
Above All. Below One God's Man

In the celestial realm, a realm beyond mortal comprehension, a mysterious and noble place existed. It was a realm where ethereal beings resided, a realm where the heavens and the earth converged. Within this divine realm, a tragedy unfolded, one that would forever change the fate of a newborn baby. On a starry night, a radiant star shone brighter than all others. This star symbolized the birth of a special child, destined for greatness. As the star illuminated the heavens, a celestial ceremony commenced, celebrating the arrival of the long-awaited infant. However, fate can be both cruel and unpredictable. As the newborn boy took his first breath, a chilling wind swept through the heavens, heralding an ominous presence. The celestial beings watched in horror as the baby's life force gradually faded away, leaving his tiny body lifeless. Silence fell upon the heavens as grief and despair filled the hearts of the ethereal beings. How could such a promising life be extinguished before it had even begun? The heavens mourned the loss of this innocent soul, their sorrow echoing through the divine realm. In the midst of their mourning, a decision was made. Unable to bear witness to the tragedy any longer, the celestial beings decided to cast the baby's remains out of the heavens. They believed that by banishing his lifeless body to a distant and insignificant universe, they could shield themselves from the pain of their failure. With great sorrow, they wrapped the baby boy's body in a celestial shroud and gently placed him within a golden basket. The basket, adorned with intricate designs and ancient symbols, was imbued with a spell to guide it to its final destination. With a collective sigh, the celestial beings released the basket into the vast expanse of the heavens. Guided by an unseen force, the golden basket descended through the celestial layers. ....... .... but would such a special infant of two powerful bloodline die easily ?? find out...

Junior_Chagwesha · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 5: Paths of Destiny

Chapter 5: Paths of Destiny

In the heart of the Cing clan's grand hall, a sense of authority pervaded the air as the clan head, a Sky realm expert named Master Xiu Cing, presided over the gathering. His presence commanded respect and held the weight of years of wisdom and strength.

Standing beside him were the elders of the Cing clan, individuals who had reached formidable levels of power themselves. Despite being a significant force in Chi city, the clan knew that they were but a small ripple in the vast sea of martial arts. The legendary sects held far more influence, and their elders were no ordinary practitioners. They were Cynthia realm experts, two levels beyond even the Sky realm.

The esteemed elders from the Demon Fist Sect, Blue Whale Sect, and Bull Fight Sect sat across from Master Xiu Cing and his council. The tension in the room was palpable as the elders exchanged greetings, aware of the momentous decision that lay ahead.

Elder Lin of the Demon Fist Sect spoke first, his tone respectful but firm. "Master Xiu Cing, your clan holds a revered position in Chi city. However, the sects of HQi operate on a different scale altogether. We offer young Denny C a chance to achieve heights that he might not attain within the confines of your clan."

Master Xiu Cing's eyes held a quiet determination. "We understand the allure of your sects, but the Cing clan has nurtured Denny since his arrival. Our loyalty to him is as strong as his loyalty to us."

Elder Mei of the Blue Whale Sect nodded sagely. "Our sects offer a future filled with unparalleled training and resources. Denny's potential could blossom to its fullest under our guidance."

One of the Cing clan elders, Elder Zhao, spoke with a trace of defiance. "Our clan is no small force in Chi city. We may not match the sects in grandeur, but our strength is undeniable."

Elder Zhang of the Bull Fight Sect leaned forward, his gaze steady. "Master Xiu Cing, esteemed elders, we are willing to offer treasures beyond measure and promise Denny a future of glory and power. The Bull Fight Sect sees potential in him, and we are prepared to invest in that potential."

Master Xiu Cing's eyes met those of his fellow elders. He knew that Denny's future hung in the balance, and the decision was far from easy. "Denny's destiny is a matter of great importance to us. We appreciate your offers, but the final decision rests with him."

As the discussions continued, Denny C remained outside the hall, unaware of the deliberations that could shape his life. Within the hall, bids were made, promises exchanged, and futures painted. The Demon Fist Sect, the Blue Whale Sect, and the Bull Fight Sect vied for his allegiance, each making their case.

At last, as the sun began to dip below the horizon, a solemn agreement was reached. Elder Zhang's voice held a note of victory as he looked toward Master Xiu Cing. "The Bull Fight Sect is willing to offer treasures beyond measure, resources to bolster his strength, and the promise of a future that will shake the very heavens."

Master Xiu Cing nodded, a mixture of pride and sorrow in his gaze. "Very well, Elder Zhang. If this is Denny's choice, we shall honor it."

And so, within the grand hall, a decision was made that would change the course of Denny C's life forever. The Bull Fight Sect emerged as the victor in the bid for his future, and the path that lay ahead held both challenges and opportunities beyond imagination.