to warm up?!"

"Hahaha mighty courageous he is!!"

The boy wishes to start with the mightiest of the beasts?!"

"This boy is mad!!"

Lord Logros smiled ferociously. "Is this truly your wish?"

"It is so." Ysmir confirmed.

"Then so be it, bring in the beast. And clear the stage of that Borg!!" Lord Logros demanded as the instructors worked their tasks.

"Hold!" Ysmir shouted out.

The Mid-Ranked Fair beast that was currently being pulled out of the stage looked towards Ysmir and roared in anger.


The beast felt threatened when Ysmir picked his left leg up and slammed it on the ground, using that motion and momentum to swing his axe vertically forward and launched it with all his strength towards the beast.


The gorilla-like Borg beast raised its hand intending to swat the weapon away.


But the axe Ysmir launched flew and spinned quicker than the beast could have ever anticipated, and the blade slashed and stabbed deep onto its chest.


The beast let out a growl, but the only sound that came out was a sad whimper.

The crowd split between those that either cheered in excitement and those who stayed shocked in silence.


The crowd cheered even more as if motivated by the statement and voice of Lord Logros.

The action of slaying a beast before a match was not frowned upon, but it wasn't favored either.

But the rebellious actions of Ysmir lit up a fire in them, the fact that the boy slayed the beast not for avoidance of direct conflict but for something as casual as getting it out of the way filled them with jest and pride.

A boy so young but mighty enough to slay a beast as if he was an adult himself.

This boy was truly mighty.

"Let me be the first to say, you have a mighty future ahead of you!" Lord Logros stated. "BRING THE BOY HIS PREY!!"

The situation has brought many of the crowds on the other stages towards this stage specifically.

And many began to realize what goes on the stage.


Sigrun stood atop the head of the mammoth-like beast and stabbed her spear between the cracks on the beasts scales and forced the spear deeper.


The heavy giant beast fell dead before her as she screamed out in victory, her spear raised high.

The crowds cheered along, her first Mighty beast was slain but she was slowly losing her energy and she had to rest for a bit before she could battle once more.


Sigrun hears her two friends call out to her.

"Sig, look!!" Hilda and Kara pointed west towards a certain stage.

And just as Sigrun looked towards where they pointed, she saw a beast guided on stage that took more than ¼ of the stage.

And standing across that beast with a smirk, was Ysmir.

"He's here." She muttered.

She fled down the stage as she proceeded through the crowds straight to the stage Ysmir was on as Hilda and Kara followed.

'Power.' Ysmir thought as he looked towards the beast.

That was one thing Ysmir always did before a fight, and in most cases it worked.

An opponent with 'power' can be countered by 'speed' and 'precision' as if it was rock, paper, scissors.

Power represents strength.

Speed is self explanatory.

Precision has more to do with taking advantage of opponents weakness and timing for the upper hand.

The beast was four-legged with dark and gray striped standing 3 meters closing to 4.

It has a heavy built, bulging muscles on it's limbs and body which should sacrifice a lot of speed.

Ysmir stepped to the center of the stage as he eyed the wary beast, who more looked around warily than focusing on Ysmir.

More threatened by the large crowd of æsirs.

"You only need to worry about me, now come!" Ysmir smiled, provoking the beast.


And it worked, the beast took slow and heavy steps, not forward but rather sideways as it walked around Ysmir with its full attention.



The sound of the asgardian metal axe sounded as Ysmir banged the flat side on the ground, angering the beast even more.


The beast finally took action and pounced on Ysmir.

Ysmir cocked his axe back as he waited for the beast to come closer.

Just as the beast closed in on Ysmir's range of attack, he swung the axe hard.


Contrary to what the crowd expected, Ysmir didn't use the blade on his axe but rather the flat side once again.

As it fully hit the beast's side of the face it reeled back stunned as it shook its head aggressively.



The sound of Ysmir's axe fell, and he rushed past the beast.


The beast roared out again in fury as it felt it's tail being grabbed.


The beast intended to turn around when it lost its balance and weight to the pulling force of Ysmir.


Ysmir bellowed out as he pulled the tail and swung upwards…then downwards.



The beast wailed in pain as it was suddenly slammed down on the stage by an æsir boy who still looked puny.



The crowd stared in shock as Ysmir proceeded to slam the beast two more times before he backed off towards his axe and grabbed it.


The beast stood up with struggle, weakened from Ysmir's display of it as a ragdoll.

"Come." Ysmir called out calmly.

The beast didn't move, it felt so humiliated at this moment.

All it's time powering through the other beasts in the mountains just to be thrown around by a fledgling down here.

"If you won't come…then I will." Ysmir ran towards the beast at this moment.

The beast would have run out of stage but the army of crowd felt more dangerous, so it instead backed off on all four as it snarled at the coming Ysmir.


Ysmir smacked the Beast with his axe once more, stunning the beast as he shoved the axe blade side inside the mouth of the beast and let go of his weapon.

The crowd stared in shock as Ysmir cocked his fist back and punched the beast besides the mouth.


And then another one.




Ysmir went on with a flurry of punches from both sides of the beast's head.

The strikes he dealt seemed to hold significant damage as it made deep bellowing sounds.

The beast's head rocked back and forth from side to side as Ysmir kept on punching. If that wasn't enough, the axe blade in its mouth caused even more excruciating pain as it cut both sides of it's inner cheeks.

The crowd cheered as Ysmir roared, slamming both his hands on top of the beast's head as it slammed onto the concrete, unmoving.

Ysmir pulled his axe out of the beast's mouth as he stared down the beast.

The beast gave up as it laid there, a blood pool surrounding it's head as more dripped from its mouth. It opened its eyes halfway staring at the savage child.


It wailed softly.

Ysmir paused, he found himself not feeling bad for the beast as he usually would.

Was this also the warrior's stone influencing his emotions? How far did the influence reach?

"Forgive me…" ysmir said as he raised his axe and swung it down ending the beast's life.

He stood there drowned in the wave of cheers from the crowds.

"He's strong, stronger than before." Sigrun, who was near the stage, said as she sighed.

"Damn it!" Hilda cursed in frustration.

This whole time they have been training to beat Ysmir only for him to get stronger than ever.

Even the punches he was serving the beast was enough to knock them out completely.

"Go, take your turns." Sigrun said to the two as they haven't gone on stage yet.


Sigrun stayed to watch Ysmir battle more, and it was mesmerizing, Ysmir took on four more High-Ranked Mighty beasts without much effort.

He even took one out without his weapon, with his bare hands and speed he avoided attacks and repeatedly slammed his fists, elbows, knees and feet towards the beast until it couldn't move anymore.

Sigrun was sure now, no one was a match for Ysmir at this point.

She did not need to see the other two entrance trials to know that Ysmir was the mightiest of their generation.

At this point all she could think about was training with Ysmir, maybe he could show her how to progress further as he is doing so.

The crowds gathered to that particular stage as it was peak entertainment.

The Senior students who attend the Senior Academy in the district were worried, they couldn't have done something like this when they were doing their entrance trials.

Even now many of them couldn't directly come out victorious against a beast with their bare hands.

The weapons they have now is significantly the reason they even stand a chance against such dangerous beasts.

It's hardness and force gave them a huge advantage against these beasts.

But now many of them couldn't help but acknowledge Ysmir as the mightiest of them.

But few still were unable to accept it, some were even excited, having someone as strong as Ysmir to attend the Academy with them or to challenge.

A certain adult redhead man stood with the crowd watching Ysmir's match with pride, a woman stood next to the man with a small bulge on her belly.

"The boy has grown up, my love." Mion said as she held the arms of Yontar.

"Yes he has, Yohr must be drunk out of his mind in the afterlife."