

childhood is such a nice feeling.As I was born on poor family, my mother died after giving birth and at the 3 days after my birth I was sent to organizations. I grew up and I finished my school level by that organisation . After school level I was sent to hostel (youth facility). I start my Medical study there far from my mom who was with me as that organisation.


As I was growing big I developed my feelings towards girls, I don't know what was that but I knew that I was happy talking with girls more than boys. I used to have crush on my classmates.

After school level I was sent to hostel for further study my feelings got more deeper. My friends knows about my feelings but they don't care since we are friends from childhood. My first Girlfriend was from another place (long distance relationship). our LDR was for 1 years after that we broke up. That time I didn't care about her that much I used to talk and flirt with everygirl. After that day we didn't messaged or call each other.We were contactless.


After my break up I was contactless with her about 1 years. After 1 year we start talking again, as I was medical student my course was for 3 years. I was about to complete my study, after that we patched up and started dating again. After my final exam I went to my biology family for my citizenship due to strike I was unable to make. Than I ran from there to my girlfriend place after 2 years we meet. At that time I was like in heave, till now I can't forget our first meeting. Than I stayed with her at her house.


We started living in same house sharing everything but my happiness lasted for few month after few month she started changing.She used to talk with other boys and stay in relationship with them. Every night I used to cry for her but one day she asked to patch up again than I agreed with her. She promised never to leave me and I trusted her, but I was wrong she did same but that time she didn't come back .I begged for love with love . I begged her to stay with me but she even didn't care.Even after that incident I stayed at her house for 3 years I thought she will come back but I was wrong, she never came back, she told that her family and society will not accept our relationship . She got married. I was totally and madly in love with her.


After 3 years I moved on to another place to start my new life.Now I am alone and searching for job and true love. I am alone I don't have love and family.I am struggling for my life . sometimes I miss her alot and stalk her from another account.

I hope one day I will get my future partner.