

This is a captivating portrayal of the genesis of fantasy universes, home to formidable entities. For centuries, the various realms have been in a state of serenity. The Original Light and Dark Gods, who rule over the Heaven and Hell realms, have kept their kingdom gates locked and forbade the inhabitants within from engaging in any form of conflict. However, new threats are causing cracks in the peace like, immature gods who have been playing dangerous games with weaker races, seeking to gain more power and evolve into full-fledged gods themselves. Also their demigod offspring, born from their reckless actions, are becoming increasingly ruthless in their quest for power. As these new threats arise, the Original Gods mysteriously begin to work together and open their gates once more, potentially putting the entire order and system they have created at risk.   Let's first follow Damian journey as he is thrown into the middle of the conflicts of everything, well he is a young boy that is suffering and trying to find answers and the power to change his fate.   This story will leave the reader on the edge of their seats, eager to find out the outcome of characters paths as it is full of action, suspense and twists that will keep the reader captivated till the end.   Will he be able to break free from his chains and become the one he was meant to be? Or will destiny consume him?   AN:" Please read the first three chapters to get hooked, leave comments as well and stars to help me grow this story" ‘Also won’t post chapters on the weekend sorry but super busy’

HelValkyrja · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Shopping Spree

As they strolled through the bustling city streets, all eyes were on Safira and Fenris. Many noticed their regal attire and bowed respectfully, while others quickly scurried away, not wanting to offend the powerful duo. The young boy, completely unaware of the attention they were receiving, played with Safira's soft hair.

Fenris spotted a clothing store called E.Y.S (Emmortal Young Styles) and excitedly pointed it out to Safira. Without hesitation, they made their way towards the store.

Upon entering, the delightful scent of the shop tickled their noses and bright, wave-shaped lights illuminated the ceiling. The store was massive, with a few well-dressed individuals browsing the racks.

A saleswoman turned around as the door opened, her stunning red dress catching Safira's eye. Standing at 1.5 meters tall, her skin was a blue-brown and her ears were elongated, adorned with a few sparkling jewels. Safira immediately recognized her as a Swamp Hobgoblin.

The saleswoman greeted them, "How may I..." but her words were cut off as she caught sight of Safira and bowed deeply, "Your Majesty, how may this humble servant be of service?"

As all eyes in the store turned to Safira, some bowing and others staring in shock, the Queen paused to ensure that the young boy was not frightened by the attention. Seeing that he was not tense, she proceeded.

"Yes, thank you. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. I am looking for clothes for this young one, something more casual, and for my dear Fenris, anything she desires. Also, do you happen to sell jewellery, preferably a memory locket?"

The saleswoman quickly replied, "Yes, Your Majesty. We do have some stunning lockets, but I fear they may not be suitable for someone of your extraordinary nature. They are made of Eronel metal."

AN: "Eronel metal will be explained later on. It is stronger than Phromium and more expensive"

Safira smiled, "That will be perfect for now, thank you very much. Young miss, what is your name?"

The saleswoman stood up straight and folded her hands by her stomach, "Your Majesty, my name is Sharx." She lowered her head again in a greeting bow.

Safira asked Sharx to show them around the store so they wouldn't get lost, and the Swamp Hobgoblin led the way towards the women's section.

"Wow, these are so beautiful, look Safira," Fenris exclaimed as she gazed at the array of dresses and robes.

Queen Safira smiled, "They are truly gorgeous, my dear. Feel free to pick out anything you like." And with that, the trio set off to find the perfect attire for the young boy and Fenris, with Sharx's expert guide leading the way.

As Sharx and Fenris walked through the bustling shop, Fenris couldn't help but feel excited. She had always dreamed of having a day like this, where she could pick out new clothes and accessories and not have to worry about her father.

"How do I look?" Fenris stepped out of the changing room, twirling around in a blue dress with floral patterns in silver.

Queen Safira clapped her hands together with a smile. "Like a true beauty, my darling! most certainly get that one."

Fenris grinned and turned to the boy beside her. "What do you think? Do I look beautiful?"

The boy simply clapped his hands in agreement, and Fenris felt her heart swell with happiness. "Then it's settled, I'll take this one," she said, as she made her way back into the changing room.

As they continued to browse the women's section, Fenris found five more dresses she liked, along with ten shirts, four pants, and eight different shoes.

Queen Safira and the boy gave their approval on everything, with the boy simply repeating "beautiful" over and over again.

"Sharx, can you take us to the boy's section now please?" Queen Safira asked as she placed the boy on her shoulders.

"Right away, Your Majesty. Please follow me," Sharx said, bowing before leading them to the boy's section.

The boy shook his head at things he didn't like and nodded at things he did, mimicking Fenris's actions. By the end of their shopping, he had picked out 15 shirts, 20 pairs of shorts and long pants, and 11 pairs of shoes.

After they finished with the boy's section, Queen Safira asked Sharx to take them to the jewellery section.

As they arrived at the jeweller's, the sales assistant greeted them with a bow. "Your Majesty, how may I be of service to you?"

Queen Safira requested to see all of their memory lockets, regardless of metal or price. The jeweller brought out a variety of lockets, some small with heart shapes, some square with patterns, but one caught Fenris's attention.

It was shaped like an eye and reminded her of the dragon eyes Queen Safira has. She pointed at it excitedly. "My, may I take this one, please? It reminds me so much of Safira," Fenris said, as the sales assistant handed it to her to view.

Queen Safira smiled. "That's very beautiful, my dear. I like it a lot. Fenris, do you love it?"

Fenris nodded eagerly, expressing how much she wanted it. Queen Safira agreed to purchase it for her and Sharx added it to their shopping ring.

As they were about to leave, the doors to the back opened and a helper came out with a box from his ring.

The jeweller presented it to Queen Safira. "Your Majesty, might you be interested in this piece?"

He opened the box to reveal a locket with claws running every 0.01m distance apart on the back, while the main locket was circular. It had a mirror section on one side and the other side was where memories could be captured and stored to view later. On the back, there was even a section for engraving something there.

Queen Safira's face lit up with delight. "This is truly remarkable, I love it. We will take these two please," she said, as she tipped the jeweller and his assistants.

Sharx then asked "Your Majesty, is that all? Is there anything else I can help with?"

Queen Safria thinks for a bit and can't come up with anything.

Sharx quickly remembers something she asked in the beginning, "Your Majesty, I remember that you were looking for a formal clan robe for the little one. Do you want to get a custom one made? for him of course"

Queen Safira's eyes lit up with excitement. "Yes, that's right! Do you happen to know of a place that offers in-house custom robe making?"

Sharx smiled, "As a matter of fact, I do. Follow me, Your Majesty."

As they walked, Fenris, turned to her and said, "Safira, are you going to make a robe with your clan symbol on it for him? What if he gets harassed by other clans?"

Queen Safira thought for a moment before responding, "I don't see why not. Plus, I'll make sure he only wears it around friends and family, once we find them."

Fenris nodded in agreement. "Just be sure to tell him that, otherwise the other races might get rough with him."

Queen Safira smiled and said, "I will, thank you, sweetheart."

As they arrived at the custom robe section, they were greeted by a busy woman who was tending to another group of Emmortals. Queen Safira and Fenris decided to wait while Sharx went to check on the woman's availability.


Finally, the woman came forward and bowed to Queen Safira after much time. "Your Majesty, I apologize for keeping you waiting. How may I be of service to you?"

Queen Safira stood up and said, "I would like to have custom robes made for this little one." She pulled out a robe and said, "Something like this, please. Can I also get it in green and brown, but without my clan logo?"

The woman looked at the robe and admired its beauty. "Your Majesty, how many would you like, and when do you need them by?"

Queen Safira replied, "Four, please. Two white, and one in each of the other colours. We're leaving early tomorrow morning, so the earlier the better."

The woman thought for a moment before saying, "I think I can have them done by this evening. Where are you staying, I'll send someone to drop them off."

Queen Safira shook her head, "I'm staying in the main castle. I'll send Kiron to fetch them. When would be best?"

The woman smiled, "We close at sunset, so come by before then and I'll have them ready for you."

Queen Safira thanked the woman and they went to check out to pay for everything. The cashier was shocked to see a dragon but quickly scanned everything into the system. With an even more amazed face, the cashier said, "Your Majesty, that will be 5 Emlane coins."

AN" Comes to 5,000,000 platinum coins that are about 50,000,000 gold coins ". "They called Emlane cause they are a digital currency that can be exchanged into solid coins of your choosing". Each realm has its kind of universal currency.

Queen Safira didn't flinch as she made the payment with her bracelet and faced scan/fingerprint/DNA for confirmation. Sharx was overjoyed with the massive payday she received for the sales, but was even more surprised when Queen Safira handed her a Platinum coin as well. Sharx bowed and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."


As Queen Safira, Fenris, and the little boy in hand, walked through the bustling marketplaces, the smell of spices and exotic foods filled the air.

Queen Safira couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as she browsed the different stalls, admiring the intricate designs of the local crafts.

After a while King Aroc and Queen Lily found them.

"Your Majesty," King Aroc interrupted her thoughts, "I have some good news. I've secured you some VIB passes for early tomorrow morning.

They've even opened up earlier just for you, so you don't have to worry about the crowds."

Safira's eyes lit up with excitement. "Thank you so much, King Aroc. You truly have my deepest gratitude."

"It is my honour to serve you, Your Majesty," Queen Lily added, bowing respectfully.

As they finished their lunch and headed back to the castle, Safira couldn't shake the feeling of excitement. She couldn't wait to see her old friend and surprise him.

After a delicious dinner, Safira retired to her chambers for the night. As she relaxed in her bath, there was a knock at the door.

"Your Majesty, I have the robes," a voice called out.

Safira quickly wrapped herself in a towel and opened the door to find Kiron, one of her loyal servants. He averted his gaze respectfully as he handed the robes to her, not wanting to interrupt her privacy.

Safira couldn't help but admire the robes as she tried them on. They were beautiful, with intricate patterns and soft, luxurious fabric. She put one of the white robes on the young boy in her care, who seemed delighted with the new clothing.

Fenris clapped in approval. "Just marvelous, Safira. He looks so adorable."

But despite the boy's obvious enjoyment of the new robes, something was still troubling Safira. He still rarely smiled, and it worried her.

She brushed it off for the night and went to bed, but knew she couldn't shake the feeling of concern.