
chapter 1

Its 4o'clock, the evening sun had just began cooling. The birds had just ended their chirps of laughter as the day simply came to a close. The dim but bright female sprung up seamlessly among the thistles rendering a sharpe sense of pride. So fair so beautiful her comley skin shone with perfect locks dazzling through the thistles as her slender body move gracefully throughout. where is my beloved she sounded through the wind as whisper escaped her lips with a throat filled with remorse. He has not returned, have you seen him?

The sun kissed the fields so breathe taking, lowering it's temperature as the sky gazed below.Its now six pass six and my beloved is no where to be seen.

have you seen my beloved ?

No I have not.

He`s the fairest of all man , strong built smooth lips with chalkcoal hair and a firm buttocks.

you could tell his absence greatly affected her. As if she was going to break down in tears any minute. The sky soon darken to express the bottled up emotions in her about to explode. where is he , where could he have gone. Shakenly she spoke now she started crying.