
Above Heaven and Below Hell

{Warning! MC is manipulative and morally unethical} "Praise Me! Worship Me! Everything is Mine! The firmament will be unveiled, when the dust settled I alone will stand on top of this new world." Gideon find himself in a alien realm, with his thirst of domination this world shall be on his palm; from a magical forest to a steampunk megacity, wizards and pirates. Empty the throne for that it's righteous master has arrived!

Vanhel · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Foul Your Own Nest

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!" Han muttered under his breath, frustration boiling within him. Ever since the arrival of that human, the so-called apostle worshipped by everyone, Mia's attention seemed to drift away from him.

Han clenched his fists, his frustration boiling over. Ever since the arrival of that human claiming to be an apostle, Mia's attention had shifted entirely. No longer did she spare him even a glance, let alone the warmth she used to show. It gnawed at him, a bitter seed of jealousy and anger planted firmly in his heart. Hanging onto his every word and following him around like a lost puppy. It grated on Han's nerves to see Mia so enamored with someone else, especially a human.

"What does he have that I don't?" Han muttered to himself, his thoughts consumed by jealousy and resentment. He couldn't understand why Mia was drawn to Gideon, a mere outsider, while he, her childhood friend, her fiancee, was left behind.

"I won't stand for this mockery. That human needs to die."

Han grumpily muttered to himself as he stalked towards the dark side of the woods, his mind consumed by thoughts of vengeance. As he reached the appointed meeting spot, a shiver ran down Han's spine. The air felt thick with ancient magic, and the shadows seemed to dance eerily around him. The shaman emerged from the darkness, her eyes gleaming with an unsettling intensity.

"What took you so long?! We had a deal. When will I ascend the throne? When will I marry Mia and become the king?!" Han's voice trembled with frustration and desperation as he confronted the shaman in the dim light of the woods.

"Patience," the shaman responded with a soothing yet sinister tone, her eyes glinting in the darkness. "The plan may have been delayed by that wretched human, but in the end, we will emerge victorious."

"Stick with the plan," she whispered, her voice like a venomous hiss. "Continue providing me with the herbs, and everything will proceed smoothly."

"As for the human," she added with a dark tone, "he will meet his end in a most gruesome manner."

"Just you wait, Mia," he growled, his voice laced with determination and a hint of madness. "We'll be together forever. Our love will stand thousands of years, hahahaha!"

"Don't you dare act recklessly," warned the shaman, her voice tinged with caution. "Stay hidden, keep a low profile."

"Don't presume to instruct me, old hag. Your duty is clear, just focus on your own tasks," Han retorted with disdain.

"Watch your tongue, boy," the shaman retorted sharply. "You may not realize it now, but your impatience could ruin everything."

"Listen, if there's no progress by the end of this week, we'll handle things my way," Han declared firmly, his tone brooking no argument.

"What are you trying to do? Don't tell me..." The shaman's voice trailed off, a hint of worry creeping into her tone as she realized the extent of Han's intentions.

Obsessive love disorder is not a medically recognized disorder but refers to a fixation on another person as if they are a possession or object. A person may experience symptoms such as delusional jealousy, in which a person's obsessions cause them to develop delusional beliefs about infidelity or other issues.

Source: Honari, B., & Saremi, A. A. (2015). The study of relationship between attachment styles and obsessive love style. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 165, 152-159. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.12.617.

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