

This is a captivating portrayal of the genesis of fantasy universes, home to formidable entities. For centuries, the various realms have been in a state of serenity. The Original Light and Dark Gods, who rule over the Heaven and Hell realms, have kept their kingdom gates locked and forbade the inhabitants within from engaging in any form of conflict. However, new threats are causing cracks in the peace like, immature gods who have been playing dangerous games with weaker races, seeking to gain more power and evolve into full-fledged gods themselves. Also their demigod offspring, born from their reckless actions, are becoming increasingly ruthless in their quest for power. As these new threats arise, the Original Gods mysteriously begin to work together and open their gates once more, potentially putting the entire order and system they have created at risk.   Let's first follow Damian journey as he is thrown into the middle of the conflicts of everything, well he is a young boy that is suffering and trying to find answers and the power to change his fate.   This story will leave the reader on the edge of their seats, eager to find out the outcome of characters paths as it is full of action, suspense and twists that will keep the reader captivated till the end.   Will he be able to break free from his chains and become the one he was meant to be? Or will destiny consume him?   AN:" Please read the first three chapters to get hooked, leave comments as well and stars to help me grow this story" ‘Also won’t post chapters on the weekend sorry but super busy’

HelValkyrja · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Late Call

As the night fell upon the kingdom, Queen Safira sat in her chambers, deep in thought. She had spent the entire day pondering a difficult decision and now she knew that she needed help. And who better to turn to than her trusted advisor, Drac?

After a relaxing bath, Safira dressed her young one, Damian, in his pyjamas and then slipped into her own. She sat at her dressing table and allowed Fenris, her loyal servant, to brush her hair as she always does.

"My daughter," Safira began, "I need to call Drac and ask him something. After this, would you mind looking after Damian for me?"

Fenris smiled at her happily, "Of course not, I would love to take care of him and play with him. What's the call about, if you don't mind me asking? I am sure the young ones are all doing well."

Queen Safira nodded her head, "Drac messaged me this morning that they went out today. I need to ask him what I must do with Damian. I'm torn between something and I need his help."

Fenris continued to brush Safira's long white hair before putting it in a braid, "All done, Safira. Why don't you phone Drac while I do Damian's hair now?"

Queen Safira stood up and kissed Fenris's cheek while handing her the boy, "Thank you very much, daughter."

Queen Safira walked out to the balcony in her room, feeling the cool air on her face as she looked out at the sprawling city. She thought to herself, I don't understand how he hurt me and yet Fenris did nothing, not even a tickle. She ran her fingers over her shoulder and arm and yet nothing came to mind.

With a deep breath, she decided it was time to call Drac and speak to him, to check on the young ones and seek his guidance.

She pulled out a circular object from her ring, lifted the centre of it, and took out the rubber goo that was inside. She closed it, put it in her ear, and it suddenly expanded over her entire ear.

"Call Drac," she said, feeding it her energy, and it began to ring. The device lit up and four balls floated up and started rotating around it.

As she waited for Drac to pick up, Queen Safira couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort knowing that she had someone to turn to in her time of need.

2 minutes later...

A face appeared in the middle of the room.

Drac: "Greetings, Your Majesty."

The Queen looked up from her thoughts and replied, "Greetings, Drac. How are the squads and the young ones doing after today?"

Drac gave a full report on how the squads were doing fantastic, working in groups and learning how to fight together, track, build, and share.

The young ones were scared at the beginning of the day, but the older and stronger ones protected them. After a while, the younger ones started helping fight beasts and fend off attacks. The older ones even sparred with the younger ones to teach them tricks.

They had set up a basic camp with attempted defences, but Drac laughed at them since he got past them with ease. Some leaders had been increasing their understanding of their powers.

All had gone smoothly since he had scared off the stronger beast the day before just to be safe.

"Any luck with the kid?" the Drac asked, curious.

Queen Safira exhaled in relief while her eyes were closed, then opened them. "No luck, unfortunately. Even the King and Queen have never seen any ones like him on this planet or others. The Queen listed the planets she had been to and has information about, it's a lot of planets, so it's not looking good at all." Tears fell down her cheek.

Drac looked at Queen Safira getting all emotional, and it hurt him to see that.

"Your Majesty, this boy means a lot to you, by the way, you are acting and everything you are doing for him. So I think you should go, and to soothe your mind, I'll get the squads to group up with the kids, so we all one unit, give them full team work, and I'll be by them all the time...' deep sigh'...I'll even unleash you know what if the need arises, fight to the death while the clan escapes towards you. After I notify the leaders where you're going. What do you say to that idea?"

Queen Safira got more emotional. "Ahhhh Drac, but you swore on your wife and child's grave, to never use that again unless it was to complete your revenge. How could I force you to do that? What kind of Queen am I to force a subordinate to break an oath...?"

Drac cut her off quickly. "One that has a huge heart towards her clan. This old man has seen better days, and he will lay down his life for the Queen he holds dear and for the clan, he loves so much as well."

Queen Safira smiled. "Ah Drac, you are my oldest friend, so please take care of yourself and the clan while I am gone. You still have fight left in you, so never give up, alright?"

Drac smiled as he looked at Queen Safira. "You keep safe as well, I can see the boy has changed something in you, Queen of Dragons. It sparked something I haven't seen in ages. So, what do you think might have you worried?"

Queen Safira took a deep breath and exhaled, before explaining to Drac what had happened with the boy. She told him about the boy's crazy strength and how it was making her question her sanity.

She even went as far as to ask Fenris to try to cut her with all the strength she could muster, yet she felt nothing. She feared that the boy might have done something to her, or that she was imagining things.

Drac had an astonished expression on his face, but then he calmed her down and asked, "Did you ask Fenris to try to let him grab her?"

Queen Safira replied that she didn't know how to get Fenris to try it on her, and she was also worried that he might hurt her even more since she wasn't a God Beast.

"Hmmm, that's true, Safira," Drac said. "Then let's keep this between all of us for now. Let's get the boy tested. Maybe he's a Demi-God or a child of one. You know how Demi-Gods are to their children," he suggested.

Queen Safira agreed, then said her goodbyes to Drac with a heavy heart.

Fenris saw Safira hang up the call and made her way over to her. "All sorted, Safira? Did Drac help you to clear your mind?"

Queen Safira wiped a tear away before turning around. "Yes, my darling. He says we should go visit my friends on the other planet. He says he will protect the young ones with his life if it comes to it."

"Yay, Safira! That's super exciting. I can't wait to finally put a name to this little cutie," Fenris said as she touched the boy's nose and smiled at him.

Queen Safira turned around, looking out at the city. She pointed at the city and said, "Beautiful city, hey little one? Don't you think? Beautiful!!!"

The boy looked out and simply replied, "Beautiful."

Fenris looked out as well. "His language learning is extremely fast. Why is that, Safira?"

"He possibly could speak before but lost his memories. So now that he's safe, they're coming back to him like second nature, or he's just a little genius," Queen Safira explained.

Fenris nodded her head at her. "I see. That kind of makes sense. Well, little one, I hope you learn quickly so we can have full conversations with you. Hey, maybe he might also be able to tell us where he's from if he can."

"That's also a possibility, darling. We will just have to wait and see. As I said, we don't know much about him. I just hope we finally get the answer about him," Queen Safira said, still gazing out at the city, deep in thought.

As Fenris attempts to make the boy laugh or smile, she couldn't help but feel sad as his face remained void of emotion.

Queen Safira decided it was bedtime so they went to lay on the bed, playing with Fenris and Queen Safira's face and horns as he usually does.

As the boy touched the diamond on Queen Safira's head, she felt a jolt, but it was gone as soon as she touched her head.

She thought it was just static. After playing around for a bit, the three of them decided to go to sleep. Queen Safira cuddled them close and hummed a lullaby to help the boy sleep. Once he was asleep, she drifted off as well.


In a secret place, a monumental tree stood tall, its branches extending endlessly. Someone sat on the tree, watching the spores floating around it.

Suddenly, the person sat up as a spore went into her, the one she had been waiting for.

"Hmmm, to think that the Queen of Dragons of all existence was the one to find him... Hahaha, sorry Queen Safira, answers you will not get, but certainly, more questions will be asked," the person said aloud, speaking to no one but the beasts around her.

The person looked around and called one of her breasts to her. "Deliver this note to my dear friend, and don't tell her anything, do you hear me?" she said as she placed a note in its hands before it flew away. "Time to move some of my pieces around the board, in case it starts now since time is running out."

The beast travelled for a while, using special gates to reach its destination as instructed.

Once it arrived, it went to look for the friend who was waiting, her eyes wide with anticipation.

The friend took the note and opened it, reading the cryptic message.

"It might be time," the friend said, her mind racing. "Cryptic as ever, what... Oh, I see... Hmmm, this isn't good or bad... Little beast, do you know where he might be?"

The beast shook its head, as it was not allowed to tell, but it nodded its head when the friend stroked its head and asked if it was lying to her.

The friend smiled and held out her hand, something coming out of it as a treat for the beast. The beast ate the treat and placed its head on her palm, closing its eyes and feeding her images of everything it knew about the boy.

"Such a good beast, come here," the friend said, motioning for the beast to sit on her lap.

The beast jumped up and lay down as the friend stroked it and gave it love. "The Queen of Dragons, what a relief she found him and not something more sinister. We might have had a big problem, hmmm, well, I will have to see how things go closely," the friend said to herself as she continued to stroke the beast in her lap.