
Above All. Below One God's Man

In the celestial realm, a realm beyond mortal comprehension, a mysterious and noble place existed. It was a realm where ethereal beings resided, a realm where the heavens and the earth converged. Within this divine realm, a tragedy unfolded, one that would forever change the fate of a newborn baby. On a starry night, a radiant star shone brighter than all others. This star symbolized the birth of a special child, destined for greatness. As the star illuminated the heavens, a celestial ceremony commenced, celebrating the arrival of the long-awaited infant. However, fate can be both cruel and unpredictable. As the newborn boy took his first breath, a chilling wind swept through the heavens, heralding an ominous presence. The celestial beings watched in horror as the baby's life force gradually faded away, leaving his tiny body lifeless. Silence fell upon the heavens as grief and despair filled the hearts of the ethereal beings. How could such a promising life be extinguished before it had even begun? The heavens mourned the loss of this innocent soul, their sorrow echoing through the divine realm. In the midst of their mourning, a decision was made. Unable to bear witness to the tragedy any longer, the celestial beings decided to cast the baby's remains out of the heavens. They believed that by banishing his lifeless body to a distant and insignificant universe, they could shield themselves from the pain of their failure. With great sorrow, they wrapped the baby boy's body in a celestial shroud and gently placed him within a golden basket. The basket, adorned with intricate designs and ancient symbols, was imbued with a spell to guide it to its final destination. With a collective sigh, the celestial beings released the basket into the vast expanse of the heavens. Guided by an unseen force, the golden basket descended through the celestial layers. ....... .... but would such a special infant of two powerful bloodline die easily ?? find out...

Junior_Chagwesha · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 23: The Journey to the Sky Forest

Chapter 23: The Journey to the Sky Forest

Grand Elder Han's voice filled the chamber with a sense of purpose as he addressed Denny Cing. "Denny, it's time to embark on a new phase of your training. You must journey to the Sky Forest, where you will face the untamed forces of nature and gain invaluable combat experience."

Denny nodded, understanding that this was another crucial step in his development as a martial artist. "What is the purpose of this journey, Elder Han?" he inquired.

The grand elder's eyes bore a weighty solemnity as he explained, "In five months' time, a grand competition will commence. It is known as the Trial of the Light Token. This competition grants the victor a pass to enter the God Relic."

As Denny listened, the significance of these words became clear. "The God Relic?" he echoed, curiosity burning in his eyes.

Grand Elder Han nodded. "Indeed. The God Relic is a place shrouded in mystery and power. Only warriors at the Law Realm and below are restricted by the mysterious barrier that guards it. The tokens to enter the God Relic appear only once every hundred years. Those who undertake the Trial of the Light Token often emerge as formidable experts, many of whom ascend to the Cynthia Realm. Only a select few, the most talented, can even hope to become Star Realm warriors."

Denny's mind raced with the possibilities. "What secrets lie within the God Relic?" he wondered aloud.

"It is said to hold ancient, godlike knowledge and artifacts," Grand Elder Han replied. "The power contained within is unparalleled, and those who unlock its secrets may gain the ability to rule over all. Yet, in the past hundred thousand years, no one has succeeded in fully unlocking its mysteries."

Grand Elder Han then shifted his gaze to Denny Cing, his expression grave. "Now, there's another matter, Denny. One that I must share with you, and it pertains to the second reason I had you suppress your cultivation."

Denny listened intently as Grand Elder Han continued. "We took a sample of your blood and consulted the sect's alchemists. What they discovered was unexpected and concerning. If you were to break through to the Law Realm, your cultivation could no longer be suppressed. It might take just a year for you to reach the Sky Realm."

The weight of this revelation hung heavily in the air. "A year?" Denny muttered, both amazed and apprehensive.

Grand Elder Han nodded. "Yes, and it gets worse. Over-suppression has caused your body to generate even more mysterious energy. Your life form and body are becoming increasingly enigmatic, Denny."

The realization struck Denny Cing deeply. A breakthrough to the Sky Realm was an extraordinary feat that could take ordinary martial artists decades, if not a lifetime, to achieve. "But if I break through so quickly," he began, "what does it mean for me?"

Grand Elder Han's eyes glittered with both uncertainty and anticipation. "It means that you may shatter the norm, Denny. A breakthrough to the Sky Realm is a process that can take twenty, thirty, even fifty years. But you, you have the potential to do it much faster."

As Denny contemplated the path laid before him, he couldn't help but feel the weight of the challenges and mysteries that awaited in the Sky Forest and beyond.