

Traped in a dilemma situation, her own father were after her life, lost in her escape. She found out that her father's kingdom was suffering, because of his evil heart. Her father had sworn to kill her, just to make sure he accomplishes his plans. How will she conquer her father, and who will help her. Start reading to find out

Joan_maco · Urban
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22 Chs


Walking back to his room, Roland felt an intense pang of his conscience, somehow he really wanted to be of help to Richard, but at the same he was also scared for his life, he was about to open the door to his room when a maid rushed hurriedly to him.

Sir, you have a visitor.

Visitor, what visitor,I don't think I'm expecting anyone,

Well,let him in, Richard ordered.

Sir it's a female,

Then let her in ,he shouted

Yes sir, giving a bow, the maid turned to leave.

Sighing heavily, Roland entered his room shutting the door behind .


Welcome , my lady, please come in.

A beautiful woman walked in elegantly, swaying her hips sequentially,she had a large and wide set eyes, having a well defined chin ,a symmetrical slim nose and a sharp jawline, her long black hair fell down to her curvy waist , sitting on a couch, She crossed her legs .

To think that you made me stand outside for too long makes me want to scratch your face, giving the maid a hard glare, Go call your master, she ordered.

Ma'am mr Roland is...…

Shut up and do as I command, she interrupted ,

You're so dumb, once your master comes consider your job gone,

Hey, what the hell is going on here, Roland voice echoed from upstairs,

Rolly, she shouted with excitement, running to him, she threw her arms around his neck,

Oh My God, look who's here, Evelyn, Roland exclaimed embracing her.

Who would have thought my Rolly would turn into a dazzling handsome man, oh come here, pulling Roland close she gave him a peck on his cheek.

Evelyn what would you like me to offer you, he asked.

I think I'm good Rolly, and your house is damn beautiful.

Thanks, Roland replied, come on have a sit,

Rolly you need to teach your maids how to welcome a guest, they kept me standing for too long.

Ah, about that, I'm really sorry, they did that cause I warned them not to let anyone in without my order,

Okay,apology accepted, Evelyn replied.

Rolly do you live in this gigantic house just by yourself

Evelyn kind of, but for now my friends are also living with me.

So Evelyn tell me, where have you been all this while, Roland asked changing the topic.

I moved out from my hometown Lyon because I wanted to feel how it's like to live in a new place, besides I own a jeweller shop in this city, so Rolly please can I ask for a favour moving closer to Roland she placed her hand on his thigh ,

Evelyn , just tell me if it is within my reach , I'll grant it.

Since I just moved into this city, it's really hard somehow for me gain an accommodation,I would really love to stay here for the time being,

Really Evelyn, you're more like a sister to me, that shouldn't be a favour to ask,feel free.

Calling out to a maid , Roland ordered Evelyn bags and luggage be taken to her room.

Don't worry Evelyn ,my maids will lead you to your room,

Thanks Rolly,I knew I could always depend on you, she replied with a smile.

Evelyn tell me the secret, how did you turn yourself into a beautiful woman,I still can't believe this is Evelyn my childhood friend, the little girl crying over a candy years back.

Rolly, are you trying to tease me,stop it, it's all in the past now, Evelyn said chuckling.

Still can't forget how i caught you stealing sweets from a candy shop, and how you bribed me with some of your candies,

Rolly, Incase you forgot,I also have some memories of our childhood together,I clearly remembered how you climbed up a high tree to steal Grapes,on your way coming down your pants got stuck on a branch of the tree,I remember your crying face begging me to pull you down, looking at Roland mockingly, she laughed at him.

Fine, you got me, that so embarrassing Evelyn,

Well, it's nice seeing you again Evelyn, I've really missed you,

I've missed you too Evelyn replied resting her head on Roland shoulder 

Evelyn,I better inform my friends of your presence, probably introduce them to you,

Oh, there's no need for that Rolly, I'll say Hi to them later , for now I really want to rest,

Sure ,hey lead her up to her room, whatever she wants make sure you get them for her he ordered his maids,

Thanks Rolly,Not now though,Rolly first tell me more about yourself,...


Richard sat on a couch in Jessie room, looking at Jessie he gave her a cute smile.

Jessie returned the smile to him, Richard,so where are we moving to next she asked breaking the silence.

We can move to Vegas city,I know of a place where we can stay for now, and I'll visiting king Henry of Vegas city,he also had a fight with your father , but somehow your father was able to defeat him, probably he would be ready to join hands together with me, spreading a map on the table ,he showed Jessie the location of his kingdom, next we will cross over a shore on a ship,to the next city Nantes , the king of Nantes kingdom is king Williams,he has a wife queen Ariel , they were among the kingdoms King jasper has fought with in the past, next City Lille, Jessie in this particular city,we need to be careful, king jasper has a great control over this city,the king of Lille Sebastian regards your father as a high caliber to his kingdom, likely he would not be ready to join hands together, but don't fret,I have a friend in Lille , your father had killed his wife in the past,he surely yearns for revenge,

What is his name, Jessie asked

Terry, terry was once a member of my mafia group,he left the group when he fell in love with a girl.

He had to break off from us after getting married to her, cause he didn't want to hurt her with his criminal affairs, sadly your father killed his wife,

What ,why, Jessie asked in curiosity.

Well, Jessie he was a worker to your father, your father got angry realizing terry was breaking off from his criminal job, which was beneficial to him, the last person who was truly precious to Terry was his beloved wife.

And so Your father killed his wife .

These are the three persons we can depend on now, let's just hope they help us out 

Richard,each day my hatred for my dad keeps growing,I want to kill him so bad.

Looking at Jessie ,he squeezed her hands softly, Jessie I really don't want him dead, but I'm left with no option, I'm tired of him hurting everyone I love and cherish.

Sure I know that, Jessie replied, walking to the door , she turned looking at Richard, would you like a cup of hot tea,

Yup, I'd appreciate if you make me some, Richard answered

Alright, stay here and wait for me I'll be right back, going out Jessie closed the door.

Walking downstairs, Jessie could hear a loud laughter, and a beautiful voice of a woman,I wonder who's here, she thought.

Getting downstairs, she found Evelyn sitting on a couch , Roland and Evelyn was really in a serious conversation, looking at the way Roland smiled at her, Jessie could tell she was indeed very close to him.

Jessie tried waving her hand to alert her presence, but Roland and Evelyn was just so lost in each other.

Walking pass them , she walked into the kitchen,

She could still hear their loud laughter ,

Holding a cup of hot tea on her hands, she walked to their direction.

Hearing the footsteps coming from behind, Evelyn turned looking at Jessie from head to Down,

Oh, Jessie What's up,we have a guest here , standing up from the couch,he walked to Jessie,

I see Jessie replied,

Evelyn meet Jessie and Jessie this is Evelyn my troublesome childhood friend.

Jessie was feeling uncomfortable , she could read the scornful look coming from Evelyn eyes,

 Rolly,why didn't you inform me you had a slut in your house

Roland looked at Evelyn in shock,no Evelyn she's not that kind of person, she's just a friend to my best friend Richard….

Who's Richard, is she also a cheap slut 

Come on Evelyn, it's a male, don't over think .

Roland, I'll take my leave now, Richard wanted a cup of tea, so i made him some

Sure, I'll see later, Roland replied

Glaring at Evelyn , she turned to leave.

Turning at Roland, who's this Richard,

Evelyn, that was rude , and as for Richard,he is my friend…..

And that slut is his girlfriend, Evelyn cut in,

Uhh,No, somehow but not his girlfriend.

Your friend must be going nuts, to choose a woman like that, when there are beautiful ladies out there, well I'm not surprise,he might be a bag of trash, she replied scoffing.

Evelyn, Richard is not a trash, he's my friend,I know you too well, bet you will fall over heels for him , once you see him.

Rolly,stop talking nonsense , you should know me well,I don't fall stupidly for anyone,my type and class is so elusive,

Okay if you say so Evelyn, let's see who start begging for love soon.

Oh please Rolly shut up, that can never be me, looking at Roland with confidence, Roland replied with a smirk.


Jessie open the door , shutting it in anger, how dare that brat call me a slut, just looking at her I could tell she have a hubris personality,

Looking at Jessie boiling in anger made Richard surprise, walking to her he asked what happened Jessie,who made you this way, Roland I guess, don't worry I'll go give him a super punch,he said jokingly

No Richard, Jessie stopped him this is not about Roland, there is a guest downstairs, Evelyn, that's her stupid name, Jessie said angrily.

Whoa,calm down Jessie, what happened to the guest,

She called me one of Roland slut,how dare she think of me as a whore ,I will cut of her tongue if she ever calls me that again,

Looking at Jessie angry, Richard couldn't help it,he laughed at Jessie seriously ,

This is not funny Richard, here's your tea, get out Jessie ordered.

Taking the cup of tea from Jessie he smiled at her, Jessie you look so cute when you're angry , I'm sorry for laughing, come on you know you're not a slut, don't get annoyed over a frivolous matter,

Meanwhile, Evelyn whatever her name is will surely pay for calling my Jessie a slut, Richard replied laughing heavily .

Jessie watched him laughing heavily, she also couldn't help but stare at him lovingly, Richard looked so cute when he laughs she thought, his set of white teeth and his red lips makes him extremely hot ,

Jessie found her self smiling back at him,he's so damn handsome she thought,

I want my Richard to keep smiling like this to me,I want to keep seeing this handsome side of him everyday, and I want him to smile cutely just for me ,

Hey, Jessie Richard waved his hands shaking her off her thoughts, come on Jessie forget about that guest and drink your tea before it's gets cold 

Yeah, sure Jessie replied drinking from her cup .

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