
Above All. Below One God's Man

In the celestial realm, a realm beyond mortal comprehension, a mysterious and noble place existed. It was a realm where ethereal beings resided, a realm where the heavens and the earth converged. Within this divine realm, a tragedy unfolded, one that would forever change the fate of a newborn baby. On a starry night, a radiant star shone brighter than all others. This star symbolized the birth of a special child, destined for greatness. As the star illuminated the heavens, a celestial ceremony commenced, celebrating the arrival of the long-awaited infant. However, fate can be both cruel and unpredictable. As the newborn boy took his first breath, a chilling wind swept through the heavens, heralding an ominous presence. The celestial beings watched in horror as the baby's life force gradually faded away, leaving his tiny body lifeless. Silence fell upon the heavens as grief and despair filled the hearts of the ethereal beings. How could such a promising life be extinguished before it had even begun? The heavens mourned the loss of this innocent soul, their sorrow echoing through the divine realm. In the midst of their mourning, a decision was made. Unable to bear witness to the tragedy any longer, the celestial beings decided to cast the baby's remains out of the heavens. They believed that by banishing his lifeless body to a distant and insignificant universe, they could shield themselves from the pain of their failure. With great sorrow, they wrapped the baby boy's body in a celestial shroud and gently placed him within a golden basket. The basket, adorned with intricate designs and ancient symbols, was imbued with a spell to guide it to its final destination. With a collective sigh, the celestial beings released the basket into the vast expanse of the heavens. Guided by an unseen force, the golden basket descended through the celestial layers. ....... .... but would such a special infant of two powerful bloodline die easily ?? find out...

Junior_Chagwesha · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 10: The Code of the Bull

Chapter 10: The Code of the Bull

The journey to the Bull Fight Sect was not just a physical one; it was a voyage through time, traditions, and the essence of the sect itself. Denny C rode alongside Elder Zhang on a winding mountain path, the landscape shifting from dense forests to rugged terrain.

With each step of their Crypto knight horses, Elder Zhang shared insights into the Bull Fight Sect's principles. "Denny, our sect has its own code, a way of life that sets us apart. We prioritize strength, competence, and the art of combat. It's through these virtues that we make our mark in this world."

Denny listened intently, his curiosity piqued. "So, strength is the key to everything within the sect?"

Elder Zhang nodded, his gaze fixed on the path ahead. "Strength is our foundation. It gives us a voice, a presence that cannot be ignored. But remember, strength alone can be dangerous without wisdom. We train our members to be not just formidable fighters, but also wise strategists."

Around them, the scenery changed once again, revealing sweeping valleys and distant peaks. The wind whispered secrets, carrying the echoes of training and the legacy of countless warriors before them.

"In the Bull Fight Sect, we are more than just warriors," Elder Zhang explained. "We're guardians, thinkers, and protectors. Honor and loyalty bind us, and we are united by the ideals that guide our every action."

Denny's eyes gleamed with understanding. "And what about this coin?" he asked, holding up the black coin Hillan Cing had given him.

Elder Zhang's gaze softened as he looked at the mysterious coin. "Ah, the Black Serpent Coin. It symbolizes the lineage of our sect, a legacy as ancient as the serpents that weave through history. Possessing that coin means you're destined to play a pivotal role in our sect's journey."

Denny's grip on the coin tightened, his resolve strengthening. "I won't let the sect down. I'll embody its values and strive to make a difference."

Elder Zhang's eyes held a glimmer of approval. "I believe you will, Denny. Remember, your time in the Bull Fight Sect will be a path of growth, learning, and self-discovery. Your potential is boundless, but it's up to you to unlock it."

As they rode onward, the secrets of the Bull Fight Sect's traditions unfolded before Denny's eyes. The journey was not just a physical transition; it was a transition of ideals, values, and a commitment to become stronger. With Elder Zhang's words guiding him, Denny looked to the horizon with renewed determination, ready to embrace the challenges that lay ahead in the realm of the bull.