
Ability Creation Within A New World

there are 7 realms within this world, and among the 7 realms, each holds 1 unmatched ability. I found myself in hell where I tortured myself, forced to relive my sins... but I ended up enjoying the moments, leading me to pass a trail and gain the ability to create other abilities. {first world is original, the second world is Naruto

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


Rose was lucky and unlucky enough to be born into a powerful background. Because of this, she had a lot of pressure growing up, How do you live up to the name of some of the strongest besting in the universe? 

So she ran away, instead, they planned to make her name. She of course still loved her parents, she had no hatred towards them. But if she were to start near your brightness for too long, she feared she might go blind.

She left and would reach their heights on her own. If she couldn't then it would be alright, she still has loving parents who would welcome her home. Already, she was only 19 years old and was overseeing this whole base. She reached this height using her capability and not her parents, which was impressive for her age.

Other leaders of training bases like these were over 30 years old, with a rare few being in their 20s. She was only 19, she was indeed a genius who had made a name for herself. Already at level 35, few in the same age group can hope to rival her.

When someone like her puts a name in for you, all you have to do is sit back and wait for good news... Which came at blinding speed. Just 4 months after I arrived on that planet I was already off to another planet where I would begin to fight on the front line.

Because of this, Rose followed me, which seemed sweet until you realized she was pretty much keeping an eye on me so I didn't run away sleeping with other people. Which left me speechless... Did she think I lacked that little self-control?

{Name: Sora Dragnof

Age: 19

Race: Evolving Human

Level: 12 [1,380/12,500]


Strength- 43

Defense- 42

Speed- 44

Stamina- 43

Accuracy- 42

Charm- 45

Intelligence- 42


D tier ability: None

C tier Ability: None

B-tier ability: [Evolver] [Unmatched Strength] [Unmatched Speed] [Unmatched Defense] [Unmatched Stamina] [Unmatched Accuracy] [Unmatched Charm] [Unmatched Intelligence] [Unmatched Body] [Unmatched Mind] [Minds Hands] [Unmatched Eyes] [Unmatched Control] [Unmatched Stealth] [Copy Cat] [Unmatched Lover] +50

A-tier ability: None

S tier ability: None

Demi-God: None

God tier: None

Unique tier: [Ability Creation]

My strength had improved greatly just in 3 months, this was mostly because I increased my natural stats. I even created the ability [Limit Breaker] which broke my limits, allowing me to reach greater heights. Even at this moment, I was growing stronger, although the rate wasn't as notable

"Alright, you are only at level 12. Since Rose recommended you your stars should at least be an average of 20." A bold man stood before me with crossed arms. What this man meant by his words was simple, all of my stats should at least fall within the range of 20, and if I was at level 20, it would mean I was talented enough

"Try 30," I said calmly, stunning the bold man for a moment who couldn't understand my words for a moment. A stat of 30 was high, it's someone one could expect from someone whose level was at level 30, and even then they would have to be talented if they could have more than 1 stat at 30

In other words, I a level 12 was saying I could defeat a level 30? He of course didn't believe it, Who would? He gave me a cold glare, This was no place for games but before he could do anything, I walked up to a wall and punched it.

A huge shock wave was created, creating a huge gust of wind, The shock wave was strong enough that the cloudy sky instantly went clear, yet oddly the land or the wall was not damaged

"A strong wall, a good amount of a city would have been leveled by that attack," I said calmly, The bold man looked at me in shock for some time before snapping out of his shock. He looked at me for some time before nodding, Such strength wasn't impossible for someone of my level

There were those without abilities capable of showing my level of strength. But none have ever been recorded to be as young as me, so of course he was shocked. I was only 19 years old, had no ability, and only with my physical strength I could level cities with the shock waves of my punches

"kid you're something... Alright, first let's go introduce you to the others. After which, you would go to a battlefield to help you start leveling up." He said with a smile, and so like that, I Joined Azure Dragon army's strongest division, the first division.

There were 1,000 people in this division, of course, me entering made it made the number 1,001. If I could stay within the division and show I was worthy, then I could stay. If not then I would be sent to another division

Everyone in this division was at level 89, with the leader being known as the Azure Dragon King, ranked in the top 20 strongest humans. I didn't get to meet him, instead, I met the others. Everyone was indifferent to me,

"Don't mind them, everyone is unease with your appearance, If you prove your worth, number 1,000 is getting kicked out, but if you fail you get sent to another division." a young woman with long blonde hair said with a gentle smile, seeing how I was just standing there

I looked towards her and saw a muscular woman, She had battle scars on her body, with the most notable scar being the one that ran across her face. Any other human would be disgusted by this, but I couldn't help but want to discover all of her hidden scars

"Cool scar," I said calmly, stunning her for a moment. She looked at me with a frown, For a moment she thought I was mocking her, but upon seeing the look in my eyes, she saw that I wasn't. Which stunned her slightly, She opened her mouth for a moment before going quiet

She was a married woman, yet even her husband would have a look of pity while looking at her scars. Meanwhile, I was looking at her scars with interest and no bit of disgust left her.

"You think my battle scars are cool?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, to which I nodded slightly while looking at everyone in who was in the division

"A scar tells a story, it shows who you were injured, and might have been at death's door and kept fighting. So yes, battle scars are cool" I said with a charming smile, which stunned her slightly before she smiled, but before she could say anything an arm suddenly wrapped around my shoulder

"Hey pretty boy, you're going around hitting on a married woman." a drunk woman with her scars asked, I looked at her and saw she was a black-haired woman, at least 6'3.

"Lady Luna, please get off my boyfriend." a displeased voice sounded, causing the drunk woman to turn around only to see Rose. She instantly snapped out of her drunken state, She looked at Rose and back at me in shock.

Rose was famous, even without her parent's background she had made a name for herself, making her well known within the aura dragon army. So, she quickly got her hands off me, not wanting to enrage the princess

"..." Even the blonde-haired woman took a step backward, Rose ignored them and simply looked at me with a blank look. She was annoyed, by the fact I could stand there doing nothing, and yet girls made their way over to me.

"Let's go, we shall go and start leveling up." She said calmly. I looked at her with a weird look. Why was, she trying to level up now? All the time she was at the training base, why did she not try to level up sooner?

"I didn't focus on leveling up because I wanted a good foundation. I have it, so I wanted to start leveling up," she said with a shrug, to which I nodded, so we left and we went to the battlefield

Now, why were humans fighting against? They were fighting against the demons. From the knowledge known to the public, this universe had another parallel world within, known as the demon realm.

The demon realm and the human realm have been at war for many years. A battle that had no clear winner,

"So, are demons and humans equal?" I asked lazily while looking at the gateway to the battlefield. Due to the demon realm trying to swallow the human realm, a dimension in between the two realms was birth, a fusion of both worlds. It became a battlefield.

The bigger the dimensions the better, it would mean the further away the demon realm was from swallowing the human realm. If by chance it gets smaller, it means humans were losing the battle

"Oh, you don't know the top-secret information," Rose said with a smile. Confusing me, Rose thought for a moment before she began to explain.

"There is a reason why my parents are ranked as the strongest humans in the universe and not the strongest in the universe. Sure there are other races in the universe, but none are like humans. The others are many beasts." Rose said to which I nodded as I had already questioned this

"The reason for their ranking like this is because of beings who are called gods. The Azure Dragon galaxy was created by the Azure Dragon, who is a god. There are other gods, Zeus, Odin, Thor, Seth, Ra, Indra, Jade Emperor, and the list went onwards." Rose said lazily, to which I nodded slightly

"Oh, since I said their name, they would have their eyes on us. It's like a 6th sense they have, they just know things related to them. The god of water has a 6th sense towards the water, the god of lightning holds a unique connection towards lightning, and the list goes gone." Rose said making my eyebrow raise as I looked at the sky, Rose laughed slightly seeing this,

"Anyways, the humans have a max level cap of 100. You know how every 10 stats have a quality change? At 1, it's a basic human. At a stat of 11, you can bring down buildings and run at speeds above 60 miles an hour. At 21, you can destroy towns, and reach speeds as fast as sound. At a stat of 100, shatter planets and so on with ease." she said lazily, making Sora node as he knew about this. But no one knew the true strength of someone with a stat of 100

"The gods don't have a max stat of a hundred, and so do the demons. From what I know, there are 7 realms in this world, the gods live within our realm. They created their dimension within this realm, and they are one of the main powers in the battles against the demon realm. After all, Gods can gift humans blessings, gifts, and even abilities. We were even created in their image." she said making me fall into deep thought

"Should I get on my knees and start praying to the gods then?" I asked with a smile, to which Rose rolled her eyes. Was it that simple

"Would you gift ability to anyone who asks? Prove your worth, or make things feel pity for you." She said calmly, to which I nodded but I had no interest in their gifts or blessing. Instead, my attention was on if I could charm them. But I quickly put on a warm smile seeing Rose glaring at me

We entered the gate but in one of the dimensions, known on a mountain called Mount Olympus. A white hired man wearing white robes rested his head on his fist while sitting upon his thrown. His godly eyes saw through space and time, looking at Sora

"A human with a combined stat of 302 while only being at level 12. Is a demi-god?" He asked calmly, to which a beautiful blonde-haired woman shook her head, her mind flashing with everything related to Sora

"he is Sora Dragnof, nothing noteworthy, just a lustful kid. Weird, his body develops in weird ways. He never bothered to buy skills, relying on pure natural talent. Physuqe, and mind. He never trained until a few months ago when he put some effort into training. Either someone is hiding an adaptation-type ability, or he is just so talented." She said softly, making the white-haired man rub his thick white heard

"Hidden goals?" He asked calmly, to which the blonde-haired woman shook her head

"he has nothing. A lustful kid who rather sit around all die in peace, only getting stronger because it's a requirement for peace. No hunger for power, attention, or money." She said with a shake of her head, but it was not the complete truth, her mind was racing with questions

How did Soea have skill crystal, where did they come from? She wouldn't say such things unlike needed, plus she knew her father. A greedy god like him might kidnap Sora, but that would be bad. Her instincts told her that... There was someone powerful behind Sora, something bidding Sora information...

In hell, Lucifer sat on his thrown. He sighed softly sensing Athena along with many other gods who were trying to gain information on Sora.

"It's almost time, Once you can become the king of hell, I shall spread my wings free of these chains." He said softly looking at hell and the countless screams that filled them. He was the ruler of hell, but it was his cage. Finally, someone managed to break free of their punishment and gain the ability to hide in hell. Now he could be free... Sora just needed to be strong enough