

This is a captivating portrayal of the genesis of fantasy universes, home to formidable entities. For centuries, the various realms have been in a state of serenity. The Original Light and Dark Gods, who rule over the Heaven and Hell realms, have kept their kingdom gates locked and forbade the inhabitants within from engaging in any form of conflict. However, new threats are causing cracks in the peace like, immature gods who have been playing dangerous games with weaker races, seeking to gain more power and evolve into full-fledged gods themselves. Also their demigod offspring, born from their reckless actions, are becoming increasingly ruthless in their quest for power. As these new threats arise, the Original Gods mysteriously begin to work together and open their gates once more, potentially putting the entire order and system they have created at risk.   Let's first follow Damian journey as he is thrown into the middle of the conflicts of everything, well he is a young boy that is suffering and trying to find answers and the power to change his fate.   This story will leave the reader on the edge of their seats, eager to find out the outcome of characters paths as it is full of action, suspense and twists that will keep the reader captivated till the end.   Will he be able to break free from his chains and become the one he was meant to be? Or will destiny consume him?   AN:" Please read the first three chapters to get hooked, leave comments as well and stars to help me grow this story" ‘Also won’t post chapters on the weekend sorry but super busy’

HelValkyrja · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Main City

Two days ago, Squad S arrived in the bustling city of Parcae, determined to uncover the mystery of the boy their Queen had found wandering in the beast forest. The streets were alive with excitement as the news of the Dragon Queen's possible arrival spread like wildfire.

...two moons set

As the new day dawned, the Queen's troops were scattered throughout the city, searching for any clues that might lead them to the boy's whereabouts. Some delved deep into the city's library, scouring books for any information about the planet and its inhabitants. Others sought out the local clans, questioning them about the boy and any knowledge they might have of his origins.

Still, others visited the city's bars and taverns, speaking with the proprietors and asking if they knew of anyone who might be able to shed light on the boy's past.

As the day progressed, the squad leader received a call from the royal guard, informing him that they had arrived at the palace and were awaiting their arrival.

Without hesitation, the squad leader sent out a message to all of his troops, telling them to finish what they were doing and report to the palace immediately with any information they had gathered. He then flew to the main city palace, where he waited by the main gate for his troops to arrive.

The guards at the palace were wary of the God Beast General, knowing that he was a powerful and feared figure. They said nothing to him, not wanting to offend him in any way.

Inside the palace, the King and Queen were on edge, knowing that the Dragon Queen was on their planet, but not expecting her to arrive at their palace. They worried that they had done something wrong, that they had somehow angered her and would now be at her mercy.

The King of planet Parcae, Aroc, is the most powerful Emmortal on the planet. Born from a Wizard mother and an Orc father, his body is dark green and very tall, standing at 2.5m. He has a tusk and short black hair, and his green eyes are like his mother's. He is bulky but not overly so, like a pure orc. He possesses light powers.

The Queen of the planet Parcae, Lily, is also a powerful Emmortal. She is from another planet but had come to Parcae in her youth and met the king. She was born to witch parents, is 1.7m tall, with green hair and green eyes. She and the king have four children together. She also has light powers.

As Queen Safira entered the palace, making the most powerful existences on the planet kneeled and bow before her, as well as all their subordinates as they were ordered to.

Queen Safira holds the boy in her hands, with Fenris by her side and the royal guards 2m behind her. "At ease King and Queen," she said calmly. "I am not here to cause trouble. I am simply here to find out information about this boy I found in the beast forest. I want to help him find his race, clan, race, or even his home if possible. Your help will be much appreciated. Thank you."

The tension in the room was palpable as the King and Queen stood before the powerful Queen Safira and her entourage. The king approaches...suddenly, the young boy in her arms grabbed onto her tightly, hiding in her hair.

"Wait, he's scared of you. Don't come closer," Queen Safira said, "Ogres had him caged, he might be traumatized by what they did to him." But as she spoke, she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. How could this small child have caused her, an Ancient God Rank Dragon, to feel pain?

The King backed away quickly at her request, and Queen Lily stepped forward to offer her assistance. "Your Majesty, may I approach? Will he be alright with me having a look at him?" Queen Safira nodded, still confused by the strange situation.

Queen Lily approached the boy slowly, not wanting to scare him. As she reached him, she gently moved aside his hair to get a better look at his face. She spent five minutes examining him, going through every species and planet she had ever encountered in her travels. But despite her extensive knowledge, she couldn't find a single match for the boy's unique eyes.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty," Queen Lily said with a sigh, "I have never seen an Emmortal with eyes like that in all of my years of living. There's nothing on this planet or any other planet I've visited, that might have eyes like that." The room fell silent as the realization set in that the boy's origins were truly a mystery.

Queen Safira stood before Queen Lily, her mind racing with thoughts of the mysterious boy in her arms. "Thank you very much for your help, it was worth a shot before I leave," she said with a sigh.

Queen Lily's eyes widened in surprise. "Is he not an Immortal existence that might have been lost here? Is that even possible?"

Queen Safira nodded, her expression grim. "He might likely be. That's why I'll need to get him tested. Do you by any chance have a soul scanner?" she asked, hoping against hope that Queen Lily might have one.

But Queen Lily shook her head, her expression apologetic. "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but we don't have one, unfortunately. Since they are very expensive, we also don't need one on this planet. All the clans are friendly," she said.

Queen Safira let out a sigh of disappointment. "May I ask when's the next portal to the portal hub? I will have to take him to see my friends on another planet far from here," she asked, her voice filled with worry.

King Aroc stepped forward, his voice steady and assured. "2 days from now, Your Majesty. The main hub will open to travellers over long distances," he said.

The boy in Queen Safira's arms started to tremble again, gripping her tightly and hiding his face in her hair. She felt something that made her realize it wasn't in her head this time.

She looked at her arm where he was holding her and saw a red mark appearing on her milky white scaled skin.

Queen Safira's thoughts raced. This is impossible, she thought. That knife from that bandit snapped and I didn't even feel like a prick. How can he do this to me? Have I gotten weaker staying in this realm? Is there a new rule that zaps power? This is bad. I might need to warn Drac right away if something is wrong.

She spoke out loud, her voice filled with determination. "Then may I be a burden on you and stay here for 2 days and use the portal? I need to get to planet Asclepiu to see an old friend," she said, just as the doors behind her opened.

A guard stepped forward, bowing deeply. "Your majesties, the Dragon Queen's squad is requesting permission to enter," he said.

King Aroc nodded quickly. "Let our esteemed guest in right away. And all of you, prepare the best rooms, and food, and get the best wine brought up for the Queen of Dragons. We have the pleasure of hosting her," he ordered.

The boy in Queen Safira's arms squeezed even harder this time, yet not one tear fell from his eyes. Queen Safira held him tighter and stroked his head, whispering soothing words. "There, there. I'll kill anything that harms you, I swear it. I'm here to protect you, young man. And you saw how strong I am," she said, her voice filled with fierce love and protectiveness. Yet it fell on deaf ears?


As the S squad entered the grand dining hall, escorted by a guard who bowed and motioned for them to enter, they all immediately laid eyes on their Queen, Safira, sitting at the head of the table. They rushed over and knelt before her, but she quickly motioned for them to stand and sit.

They stay kneeling, "Your Majesty, I regret to report that we have turned up nothing on the child," the leader of the S squad spoke, his tone calm and relaxed, knowing that the Queen would not be upset with him, but rather with himself for failing.

Queen Safira, cradling a young boy in her arms as he played with her hair and face, looked at her troops and spoke with a heavy heart, " Come please at ease, all of you. It seems I gave you all a hard task and wasted your time. Forgive me. You all could be training and protecting your children, but instead, I had you rush around for nothing."

But the leader of the S squad quickly reassured her, "No, Your Majesty. It was an honour to serve you, and we would gladly do it again in a heartbeat. We are proud to serve you."

The Queen smiled at him, thinking to herself, 'My soldiers truly are loyal.'

She then turned her attention to the young boy in her arms, giving him a kiss on the cheek and giggling. "S squad, I ask one more thing of you. You don't have to obey and can go back to your children in the camp. If possible, can you stay one more day here, if it doesn't impose on King and Queen Drac? I need to talk with Drac and make plans about departing."

The King and Queen both spoke in unison, "Your presence is a blessing."

The S squad leader also added, "It's our duty and we would be honoured, Your Majesty, to stay with you. If there is anything you need, please ask."

As the boy looked into Queen Safira's eyes and touched his cheek, he suddenly leaned in and kissed her back on the cheek, causing Safira to giggle in surprise and happiness. But he didn't hurt her this time!!!

Fenris, the Royals, Safira's Royal Guard, the S squad, and the kingdom's guards were all shocked by this sudden display of affection from the boy, knowing that a God Beast would usually be met with fear and reverence. But Queen Safira simply smiled and played with the boy, showing her true loving nature.

Fenris smiled, seeing Queen Safira so happy and carefree for once, usually burdened with the responsibility of protecting her clan from bad forces.

The S squad leader also couldn't help but notice the stark contrast in the Queen's usually strict and stoic demeanor.

They then sit down and eat food together...